Anybody started watching this yet? A new 13 episode TV series which tells the story excellently reenacted in the movie Gladiator.
This series uses a myriad of previous production techniques, its abit like watching 300, Rome and 24 but all rolled into one.
Blood, CG and soft porn galore.
Its now on episode 3, but its outrageous that it can be found via Torrentzap (People who download are immoral and need to have a good look at themselves) : TV shows > Spartacus torrents -
Below is the WiKi description:
This series uses a myriad of previous production techniques, its abit like watching 300, Rome and 24 but all rolled into one.
Blood, CG and soft porn galore.
Its now on episode 3, but its outrageous that it can be found via Torrentzap (People who download are immoral and need to have a good look at themselves) : TV shows > Spartacus torrents -
Below is the WiKi description:
Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spartacus: Blood and Sand
is a Starz original television series that premiered on January 22, 2010. The series focuses on the historical figure of Spartacus, a 1st century B.C. Roman gladiator (played by Andy Whitfield), who later became the leader of a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. The show has been rated TV-MA for graphic violence, strong sexual content, and major profanity. On December 22, 2009, it was announced that the show was renewed for a second season before even premiering.[1]
Plot synopsis
The series premiere featured the origin of an unnamed Thracian, starting with his involvement in the war against the Getae in Roman auxiliary under the command of the Roman Legate, Claudius Glaber. However, Glaber, persuaded by his wife Ilithyia to seek greater glory, instead decides to head east to confront the forces of Mithradates. The Thracian, feeling betrayed, led a mutiny against Glaber, and managed to make it back in time to save his wife from a band of Gatea, but he was unable to save his village. The two were arrested by Glaber the next day, as the Thracian was condemned to die in the arena for inciting mass desertion of the auxiliary, while his wife was sold into slavery. The Thracian, together with a group of other deserters was transported to Capua.
At Capua, prior to the gladiatorial games, a feast was hosted by Ilithyia’s father, Senator Albinius. Among those invited was Lentulus Batiatus, owner of a ludus, his wife Lucretia and his rival Solonius. The next day, Glaber sent four of Solonius’s gladiators against the last remaining Thracian prisoner. However, the fighter survived his own execution after killing his four opponents, as the crowd cheered for his release. While Glaber was humiliated and still demanded the Thracian's death, Albinius decided to please the crowd and spare the warrior's life. Batiatus purchased the Thracian to be trained in his ludus. Since no-one knew his name, Batiatus took the liberty of naming the prisoner Spartacus, as he fought like Spartacus, the legendary Thracian king.
The Thracian, henceforth known as Spartacus, joined other recruits in Batiatus’ ludus under the tutelage of Doctore, a former gladiator himself. Spartacus is befriended by Varro, a Roman who sold himself into slavery in order to pay his debts, but they were persistently harassed by the senior gladiators Crixus, the undefeated Gaul, and Barca, a Carthaginian. In the midst of training, Spartacus was visited by Glaber, who informed him that his wife, Sura was sold to a Syrian slave trader after she was repeatedly raped. Glaber gave Spartacus the piece of fabric that Sura wore around her thigh as proof, as he no longer sought a quick death of Spartacus, but rather wished to see him tormented slowly and consumed by the sands of time in the arena. Batiatus, who was unable to control Spartacus, discovered the instrument of his taming, he persuaded Spartacus to fight for his freedom and that of his wife. Spartacus was able to pass the final test against Crixus, thus officially becoming a gladiator. He was branded with the mark of Batiatus on his arm as he sworn the solemn oath of the Sacramentum Gladiatorum.
Spartacus would endure many hardships before learning that he will compete in his first match against Varro at the lowest level. His thoughts bent on winning bigger matches to secure the winnings in order to buy Sura's freedom, Spartacus first taunts then disables Gnaeus, whom will fight Crixus in the primus, the main event of the games. He then attacked Crixus during the party, in the presence of the high class Roman guests who call for the fight to be continued in the arena the next day, forcing Batiatus to place Spartacus in the primus against Crixus. In the match the next day, Crixus is able to easily defeat Spartacus, realizing that he needs to stay alive for the sake of Sura, Spartacus appealed to Batiatus, whom granted him mercy against the will of the crowd.