Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

I put plenty in the game thread, from both a technical and design perspective too. Just because you can't answer them, doesn't mean they don't make sense and it's hate :lol:

Having said that, it's not a garbage game of course, in fact parts were good fun. It's just a shame it's so unfocused is all. The sequel should be much better, especially if they either drop the parkour or make it actually free from strict constraints.

What technical and design perspective? Level design is metroidvania old school, if you don't like metroidvania games it doesn't make the game bad because of it. Tons of people adore the level design because of it.
What technical and design perspective? Level design is metroidvania old school, if you don't like metroidvania games it doesn't make the game bad because of it.

Yeah, I'm not having the same basic merry-go-round with you on this as before. If you want to learn, great, but all you do is stick your fingers in your ears and rant on about EA or some such nonsense.

Especially considering you don't actually know the difference between 'vania games and why people have called this light on that front at best. It's a buzzword to you, something you've read and not something you've actually studied or actually had to level design.

Oh and I love those games, and I can assure you it's extremely likely I've played way more on release than you have and some you wouldn't even know exist.

Anyway, wrong thread :lol:
Yeah, I'm not having the same basic merry-go-round with you on this as before. If you want to learn, great, but all you do is stick your fingers in your ears and rant on about EA or some such nonsense.

Especially considering you don't actually know the difference between 'vania games and why people have called this light on that front at best. It's a buzzword to you, something you've read and not something you've actually studied or actually had to level design.

Oh and I love those games, and I can assure you it's extremely likely I've played way more on release than you have and some you wouldn't even know exist.

Anyway, wrong thread :lol:

Of course it's merry-go-round when you wont admit the obvious. I can't do much there. Maybe you just wanna be different and hipster.
Of course it's merry-go-round when you wont admit the obvious. I can't do much there.

That you ignore entire posts because you have no answers?

Yeah that is obvious. Anyway if you want to take me on and talk technical and design decisions, we can go to the game thread and leave this one alone now. Or you could just reply to any of my numerous posts in there on my thoughts, but I'm willing to get more technical and explain in depth a bit more about certain decisions and why they might have been made if you like. Or we could discuss the engine and why there are flaws (for example in the collisions) and how come they not been able to fix them properly?

But we should most definitely leave this thread for the film now.
So that is why you are mad at the game, because Vader had a boo boo and couldn't slaughter them all? :lol:

Far from game of the year material, but also far from trash, nice little action adventure game. Still haven't read a legit complain about the game that makes sense, only excuses for hate. And no, that "walk forward jump" etc is not a legit complain, I can "complain" like that literally about any video game out there.

Anyway, too much into offtopic, I am done.

There were a few legit complaints about the game in that post, you're just blind to them.
Saw it last night and wasn't enthralled. Far too much happening, lots of planet hopping, little in the way of character development, and I personally found it difficult to truly enjoy. Doesn't seem to take a moment to savour all that makes Star Wars great.

I really enjoyed The Force Awakens, thought that movie set the stage nicely and served as a fitting return to the Star Wars universe. It might not have been the most original, yet it felt poignant, with an interesting young cast, some brilliant visuals, a fabulous John Williams score, and loads of interesting threads you wanted to see explored in future films. After watching The Force Awakens, I wanted to know more about Rey's parentage, Fin's background, Po's history, Lor San Tekka's relationship with Leia (and how he got the map?), the mysterious Knights of Ren, Snoke, Maz Kanata... there seemed so much there to go on, and the ending with Rey finding Luke was the ideal foundation, I thought, for a really good trilogy.

Unfortunately, we've ended up with three movies pulling in different directions. Each has their own merits, but in my opinion they struggle to come together as one, and Rise of Skywalker felt rushed to try and get a complete story arc in a single instalment. I'll certainly watch Episode IX again (so much happens so quickly that it arguably needs a second viewing to take it all in), but maybe I was expecting too much. Was there ever any realistic chance of the sequel trilogy capturing the wonder of Episodes IV, V and VI? Probably not, yet it's still sad to see such a huge opportunity missed.
I'm seeing it tomorrow. Five of my friends went to two different midnight showings (one friend in Kent, four up here in Manchester).

One friend said it was his least favourite of the sequel trilogy but that he still really enjoyed it (so I'd say he's given that an 8/10). Another friend sent me a three-emoji review which was a smiley face [:)], a roll-eye face [:rolleyes:], and the thinking face [:annoyed:] (so I'd say he's given that a 6/10). The other three all disliked it, and one of them has explicitly told me he'd give it "2 baked potatoes out of 5" (so 4/10).

And here I was hoping for us to all enjoy this and just get along. :lol:
Much like Abrams last one it's a Star Wars pastiche with none of the refreshing boldness of The Last Jedi but it's not as tired as his last one, sharper with better dialogue. It did feel like the end of a franchise and I hope they'll allow it do die.

The title is so forgettable though, I keep having to look it up again and again.
I thought it was so much better than the last one. Really thought it was great and one of the best Star Wars movies.
Saw it last night and wasn't enthralled. Far too much happening, lots of planet hopping, little in the way of character development, and I personally found it difficult to truly enjoy. Doesn't seem to take a moment to savour all that makes Star Wars great.

I really enjoyed The Force Awakens, thought that movie set the stage nicely and served as a fitting return to the Star Wars universe. It might not have been the most original, yet it felt poignant, with an interesting young cast, some brilliant visuals, a fabulous John Williams score, and loads of interesting threads you wanted to see explored in future films. After watching The Force Awakens, I wanted to know more about Rey's parentage, Fin's background, Po's history, Lor San Tekka's relationship with Leia (and how he got the map?), the mysterious Knights of Ren, Snoke, Maz Kanata... there seemed so much there to go on, and the ending with Rey finding Luke was the ideal foundation, I thought, for a really good trilogy.

Unfortunately, we've ended up with three movies pulling in different directions. Each has their own merits, but in my opinion they struggle to come together as one, and Rise of Skywalker felt rushed to try and get a complete story arc in a single instalment. I'll certainly watch Episode IX again (so much happens so quickly that it arguably needs a second viewing to take it all in), but maybe I was expecting too much. Was there ever any realistic chance of the sequel trilogy capturing the wonder of Episodes IV, V and VI? Probably not, yet it's still sad to see such a huge opportunity missed.
Yeah, I mostly agree with this. There should have been a stronger overall vision for the trilogy, not this half-baked solution of giving it to three different directors and then taking it away from one of them because reasons. Abrams, seemingly, pretty much resented that The Last Jedi went in a different direction than he envisaged and was in a rush to cram everything in that he set up in The Force Awakens.
I'm a star wars nerd, love everything about star wars, I enjoyed this as it was better than last jedi. One thing you noticed is how Disney should of got one director for all 3 and got lucas on board more, instead of abrams great ideas going on like smoke, ruined by Johnson desire to piss off every star wars fan.
Much like Abrams last one it's a Star Wars pastiche with none of the refreshing boldness of The Last Jedi but it's not as tired as his last one, sharper with better dialogue. It did feel like the end of a franchise and I hope they'll allow it do die.

The title is so forgettable though, I keep having to look it up again and again.
Going to see this tonight with my eldest son.

Why they couldn't get someone overseeing the whole story across the 3 films is beyond me. It works so well with Marvel, which is a Disney franchise, so why not take what they've learned there by having Kevin Feige there overseeing everything, and apply that to Star Wars.

Having 3 different writers for 3 different films just seems daft, and has effectively fecked it all up.
Rian Johnson is making a new Star Wars trilogy, is that actually true?

The past few months there have been signs that this has been canned. Here's the latest one. Nothing's for sure, but it appears to be one of those 'way too much smoke for there not to be fire' situations.

Much like Abrams last one it's a Star Wars pastiche with none of the refreshing boldness of The Last Jedi but it's not as tired as his last one, sharper with better dialogue. It did feel like the end of a franchise and I hope they'll allow it do die.

The title is so forgettable though, I keep having to look it up again and again.

I'm simultaneously curious and fearful of being disappointed. Edit: I remember your post at the time that you'd liked it.
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I think it was as good as it can be, following the shit show that was the last Jedi.
6-7/10, worth the watch at least if you are bored.
I'd give it 8/10 if I include the challenge of following TLJ.
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I'm a star wars nerd, love everything about star wars, I enjoyed this as it was better than last jedi. One thing you noticed is how Disney should of got one director for all 3 and got lucas on board more, instead of abrams great ideas going on like smoke, ruined by Johnson desire to piss off every star wars fan.

I don't think they needed to get one director but rather have an over-arching plan for the trilogy beforehand.

Having a second film that seems to rip up what people expected after the first film is great, provided you know where the story goes from that point. If you're making it up as you go along from film to film though then there are problems.
Particularly when you split the films between two directors who have wildly varying impulses. RJ was always going to try to be subversive as that's his style, whereas JJ was always going to go for conservative nostalgia as that's his.
The whole Rian Johnson as serial-subversive is kind of a bit of a myth propagated by critics who misunderstood/misdiagnosed his abilities/motivations.

Excluding Jedi, at least three of his first five features are straight up school-project genre re-assemblies during which he does not stray a single step from convention. (Never finished Brothers Bloom; something tells me it's going to be a adept-ish paint-by-numbers con/caper deal with some absurdist humor and a not-quite-clever heist) Then, re-add Jedi, because long story short, yeah, it belongs in that group, too.

Anyways, it's in Last Jedi that he pulls the 'subversive' card and the potential reasons why are open to debate (kind of sort of not really; there's a rather large pile of arrows indicating he doesn't know what he's doing - principal point of suspicion is that a seasoned pro writer can do all that 'subversion' AND please the audience down to the last manchildwoman.)

You put that together with his aforementioned screenplays that 'heavily borrow from decades of convention' - to put it nicely - and an outline starts to appear.
It's Call of Duty: Star Wars.
Much like Abrams last one it's a Star Wars pastiche with none of the refreshing boldness of The Last Jedi but it's not as tired as his last one, sharper with better dialogue. It did feel like the end of a franchise and I hope they'll allow it do die.

The title is so forgettable though, I keep having to look it up again and again.

But it isn't bold or daring as it often is touted. Johnson either burrows from Empire and Return or he continues Abrams story beat by avoiding any answers. Not that an audience should be served everything on a platter though, but I felt his decisions were lazy and the easiest.

Rian Johnson is making a new Star Wars trilogy, is that actually true?

I kind of hope he still will, if he still wants to.
I am in agreement with aussie youtubers, once more

(not spoilery but a bit spoilery)
feck are you on about?
I don't like this new Rob. Old Rob was cool and didn't let Muppets get to him. Massive Spanner was never cool but new Massive Spanner has a bite to him. Be like new Massive Spanner, but more like a steak and less like Massive Spanner spam sandwiches.

Wait, never mind what the feck Spangle is about - what the feck am I on about?!?!
I honestly think Star Wars should just go away for a while now on the big screen, it’s been butchered enough.
Safe to say that Abrams got a pass with the first one because everyone was just so hyped for a decent Star Wars film that didn't make you sick, but now that there's even a modicum of expectations for this film it's fallen firmly on its arse?

The Last Jedi was the opportunity to set this film up and clearly it didn't, one because it took a total left turn compared to TFA, and secondly because Abrams has decided to retcon most of it and waste time with this one trying to change everything instead of just sucking it up and tailoring a usable story around it.
Just got back. 6/10 some nostalgia in there but in general .....
Rogue one
Star wars original
Revenge of the sith
All the rest
I'd say

Star Wars
The Last Jedi - Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith - The Rise of Skywalker
Other prequels
Just got back. 6/10 some nostalgia in there but in general .....
Rogue one
Star wars original

Revenge of the sith
All the rest
These two confuse me. Presumably you mean The Last Jedi and the original Star Wars Christmas special.
I loved it so I was surprised to see so many negative reviews. It felt like a proper Star Wars film to me but I had rock bottom expectations so that could be why I enjoyed it so much.
I'd say

Star Wars
The Last Jedi - Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith - The Rise of Skywalker
Other prequels
Rogue one was far superior to anything produced in the Star Wars universe in the last 20 years
I loved it so I was surprised to see so many negative reviews. It felt like a proper Star Wars film to me but I had rock bottom expectations so that could be why I enjoyed it so much.
I’m in the same boat. I didn’t have much hope going into it but it’s a mindless romp and visually stunning.

I have a low critical threshold for these types of movies though. If it keeps me entertained for the duration of the movie I’m generally happy