Stargate Universe

Yeah there were a few plot holes, but seeing how its coming to a end soon im just going to enjoy the last few eps as much as i can. You know before its replaced by nothingness!
Seriously though I'll use HT to expand on that.

a) How come TJ and the random red shirt (who I was surprised didn't die a horrible death) were the only ones that it like... kept for later? It killed like eight other people outright

Because it had to take them and it couldnt do that without taking a few people out? Makes sense with it being one main character and one nobody. A lot of shows would do the convenient thing and have 2 main characters saved

b) Right so its killed basically everyone we came to this planey with... oh but it recognises we're intelligent because we made fire? I mean god forbid it infer this from the guns we've been shooting at it, or the clothes we're wearing, or the bombs we're using to kill its children, or the campsite we'd set up before it started savaging us. Oh right so you respect intelligent species? Right I guess we're square then. Never mind about the lots of people you killed.

:lol: True, I think they said something about it acting because it saw its children in danger. When it didnt attack at the end, it wasnt being fired on. Still a bit iffy

c) Greers redemption is killing a deer with a high powered assault rifle and eating it? feck off. I thought the message was that what makes us higher order beings is that we have the power of choice whether we dominate lesser species instead of being purely instinct driven.

I dont think there is a message.
Cracking episode.

Much much better than the generic shitfest we got last week.

was to be a good setting for season 3. :(

with a new crew and more dynamic characters which would hopefully lead to further exploration of the ship.
Yep. As I've said before, there's so much potential here but I cant help but feel some of the lesser episodes should have been cut and replaced with episodes that moved the story along quicker. Not that it would change the show being cancelled, but it would have been better.

As it is I still enjoy it a lot and it'll be missed
Next weeks looks really good, but it seems like we will have a few unanswered questions :(
I was hoping she wouldnt die, which is funny because until that episode I wouldnt say I cared if she died or not. But I thought at best, she'd be horribly burnt and just about survive or she'd be blind. Either way we'll see if Ronald is as caring at her bedside as she was when he had his kidney removed. Or if the other guy is going to show the compassion he might not.
I was hoping she wouldnt die, which is funny because until that episode I wouldnt say I cared if she died or not. But I thought at best, she'd be horribly burnt and just about survive or she'd be blind. Either way we'll see if Ronald is as caring at her bedside as she was when he had his kidney removed. Or if the other guy is going to show the compassion he might not.

Something tells me we're never going to find out
Argh this angers me so much. Just as we begin to really like the characters and get to know them all, the ruddy show ends!

How frustrating! Which TV Company do I rant at!?
"SyFy" can feck right off.

"The second season (and last) of SGU is planned to end as a cliffhanger.[7] To resolve this a movie was being planned; however, due to timing constraints on April 17, 2011, Stargate writer and executive producer Brad Wright announced that the SGU movie was not going to happen.[8]"
Well it doesnt sound like it'll never happen...

Still hears to hoping the BSG second spin off doesnt suck!
syfy a science fiction channel that airs reality shows and wrestling :rolleyes:

what a farce.

couldn't the cnuts sold the rights to some other channel willing to air season 3 ? i hear space is a true science fiction channel in canada and stargate is afterall a canadian show.
A real shame there was potentially so much that cliffhanger.

I would love for it to get picked up but i just cant see it happening, i heard many of the actors are moving onto different projects and a lot of the writing staff have walked too. Its a shame because Syfy are willing to give new risky shows like the new BSG spin off a chance (BSG was great and you feel Syfy are trying to recreate that) but not give SGU a chance
A real shame there was potentially so much that cliffhanger.

I would love for it to get picked up but i just cant see it happening, i heard many of the actors are moving onto different projects and a lot of the writing staff have walked too. Its a shame because Syfy are willing to give new risky shows like the new BSG spin off a chance (BSG was great and you feel Syfy are trying to recreate that) but not give SGU a chance

The real shame is Caprica is incredibly boring and nothing much happens, and even the stuff that does happen eventually... Much of it we already know happens thanks to BSG.

SGU is miles better. But its gone. Poof
Very true, i only saw a few eps of Caprica and couldnt get into it. I fear the new one (Adama the early years) will follow suit, SGU was something different and sure ratings had suffered but i dont think the constant changing of time slots helped
Very true, i only saw a few eps of Caprica and couldnt get into it. I fear the new one (Adama the early years) will follow suit, SGU was something different and sure ratings had suffered but i dont think the constant changing of time slots helped

Oh sorry, thought you were talking about Caprica. Had no idea theres another spinoff. Well I'll give it a chance
Ugh. I don't know if I could get myself to watch more BSG. For most of the original's run it was the best thing I'd ever seen. And then they ended it, like... that. It's all tainted now, even the brilliant early episodes, and any spin-offs.