Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

You are such a yes man :lol:
To be fair, you never really see me go off about films I hate because they're rarely up for discussion on here in the way Star Wars is. Get me talking about The Greatest (fecking) Showman or (fecking) Green Book and I won't shut up. :lol:
To be fair, you never really see me go off about films I hate because they're rarely up for discussion on here in the way Star Wars is. Get me talking about The Greatest (fecking) Showman or (fecking) Green Book and I won't shut up. :lol:
What's wrong with The Greatest Showman?
To be fair, you never really see me go off about films I hate because they're rarely up for discussion on here in the way Star Wars is. Get me talking about The Greatest (fecking) Showman or (fecking) Green Book and I won't shut up. :lol:

I hope I get to see that one day! :lol:

I mean I get it, online anger is ridiculous these days. But you also have an opinion that people should never be criticised for their work, yet you put so much effort into analysing the early seasons of GOT whilst still want to convince yourself the end wasn't rushed and completely misunderstanding of the previous source material which put all that analysis to waste.

It's ok to agree with the masses sometimes, even if it's on a perceived different level. You don't always have to play devils advocate and try to convince yourself that the things you've built yourself up for are amazing. Feeling flat about things sometimes is allowed, even healthier for the soul ;)
What's wrong with The Greatest Showman?
Because it's the story of a man who resents his working class roots so much that he cruelly makes a public spectacle of people with unconventional body types in order to exploit them for financial gain and buy his children an upper class future. In isolation, that's not a problem, so long as you force said man recognise the error of his ways and atone for them. Except it never really does, it just lets him win. It wants to be a story about wonder and chasing your dreams but winds up as a horribly misjudged story about class hatred. The soundtrack is fine, even if it irritated me that it wasn't bothered about sounding like it was from the time period.
I hope I get to see that one day! :lol:

I mean I get it, online anger is ridiculous these days. But you also have an opinion that people should never be criticised for their work, yet you put so much effort into analysing the early seasons of GOT whilst still want to convince yourself the end wasn't rushed and completely misunderstanding of the previous source material which put all that analysis to waste.

It's ok to agree with the masses sometimes, even if it's on a perceived different level. You don't always have to play devils advocate and try to convince yourself that the things you've built yourself up for are amazing. Feeling flat about things sometimes is allowed, even healthier for the soul ;)
I don't think people should escape criticism if they do a shoddy job on something, and I don't think people should keep their mouths shut if they don't like something, I just try to remember that the work put in to finish the product I'm experiencing was far greater than I can ever imagine - or even dare to replicate myself. It's just a personal thing but it's the approach I like to take to art/entertainment. I find world-building impossible, I find character creating really hard, so putting a whole story together and realising it on screen must be even harder than that. If someone can pull that off and look even barely competent then they're a better person than me, you know? It's given me a greater appreciation of everything I watch. That doesn't mean I think it's bad form to criticise TV/films just because somebody worked hard to finish them, but before I go all out on something I try to remember how complicated it is just to tell a story, no matter how short or long. There are so many things that have to be perfectly balanced for a story to be even half-decent, so I consider myself incredibly lucky if what I'm watching turns out to be great. That's not me playing devil's advocate or going against the masses, it's just where I stand on things. If I was trying to go against the masses I would have just dismissed Game of Thrones and Star Wars outright. Being a fan of the two of the most popular franchises in entertainment history is hardly a contrarian position. :lol:
Can never tell whether those kinds of tweets are "initial reviews" or just people paid to do spoiler-free PR.
Can never tell whether those kinds of tweets are "initial reviews" or just people paid to do spoiler-free PR.

How do you think these verified people got to the premiere and now have their tweets so prominent on the site?

At least you question it, others just blindly believe. Social media is just another tool.

Oh and I'll answer your post above later when I have time to sit and digest mate ;)
How do you think these verified people got to the premiere and now have their tweets so prominent on the site?

At least you question it, others just blindly believe. Social media is just another tool.

Oh and I'll answer your post above later when I have time to sit and digest mate ;)
No worries!

I only get suspicious because they all seem to be saying exactly the same thing: "It was A LOT to handle, it was SO SATISFYING and it MADE ME FEEL LIKE A SCREAMING CHILD, it will DESTROY YOU, you won't understand unless you GIVE DISNEY YOUR MONEY." I understand a consensus forms if you pool enough data together, but the initial reactions to The Last Jedi (and Endgame) were exactly the same. They're the sort of hyperactive responses that are tailored to tell you absolutely everything while telling you absolutely nothing, all while making vague references to specific events that you have to see on the big screen.

I've paid more attention to the few negative reactions so far, just to see if I can parse any deeper meaning from them. The consensus from the large number of positive reviews seems to be that Rise is a lot to handle emotionally, that it contains the childlike wonder and excitement of the original trilogy, that it has "fan service done right", and that it's an incredibly satisfying conclusion to the saga. The consensus from the few negative reviews I've found seems to be that it's decent overall but perhaps too much to handle full stop, that it contains too much plot, and that some of the major decisions don't quite work.

So those fans who didn't like The Last Jedi because "not very much happened" will certainly be relieved to hear that... :lol:
It's like 'Star Wars Rise of Skywalker' is already on track to being one of the most popular and successful films of all time!!
It's no mean feat what Star Wars has accomplished. They seem to have upset both Star Wars fans as well as angry white men. Kind of compels me to like it. Though the last 2 were so utterly and completely meh.

the best thing about the new trilogy is that spoof undercover boss episode with Kylo Ren.
It's like 'Star Wars Rise of Skywalker' is already on track to being one of the most popular and successful films of all time!!
My sources tell me it's definitely on track to be one of the most popular and succesful films of all time!! Don't question them, just move on to the next headline.
As long as it's nothing like TLJ, I'll be happy. But Disney have done a horrible job with the movies since buying the rights (Rogue One aside).
Oh goody, sounds like Abrams has run away from having an original thought yet again.

Certainly sounds like that from the reactions I've read. Definitely looks like people who liked the Last Jedi, don't like this one.
It's no mean feat what Star Wars has accomplished. They seem to have upset both Star Wars fans as well as angry white men. Kind of compels me to like it. Though the last 2 were so utterly and completely meh.

the best thing about the new trilogy is that spoof undercover boss episode with Kylo Ren.

Such disparate groups. :p
Certainly sounds like that from the reactions I've read. Definitely looks like people who liked the Last Jedi, don't like this one.

In a way that's fine. I liked TLJ far more than nearly any other SW film but this is JJ's film and if he thinks undoing parts of what RJ did will work for this film then that's his call. RJ sure as shit didn't have a problem doing what he wanted with his film, after all. A lot of what I've seen about the film makes me suspect I'll dislike JJ's choices but whatever. You don't go to a JJ Abrams film expecting anything new.

One hopes for the film's sake that they're not depending on winning the people who really disliked it back though as I sense many of them are now militantly against these Disney films, for various reasons.

As with both TFA and TLJ though, the vast majority of people who go to see it will enjoy it, it will make tons of money and all the heated arguing will be done by a minority of dudes on the internet.
In a way that's fine. I liked TLJ far more than nearly any other SW film but this is JJ's film and if he thinks undoing parts of what RJ did will work for this film then that's his call. RJ sure as shit didn't have a problem doing what he wanted with his film, after all. A lot of what I've seen about the film makes me suspect I'll dislike JJ's choices but whatever. You don't go to a JJ Abrams film expecting anything new.

One hopes for the film's sake that they're not depending on winning the people who really disliked it back though as I sense many of them are now militantly against these Disney films, for various reasons.

As with both TFA and TLJ though, the vast majority of people who go to see it will enjoy it, it will make tons of money and all the heated arguing will be done by a minority of dudes on the internet.

To be honest I mostly posted the tweets above, because I think it's silly, how you have to choose which side you are on with The Last Jedi and that then predetermines whether you can like The Rise of Skywalker.
OK, I'm bracing myself for very mixed reviews now. The latest tweets are not good at all. Nothing like the last two.
It only matters if you like it. Some reviews will be paid for, others by people who have never really liked SW anyway, whatever way you are going to go see it anyway so don't let it bother you.
Of course, I'm going in with an open mind. I suspect I will like it. I can't lie, though I've been disheartened at these impressions. I expected it to review at least pretty well.
It'll be somewhat interesting if it's a film critics dislike given that (for whatever problems some fans had with them) both prior films received a lot of praise. I don't think critical opinion matters in terms of how successful the films are but a return back in the direction of prequel-era critical disdain would hardly be a plus.
I would be more surprised if it was good to be honest given the lack of shared vision that has gone into telling this story. TFA was safe and charmless with weak characters while TLJ was daring and messy if nothing else( and a bit shit really), with weak characters. Hard to see how they can force any true thematic or emotional pay off from from this point with so little investment in the characters.
Jahns (YT reviewer) just called it his least favourite one out of the nine movies.

Not that i value his opinion that much in particular, but i know some do.