Stargate Universe

Hey i came up with that on my own! But i think i better head over to that site if they discuss SG!

I was really disappointed with a few aspects of the episode, instead of having the whole "power transfer to get them home" arc they could have added something more about the seederships origin. Maybe they will discuss it later but i think it was a missed opportunity to established/answer a few questions i (and i assume other fans) have always had about the gates.

GateWorld Forum

you wont be disappointed...there's not many places (and people) where one can talk about stargate unlike startrek and starwars.

They could have introduced some new tech or new supplies. They could have even used the LA to save the day against the aliens. But i think the writers dont want to copy startrek voyager where two different crews merged quite quickly without any problems.

I cant understand why rush isn't telling everyone that he cracked the code and found the bridge ? surely he knows he cant keep it a secret forever.
They could have introduced some new tech or new supplies. They could have even used the LA to save the day against the aliens. But i think the writers dont want to copy startrek voyager where two different crews merged quite quickly without any problems.

I cant understand why rush isn't telling everyone that he cracked the code and found the bridge ? surely he knows he cant keep it a secret forever.

Well i was just hoping they would talk a little about how the gates are made or when the seeder ships were sent out, maybe a little background to why Destiny was sent out into space i mean there has to be a reason the anicents sent the ship out other than "it seems like a cool idea to go deep into space beyond our own boarders" - i think this is the reason why Rush is keeping it a secret because theres something hes found which he thinks is too big for the crew to handle.
Well i was just hoping they would talk a little about how the gates are made or when the seeder ships were sent out, maybe a little background to why Destiny was sent out into space i mean there has to be a reason the anicents sent the ship out other than "it seems like a cool idea to go deep into space beyond our own boarders" - i think this is the reason why Rush is keeping it a secret because theres something hes found which he thinks is too big for the crew to handle.

They did sort of but rush wasn't impressed by seeing the numerous gates inside the ship. I think its the writers way of saying that they aren't interested in that aspect of the story.
The previous episode was the best ive seen thus far in season 2.

Although i was annoyed at how the nerd got the hot chick so quick which was absurd.
Really i thought the last 2 eps havent been that interesting or good for that matter. The one before last was alright but the last one... come on!

The ship decides to shut down because the Col. has a meltdown? The ep was pretty good up till that point but the ending was WTF?!
Latest ep was much better imo, fast paced and sets things up nicely for this season
Now that they've found the bridge things can move faster.

And eli is starting to annoy me...and if they even think of turning the ship around then they are fecking idiots because it'll take the ship thousands of years to get back to earth. Rush is right although i didn't fully understand what the mission of destiny is ? a structure before the start of the universe ? how is that possible unless there is more than one universe!
Now that they've found the bridge things can move faster.

And eli is starting to annoy me...and if they even think of turning the ship around then they are fecking idiots because it'll take the ship thousands of years to get back to earth. Rush is right although i didn't fully understand what the mission of destiny is ? a structure before the start of the universe ? how is that possible unless there is more than one universe!

Yeah turning the ship around does seem pretty stupid given how long it took the ship to reach the point it is at this moment of time, and i agree Eli's starting to annoy me too. I get the feeling hes going to become a bit like Rush if what i think happened at the end of the ep actually happened.

I thought what they were describing almost sounded like a ascended race who created a new Universe from theirs - possibly the aliens who made that perfect planet, which would be a cool concept to go with. Like whenever a race gets to a certain point in their evolution they make another Universe... or something along those lines

Hatak, Hatak, Hatak Hatak Hatak!

Let it go dude...
Well that was an interesting yet pointless episode (which I suppose they were entitled to after wrapping up the Lucian Alliance arc last week).

I mean really what was the net gain?

- they have a shuttle
- TJ knows she lost her baby (are we supposed to infer that the ship showed her the baby surviving so she could continue to be an effective medic?)
- ...

We already knew the aliens were all powerful. Also is it just me or should Kane still be alive? He'd not kicked the bucket by the time the aliens arrived and dropped them back at Destiny

I look forward to next weeks episode.
Well that was an interesting yet pointless episode (which I suppose they were entitled to after wrapping up the Lucian Alliance arc last week).

I mean really what was the net gain?

- they have a shuttle
- TJ knows she lost her baby (are we supposed to infer that the ship showed her the baby surviving so she could continue to be an effective medic?)
- ...

We already knew the aliens were all powerful. Also is it just me or should Kane still be alive? He'd not kicked the bucket by the time the aliens arrived and dropped them back at Destiny

I look forward to next weeks episode.
I liked yesterdays ep, i think the whole point of it was solely to get a shuttle but tbh they could have got one from the seeder ship (written it in) and left out the people on "Eden" coming back all together. I dont think Kane is alive as he almost seemed convinced he was a copy so its only a matter of time till he kicks the bucket.

Next weeks does look good and i cant believe it will be another 4 month wait for the second half! not as bad as last year which was 7 but still...
Cracking midseason finale.

Was chuffed to see Telford return

My only criticism (and this applies to the show as a whole) is they overuse that old sci fi trope of having people running through random corridors have sparks piss down on them every time the ship is hit even if the hit is no where near them.

Can't believe we've got to wait more or less 5 months before this is on again.
5 months? Why do they do this to us?! But i think its fairly obious whats going to happen
5 months? Why do they do this to us?! But i think its fairly obious whats going to happen

yup...main characters or the ship are always safe unless its the series finale.

this midseason break will do more harm than good because people will lose interest in it by the time we get to see the next episode.

should have gone for a month's break or two instead.
yup...main characters or the ship are always safe unless its the series finale.

this midseason break will do more harm than good because people will lose interest in it by the time we get to see the next episode.

should have gone for a month's break or two instead.

Yeah but they did this before didnt they? And we all came back. Did the ratings take a big hit?
I think the ratings had taken a bit of a hit last season because of the break but that could just be people tuning out after the bore feast that was season 1 ep 1-10!

I think the break is down to their confidence it will be renewed so the break between seasons 2 & 3 is short
Bad news just saw on a few news sites and forums that syfy have cancelled the series :( Typical of the syfy channel these days they have long given up the ghost of even being a sci-fi channel if all they care about is wrestling these days.
Yeah i just saw this on Gateworld and they are usually in the know... I wonder if one of the other networks will pick this up
Bad news just saw on a few news sites and forums that syfy have cancelled the series :( Typical of the syfy channel these days they have long given up the ghost of even being a sci-fi channel if all they care about is wrestling these days.

Makes sense in a world where Discovery reckon hot rod lawnmowers make for stimulating viewing.
Also what other shows do they have on the horizon? I heard rumours of another BSG spin off but other than that Syfy havent got anything other than reruns, doesnt sound like a good business model if they want to succeed
Also what other shows do they have on the horizon? I heard rumours of another BSG spin off but other than that Syfy havent got anything other than reruns, doesnt sound like a good business model if they want to succeed

They are more interested in pushing the likes of Sanctuary, Eureka and Warehouse 13 as it fits in with what they are wanting to provide, an episode a week that wraps everything up so people can jump in and out of the series. Combine this with the wrestling and you can see they are more interested in the immediate ratings than wanting to push a story arc driven series where you need to view week by week to really see what's going on.

From what i have been reading they heavily pushed those series i listed above showing them across all the channels they could while not bothering to promote or even really want to be involved in something a bit more long term like SGU. Being honest what we need is a TV channel brave enough to go ok we saw how successful the likes of Babylon 5, Stargate etc were in the past and accept that the majority of the sci-fi money to be made is from overseas sales/DVDs and put aside the stupid fixation with ratings in the US to just let a story be told properly to it's conclusion. Instead of what we see now good series being cancelled because they were not wanting to support or promote them properly.

Until there is a TV channel or head of programming over there brave enough to go right this show runs to the end we are going to see decent sci-fi being started then shutdown after a few series because they dont like the ratings they get and oh look this wrestling show gets loads of viewers thats what we want to be involved in.
I had a look at the stuff Syfy is showing this year.

Half of it is wrestling and those ghost hunting shows where people stumble around old manors with night vision cameras going "did you hear that? Is anyone there?"

List of Syfy programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Absolute bollocks

Worse programme line up in the UK though as the wrestling is shown on SKY here so they fill in the gaps with tacky remakes of big films like Titanic 2, a few Transformers rip offs on a regular basis on syfy.

As today it is Thunderbirds for a few hours, then a look at a so called real Warehouse 13 before hours of Warehouse 13 series 2, some Eureka, Haven then a Steven seagal film and a couple of kung-fu movies before more Thunderbirds overnight. All fillers which people can jump in and out of when and if they choose :(

You get all the established sci-fi being shown on the various SKY channels, CBS etc here than syfy has ever shown even before they sold out and renamed themselves from the sci-fi channel to this new horror. So the various Star Trek series, Babylon 5, Farscape all lurk elsewhere which is fine for me as i stopped watching syfy a long time ago after they cancelled Stargate Atlantis, as when they did that i saw the way they were going to be in the future.
scifi is dead...people are more than happy to watch rubbish on tv.

stargate was still pulling decent ratings.
So this has been back a few weeks. Sure it has one or two episodes which are just meh, but the majority has been good if not very good. Compare and contrast with the other shows on right now, honestly it would be a crying shame if someone else doesnt pick this up and it ends this season.

I know Stargate fans were expecting something a bit different with the name in the title, but even they must realise its pretty good.
Since the break I've liked all the episodes generally speaking. I thought that the one with the time travelling was a very hamfisted way of removing Telford from the ship so they could have him back on Earth - I'm assuming that either there will be or was planned to be some arc involving him on earth. The whole 'oh the original is dead so we'll just keep the copy' is something that I was glad Stargate had stayed away from largely until now (well except for Dr Beckett on Atlantis) because it's plain lazy writing.

Something else that I'm not particularly liking, and something that I think was the tipping point after which I stopped enjoying Atlantis is that they're basically normalising their lives on the ship. In Atlantis this came at the end of the first season when they established contact with Earth through the gate/Daedalus, had new personell and equipment come though, and they started going on trips back to Earth. The same is happening here - I mean they're now performing surgery on the ship for Christs sake. If they can recapture a bit of the struggle that went on in the first season it would be good.

Still I'm nitpicking I've enjoyed them overall.
Well while thats true, I think it makes sense because of how advanced the ship is. And thats really the point of the whole show till now, that this ship is incredible and that understanding some of it and being able to use it is going to be the key to surviving out there.

On Telford I agree. Although I thought he was dead for good when it happened not realising they could get the one that went to earth, but thats just me. That was convenient. But still rather than comparing to other shows from the past, I'd prefer to compare to what else is on right now... Because thats what its about really with this likely to be ending. Is there something better thats in any way similar? I dont think so. So for me this should continue.
Yeah i've enjoyed the last few episodes as well, still cant believe its only got something like 5 episodes before its off the air for good :(
I believe the next episode is going to be good. ie according to some enthusiastic stargate fans.
I noticed a couple of plotholes.

* The last symbol dialed was the earth symbol and that symbol wasn't used for the first gate. The pyramid symbol was for the second goauld gate in giza. So how could the ancients know that ??

* No asgard beam weapons ? Those 3 hataks would be squashed with 2 shots each.

* Rush said the ship was launched 'several thousands of years ago' but altantis was itself millions of years old and this ship was launched before atlantis was even built.

* The Icarus Base is only 21 lightyears away ? wtf ? According to that it should have taken them 2 minutes to reach. They travel millions of lightyears between galaxies within weeks.

* Planet blows up because of the firepower of 3 hataks ? A dozen hataks couldn't even dent an ori ship and our 304 destroyed the same ori ship with 2-3 shots with our uber asgard beams.

Seriously though I'll use HT to expand on that.

a) How come TJ and the random red shirt (who I was surprised didn't die a horrible death) were the only ones that it like... kept for later? It killed like eight other people outright

b) Right so its killed basically everyone we came to this planey with... oh but it recognises we're intelligent because we made fire? I mean god forbid it infer this from the guns we've been shooting at it, or the clothes we're wearing, or the bombs we're using to kill its children, or the campsite we'd set up before it started savaging us. Oh right so you respect intelligent species? Right I guess we're square then. Never mind about the lots of people you killed.

c) Greers redemption is killing a deer with a high powered assault rifle and eating it? feck off. I thought the message was that what makes us higher order beings is that we have the power of choice whether we dominate lesser species instead of being purely instinct driven.