Sturridge - Sky’s new entertainer :(

Jesus she told a crap one liner on a not very funny comedy show. It's not that deep. We're supposed to be laughing at the scousers being precious not analysing silly one-liners.
How is it even remotely weird?

Probably has been given the reply that I was going to make, but I don’t find it funny and it doesn’t really make much sense.

Then again I don’t watch the show, so maybe those one liners are funny to people
Why are people getting so hung up on the context of a joke? Reminding the scousers that they bottled the league will always be funny whether the joke in question makes sense or not.
Btw Jill Scott - there's just something about this equestrian looking woman that gets me going :drool:
What makes Sky think anyone wants to listen to him.

He talks bollocks, slowly
Why is he even on sky sports, don’t they want someone like David May. You know, an actual premier league winner?
Way out of his depth. Not remotely interesting or offer any good insight, and he’s not even doing the silly shit he was doing on his first shift anymore.
That last bit where he was asked to talk about the Salah chance yet clearly had no idea what was going on so resorted to some cliche was pretty painful. He does seem like a kid sitting at the adults table.
He is bizarre. Just seems a strange guy really. Nothing against him in particular but I couldn't listen to him every day.
I thought rhyming Evanilson and onion bag was genius.