Spurs new stadium | Loses NFL for 2020 but gains appearance in Gangs of London £££

Have a friend who worked on the stadium, he said the mid-level management was incredibly inept and led to numerous feck-ups. Some of the crews were out right bad at their jobs, and even some of the good crews were messed around and given incorrect instructions and schedules by the mid-level guys. There's been a lot of turnover and switching of contracts.
Similarly my neighbour runs a construction agency, and said contractors were being given unrealistic deadlines from Stadium project managers and Spurs have multiple issues having not paid invoices to many of their contractors. The industry works on people talking, so they've been running around like headless chickens having to pay twice as much for resource because of their actions.

He reckons his agency have made more from this than any other contract he's had, well now everything is settled.
Apologies then.

I think it’s a really good idea for Spurs to encorporate NFL capability into the stadium.

I’ve worked in construction, but from the ‘client’ side. It’s up to Spurs to ensure they can hold the contractor to account, as it is their responsibility (Spurs) to ensure they have a fit for purpose stadium. So whilst the overrun is clearly outside of the control of the club, the contract, the timescale and importantly the contingency planning is absoubtly within their control. The latter has seriously been overlooked.

Saying that construction always overruns as a reason for late delivery is inexcusable, and I would have been sacked on the spot if I claimed that. Where Spurs have failed, is that they should have relocated to Wembley (or elsewhere) for two seasons.

I’m all for supporting clubs, and giving them reasonable dispensation for building/ reconfiguring/ improving stadia - it makes our league better, and improves our chances of hosting international tournaments. But Tottenham have now got this seriously wrong, and should compensate fans of teams they are directly affecting.

As an aside, I was a Spurs member last year, and went to Wembley to watch Utd, Arsenal, Madrid and Juventus. I was furious when I discovered the membership has been auto renewed this year, and only discovered it when they sent through the membership pack. I got round to calling them last week, primed for an argument, not in anyway expecting a full refund - I didn’t get that far as they were so quick to refund me. I expect that are quite a few Spurs fans that have cancelled their memberships this year.

Typical client. (Site humour)

I didn't say that construction always overruns. And yes you should be sacked for suggesting, heaven forbid, such a thing. The reality is that somewhere within the build team somebody has made a mistake, or two, and the project is delayed. There is no way that Spurs should have allowed a whole seasons delay as a contingency. If any contractor got wind of this they may, potentially, or subconsciously, build the time into the project programme. As a client did you ever build in a years contingency?

In the perfect world the fans should be fully compensated and your story about the membership is appalling. It does sound like Spurs are struggling with the whole development but as football fan and a builder they have my sympathies.
The biggest concern should be if Spurs new stadium is ready to be playable in FIFA 19
Typical client. (Site humour)

I didn't say that construction always overruns. And yes you should be sacked for suggesting, heaven forbid, such a thing. The reality is that somewhere within the build team somebody has made a mistake, or two, and the project is delayed. There is no way that Spurs should have allowed a whole seasons delay as a contingency. If any contractor got wind of this they may, potentially, or subconsciously, build the time into the project programme. As a client did you ever build in a years contingency?

In the perfect world the fans should be fully compensated and your story about the membership is appalling. It does sound like Spurs are struggling with the whole development but as football fan and a builder they have my sympathies.

The reason so much ends up delayed seems to be overpromising and poor estimation from the contractor side.
And that there's so many parties involved where a feck up, disagreement or change of mind can occur.
Unfortunately for Spurs, it's likely no one but ADT could've known about the cabling issue or caught it. In fact the guy who fecked it up is my mate's old manager. Would hate to be him :lol:
Typical client. (Site humour)

I didn't say that construction always overruns. And yes you should be sacked for suggesting, heaven forbid, such a thing. The reality is that somewhere within the build team somebody has made a mistake, or two, and the project is delayed. There is no way that Spurs should have allowed a whole seasons delay as a contingency. If any contractor got wind of this they may, potentially, or subconsciously, build the time into the project programme. As a client did you ever build in a years contingency?

In the perfect world the fans should be fully compensated and your story about the membership is appalling. It does sound like Spurs are struggling with the whole development but as football fan and a builder they have my sympathies.

Your point about contingency is an interesting one to debate. If a realistic (albeit in retrospect) timeframe means the team can’t play in the stadium until 1/3 of the way through the season, then I’m not sure the PL would allow them to play at the new stadium that season. So it’s not a whole season as contingency per se, but if they can’t meet the deadline, then alternatives for the entire season should really have been war gamed, and put in place during the summer.

However (cynically), I can understand the strategy from Spurs, they are drip feeding the delays so that they can perhaps have 2/3 or 1/2 the season in the stadium. If they notified the PL of this delay prior to the start of the season, I assume they would have had to play the whole season at Wembley, even if the stadium was ready part way through.

PS - I always blame the contractor, I’m just subtle about it (typical client!).
This is my fundamental issue. I don’t have a problem if spurs play at Wembley or wherever in London - but having to move the dates is unacceptable, and should not be allowed. Lots of City fans will have pre booked travel and accommodation. The game is now on a work day, so they will need to take a day off of work. Simply put, it should not be allowed - poor planning from Spurs, who are clearly running around trying to rearrange games left right and centre should not affect the fans of other clubs.

In addition the Man Utd Everton game has moved a day as well. There will be fans of those two clubs who will have additional travel costs as well - at the very least Spurs should be compensating every single fan of other clubs. It is their absolute ineptitude not to have a robust plan in place.

Levy doesn’t have a plan, he did for the first couple of matches, but clearly did not have a contingency for this. When you have a £billion project, that’s unacceptable.

Mess around your own supporters all you like, but there should be significant consequences when other clubs’ fans are put out.

True. It's a league issue at the end of the day, so the league members should have a say.

Me thinks all the clubs should take a vote on the appropriate sanction. :wenger::wenger:

Maybe have the vote on the final day to, uh, more accurately assess the damage of such irresponsible planning.
I get the date change frustration, but there is no alternative. Wembley can't host that day. City are refusing to switch the fixture. No 3rd stadium is available, and if it were, the Premier League would likely say no anyway. The match has to be played, no one can magic something else. The stadium could be ready, but that is down to whether they can get a safety certificate in time. Lets be real here, people are suggesting effectively the match stays on that day and Spurs play it at their new stadium or else. Down the line, any punishment would probably be fiercely attacked in the courts (cival and sporting), and disruption from a last minute cancellation would be far bigger that dealing with it now.

In terms of Spurs rushing it, well of course they wanted to get it ready and have an ambitious schedule. It's their new home. Would you want to play too many games/season at Wembley? It's a horrible stadium.
Then they should be punished for putting other clubs in their mess. It is simple.
I dont agree with the switching off the date. Imagine all those City fans who have pre arranged logistics. I also dont agree with posters saying the game has to be played. If the Home team cannot meet their obligation on the day and time agreed the tie should have been awarded to City as a compensatory 2-0 as a punishment
What a joke. When it overruns and people take the piss its "oh construction projects overrun all the time, no big deal", if thats the case why didn't your amazing, all knowing genius of a CEO have a contingency plan put in place for this incredibly obvious potential issue? Or was the plan to just wing it and feck about with fixtures and venues? feck the fans who now have to reorganise travel and accommodation and potentially also have to book a day off work to get to a game in fecking London on a monday night and feck anyone else who will be put out by the absolute farce this has become, it will all be worth it when they see all the shops and our big climbing wall or something at our shiny new stadium. Its going to be a game changer for spurs, just look at what moving to the emirates did for arsenal.
What a joke. When it overruns and people take the piss its "oh construction projects overrun all the time, no big deal", if thats the case why didn't your amazing, all knowing genius of a CEO have a contingency plan put in place for this incredibly obvious potential issue? Or was the plan to just wing it and feck about with fixtures and venues? feck the fans who now have to reorganise travel and accommodation and potentially also have to book a day off work to get to a game in fecking London on a monday night and feck anyone else who will be put out by the absolute farce this has become, it will all be worth it when they see all the shops and our big climbing wall or something at our shiny new stadium. Its going to be a game changer for spurs, just look at what moving to the emirates did for arsenal.
Basically that unless they were not aware of the (safety) issues by July, which seems highly unlikely imo.
Your point about contingency is an interesting one to debate. If a realistic (albeit in retrospect) timeframe means the team can’t play in the stadium until 1/3 of the way through the season, then I’m not sure the PL would allow them to play at the new stadium that season. So it’s not a whole season as contingency per se, but if they can’t meet the deadline, then alternatives for the entire season should really have been war gamed, and put in place during the summer.

However (cynically), I can understand the strategy from Spurs, they are drip feeding the delays so that they can perhaps have 2/3 or 1/2 the season in the stadium. If they notified the PL of this delay prior to the start of the season, I assume they would have had to play the whole season at Wembley, even if the stadium was ready part way through.

PS - I always blame the contractor, I’m just subtle about it (typical client!).

Spurs entered into this venture with the best of intentions and have been put in this position by the contractor or maybe even the architect, I don't know the details of the type of contract they entered into, but have come unstuck. I'm sure a claim will end up on somebodies doormat. The claim should include compensation to all fans effected by the re-scheduling of games.

I think a new stadium helps the overall value of football in this country and the Premier League would be seen as vindictive if they didn't allow the club to play in an empty stadium. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that unless it was only a couple of games. Even then they just let them play. Ditto UEFA. I understand Benfica were given some slack.
This is my fundamental issue. I don’t have a problem if spurs play at Wembley or wherever in London - but having to move the dates is unacceptable, and should not be allowed. Lots of City fans will have pre booked travel and accommodation. The game is now on a work day, so they will need to take a day off of work. Simply put, it should not be allowed - poor planning from Spurs, who are clearly running around trying to rearrange games left right and centre should not affect the fans of other clubs.

In addition the Man Utd Everton game has moved a day as well. There will be fans of those two clubs who will have additional travel costs as well - at the very least Spurs should be compensating every single fan of other clubs. It is their absolute ineptitude not to have a robust plan in place.

Levy doesn’t have a plan, he did for the first couple of matches, but clearly did not have a contingency for this. When you have a £billion project, that’s unacceptable.

Mess around your own supporters all you like, but there should be significant consequences when other clubs’ fans are put out.

Ambition is one thing and the whole project can’t be described as anything other than ambitious but, and a very big but, ambition has to be tempered with realism.

It’s pretty obvious Levy has convinced the Spurs disciples that this project is going to be all singing all dancing and it’s going to lead them to the promised land but as we have seen just at about every other club where they have self financed a statium rebuild comes at an enormous cost.

Gaston no doubt has cupboards full of door stop sold cleaning products and probably is the proud owner of one of those vacuum cleaners that can do everything from cleaning the carpets to spraying the car. This whole project smacks of the Emperors new clothes.
I get the date change frustration, but there is no alternative. Wembley can't host that day. City are refusing to switch the fixture. No 3rd stadium is available, and if it were, the Premier League would likely say no anyway. The match has to be played, no one can magic something else. The stadium could be ready, but that is down to whether they can get a safety certificate in time. Lets be real here, people are suggesting effectively the match stays on that day and Spurs play it at their new stadium or else. Down the line, any punishment would probably be fiercely attacked in the courts (cival and sporting), and disruption from a last minute cancellation would be far bigger that dealing with it now.

In terms of Spurs rushing it, well of course they wanted to get it ready and have an ambitious schedule. It's their new home. Would you want to play too many games/season at Wembley? It's a horrible stadium.

I think you are missing the point here.

This is about Spurs being allowed to play games away from what in effect is their designated stadium.

The PL rule book allows for groundshare but in effect that groundshare will only be agreed if and here’s the point, the PL team has first call on the facility and any scheduled event will be re-arranged to accommodate the football.

Wembley is indeed a horrible stadium but that’s where Spurs choose to play in 2017/18.OK there were a limited number of options but none the less there were options such as the London Stadium.

Spurs could easily have negotiated a full second year at Wembley but all they did was have an option which Levy did everything he could to avoid having to stump up extra for. Once it was clear that the stadium couldn’t accommodate the first scheduled game then the PL should have said no.

When a PL club takes what in effect is called a golden share in the PL they in effect agree not to take any disputes to law so any fine or punishment wouldn’t be challenged by them in the courts here in the U.K. or indeed the EU but an appeal to CAS would be an option.

Even then I wouldn’t fancy their chances of overturning any deduction of points.If a club in any other didn’t have their own stadium or hadn’t agreed a groundshare before the leagues AGM they quite simply would be expelled.Why the difference? T

Levy and Spurs are mainly to blame but I also question the decision making process of the PL for Spurs should never have been allowed to play at two homes in the same season any such situation should only come about when something catastrophic happens mid season.
Spurs entered into this venture with the best of intentions and have been put in this position by the contractor or maybe even the architect, I don't know the details of the type of contract they entered into, but have come unstuck. I'm sure a claim will end up on somebodies doormat. The claim should include compensation to all fans effected by the re-scheduling of games.

I think a new stadium helps the overall value of football in this country and the Premier League would be seen as vindictive if they didn't allow the club to play in an empty stadium. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that unless it was only a couple of games. Even then they just let them play. Ditto UEFA. I understand Benfica were given some slack.

I’ve no doubt Spurs entered into this project with the best of intentions - however, that’s doesn’t absolve them of any accountability.

The issue is that individual fans won’t be compensated.
Why would you use the NFL thing as a source of pride? I'd hate Manchester United to share their stadium with an American football team.

I implied that it could be classed as revolutionary for a club-football stadium to be purpose-designed to also host NFL football … and this in response to a poster who said that the design was not revolutionary.

You are now switching the grounds of discussion onto "pride".

And by the way, NFL games being staged in our new stadium will not affect Spurs' games in any way, or the fan-experience for those games, so why would Spurs fans hate it?
Imagine those kids who have asked their parents: 'Mum, can we go watch my idol Harry Kane in the new stadium next season? (as in this season) When I grow up I want to be like Kane, without that open mouth part.' and the mum said 'oi u fecking cnut we can yes'.

What will they tell their children now? Crashing dreams, destroying future English footballers, here goes future world cups coming home. Hope they disband Tottenham for this disgustan behaviour altogether.

Wtf is this post all about? Only you will know ...
I implied that it could be classed as revolutionary for a club-football stadium to be purpose-designed to also host NFL football … and this in response to a poster who said that the design was not revolutionary.

You are now switching the grounds of discussion onto "pride".

And by the way, NFL games being staged in our new stadium will not affect Spurs' games in any way, or the fan-experience for those games, so why would Spurs fans hate it?

It's revolutionary because no other football club would want a stadium to be half football and half America football.

I could design a bike with triangles for wheels, would be revolutionary but it'd still be shite.

No doubt your stadium will look awesome, but let's not get carried away with your ability to host NFL games as a thing every club would want.
It's revolutionary because no other football club would want a stadium to be half football and half America football.

I could design a bike with triangles for wheels, would be revolutionary but it'd still be shite.

No doubt your stadium will look awesome, but let's not get carried away with your ability to host NFL games as a thing every club would want.

Ahh but, you’re forgetting the Cheese room..

Who wouldn’t want one of those in your stadium
Starting to think this is all an elaborate plan to keep Potchettino for another season. "We promise you it will be finished this year, just sign the contract extension!"
It's revolutionary because no other football club would want a stadium to be half football and half America football.

I could design a bike with triangles for wheels, would be revolutionary but it'd still be shite.

No doubt your stadium will look awesome, but let's not get carried away with your ability to host NFL games as a thing every club would want.

Wrong: it's 100% football and 100% American football at each of the respective times when those games take place. You display an ignorance of the stadium design and the facilities it contains to achieve this.

As to whether or not other clubs would want to host NFL football, the fact is that they don't have the choice.
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I am dying to know why Tottenham Hotspur as a business get preferential treatment because Christian Eriksen plays for them. Is he the Chosen One and everyone in the FA are in the Stonecutters?

Is this sarcasm?

Football clubs have prestige yes, Real Madrid could field a team of Charlie Adams and UEFA would still bend over backwards for them. For Spurs, because of the players they have at their disposal, players that will attract viewers to their matches, UEFA will probably be lenient on them. Neutrals are going to watch their games to see the likes of Eriksen, Alli, Kane and Son.

Have you never admired a player(s) from another club and watched that club's matches just to see him play? I'm sure plenty of people who weren't Arsenal fans watched our games just to see Henry.
Wrong: it's 100% football and 100% American football at each of the respective times when those games take place. You display an ignorance of the stadium design and the facilities it contains to achieve this.

And you display ignorance of simple math, there can only be 100% therefore a stadium built for two different sports means it's 50/50, ergo, half football and half anerixAm football.

I bet you use the term 110% don't you? Just like the Messiah Daniel Levy said the stadium will be finished for this season, 110%.
Wrong: it's 100% football and 100% American football at each of the respective times when those games take place. You display an ignorance of the stadium design and the facilities it contains to achieve this.

As to whether or not other clubs would want to host NFL football, the fact is that they don't have the choice.
Well obviously they do have the choice. In much the same way Wembley can be used for it.
And you display ignorance of simple math, there can only be 100% therefore a stadium built for two different sports means it's 50/50, ergo, half football and half anerixAm football.

I bet you use the term 110% don't you? Just like the Messiah Daniel Levy said the stadium will be finished for this season, 110%.

Yes, there can be only 100%. And when there is an NFL game it's 100% dedicated and designed for that, with an NFL pitch, NFL-size changing rooms and even their own stadium entrance. There is nothing in general NFL American football stadiums that won't be in place in our new stadium - that sounds pretty 100% to me.

And when Spurs are playing it's 100% designed and dedicated for that.

You seem not to understand the concept of one event and time as distinct from the other.
Well obviously they do have the choice. In much the same way Wembley can be used for it.

Wembley is not a club football stadium.

Moreover, no NFL team is going to want to play at Old Trafford (or wherever) when they can play in a stadium that's dedicated to NFL football at Spurs.

So no, other Prem clubs don't have a choice.
Wembley is not a club football stadium.

Moreover, no NFL team is going to want to play at Old Trafford (or wherever) when they can play in a stadium that's dedicated to NFL football at Spurs.

So no, other Prem clubs don't have a choice.
Yes they do have a choice. Any stadium with a pitch could invite American Football teams to play at their stadium if they desire. I don’t think you understand what a choice is.
Wembley is not a club football stadium.

Moreover, no NFL team is going to want to play at Old Trafford (or wherever) when they can play in a stadium that's dedicated to NFL football at Spurs.

So no, other Prem clubs don't have a choice.

Well if they had an opportunity to play NFL game at an iconic stadium of one of the biggest clubs in the world they would probably jump at the chance (London factor withstanding). They don’t have that opportunity though.

Unless there’s an issue with dimensions but I don’t think there is.
Yes they do have a choice. Any stadium with a pitch could invite American Football teams to play at their stadium if they desire. I don’t think you understand what a choice is.

They can issue an invitation, yes. Having it accepted is a different matter. It seems you don't understand the difference.
Yes, there can be only 100%. And when there is an NFL game it's 100% dedicated and designed for that, with an NFL pitch, NFL-size changing rooms and even their own stadium entrance. There is nothing in general NFL American football stadiums that won't be in place in our new stadium - that sounds pretty 100% to me.

And when Spurs are playing it's 100% designed and dedicated for that.

You seem not to understand the concept of one event and time as distinct from the other.

Well of course they aren’t going to play NFL and Premier League games at the same time. The stadium was built with both on mind though.

Actually it hasn’t been built yet.
They can issue an invitation, yes. Having it accepted is a different matter. It seems you don't understand the difference.
I can assure you I do. You said they didn’t have the choice so it seems you haven’t quite understood the difference. I’m sure Manchester United could quite easily host Tampa Bay if they CHOSE to.
Well if they had an opportunity to play NFL game at an iconic stadium of one of the biggest clubs in the world they would probably jump at the chance (London factor withstanding). They don’t have that opportunity though.

Unless there’s an issue with dimensions but I don’t think there is.
Why would an American Football team choose to play at Old Trafford though? If only we had a connection to one somehow then we really could live the dream.
Can't get over the fact NFL games can't be played at OT. It saddens me deeply.
Wembley is not a club football stadium.

Moreover, no NFL team is going to want to play at Old Trafford (or wherever) when they can play in a stadium that's dedicated to NFL football at Spurs.

So no, other Prem clubs don't have a choice.

Seriously, who the hell cares about American football?
I think that this may be a plot to keep Pocchettini at Spurs. When he asks Levy 'hi levy where are the signings' Levy can respond something along the lines 'feck off roberto, we can buy you some players when we finish our stadium, meanwhile here are your free nfl coupons', Arsenal style.
Can't get over the fact NFL games can't be played at OT. It saddens me deeply.

Apparently, it's the new yardstick for which a premier league football club's stadium is measured in terms of greatness.

New New New White Hart Lane is off the charts because it caters to the NFL, said Glaston.
Apparently, it's the new yardstick for which a premier league football club's stadium is measured in terms of greatness.

New New New White Hart Lane is off the charts because it caters to the NFL, said Glaston.
I think he's wumming. It must be. I mean, who the hell cares about NFL. It's more ridiculous than massive floodlights at the Council house.
Yes, there can be only 100%. And when there is an NFL game it's 100% dedicated and designed for that, with an NFL pitch, NFL-size changing rooms and even their own stadium entrance. There is nothing in general NFL American football stadiums that won't be in place in our new stadium - that sounds pretty 100% to me.

And when Spurs are playing it's 100% designed and dedicated for that.

You seem not to understand the concept of one event and time as distinct from the other.

So you admit what you said in your original reply to me was incorrect, I am in fact correct when I say your stadium is half football and half American football?
So you admit what you said in your original reply to me was incorrect, I am in fact correct when I say your stadium is half football and half American football?

No. Read post #824. It's 100% dedicated to each type of football at the times when each will be played. It's not difficult to understand … and now I'm done with your pedantic desperation to point score, so carry on all by yourself from here on.
Surprised Man. City have agreed to this date change, Wembley pitch is going to be a state day after NFL game.

Spurs also probably going to have to cancel league cup fourth round match if they get through and drawn at home as they are due to be played that week.