Film Star Wars

Prequels had some nice music, as well as Duel of the Fates already posted these are great:

The Clone Wars tv show is awesome by the way, the film was absolute shite but the show is so much better.
Well... I've never seen any of the movies. All I have seen are the random references about star wars in some other programs. But I can't seem to think how a movie about wars between aliens can be so highly rated.

Never could understand the hype about LOTR either.
The plan is to show my firstborn son the original Star Wars trilogy as soon as possible. If he doesn't like it, he will be left on top of a hill to die.
Well... I've never seen any of the movies. All I have seen are the random references about star wars in some other programs. But I can't seem to think how a movie about wars between aliens can be so highly rated.

Never could understand the hype about LOTR either.

Well then shut your face girish.

No offense, but it needs to be said.
Prequels lacked emotion throughout. The actors couldhave all been robots for all it mattered. The originals were done on the edge and they needed to get input from everyone, this allowed for better cracters and protagsnists that we actually gave a shit about.
Prequels lacked emotion throughout. The actors couldhave all been robots for all it mattered. The originals were done on the edge and they needed to get input from everyone, this allowed for better cracters and protagsnists that we actually gave a shit about.

That youtube review I posted (which none of you cnuts seem to have watched :mad:) made exactly that point. Phantom Menace didn't have any kind of main protagonist and all of the characterisation was paper thin. Which is criminal in what is supposed to be a movie for kids.

As the reviewer guy put it, try to describe the main characters from Star Wars without describing their physical characteristics or their job. Easy peasy. han Solo is a loveable rogue, Luke is the main protagonist - a good kid who dreams of escaping his hum drum existence - then you've got Ben Kenobi the wise and mysterious mentor etc. etc.

Now do the same with The Phantom Menace. Obi Wan Kenobi is erm... kind of boring.... Queen Amygdala is... erm... Natalie Portman and Quee Gon Jin (however the hell you spell his name) is... a tedious know-it-all. And that's about it. Oh and there's some kid who bumbles through the movie not knowing what the feck is going on around him. And a giant reptilian rabbit with flappy hands.
Case in point, (thanks to mr plinkett and I fully agree)
3.07 onwards Obi wan sees his mastered killed, and lets out some emotion, what were treated to next is the same choreographed bull that lacks any humanity to it.

2.37 on, Luke does the same and ends up just wailing on Vader, until he see's himself becoming his father and decides against it, shows simple acting and humanity that whilst not as slick, entertains far better.
They're alright, never seen the big fuss over them. Only watched them once and was looking at the clock towards the end of most of them.

I'm more of a fantasy nerd then a sci-fi nerd. Sci-fi tires me out.
Case in point, (thanks to mr plinkett and I fully agree)
3.07 onwards Obi wan sees his mastered killed, and lets out some emotion, what were treated to next is the same choreographed bull that lacks any humanity to it.

2.37 on, Luke does the same and ends up just wailing on Vader, until he see's himself becoming his father and decides against it, shows simple acting and humanity that whilst not as slick, entertains far better.

There's an in universe justification for this but essentially yeah it's bad script writing and acting really.
I disagree with the consensus of the new Star Wars films being shite. They've provided some of the most memorable, unintentional comedy moments in film.

For example, the part in Attack of the Clones, where Yoda suddenly breaks out into a sword fight, and jumps about the room swivelling around like some kind of demon posessed frog. Me and my mate spend ages pissing ourselves laughing in the cinema. We went to see it again with some other people just so we could laugh at it some more.

Or the pod race in The Phantom Menace...specifially when one of the aliens goes "waaahhh" whilst waving his arms around like a spastic, before crashing into a rock and exploding.

Or the fact they dedicated three entire films to showing Annakin's slow and agonising turn to the darkside, and yet managed to fit the entire transition into one two minute long scene, about half way through the third.

Or the part where Obi Wan and Grevous spend about half hour chasing and sword fighting each other, in some kind of epic Jedi battle...then Obi Wan gets bored and just shoots him in the chest with a laser.
To be honest when I saw Revenge of the Sith in cinemas the experience was made instantly more awesome when early in the piece one of the mates I was with pointed out that General Greivous coughed and limped about the place like this absolute munter in our year at school, which led to us pissing ourselves laughing every time he was onscreen (and then shouting "WE TOLD YOU NOT TO OD ON RITALIN" when he died)
Oh and that giant evil baddy meeting where they're all sitting round a big table talking to each other in their own increasingly insane languages :lol:

That scene deserved an award
Plisken is brilliant, did anyone see him do Star Trek 2009 recently?

Never saw Snakes review, Plinketts review of Star Trek was brillaint, loved the part with the 'Case of the not gay's'. His Avatar review is also pretty good.
I wish they had made the Timothy Zahn trilogy into movies. It is awesome.
I wish they had made the Timothy Zahn trilogy into movies. It is awesome.

the trilogy was brilliant, some of the other stuff though was a bit crap. Loved Admiral Thrawn ( I think thats what he was called ).
the trilogy was brilliant, some of the other stuff though was a bit crap. Loved Admiral Thrawn ( I think thats what he was called ).

It is indeed. He is on par with Vader, IMO. Better actually, because he remained bad to the bone.

The Jedi Academy stuff wasn't bad, but you are correct, some of the other stuff is shite. The Zahn trilogy are the best Star Wars books available. A new dark jedi, Grand Admiral Thrawn, the lost fleet of 200 Imperial Class Dreadnoughts, etc, etc. :drool:
I've never watched Star Wars, what order do I watch them in?
the trilogy was brilliant, some of the other stuff though was a bit crap. Loved Admiral Thrawn ( I think thats what he was called ).

It is indeed. He is on par with Vader, IMO. Better actually, because he remained bad to the bone.

The Jedi Academy stuff wasn't bad, but you are correct, some of the other stuff is shite. The Zahn trilogy are the best Star Wars books available. A new dark jedi, Grand Admiral Thrawn, the lost fleet of 200 Imperial Class Dreadnoughts, etc, etc. :drool:

Wow, I'm not the only geek in this thread.

They would have made good films, Talon Karrde and his crew and Admiral Thrawn were interesting characters
I wish they had made the Timothy Zahn trilogy into movies. It is awesome.

I completely agree, it was the best of any of the written spinoffs by a fair distance, and its not to say that some of the others that I read ten or so years ago werent good, just nowhere near that level
In answer to your question girish, I've absolutely no idea. Jurassic Park for space geeks....Why they're ever rated anywhere near the GFOAT annoys me greatly. In it's time I'm sure they're seminal...but that doesn't make them great. Flash Gordon is seminal. The first 3 are passable movies with dodgy acting. The new ones are everything that's wrong with the world.
Exactly. I can still remember sitting in the cinema and that opening shot of the star destroyer comes on. It just blew me away.
It is indeed. He is on par with Vader, IMO. Better actually, because he remained bad to the bone.

The Jedi Academy stuff wasn't bad, but you are correct, some of the other stuff is shite. The Zahn trilogy are the best Star Wars books available. A new dark jedi, Grand Admiral Thrawn, the lost fleet of 200 Imperial Class Dreadnoughts, etc, etc. :drool:

His blockade was class.
If they'd just ended Episode III at the moment Vader's mask was fitted and you heard the classic breathing.

But no, Lucas had to feck that up too and drag it out for another 15 minutes telling us stuff we already knew
Either that or take another half hour and watch him kick some Jedi ass.

:lol: I need a son so someone can share my love of Star Wars, United and Transformers.
Call him Luke, so that one day you can chop his hand off and tell him "Luke, I am your father." (hand-lopping optional of course)

You know there's something wrong when one line from a minor character - "They're heading for the medical frigate." - contains more urgency than all of the dialogue in the prequels put together. Not counting, of course, the timeless and inimitable: "You're beautiful because I love you," (or whatever it is he says to her in the second one)

The score for this extended sequence (30+ non-stop minutes, which includes the above battle) spreads across three simultaneous fronts and jumps through every hoop imaginable, nailing visual, aural, and emotional cues left and right like Marty McFly in a shooting gallery.

I'll bet all of GL's money that John Williams had a blast scoring that sequence, only for Episode III to roll around and have GL call him up: "Hello? George! You want me to write some music for a lightsaber fight? Hey, you remember in Empire, where I suggested to you that the lightsaber fight shouldn't have any music, since the dynamic Irwin created between Luke and Vader was so tense and engaging already, without any need for emotional manipulation? You don't remember anything from back then? Big lightsaber fight. Right, you said that already. Ohhh, I see. You trickster, you. So is it going to be like Jedi then? With the fight being set against a nice expansive backdrop that has all the story arcs converging towards a climax- Just a lightsaber fight. I see. Right, a big lightsaber fight. Magma. Okay. I'll need some- What? More of the choir-ey stuff from Episode I? You do understand that I needed to use a choir - or more accurately rely on its associations with religious space - to evoke a bit of solemn atmosphere for the audience's sake since the film didn't- What? 1.5 million dollars. Right. Always a pleasure working with you, George."

Either that or take another half hour and watch him kick some Jedi ass.

That's on a lot of people's lists of things that could have made the prequels better. Along with no Samuel L. "The Force is my bitch" Jackson. And Natalie "Shouldn't my character do things that would make a guy fall in love with her?" Portman.
The highlights of eps I-III were:
The bit with the droidekas at the start
The podrace
The first encounter with Darth Maul (albeit a cheesy finish "pleased to meet you" ffs!)
The 2-1 fight at the end of Ep1
The 2-1 fight at the end of Ep2
The end of Mace Windu
Yoda v Palpatine
The 1-1 fight at the end of Ep3

Could have chopped the first half hour of Ep3 and added an hour at the end charting the next few months instead.
I'll bet all of GL's money that John Williams had a blast scoring that sequence, only for Episode III to roll around and have GL call him up: "Hello? George! You want me to write some music for a lightsaber fight? Hey, you remember in Empire, where I suggested to you that the lightsaber fight shouldn't have any music, since the dynamic Irwin created between Luke and Vader was so tense and engaging already, without any need for emotional manipulation? You don't remember anything from back then? Big lightsaber fight. Right, you said that already. Ohhh, I see. You trickster, you. So is it going to be like Jedi then? With the fight being set against a nice expansive backdrop that has all the story arcs converging towards a climax- Just a lightsaber fight. I see. Right, a big lightsaber fight. Magma. Okay. I'll need some- What? More of the choir-ey stuff from Episode I? You do understand that I needed to use a choir - or more accurately rely on its associations with religious space - to evoke a bit of solemn atmosphere for the audience's sake since the film didn't- What? 1.5 million dollars. Right. Always a pleasure working with you, George."

:lol: Very nicely put.

That's on a lot of people's lists of things that could have made the prequels better. Along with no Samuel L. "The Force is my bitch" Jackson. And Natalie "Shouldn't my character do things that would make a guy fall in love with her?" Portman.

And again, well said. Why Samuel L. Jackson was ever cast I have absolutely no idea, but then pretty much all of the casting for the prequels was terrible
Star Wars nerds ha.

Glorfindel would have destroyed any and all of your silly space-men.