Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

Not ep 9 related but Weiss and Benioff are reportedly no longer attached to any future Star Wars film/trilogy.

Hopefully means Johnson's trilogy is getting the go ahead.
Not ep 9 related but Weiss and Benioff are reportedly no longer attached to any future Star Wars film/trilogy.

Hopefully means Johnson's trilogy is getting the go ahead.
Yeah, bad news for me. The rumours were that their trilogy was going to be KOTOR-related.

About Johnson, I'll open a champagne if his trilogy doesn't go ahead. Totally despised the Last Jedi.
Yeah, bad news for me. The rumours were that their trilogy was going to be KOTOR-related.

About Johnson, I'll open a champagne if his trilogy doesn't go ahead. Totally despised the Last Jedi.
Reportedly that's being written by some other dude so not clear if it's related to whatever they were doing, if they even knew.
Not ep 9 related but Weiss and Benioff are reportedly no longer attached to any future Star Wars film/trilogy.

Hopefully means Johnson's trilogy is getting the go ahead.

Not too fussed about D&D going, the drop off in quality for GoT when they ran out of source material was significant & I believe they’re a bit overrated.

Hopefully Johnson fecks off too, TLJ was horrible.
Not too fussed about D&D going, the drop off in quality for GoT when they ran out of source material was significant & I believe they’re a bit overrated.

Hopefully Johnson fecks off too, TLJ was horrible.
Oh yeah, but if it was to just do KOTOR movies, the story was there. As adapters, they are fantastic. You won't see a better adaptation than the first four seasons of GoT. And even in the sixth season, they did a stellar job (which was not based on source material).

I actually think that they just got tired of GoT and wanted it finished without giving too much care.
D&D are absolute hacks, so Star Wars fans should breathe a sigh of relief.
Quite pleased about this.

I was a fan of the way Game of Thrones ended and I'm generally sympathetic towards the problems D&D encountered while trying to wrap that story up. Plus I was initially pretty excited to learn more about the Star Wars universe and to have them overseeing it. But honestly, the closer it got to their trilogy being a reality the more bored I became with the idea of there being six more movies and loads of TV series.

I'm not exactly suffering from "Star Wars fatigue" like some others in this thread (mainly because I'm just a casual fan), but in an attempt to milk massive franchises for all they're worth I think Disney are in danger of killing any enthusiasm or love people hold for them at all. I hope they bin this trilogy altogether in all honesty, and Rian Johnson's, and I say this as a huge fan of Johnson's and as a D&D sympathiser.

Once The Rise of Skywalker is released, I think I'd like it if Star Wars left the cinema for a long time. They need to take a leaf out of their own book really and "let the past die" in order for some new stories to be told. There's not much left for Star Wars to really say now, at least not to the mass viewing public, so it might be best for all involved if they just focused on putting out Disney+ content for the die-hards they still have left.
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Quite pleased about this.

I was a fan of the way Game of Thrones ended and I'm generally sympathetic towards the problems D&D encountered while trying to wrap that story up. Plus I was initially pretty excited to learn more about the Star Wars universe and to have them overseeing it. But honestly, the closer it got to their trilogy being a reality the more bored I became with the idea of there being six more movies and loads of TV series.

I'm not exactly suffering from "Star Wars fatigue" like some others in this thread (mainly because I'm just a casual fan), but in an attempt to milk massive franchises for all they're worth I think Disney are in danger of killing any enthusiasm or love people hold for them at all. I hope they bin this trilogy altogether in all honesty, and Rian Johnson's, and I say this as a huge fan of Johnson's and as a D&D sympathiser.

Once The Rise of Skywalker is released, I think I'd like it if Star Wars left the cinema for a long time. They need to take a leaf out of their own book really and "let the past die" in order for some new stories to be told. There's not much left for Star Wars to really say now, at least not to the mass viewing public, so it might be best for all involved if they just focused on putting out Disney+ content for the die-hards they still have left.
Iol dumbs&dumer are ruined GoT and glad they lose star trek stupid wankers
Benioff and Weiss's were supposedly a jedi origin story, so you can be fairly sure it would've been dodgy from those two.


Spoilers if someone still cares...

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I'm fairly sure Swedish Chef is not in Rise of Skywalker. Cameo in Last Jedi was enough.

The other one is pretty much guaranteed already with the trailer. But if not, will spoil it more. There. Even though it's Return of the Jedi image.
I'm fairly sure Swedish Chef is not in Rise of Skywalker. Cameo in Last Jedi was enough.

The other one is pretty much guaranteed already with the trailer. But if not, will spoil it more. There. Even though it's Return of the Jedi image.
I had no idea it was a ROTJ image, I looked away as soon as I saw.

I know not many people here care about SW, but I'm one of the few who do and I'm trying my best to dodge spoilers for one more week.
I know people are lining up to shit on however this movie tries to justify bringing Palpy back, but having him being behind Snoke and Vader manipulating Kylo the whole time is badass.
What was Kylo been manipulated into doing anyway? I can't remember. :nervous:
No idea, but I think this is the best way they could explain away the dumpster fire that was the last movie, while bringing back some characters that people actually care about.
What was Kylo been manipulated into doing anyway? I can't remember. :nervous:
He wrecked that helmet. Properly fecked it's shit up.

Bringing Palpatine back and putting him behind everything is not bad ass, it's desperate and bad story telling. It takes away from the original trilogy again to build up characters that barely have enough about them to be called characters. If they'd actually written something decent in the first place and given people something to care about they wouldn't have had to play the desperate Palpatine card.
He wrecked that helmet. Properly fecked it's shit up.

Bringing Palpatine back and putting him behind everything is not bad ass, it's desperate and bad story telling. It takes away from the original trilogy again to build up characters that barely have enough about them to be called characters. If they'd actually written something decent in the first place and given people something to care about they wouldn't have had to play the desperate Palpatine card.
Well yeah but they haven't. If it was up to me they'd have left the series alone after 1983, but it makes too much money. They fecked up badly with TLJ and had to come up with something.
Fortnite just showed a new clip in game. Pretty standard fare of Rey and Finn with Po invading a ship, but it was another pretty cool event. JJ's character in game was brilliant, and the Stormtrooper joke about his number waspretty funny (in a dad joke way) too :lol:
By the looks of the trailers and teasers this is going to be a safe ending that behaves way more like The Force Awakens than The Last Jedi. And, honestly, with all things considered, I don't have a problem with that at all. I loved The Last Jedi because of how successfully I thought it put the Star Wars franchise under a bit of a microscope, but I also loved The Force Awakens because of how entertained and excited I was by its fairly conventional approach to the story. In the end I've realised that all I want to feel when I watch a film from this franchise is excited and entertained - anything more than that is just a bonus.

This is the end of the Skywalker saga, which has defined various parts of our lives for three generations now, so it's fine if J.J. wants to go out with his hands in the ten-and-two position. That's exactly how he started the sequel trilogy and I enjoyed most of what he did with The Force Awakens, so if he wants to finish it in the same manner then he can be my guest. It goes against everything I've wanted from the entertainment I've consumed for the past two or three years, but I've come to the conclusion that I just want The Rise of Skywalker to be a big crowd-pleaser so we can call a truce and fecking enjoy the thing together, as a fanbase.

Don't get me wrong, I love discussing and debating movies on the web, but even I'm sick of arguing with people about Star Wars now. The virtues of "subverting audience expectations", the realisation of "character arcs", the definitions of "fan ownership" - whatever the feck those things even are, they're all exhausting. If we could all just go to the cinema to see this and come out enjoying it to various degrees then I'd consider that a small victory for society. I'd rather go and see a 7/10 Star Wars film that everyone else thinks is great instead of enduring the last two years of Star Wars discourse all over again.

If Rey ends up being Anakin Skywalker's dog walker's long-lost sister-in-law then so what? If it makes everyone happy then it makes everyone happy. That way we can all get some fecking rest.
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So, turns out that Disney leaked the official soundtrack/track listing and then quickly took it offline. The last track of that was called "A New Home", which lines up with the leaked ending that Rey & co end up at Tatooine in the end. Another point that apparently lines up is that Rey isn't actually a Skywalker, per-se, but rather she identifies as a Skywalker. Yes.......identifies as a Skywalker. Of course, the leaked ending has Rey defeating the Sith, once and for all, which makes her character the chosen one, and not Anakin.
So, turns out that Disney leaked the official soundtrack/track listing and then quickly took it offline. The last track of that was called "A New Home", which lines up with the leaked ending that Rey & co end up at Tatooine in the end. Another point that apparently lines up is that Rey isn't actually a Skywalker, per-se, but rather she identifies as a Skywalker. Yes.......identifies as a Skywalker. Of course, the leaked ending has Rey defeating the Sith, once and for all, which makes her character the chosen one, and not Anakin.
Yeah all the leaks seem to be pointing towards that. I'd say people are going to rage, but I'm not sure people even care that much. It's been a complete disaster and should be up held up along with GoT's final season and Mass Effect 3's ending as top class examples of how a lack of care, planning and writing talent can utterly derail even the biggest of franchises.
Yeah all the leaks seem to be pointing towards that. I'd say people are going to rage, but I'm not sure people even care that much. It's been a complete disaster and should be up held up along with GoT's final season and Mass Effect 3's ending as top class examples of how a lack of care, planning and writing talent can utterly derail even the biggest of franchises.
Feels like terrible endings to epic saga's are common nowadays. I'm going to see Star Wars because I've seen every other movie and it's still Star Wars, but my expectations are very low.
It's a mess, trilogy without a plan. Sir Ian McDiarmid got a call only a year ago. Hopefully Sheev brings some gravitas and fun.
Abrams is like an A.I making a film. So boring. There's nothing in his work that is original or daring or anything resembling a soul.

It's like when you're too scared for your investment you call him to shit out a "will do" movie.
By the looks of the trailers and teasers this is going to be a safe ending that behaves way more like The Force Awakens than The Last Jedi. And, honestly, with all things considered, I don't have a problem with that at all. I loved The Last Jedi because of how successfully I thought it put the Star Wars franchise under a bit of a microscope, but I also loved The Force Awakens because of how entertained and excited I was by its fairly conventional approach to the story. In the end I've realised that all I want to feel when I watch a film from this franchise is excited and entertained - anything more than that is just a bonus.

This is the end of the Skywalker saga, which has defined various parts of our lives for three generations now, so it's fine if J.J. wants to go out with his hands in the ten-and-two position. That's exactly how he started the sequel trilogy and I enjoyed most of what he did with The Force Awakens, so if he wants to finish it in the same manner then he can be my guest. It goes against everything I've wanted from the entertainment I've consumed for the past two or three years, but I've come to the conclusion that I just want The Rise of Skywalker to be a big crowd-pleaser so we can call a truce and fecking enjoy the thing together, as a fanbase.

Don't get me wrong, I love discussing and debating movies on the web, but even I'm sick of arguing with people about Star Wars now. The virtues of "subverting audience expectations", the realisation of "character arcs", the definitions of "fan ownership" - whatever the feck those things even are, they're all exhausting. If we could all just go to the cinema to see this and come out enjoying it to various degrees then I'd consider that a small victory for society. I'd rather go and see a 7/10 Star Wars film that everyone else thinks is great instead of enduring the last two years of Star Wars discourse all over again.

If Rey ends up being Anakin Skywalker's dog walker's long-lost sister-in-law then so what? If it makes everyone happy then it makes everyone happy. That way we can all get some fecking rest.

You are such a yes man :lol:
I would be happy if they actually made me care about the characters. That has been the great failing of the first 2 films for me, you can tell pretty much any story you like with whomever you like in leading roles if the characters are vibrant, evocative and compelling. Rey, Finn and Po, painfully bland.
I would be happy if they actually made me care about the characters. That has been the great failing of the first 2 films for me, you can tell pretty much any story you like with whomever you like in leading roles if the characters are vibrant, evocative and compelling. Rey, Finn and Po, painfully bland.
Exactly, we’re 2 films in and we don’t really know anything about them. A bit of backstory on Rey but not a lot, and the 3 leads have barely had any screen time together. There’s no chemistry there, and no real reason to root for them against the bad guys. I think it’s a large part of why some people, or me anyway, were bored during them.
They've managed the characters so badly that they've killed off the original characters to try and somehow make them more interesting....and failed miserably with that. So now the classic characters are gone and the new ones aren't even characters.