Spurs new stadium | Loses NFL for 2020 but gains appearance in Gangs of London £££

I legit have no clue what's going on :lol:
I believe these were all the things Spurs fans on here used as examples to make a point that their new stadium will be better/more appealing than the likes of Old Trafford. I could be wrong, though!
Where's the penalty? Does the FA only creams itself over the prospect of fining Jose Mourinho?
Initial budget estimations according to who? And current cost according to who?
Er spurs, you know, the club that you love so much and apparently know everything about??!
Do some research buddy, you'll find the truth eventually...
Probably still waiting for some mug to cough up £700m for their naming rights.

Why not just call it 'No Heart Lane' and be done with it?

Any idea on your debt position? I don’t think Levy’s company is going to accept this going badly tits up and not pass on any impact to Tottenham.

Current net debt is 366m. To put this in context, it's less than one year's worth of current annual income. And our recently reported annual profit from operations (before football trading, depreciation, interest, tax and exceptional items) equates to 44% of this net debt figure.

An over-run of 3 months or so, on a huge construction project of this size, does not equate to "going badly tits up". It's almost to be expected. It's irritating, but not much more than that.

Where are the links to your figures of initial budget and current cost? And does your initial budget figure relate to the project before the stadium design was changed?
I believe these were all the things Spurs fans on here used as examples to make a point that their new stadium will be better/more appealing than the likes of Old Trafford. I could be wrong, though!

You are wrong. Such things are relatively minor details. What will make our stadium the best football stadium in the UK are the major features like:

* Biggest single-tier stand.
* State of the art acoustic engineering designed to maximise atmosphere.
* Retractable pitch, enabling multi-purpose stadium use.
* Facilities and freedom/ease of movement in place to make it a day out, rather than turning up just before kick-off and leaving straight after.
Have to say I do like the idea of a single tier behind one of the goals. I believe if Liverpool ever moved from Anfield they also had a design like that e.g. New Kop.

So many new builds ae just the same, boring round bowls when a bit of creative thinking should be used more.
You are wrong. Such things are relatively minor details. What will make our stadium the best football stadium in the UK are the major features like:

* Biggest single-tier stand.
* State of the art acoustic engineering designed to maximise atmosphere.
* Retractable pitch, enabling multi-purpose stadium use.
* Facilities and freedom/ease of movement in place to make it a day out, rather than turning up just before kick-off and leaving straight after.

It would be cool if they handed out awards for such architectural genius, then you might have something to add to your trophy cabinet besides hope and despair.
* Retractable pitch, enabling multi-purpose stadium use.

So which pitch is retractable? If it's the football one, then surely Tottenham Hotspur football club have just built an expensive American football stadium that they can also play in.
So which pitch is retractable? If it's the football one, then surely Tottenham Hotspur football club have just built an expensive American football stadium that they can also play in.

The Spurs pitch is retractable. But the surface below will be used not just for NFL games, but also for a variety of other events … like rock concerts for example.
Current net debt is 366m. To put this in context, it's less than one year's worth of current annual income. And our recently reported annual profit from operations (before football trading, depreciation, interest, tax and exceptional items) equates to 44% of this net debt figure.

An over-run of 3 months or so, on a huge construction project of this size, does not equate to "going badly tits up". It's almost to be expected. It's irritating, but not much more than that.

Where are the links to your figures of initial budget and current cost? And does your initial budget figure relate to the project before the stadium design was changed?

Is it not nearer six months from the original expected completion date?

Same with the cost increases. These things are creeping up continuously.
Is it not nearer six months from the original expected completion date?

Same with the cost increases. These things are creeping up continuously.

The game at home to Liverpool was the original projected opening game - Sept. 15th.

Now I'd guess the first game will be same fixture as was the last game in our old stadium, namely home to United, on January 13th, which would provide a kind of symmetry to events. If so, that would be a delay of nearly 4th months.
The game at home to Liverpool was the original projected opening game - Sept. 15th.

Now I'd guess the first game will be same fixture as was the last game in our old stadium, namely home to United, on January 13th, which would provide a kind of symmetry to events. If so, that would be a delay of nearly 4th months.
It wasn’t the original projection you gave. You guaranteed it would be ready for the start of the season.
It wasn’t the original projection you gave. You guaranteed it would be ready for the start of the season.

I'm not in charge of the construction/project, in case you didn't realise, and therefore in no position to have "guaranteed" any such thing.

The project has taken longer than expected, but it's not the huge problem that some would like to imagine. And since we only began to demolish the old stadium at the end of May of last year, to have nearly finished the new stadium only 17 months later is still pretty astounding in my view.
I'm not in charge of the construction/project, in case you didn't realise, and therefore in no position to have "guaranteed" any such thing.

The project has taken longer than expected, but it's not the huge problem that some would like to imagine. And since we only began to demolish the old stadium at the end of May of last year, to have nearly finished the new stadium only 17 months later is still pretty astounding in my view.
But yet you stated as fact in June that you would play all your home games in the new stadium.
I believe these were all the things Spurs fans on here used as examples to make a point that their new stadium will be better/more appealing than the likes of Old Trafford. I could be wrong, though!
Spurs fans, or the Glast-man?
But yet you stated as fact in June that you would play all your home games in the new stadium.
You'd think he'd have learned not to be so cocksure and bullish by now.
You are wrong. Such things are relatively minor details. What will make our stadium the best football stadium in the UK are the major features like:

* Biggest single-tier stand.
* State of the art acoustic engineering designed to maximise atmosphere.
* Retractable pitch, enabling multi-purpose stadium use.
* Facilities and freedom/ease of movement in place to make it a day out, rather than turning up just before kick-off and leaving straight after.

How is “multi-purpose use” one of the reasons for it being the best football stadium?
Don't be too hard on Glaston, just because he thinks he's assistant to the Spurs managing director doesn't mean he actually has any real knowledge, or bares any real responsibility for the continued balls-up that is the stadium. Likewise the hubris he excretes largely originates from Levy. It can't be fun for Glaston being the last man in the stadium PR human centipede. Have pity.
You are wrong. Such things are relatively minor details. What will make our stadium the best football stadium in the UK are the major features like:

* Biggest single-tier stand.
* State of the art acoustic engineering designed to maximise atmosphere.
* Retractable pitch, enabling multi-purpose stadium use.
* Facilities and freedom/ease of movement in place to make it a day out, rather than turning up just before kick-off and leaving straight after.
Fair enough!

I'd have Old Trafford any day, though :drool:
How is “multi-purpose use” one of the reasons for it being the best football stadium?

It isn't. But it is one of the stadium's major design features and will further boost club income and thus money available for investment in the team/squad.
Don't be too hard on Glaston, just because he thinks he's assistant to the Spurs managing director doesn't mean he actually has any real knowledge, or bares any real responsibility for the continued balls-up that is the stadium. Likewise the hubris he excretes largely originates from Levy. It can't be fun for Glaston being the last man in the stadium PR human centipede. Have pity.

Surely at this point the FA should put their foot down and say no to them playing at the new ground at all this season
The thrust of many oppo fans posts in this thread is that our new stadium is a somehow a negative: Oooh, look at the delay + Spurs will be crippled by debt. Such posters fail to see the wood for the trees.

* Spurs are the most profitable club in the Prem.

* Our club income is now pushing close to that of Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea. Indeed, our recent financial report actually shows an income exceeding that of the latter two compared to their last financial reports, but these related to a year earlier and they have yet to publish their financial results covering the 2017-18 season. And we have moved up to 8th on Deloitte 'rich list', ahead of Juventus, Dortmund, Liverpool & Chelsea (albeit the same caveat applies to all these re. their yet-to-be-published 2017-18 financial reports).

* The new stadium will further boost Spurs' income, by a significant amount ... a boost largely not dependent on CL football.

* Whilst many clubs would like to build a new stadium, Spurs have actually done it. Contrast with Chelsea's stalled project, Liverpool's abandoned project and Everton's project being a long way from construction even starting.

I'm sure some will call the above "PR spin" … but facts are facts, not spin.

Whichever way it's sliced, our new stadium is a huge net positive for Spurs. But you wouldn't know it if you read many of the comments in this thread.
If Spurs is the most profitable club in Prem why in your second point pointed out that Spurs still behind Liverpool in income? Define profitable then.
Your third point is an opinion, not fact at all. As now, you recorded massive loss because the longer time to completed it. It can go both ways as in matter of fact, you still hasnt play in your brand new stadium.
Fourth point, again, you havent completed your new stadium yet thats fact. In 2019, if i stated that your new stadium will be fold and uncompleted, thats still hold the same weight as the news that stated the stadium will be completed next year.
Conclusion, what was your typed, thats all opinion, not fact. Living in Levy's cucko land maybe have playing your mind as you cant separate between fact and gibberish.
If Spurs is the most profitable club in Prem why in your second point pointed out that Spurs still behind Liverpool in income? Define profitable then.
Your third point is an opinion, not fact at all. As now, you recorded massive loss because the longer time to completed it. It can go both ways as in matter of fact, you still hasnt play in your brand new stadium.
Fourth point, again, you havent completed your new stadium yet thats fact. In 2019, if i stated that your new stadium will be fold and uncompleted, thats still hold the same weight as the news that stated the stadium will be completed next year.
Conclusion, what was your typed, thats all opinion, not fact. Living in Levy's cucko land maybe have playing your mind as you cant separate between fact and gibberish.

Profit is income minus expenses. It's not about just income. And in any case, in my 2nd point I didn't say that our income is behind Liverpool's - I said it was above Liverpool's as per the last set of published results, albeit they have to yet to publish their 2017-18 results.

My third point is not opinion, because it's absurd to believe that our new stadium will lead to reduced income. Nor have we, as you claim, "recorded massive loss": our most recent financial report shows a massive operational profit of £163m before football trading, depreciation, interest, tax and exceptional items are taken into account.

Re. my 4th point, it's simply quibbling to say that the new stadium is not yet fully complete. The point stands regardless of it being another 3 months to it being open.

Conclusion: your post is rubbish from start to finish.
The thrust of many oppo fans posts in this thread is that our new stadium is a somehow a negative: Oooh, look at the delay + Spurs will be crippled by debt. Such posters fail to see the wood for the trees.

* Spurs are the most profitable club in the Prem.

* Our club income is now pushing close to that of Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea. Indeed, our recent financial report actually shows an income exceeding that of the latter two compared to their last financial reports, but these related to a year earlier and they have yet to publish their financial results covering the 2017-18 season. And we have moved up to 8th on Deloitte 'rich list', ahead of Juventus, Dortmund, Liverpool & Chelsea (albeit the same caveat applies to all these re. their yet-to-be-published 2017-18 financial reports).

* The new stadium will further boost Spurs' income, by a significant amount ... a boost largely not dependent on CL football.

* Whilst many clubs would like to build a new stadium, Spurs have actually done it. Contrast with Chelsea's stalled project, Liverpool's abandoned project and Everton's project being a long way from construction even starting.

I'm sure some will call the above "PR spin" … but facts are facts, not spin.

Whichever way it's sliced, our new stadium is a huge net positive for Spurs. But you wouldn't know it if you read many of the comments in this thread.

I tried so hard not to reply to this wumming, but I cannot help myself:

* Spurs are not the most profitable club in the PL, except for maybe percentage-wise, because of your low wage-bill. But you will not be for long. See below.

* Spurs financial report that you refer to ncludes the last TV-money deal, the clubs you refer to do not. Its also pretty much the only reason why your turnover is improving. The clubs that you refer to will exceed your income"raise".

* The additional income you will recieve from your new stadium will be dwarfed by the interest payments and amortizations you need to make during the next 10 years. After that I guess you will reap the benefits though. And I dont disagree that this was the longterm best thing to do for Spurs. But if you dont think this will cripple you in the next couple of years as it did Arsenal, you are delusional.

* Why do you think Chelsea and Pool abandoned their projects? Look at your own, it would cripple them financially and competition-wise the next 5-10 years. Especially a team like Liverpool.

I will give you one last fact that is not a PR-spin: Spurs payroll is by far the smallest of the top-6 clubs. The wage bills of all major clubs are still waiting for the total impact of the inflation of the transfer market. It will hit hard this summer and extremely hard the next summer. And it will not hit any club harder than Spurs since you are underpaying your squad already.

Sell as much cheese and micro-brew as you want but you will not escape this. Your next 5-10 years will be tough as feck if Levy and the gang does not sell. How are you blind to this, I would be scared as feck for what is coming if I were a Spurs-fan. Luckily I am not.