Society of Black Lawyers

I just cannot believe that the Society are making more fuss about this than they are about the hissing. I'm loathe to accuse them of headline-seeking in a bid to raise their profile but, as a Society concerned with black people, why on earth are they getting involved in Jewish affairs? And David Baddiel may well be Jewish, but he's an Arsenal fan; enough said.

Just whoring for publicity, aren't they?

And isn't Baddiel a Chelsea fan?
I remember when I joined up (this time around) and got absolutely slated on here for refering to Tottenham as "the Yids". It was like I had done a JT.

Thing is, I know a lot of Spurs fan, as I've said my boss is a season ticket holder down there and is Jewish, and that's how they all refer to themselves, so it was something I didn't think about at the time. It's certainly not used in the way these clowns are claiming, and if it was surely someone would have complained long ago and Tottenham (including the Jewish board members they've had over the years) would have clamped down on it?
Just whoring for publicity, aren't they?

And isn't Baddiel a Chelsea fan?

He is.
I remember when I joined up (this time around) and got absolutely slated on here for refering to Tottenham as "the Yids". It was like I had done a JT.

Thing is, I know a lot of Spurs fan, as I've said my boss is a season ticket holder down there and is Jewish, and that's how they all refer to themselves, so it was something I didn't think about at the time. It's certainly not used in the way these clowns are claiming, and if it was surely someone would have complained long ago and Tottenham (including the Jewish board members they've had over the years) would have clamped down on it?

But it's like the white guy using the word 'nigger' to his black friends. You don't go up to a group of your black mates and say "Alright niggers," and then when they take offence, say "but you use it all the time!" It doesn't work that way.
I just cannot believe that the Society are making more fuss about this than they are about the hissing. I'm loathe to accuse them of headline-seeking in a bid to raise their profile but, as a Society concerned with black people, why on earth are they getting involved in Jewish affairs? And David Baddiel may well be Jewish, but he's an Arsenal fan; enough said.

These are a bunch of so-called lawyers, who've reported a racist incident based on what they saw on Sky Sports News (as this Peter idiot admitted).

It's a taste of tv and publicity they had, and now crave. Next they'll go after Staples for selling white paper.
He is.

But it's like the white guy using the word 'nigger' to his black friends. You don't go up to a group of your black mates and say "Alright niggers," and then when they take offence, say "but you use it all the time!" It doesn't work that way.

Nah, non Afro American hip hoppers sometimes refer to each other as 'niggas'. In that context it simply means 'brother'. The Spurs thing is similar.
'Yid Army' is surely just a case of reclaiming the word?
Spud Army Spud Army Spud Army.

Consider it reclaimed.
These are a bunch of so-called lawyers, who've reported a racist incident based on what they saw on Sky Sports News (as this Peter idiot admitted).

It's a taste of tv and publicity they had, and now crave. Next they'll go after Staples for selling white paper.

Whether it's 'so-called' black lawyers, or 'so-called' black policemen, their societies are racist and they should be proscribed.
He is.

But it's like the white guy using the word 'nigger' to his black friends. You don't go up to a group of your black mates and say "Alright niggers," and then when they take offence, say "but you use it all the time!" It doesn't work that way.

It's not the same thing at all. Even if it were, who are you to tell everyone what you believe is wrong, even though you don't know the meaning behind it?

And no, I don't call my black mates 'nigger', but then they don't either. I laugh when my boss shouts yid army to his mates, and I might make a "that's why your a yid" joke when he tries to short change me. He laughs, I laugh and we both know I'm not being racist or predjudiced or anything. But apparently, I am and should be censored?

Again, if a Jewish football fan wants to sing these songs, then so what. If another is really offended then they can do something about it. At least they'd be informed on the matter though.
Indeed. Redlambs started it.

Started what? Calling them so-called lawyers?

Since they don't seem to understand the concept of proof, I stand by that. It probably is some dude in an office just trying to get on tv. It certainly doesn't look too professional going by the press releases and their web site.
These are a bunch of so-called lawyers, who've reported a racist incident based on what they saw on Sky Sports News (as this Peter idiot admitted).

It's a taste of tv and publicity they had, and now crave. Next they'll go after Staples for selling white paper.

Leeds fans chant "white army"....suppose that's got to stop now :rolleyes:

I guess these lawyers have got the publicity they were after.
Started what? Calling them so-called lawyers?

Since they don't seem to understand the concept of proof, I stand by that. It probably is some dude in an office just trying to get on tv. It certainly doesn't look too professional going by the press releases and their web site.

Just for the record I do think the guy's a complete idiot and a racist to boot. I could detect his lawyer training though, even if he obviously wasn't good at it.
Their actions make them look like morons and give a bad name to the fight against racism.I'm black but these sort of groups who are just reactionary make me sick
I don't agree that the Society of Black Lawyers is an inherently racist organisation. Minority groups are perfectly entitled to form groups/unions to protect their interests/further their causes.

Right, now I get it. Its ok to be a member of a discriminatory organization as long as you are part of a minority group, but if you arent then it is racist. Right, so , not a double standard at all then. :rolleyes:

Example: National black police association.
The National Black Police Association (NBPA) is a police support organisation, founded in November 1999, which seeks to improve the working environment of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff in UK police forces, to enhance racial harmony and the quality of service to all communities of the United Kingdom.

Membership of the NBPA is "not based on colour" but is restricted to officers of "African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin"
I bet the members of this 'society' all a solicitors at shite like Rapid / Lawyers4U etc.

No self-respecting lawyer (solicitor/barrister) would be associated with these clowns.


That's up there with "Microsoft Works" as far as oxymorons go.
Just for the record I do think the guy's a complete idiot and a racist to boot. I could detect his lawyer training though, even if he obviously wasn't good at it.

Of course, I wan't suggesting he isn't trained as a lawyer, the so-called aspect was a jibe at the fact he's obviously an idiot. Then again, you can get law degrees anyway around the world can you not? His is probably an internet one.

Again, allegedly.
Oh and it's interesting how this isn't talked about as wasting police time, which is a punishable offence. This 'society' have seen something on tv and phoned the police. If anyone else did that, say cause we saw a guy called Phil punch a guy called Ian on some shit soap, then I don't think they'd take too kindly to that.

But hey, maybe I should contact the police and complain and as a white, non-lawyer, I'm excluded from this society of theirs based on the colour of my skin and the fact I have a soul.
They should take all rappers to court for using the N word. Then I'll take them seriously!
Leeds fans chant "white army"....suppose that's got to stop now :rolleyes:

I guess these lawyers have got the publicity they were after.

Indeed they have. Luckily, most people seem to be laughing at them, though I don't find it funny myself. People like this claim to speak up for a minority group, yet what's being a black lawyer got to do with any of these issues?

This isn't one of those "if this was a white group ,imagine the uproar! Blah blah" posts, but do imagine a white lawyer society going round waving arms at every little thing that isn't even proven, or an issue, and what would happen? It's a worrying state of affairs, not that this group exists as I'm all for their right to, but what they claim to stand for and what they are actually doing. If people like this had their way, it'd be considered racist to even question their motives, which I'm sure is how some people think anyway.
What have the Society of White Lawyers had to say about this ?

This SBL are seriously intent on :

a) wasting Police time

b) getting as much attention as possible

c) stirring up trouble within Football

looking at the bigger picture, who is interested about a set of fans who refer to themselves as the representing the Jewish, is it any different than Scotland fans referring themselves as the Tartan Army. is that offensive ? No more than the cricket fans referring to themselves as "Barmy".......

If there were Jewish people offended by the "Yid Army" songs, I'm sure we'd have heard about it, after all, there has always been a strong Jewish representation at Spurs, particularly in the boardroom....... Of course, references by other supporters to the holocaust is an entirely different matter.
This isn't one of those "if this was a white group ,imagine the uproar! Blah blah" posts, but do imagine a white lawyer society going round waving arms at every little thing that isn't even proven, or an issue, and what would happen? It's a worrying state of affairs, not that this group exists as I'm all for their right to, but what they claim to stand for and what they are actually doing. If people like this had their way, it'd be considered racist to even question their motives, which I'm sure is how some people think anyway.

You keep saying that you aren't making one of those posts but then you do just that.
I may ask one of my "learned" friends to apply to join the SBL, he's not black, but it would be interesting to see how his application was treated...........
I knew someone would half read that and pipe up. Read what I wrote again.

I've read the entire post along with several others you've made in this thread, the gist of which seems to be that it's unfair for minorities to have groups based on race because when white people do it they are called racists.

Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken but that's what I take away from your posts in this thread.
I've read the entire post along with several others you've made in this thread, the gist of which seems to be that it's unfair for minorities to have groups based on race because when white people do it they are called racists.

Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken but that's what I take away from your posts in this thread.

That's not my general stance, at all. I have no problem at all with these groups, nor do I expect or care whether or not there's a white equivalent. That point was different to the usual case, because I'm not arguing their existance, more their motives.

My point all along is this lot do exist, as a society for black lawyers. Why then are they geting involved in affairs that are nothing to do with them, they have no proof of and don't understand? That's why I'm ridiculing this one particular group. Don't be so quick to tar with a particular brush.