Yeah anybody that somehow criticse the PS3, this perfect peice of hardware and gods gift to man, sure deserves to shot, hanged and burned at the stake.
Nobody is asking for you to be burned at that stake. But nobody is asking you to spread disinformation such as "difficult to program for because of over the top hyperthreading" either. Some of the things you say regarding PS3 here are simply downright wrong. It's a very different architecture to both PC and XB360 and doesn't work well at the end of a Microsoft based tools chain. This will make life complicated for multi-platform developers, but doesn't imply that the PS3 itself is more complex to develop for. Look at it along these lines, your game is the Mona Lisa hung on a wall. The XB360 is a wooden panelled wall, the PS3 is a brick wall. Your toolset is a hammer and the engine software you write is a nail. Whack the nail with the hammer into the XB360 and it will go in easily and firm. Whack the nail with the hammer into the PS3 hard enough and it might just go in after one hell of a lot of effort, but you certainly would not hang the Mona Lisa off it. Now, if only you would change your tool to a screwdriver and your engine software into a screw. Drill a hole for the PS3 and stick in a plug, and you'll probably find that the Mona Lisa hangs better and more securely for both types of wall.
I find it interesting as soon as somebody dares to criticize it, you throw a tantrum as you have been personally insulted. Refusing to see that the PS3 has its faults and the fact that sony did mess up big time when it comes to the PS3.
Where have I thrown a tantrum? I've corrected your misinformation. Of course the PS3 has its faults. Nothing is perfect. Saying that they messed up on the technological level however is another one of your statements simply pulled out of thin air. Try to back up what you are saying.
Now they are building up momentum and it remains to be seen if they pick up the sales they lost in the beginning. Sony gambled big time when it comes to the blue ray, time will tell if will pay off, for all we know blue ray could be the next generations beta.
This I can take from you, because it's based upon opinion and not technical facts (which you really should stay away from if you are not sure). If you want to talk/learn about the technical merits of the PS3, XB360, and Wii, then I will gladly help you with that.
What sales did they lose in the beginning? You mean because they didn't launch at the same time XB360 did? That Blu-ray made the machine too expensive and late?
Well, Microsoft pushed it a little didn't they? By doing what they did and rushing their machine (causing them a $1 billion dollar problem in the process) just to try to get one up on the competition, they forced Sony's hand. Sony probably would have preferred to release much later - PS2 was still selling bucketloads.
When Sony first showed a non-working prototype of the PS3 in mid 2005 (all development of software for it was being done of PC based devkits at the time), it had 2 HDMI ports, 6 USB ports, 3 Gigabit ethernet ports. Did it have Blu-ray, I can't remember, shall I look? I doubt it, because the final disc system to be used would not have even been a consideration for the hardware engineers, the interface to that is quite simple. Since then, 1 HDMI port has gone, 4 USB ports have gone, and 2 Gigabit ethernet ports have gone. Blu-ray is definitely in. It's quite possible (I would say likely) that Blu-ray was never even in the original spec at SCE. However, Sony Electronics probably insisted on it in the end. Costs had to be cut, some things had to go, the thing was redesigned. One thing is for sure, it's not the machine that Kutaragi wanted. Blu-ray wasn't even ready as an optical technology when XB360 was released in any case, as they could not manufacture the diode to yield. This is all speculation however.
How else can we be sure that PS3 was rushed out of the door? It was never supposed to have PS2 hardware in it (they've taken it out now and lost a bullet point, and for some of their clients a rather large selling point). It was always supposed to have been done in software. This was not ready for launch (still isn't), so you know what happened, pushing the cost up further.
Microsoft forced Sony's hand (and twisted their own in the process), so you get what you've got. As for Blu-ray becoming Betamax, how can it do that? Firstly it's not got any viable competitor in its space (Betamax had VHS - HD-DVD has gone don't you know), and is at the moment the only retailable format for HD quality video. Whether HD video at retail outlets will take off or not in the longer run is a different question, but it would make sense to think that would depend on the market penetration of HD capable display devices in the home. Even if it doesn't however, it is the PS3s disc format for games, and in that respect will continue to grow even if it never takes off in the retail video or PC space. Having a proprietary disc format never hurt Nintendo.
I am not a xbox fanboy, or Nintendo for that matter. Hell I have a ps2, I used to be a big supporter of sony during the previous console war but after a series of stupid decision by sony and their idea of packing their products with DRM I cant really cheer for them. I hate microsoft with a passion, vista is an abomination and Nintendo well is Nintendo.
You really need to disassociate Sony the electronics company (and SCE) from Sony the music/film/video publishing conglomerate.
SO I consider myself fairly neutral in all this, sony isnt the only that has messed up. The xbox has the highest hardware failure rate atm(duh it is microsoft) however they compensated by securing a bunch of promising licenses. I admire the wii cause it is a brilliant example that design is king. Doesnt matter if you can play your games in high def, it doesnt make the game good.
1. I don't know why you think that Sony Computer Entertainment has messed up, apart from maybe panicing at Microsoft's early move. Being forced to adopt Blu-ray, if they did do so, wasn't their fault. Reaching for the sky and not getting it?
2. Microsoft were simply too giddy with it all. They really thought that first to market meant winner and rushed it.
3. Design is king? Lets never push the technological envelope again then eh, just the cognitive one?
The only thing I would simply ask from you is that you don't spread technical disinformation.