Social Media Justice: A "Karen" faces consequences for threatening a Black man with cops

Personally I think she should go to jail to spend time for trying to fake justice or some shit aswell as promoting racist behaviours. The guy should maybe get questioned to why he was recording (was it the dog? The woman) & be let go or fined accordingly
She tried to put that man in a situation which very realistically could've ended in him losing his life or freedom and she did it with intent

Absolutely disgusting.
I'm glad she got sacked, feck her

The world doesn't owe you a proportional response if you act like a dick

I wouldn't call this a "Karen" though, she's just a racist
From the video, he pulled out his phone before she starting making the phone call. From his own account, she wasn't saying anything threatening to him at that point, so no he didn't have any of those reasons to pull out his phone.
You ignored the part about “if she tried to kill him”. She might be less likely to shoot him if she’s on camera.

But you clearly don’t get it, so I’m probably wasting my time here.

Mr. Cooper's account of the undercard for clarity.
Ffs... how is it so hard to see why a black man would film an encounter where he asks a white person in the US to do something right now?

I dont want anything wrong to happen to him. I want the woman to go to Jail and the man only to be questioned so the police look like they have questioned both sides. I just dont understand why he was pre - recording, was it because of a dog? Or because he already knew she was prone to that type of fake calling & racism? I wasnt following the thread or the OP properly.
I dont want anything wrong to happen to him. I want the woman to go to Jail and the man only to be questioned so the police look like they have questioned both sides. I just dont understand why he was pre - recording, was it because of a dog? Or because he already knew she was prone to that type of fake calling & racism? I wasnt following the thread or the OP properly.
Look below...

Mr. Cooper's account of the undercard for clarity.
Also consider the cultural context of the modern United States
Personally I think she should go to jail to spend time for trying to fake justice or some shit aswell as promoting racist behaviours. The guy should maybe get questioned to why he was recording (was it the dog? The woman) & be let go or fined accordingly
Why should he be questioned? I don’t understand how people still make this mistake about the legality of recording someone in a public place.

You can film whoever the feck you want in a public place. You do not need permission and it is not an offence. Of course it can be intrusive at times and a lot of people do it unnecessarily but it still isn’t an offence.


You are so way off the mark here. The tone of your post seems to suggest he is the wrong party in this instance. Your initial post in itself is a strange take on that situation and you were rightly called out on it.

Reading the background it seems the male is a regular at that spot for bird watching and people have been letting their dogs off their leash and they’ve been chewing up the ground. He’s obviously tried to advise people on it and they haven’t listened.

He’s within his rights to record and considering he’s in a country where they make a massive thing about their right to own fecking guns, recording from a phone seems rather minute.
He doesn’t even go anywhere near her.
And it is definitely okay to film someone who hasn’t got a dog on a leash, especially if you’re in the middle of a disagreement with said person. Unleashed Dog attacks on humans are a very regular occurrence.

It is very very strange that a person can watch that video, digest it and their first reaction is to become outraged at the male and make a thing about him recording. I agree that people are too quick to get their phone out in certain situations (I hate this more than anyone because I see people do it at work inappropriately all the time) but in this scenario for you to watch that video and that be what you take offence to is very very strange.
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I dont want anything wrong to happen to him. I want the woman to go to Jail and the man only to be questioned so the police look like they have questioned both sides. I just dont understand why he was pre - recording, was it because of a dog? Or because he already knew she was prone to that type of fake calling & racism? I wasnt following the thread or the OP properly.
He was filming because Karens and Kyles like her have been pulling stunts like this. He is an avid birdwatcher and that part of the park is protected so he documents them.

Mr. Cooper's account of the undercard for clarity.

The bottom half of that account is weird as feck.

I don't understand the you won't like what I do, and then pulling out a bag of treats. I'd expect some form of harm to come to my dog if someone said something like that, and it's pretty obvious that wasn't actually his intention, but I think I'd take that the wrong way myself.

The whole African American part is racist as shit and I'm glad she's been fired though. Me and my friends get shit like this all the time, but to a lesser extent obviously.
Yeah, that is a stupid way to word it.

"I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it. Come here, puppy!"

I'm not gonna ring the cops and cry but I'm gonna think this guy is a weird cnut.
Yeah, that is a stupid way to word it.

"I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it. Come here, puppy!"

I'm not gonna ring the cops and cry but I'm gonna think this guy is a weird cnut.

Yeah, it wouldn't have got to that point for myself as I'd have just put the dog on the lead, but if I saw the incident I'd have a problem with what he said I think.
The bottom half of that account is weird as feck.

I don't understand the you won't like what I do, and then pulling out a bag of treats. I'd expect some form of harm to come to my dog if someone said something like that, and it's pretty obvious that wasn't actually his intention, but I think I'd take that the wrong way myself.

The whole African American part is racist as shit and I'm glad she's been fired though. Me and my friends get shit like this all the time, but to a lesser extent obviously.

It seems a bit odd but off leash scofflaws typically like to believe they have supreme control over their free range animal. The reality is that level of obedience is rare. You have to work quite hard to achieve and maintain it and Amy clearly doesn't have it.

And although proper etiquette demands that one asks permission before treating a dog that isn't under their immediate care, it's a clever way of demonstrating to a handler that the potency of that control is not what they believe it to be.

Mr. Cooper's account of the undercard for clarity.

I mean, based on that she doesn't get a pass at all but you can see why she freaked out.

The wording does sound like a threat even if his intentions were innocuous. 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it' and then calls the dog... Yikes.

I'm not sure how isolated they were in the park but if they were away from other people she might well have been bricking it. He seems much bigger than she is so pretty much defenseless.. Even if from the safety of my home he seems like a nice fellow and she looks a prick.

Clearly the use of his race to try threaten him and then escalate to the police is unacceptable, racist and a massive error in judgement that deserves consequences but I accept that she likely felt legitimately threatened if his account is accurate.
I mean, based on that she doesn't get a pass at all but you can see why she freaked out.

The wording does sound like a threat even if his intentions were innocuous. 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it' and then calls the dog... Yikes.

I'm not sure how isolated they were in the park but if they were away from other people she might well have been bricking it. He seems much bigger than she is so pretty much defenseless.. Even if from the safety of my home he seems like a nice fellow and she looks a prick.

Clearly the use of his race to try threaten him and then escalate to the police is unacceptable, racist and a massive error in judgement that deserves consequences but I accept that she likely felt legitimately threatened if his account is accurate.

I don't think this is even a story if she just said get away from me or i'm calling the cops. The part that simply takes it over the edge is that she knowingly tells him that she will mention his race to the cops. Like it's a built in threat of "you know what will happen if the cops realise you're black".

If she simply keeps it as "get away or i'm calling cops" and begins to walk away, at worst she's mocked online as a "Karen". But she 100% knew what she was saying in that threat.
I mean, based on that she doesn't get a pass at all but you can see why she freaked out.

The wording does sound like a threat even if his intentions were innocuous. 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it' and then calls the dog... Yikes.

I'm not sure how isolated they were in the park but if they were away from other people she might well have been bricking it. He seems much bigger than she is so pretty much defenseless.. Even if from the safety of my home he seems like a nice fellow and she looks a prick.

Clearly the use of his race to try threaten him and then escalate to the police is unacceptable, racist and a massive error in judgement that deserves consequences but I accept that she likely felt legitimately threatened if his account is accurate.

But all avoided if she just puts the dog on a lead.

Also, "DONT YOU TOUCH MY DOG!" sounds more like someone in fight mode not flight.

Finally, I wouldn't call it an error in judgment on her part. She knew full well what she was doing, having told Mr. Cooper of her plan. She gambled and lost, deservedly so.
People who want the woman to go to jail, and her life to be shattered do realise that their idea of rightful consequences disproportionally affect people of colour? They are, by context, disguised right wing talking point.
I mean, based on that she doesn't get a pass at all but you can see why she freaked out.

The wording does sound like a threat even if his intentions were innocuous. 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it' and then calls the dog... Yikes.

I'm not sure how isolated they were in the park but if they were away from other people she might well have been bricking it. He seems much bigger than she is so pretty much defenseless.. Even if from the safety of my home he seems like a nice fellow and she looks a prick.

Clearly the use of his race to try threaten him and then escalate to the police is unacceptable, racist and a massive error in judgement that deserves consequences but I accept that she likely felt legitimately threatened if his account is accurate.

Yeah, I can see why she would freak out there. I'd probably have freaked out as well. As you said, it's no excuse for the racism.
But all avoided if she just puts the dog on a lead.

Also, "DONT YOU TOUCH MY DOG!" sounds more like someone in fight mode not flight.

Finally, I wouldn't call it an error in judgment on her part. She knew full well what she was doing, having told Mr. Cooper of her plan. She gambled and lost, deservedly so.

Yeah he was completely right to call her out but he should have exercised better judgement before calling the dog over. Involving yourself with strangers is always going to carry risks, and escalating interactions even when you are right is not always the wisest decision.

If someone threatens your dog (at least to your perception of the events) then gets dog treats out to beckon the dog to them in what planet does she not become aggressive?

I agree she knew that race was a relevant factor when both threatening to involve the police (to intimidate him into leaving her and the dog alone) and when calling the police (to try and get an urgent response). Clearly she decided to use the understood perceived racism of the police to try and leaverage the situation- how is that not an error in judgement (as well as a lack of morality)?

Obviously she is suffering the consequences of her actions now. I am just trying to point out that under the circumstances a lot of people would have freaked out and not exactly come across well if posted on social media.

She doesn't get a pass at all for the racism (or breaking the rules in the first instance) but the freak out looks to be brought on by the fellows perceived threat.
There’s a lot of ‘she’s done wrong but. . .’ going on here. Victim blame at its finest.

Had she had her dog on a lead [as are the rules] then the interaction would have been totally unnecessary;. Her reaction was one of entitlement, she didn’t like being told what to do & her bigotry was her first defence.
Here is the story all the rage on social media today -

Video in question:

The women is definitely out of order but in super quick time all of her info was doxxed online including personal social media accounts, employment info and even her dog's instagram account. Subsequently she has been put on admin leave by her company and her dog that she adopted few weeks ago has also been taken back.

People are openly are rooting for her life to be ruined due to this incident which I think is a bit much despite her egregious actions.

Asshat deserves to be fired. She even more so deserves to have the dog taken back from her.
Why the feck was the guy filming her in the first place? Isn't that an invasion of privacy? Filming someone for walking their dog without a leash? Seriously? It seems everyone wants to be a justice warrior and hound people for breaking a rule, no matter how tiny it is.
Does the pun at the end of this post give away that this is a WUM or are you serious? I really can’t tell, hopefully the former?
This whole thing is suspicious to me

Why is he in the park?

Why does he have a phone?

Why is he talking to people?
The ones that say that he was just offering a treat, the thing that I would think if a stranger would say: "I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it. Come here, puppy!" is that he is giving a treat with poison.

Saying that, if I would be her, I would leash my dog in the first place and nothing wold happen. If I would be her, I would not be a racist cnut and I would not call the police in that way when she clearly doesn't feel much threatened when she confronted him

She deserve the backlash and consequences and is a good example for other people than her that will think twice
There’s a lot of ‘she’s done wrong but. . .’ going on here. Victim blame at its finest.

Had she had her dog on a lead [as are the rules] then the interaction would have been totally unnecessary;. Her reaction was one of entitlement, she didn’t like being told what to do & her bigotry was her first defence.

According to HIS account they were having what reads as a relatively reasonable conversion (one which he was entirely in the right) until he dropped the line 'I'm going to do what I want to do and you're not going to like it' then called her dog to him with treats...

I'm not shocked she called the police for help and neither should he if thought about it. A lot of women who were on their own with a stranger in a park after feeling threatened. So actually saying something that sounds like a threat is going to cause problems. The guy seems like a nice man so I genuinely think he was oblivious to her perception of the situation and possibly still is.

Again, not an excuse for her to jump to using race - yes she knows that it will be perceived as adding to the urgency to her call to the police. However if you don't think he escalated things with his actions and caused her to freak out and involve the police I'm not sure you care to understand the nuances.

On the 'victim blaming' point, in the UK we have a concept of split liability so an accident may be one persons fault or both in any apportionment. It's way too simplistic to always say one person is 100% right and the other 100% wrong. In this incident the public interest is entirely in the dog being off the leash (admittedly a local issue) and using the police to manage the situation. Which now more information has come out we can see that he contributed to her need for assistance, which is legitimate given the perceived threat, though clearly she used his race both as a means to intimidate him and try to create urgency with the police which is both clear racism and criticism and social consequences are warranted for that.

I would just suggest to every man to be careful approaching women on their own in a park, especially if you end up going some weird stuff like saying 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it'.

Mr. Cooper's account of the undercard for clarity.
Her actions after the above exchange are pathetic and she deserves to do jailtime for attempting to get him into police trouble using race as a bait. Although it's minor in comparison, his actions also appear unnecessary. Who says 'im going to do what I want, you won't like it, come here puppy'?!
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According to HIS account they were having what reads as a relatively reasonable conversion (one which he was entirely in the right) until he dropped the line 'I'm going to do what I want to do and you're not going to like it' then called her dog to him with treats...

I'm not shocked she called the police for help and neither should he if thought about it. A lot of women who were on their own with a stranger in a park after feeling threatened. So actually saying something that sounds like a threat is going to cause problems. The guy seems like a nice man so I genuinely think he was oblivious to her perception of the situation and possibly still is.

Again, not an excuse for her to jump to using race - yes she knows that it will be perceived as adding to the urgency to her call to the police. However if you don't think he escalated things with his actions and caused her to freak out and involve the police I'm not sure you care to understand the nuances.

On the 'victim blaming' point, in the UK we have a concept of split liability so an accident may be one persons fault or both in any apportionment. It's way too simplistic to always say one person is 100% right and the other 100% wrong. In this incident the public interest is entirely in the dog being off the leash (admittedly a local issue) and using the police to manage the situation. Which now more information has come out we can see that he contributed to her need for assistance, which is legitimate given the perceived threat, though clearly she used his race both as a means to intimidate him and try to create urgency with the police which is both clear racism and criticism and social consequences are warranted for that.

I would just suggest to every man to be careful approaching women on their own in a park, especially if you end up going some weird stuff like saying 'I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to like it'.
So giving someone's dog a treat is now a threat?
The ones that say that he was just offering a treat, the thing that I would think if a stranger would say: "I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it. Come here, puppy!" is that he is giving a treat with poison.

Saying that, if I would be her, I would leash my dog in the first place and nothing wold happen. If I would be her, I would not be a racist cnut and I would not call the police in that way when she clearly doesn't feel much threatened when she confronted him

She deserve the backlash and consequences and is a good example for other people than her that will think twice
I agree with the first paragraph, but then she should have rang the cops and said there's a man trying to poisin my dog if thats what went through he head.

Which as we know is nothing like she did say.

She deserves everything she gets
So giving someone's dog a treat is now a threat?
How he worded the whole thing was odd. But all she had to do was leash the dog and go the other direction if she truly thought he was threatening her dog
It's slightly odd behaviour from him in terms of the dog treats, but appalling behaviour from her. AS a poster above mentioned if she was worried about the dog that's what she should have said to the police, rather than the racist crap she came up with instead.

I am glad shes been suspended from her job, I wouldn't want someone capable of that kind of behaviour as a colleague.

I will never believe in doxing though or social media based justice. Her employer has dealt with it, I would expect the police to charge her with racial harrassment and wasting police time. But having people expose her email, address, phone number etc online is wrong and always will be regardless of what she does. It smacks of vigilantism.