Social Media Justice: A "Karen" faces consequences for threatening a Black man with cops

Everyone in this video is wrong for different reasons, it's one of the rare cases where we don't have to pick a side. Why some of you want to do it and pick the couple is a mystery.

Cause I feel sympathy for the couple, they got their live destroyed because of this mother/daughter being a pain the arse and people are actually blaming them. I have no sympathy for the other white couple that brandishes their guns on the trespassing protester and wouldn't bat an eyelid if they're being thrown the book. It's the same feeling I feel towards George Floyd, people should not be treated like that.

It's illogical to argue over the internet over something that doesn't have anything to do with us personally, but I guess that's also the reason why people all over the world marching for BLM. Because they feel compelled to speak out. In this instance I feel the urge to defend the white couple. It's actually tiring to having to defend your positions over the internet, especially when your view are bit off from the consensus. But hey, you gotta speak out for something you believe, if you happened to disagree let's just do so in a good manner.

If I'm in America right now, I'd march for BLM, but on the same issue if the couples got jailed, I'd too march for them.
Cause I feel sympathy for the couple, they got their live destroyed because of this mother/daughter being a pain the arse and people are actually blaming them. I have no sympathy for the other white couple that brandishes their guns on the trespassing protester and wouldn't bat an eyelid if they're being thrown the book. It's the same feeling I feel towards George Floyd, people should not be treated like that.

It's illogical to argue over the internet over something that doesn't have anything to do with us personally, but I guess that's also the reason why people all over the world marching for BLM. Because they feel compelled to speak out. In this instance I feel the urge to defend the white couple. It's actually tiring to having to defend your positions over the internet, especially when your view are bit off from the consensus. But hey, you gotta speak out for something you believe, if you happened to disagree let's just do so in a good manner.

If I'm in America right now, I'd march for BLM, but on the same issue if the couples got jailed, I'd too march for them.

And you exposed why you fail to understand why some of us are able to point to what the couple did wrong, morally and legally, because you added affect in your reading of the situation and feel sympathy for one side. I feel empathy during the first part, I would understand if a physical altercation started but when they get into the car, it's a different situation and their actions are wrong.
The original bump happened outside/at the door to the Chipotle. The parking lot incident/bump happened because the black family followed the white couple demanding an apology and basically blocked their van from leaving.
That’s the story I’ve read.
The video only alludes to it because the video begins in the parking lot.
Sounds like someone should have de-escalated it before it got out to the parking lot.

:lol: shit. It's been hard for me to understand how this one got so crazy. So it seems this is right out of an episode of Jerry Springer: one "you're disrespecting me!!!" and all hell breaks loose. America.
And you exposed why you fail to understand why some of us are able to point to what the couple did wrong, morally and legally, because you added affect in your reading of the situation and feel sympathy for one side. I feel empathy during the first part, I would understand if a physical altercation started but when they get into the car, it's a different situation and their actions are wrong.
i really didn’t want to get involved in this but just one observation here. Yes they got in the car to drive off and the daughter walked away, that would have been done. The mother looked like she made a point of going behind the car to stop them going or getting hit or escalating it again imo. Once the car was hit, the driver of the car Did unfortunately have to get out again to check what had happened. They didn’t just get in the car and then get out again with guns to escalate.

Im not defending them brandishing guns in the slightest mind
:lol: shit. It's been hard for me to understand how this one got so crazy. So it seems this is right out of an episode of Jerry Springer: one "you're disrespecting me!!!" and all hell breaks loose. America.
:lol: I know.
Some people are just bat shit crazy. It doesn't take much to set them off.
We used to have a neighbour that would do stuff like this - it's crazy, embarrassing - all of that. And she wanted respect? :lol:
i really didn’t want to get involved in this but just one observation here. Yes they got in the car to drive off and the daughter walked away, that would have been done. The mother looked like she made a point of going behind the car to stop them going or getting hit or escalating it again imo. Once the car was hit, the driver of the car Did unfortunately have to get out again to check what had happened. They didn’t just get in the car and then get out again with guns to escalate.

Im not defending them brandishing guns in the slightest mind

I'm not sure if you quoted the correct post but that's not what happened, not only he doesn't even look at his car other than maybe a glance and he never cares about the girl well being. They went out to threaten them and make them back off, you are adding things that may have crossed your mind but aren't shown by their actions.
That's why I don't pick sides, they all acted in the weirdest ways, starting with the girl going behind the car but at a place where the car is totally out of the parking space and can just leave. There is nothing rational in that interaction.
It is an old ass post but in response to your point..

In the previous Karen incident the guy had a long confrontation with the hysterical woman without mentioning her racially abusing him once, despite repeatedly crying about her flipping him off dozens of times. But in interactions with other people he was quick to claim she racially abused him (while she was out of earshot no less). That is partly why the whole incident stank and then of course we later find out that Karlos Dillard had made seeking out and harassing white would-be Karens into a sort of sport so he could flog t shirts on his instagram.

It has the same burden of proof as anything else.
Hold up, the posts around the time of yours state that there are witnesses to her starting the altercation am I right? If so, what does his apparent past of instigating Karen's for his T-Shirt line have to do with anything?

Either she said something racist, or she didn't. Seems like we don't know so you can choose to believe what you like, but the same way you see his claims of racism as suspect is the same way I see her lack of defence against said claims, she's a Karen regardless...
:lol: I know.
Some people are just bat shit crazy. It doesn't take much to set them off.
We used to have a neighbour that would do stuff like this - it's crazy, embarrassing - all of that. And she wanted respect? :lol:

The phrase of "respect needs to be earned" seems to be very foreign to some people.

I'm not sure if you quoted the correct post but that's not what happened, not only he doesn't even look at his car other than maybe a glance and he never cares about the girl well being. They went out to threaten them and make them back off, you are adding things that may have crossed your mind but aren't shown by their actions.
That's why I don't pick sides, they all acted in the weirdest ways, starting with the girl going behind the car but at a place where the car is totally out of the parking space and can just leave. There is nothing rational in that interaction.
I did mean to quote you but fair enough, I can see that view. I just thought the man and woman were on their way and were provoked into getting back out, fair enough they could have ignored it again
Cause I feel sympathy for the couple, they got their live destroyed because of this mother/daughter being a pain the arse and people are actually blaming them. I have no sympathy for the other white couple that brandishes their guns on the trespassing protester and wouldn't bat an eyelid if they're being thrown the book. It's the same feeling I feel towards George Floyd, people should not be treated like that.

It's illogical to argue over the internet over something that doesn't have anything to do with us personally, but I guess that's also the reason why people all over the world marching for BLM. Because they feel compelled to speak out. In this instance I feel the urge to defend the white couple. It's actually tiring to having to defend your positions over the internet, especially when your view are bit off from the consensus. But hey, you gotta speak out for something you believe, if you happened to disagree let's just do so in a good manner.

If I'm in America right now, I'd march for BLM, but on the same issue if the couples got jailed, I'd too march for them.
Oh, so they pulled loaded weapons on someone because they were a pain in the arse. Unless someone's life is endangered from an extreme act of violence why pull a gun? Don't feel sorry for a cnut because they don't have it in them to verbally argue with another cnut. People that pull guns in situations like these should never be allowed own a firearm. You fecking deal with it like the millions of other people everyday who have to put up with shit. Pulling a gun makes you a coward.
This is a situation where those people deserve charges and as for his job, tough shit, go join a fecking militia with the other weak minded cowards. As for the other instigators, well I hope their family members and friends tell them how lucky they were to walk away from that. Could have gone down hill very fast because you can't shut your fecking mouth.
I did mean to quote you but fair enough, I can see that view. I just thought the man and woman were on their way and were provoked into getting back out, fair enough they could have ignored it again

I agree with that part, they were provoked into getting back out and they fell for it. They could also have left the vicinity but remain in an other area of the parking lot, check the car and call the cops.
Oh, so they pulled loaded weapons on someone because they were a pain in the arse. Unless someone's life is endangered from an extreme act of violence why pull a gun? Don't feel sorry for a cnut because they don't have it in them to verbally argue with another cnut. People that pull guns in situations like these should never be allowed own a firearm. You fecking deal with it like the millions of other people everyday who have to put up with shit. Pulling a gun makes you a coward.
This is a situation where those people deserve charges and as for his job, tough shit, go join a fecking militia with the other weak minded cowards. As for the other instigators, well I hope their family members and friends tell them how lucky they were to walk away from that. Could have gone down hill very fast because you can't shut your fecking mouth.

So I take it you have it in you to verbally argue with another cnut any time of the day?
Oh, so they pulled loaded weapons on someone because they were a pain in the arse. Unless someone's life is endangered from an extreme act of violence why pull a gun? Don't feel sorry for a cnut because they don't have it in them to verbally argue with another cnut. People that pull guns in situations like these should never be allowed own a firearm. You fecking deal with it like the millions of other people everyday who have to put up with shit. Pulling a gun makes you a coward.
This is a situation where those people deserve charges and as for his job, tough shit, go join a fecking militia with the other weak minded cowards. As for the other instigators, well I hope their family members and friends tell them how lucky they were to walk away from that. Could have gone down hill very fast because you can't shut your fecking mouth.
Hold up, the posts around the time of yours state that there are witnesses to her starting the altercation am I right? If so, what does his apparent past of instigating Karen's for his T-Shirt line have to do with anything?

Either she said something racist, or she didn't. Seems like we don't know so you can choose to believe what you like, but the same way you see his claims of racism as suspect is the same way I see her lack of defence against said claims, she's a Karen regardless...
Just go to the source.

Karlos [the man recording] is an idiot & probably equally unhinged but watch people corroborate parts of his story throughout the 2nd slide.

The man is an antagonist but the woman [according to eye witnesses] was an aggressor at some point of the confrontation. People who were actually there, not some people across the Atlantic behind their keyboards, say she started the confrontation so don’t waste your time debating it with ITKs who refuse to listen/see what’s on camera.
:lol: shit. It's been hard for me to understand how this one got so crazy. So it seems this is right out of an episode of Jerry Springer: one "you're disrespecting me!!!" and all hell breaks loose. America.

Mama bear overreacting to her 15 year old daughter overreacting to accidentally getting bumped into by a pregnant woman. Then the couple overreacting to verbal barrage, accusations and harassment from mama bear and 15 year old once they perceived that they weren't being allowed to leave in their car.

All very stupid. At least the 15 year old has age as an excuse, though she doesn't come across well even for her age.
The phrase of "respect needs to be earned" seems to be very foreign to some people.

:lol: I used to see incidents like that all the time (without the guns).
My daughter spent last summer in the city (San Fran) and was amazed at the aggro she witnessed.
She's had a sheltered life, of sorts, so it's good practice for when she moves to downtown Chicago in late August. It'll have (hopefully) helped her cope better with the screaming idiots.
I agree with that part, they were provoked into getting back out and they fell for it. They could also have left the vicinity but remain in an other area of the parking lot, check the car and call the cops.
Just go to the source.

Karlos [the man recording] is an idiot & probably equally unhinged but watch people corroborate parts of his story throughout the 2nd slide.

The man is an antagonist but the woman [according to eye witnesses] was an aggressor at some point of the confrontation. People who were actually there, not some people across the Atlantic behind their keyboards, say she started the confrontation so don’t waste your time debating it with ITKs who refuse to listen/see what’s on camera.

Well... thats that then. The video is supercringe though :nervous:
Well... thats that then. The video is supercringe though :nervous:
The man is an idiot but no one has debated that. Reflecting back there were a number of posters who simply refused to believe the testimony of people who were actually there & wanted to position the lady purely as a victim.

She’s obviously unstable & on the video being hounded but off camera multiple people saw her acting differently.

Too many people enter this thread with a need for one person to be right whilst the other wrong - both people in that video are idiots.
If I yelled at an Irish, getting close to their face spewing saliva all over them in times of Corona, you'd think I'd get away with just verbal fight? And once I start banging on your car you'd go down, and continue Verbal fight round 2?
You are making a fool out of yourself here.

I don’t own a firearm and never will, but even I know the #1 rule that if you don’t intend to shoot, you don’t point it at another person. In this case, an unarmed person.

Being confronted by idiocy is no excuse for being an idiot yourself. The moment that couple brandished their weapons to threaten the black women, they broke the law and deserve every consequences coming their way. You can feel sorry for them, but their actions were indefensible. Leaving, staying in the car and call the police were all perfectly reasonable options available to them, rather than being macho ammosexual pieces of shit.
You are making a fool out of yourself here.

I don’t own a firearm and never will, but even I know the #1 rule that if you don’t intend to shoot, you don’t point it at another person. In this case, an unarmed person.

Being confronted by idiocy is no excuse for being an idiot yourself. The moment that couple brandished their weapons to threaten the black women, they broke the law and deserve every consequences coming their way. You can feel sorry for them, but their actions were indefensible. Leaving, staying in the car and call the police were all perfectly reasonable options available to them, rather than being macho ammosexual pieces of shit.

This is not being macho ammosexual, this is asking for a human being to not having emotion and acting based 100% on logic, and when they fail doing so because they're human being, they're being labelled as idiot.

You're asking a human being to stand down, even when being shouted by someone he barely knows knows, even if someone's banging on his car and against his pregnant wife.

You're all must be zen master here.
This is not being macho ammosexual, this is asking for a human being to not having emotion and acting based 100% on logic, and when they fail doing so because they're human being, they're being labelled as idiot.

You're asking a human being to stand down, even when being shouted by someone he barely knows knows, even if someone's banging on his car and against his pregnant wife.

You're all must be zen master here.

You don’t have to be a zen master to stay inside the car, dial 911 or whatever the feck it is and wait for 10 min.

You don’t have to be a zen master to tell your wife to stay put, go out and have a word with two women, without drawing your weapon.

Failing all that, you can just, leave, you know? They were not blocked in. There are drunkard, methheads or just plain babbling racist assholes on the street, on public transport all the time. Leaving has always been a legit option if you don’t feel up to the confrontation. I have seen a train carriage full of people just stood up and left when an inebriated middle eastern guy was flailing and brandishing a pocket knife, which is 10 times more threatening than 2 loudmouth black women.

I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but for me from growing up in a working class slum in Vietnam, to wandering the alleys of Singapore seedier districts, to now in the suburb of Melbourne, I’ve seen zero need whatsoever to resort to the threat of violence when I was confronted with it, because it’s fecking stupid. Life is not a Hollywood blockbuster and you are not the hero.
Brandishing a firearm is illegal, even in shall issue states. People with carry permits should know this.
Not jumping into this discussion, but if its not legal to brandish it, whats the point of open carry states?

When can you brandish a gun?
Why weren't those protestors that were against the covid lockdown arrested?

Sorry i totally confused by this.
You don’t have to be a zen master to stay inside the car, dial 911 or whatever the feck it is and wait for 10 min.

You don’t have to be a zen master to tell your wife to stay put, go out and have a word with two women, without drawing your weapon.

Failing all that, you can just, leave, you know? They were not blocked in. There are drunkard, methheads or just plain babbling racist assholes on the street, on public transport all the time. Leaving has always been a legit option if you don’t feel up to the confrontation. I have seen a train carriage full of people just stood up and left when an inebriated middle eastern guy was flailing and brandishing a pocket knife, which is 10 times more threatening than 2 loudmouth black women.

I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but for me from growing up in a working class slum in Vietnam, to wandering the alleys of Singapore seedier districts, to now in the suburb of Melbourne, I’ve seen zero need whatsoever to resort to the threat of violence when I was confronted with it, because it’s fecking stupid. Life is not a Hollywood blockbuster and you are not the hero.

Don't kid me, you pull the same stunt in Singapore you'd be jailed or faced criminal charges at the very least.

I don't know about Vietnam, but try do that to Vietnamese born Australian let's see how long you last without getting smashed. Let see whether they'll simply chill out and walk away.

I studied in Brisbane mate, people got bashed in for much less. I don't know which utopia you'd live in, that sort of shit against a pregnant wife and his husband will get you in stitches in many parts of the world.

But hey, keep calm, whisper koombayah and it'll all will go away.

You can't even maintain being civil over the internet without resorting to calling them a racist assshole yet you have the moral high ground to expect those white couple to restraint themselves.
Don't kid me, you pull the same stunt in Singapore you'd be jailed or faced criminal charges at the very least.

I ran into Singaporean coppers multiple time in Kallang/Geylang, they had better things to do than jailing traffic aggro.

I don't know about Vietnam, but try do that to Vietnamese born Australian let's see how long you last without getting smashed. Let see whether they'll simply chill out and walk away.

I studied in Brisbane mate, people got bashed in for much less. I don't know which utopia you'd live in, that sort of shit against a pregnant wife and his husband will get you in stitches in many parts of the world.

And I don’t know what sort of Vietnamese born Australians you were acquainted with, but the ones I know sure don’t want to get into any type of public altercation. The most common advice on social media community is deescalate, walk away, take a picture, report to the police, things mature people do, you know, not squaring up and risk a charge of assault/battery and a lengthy court process,

You show your lovely color here when any reaction of yours is firmly on the side of meeting aggression with aggression, ‘many parts of the world’ indeed, just not the savoury parts. Imagine appealing to the lowest common denominator as if it’s some sort of point.
You can't even maintain being civil over the internet without resorting to calling them a racist assshole yet you have the moral high ground to expect those white couple to restraint themselves.

You should probably stop rage typing and read the post you are replying to properly. Show me where did I call that couple racist.
I ran into Singaporean coppers multiple time in Kallang/Geylang, they had better things to do than jailing traffic aggro.

And I don’t know what sort of Vietnamese born Australians you were acquainted with, but the ones I know sure don’t want to get into any type of public altercation. The most common advice on social media community is deescalate, walk away, take a picture, report to the police, things mature people do, you know, not squaring up and risk a charge of assault/battery and a lengthy court process,

You show your lovely color here when any reaction of yours is firmly on the side of meeting aggression with aggression, ‘many parts of the world’ indeed, just not the savoury parts. Imagine appealing to the lowest common denominator as if it’s some sort of point.

You should probably stop rage typing and read the post you are replying to properly. Show me where did I call that couple racist.

macho ammosexual pieces of shit.

plain babbling racist assholes

inebriated middle eastern

2 loudmouth black women

lowest common denominator

/rage typing
This is not being macho ammosexual, this is asking for a human being to not having emotion and acting based 100% on logic, and when they fail doing so because they're human being, they're being labelled as idiot.

You're asking a human being to stand down, even when being shouted by someone he barely knows knows, even if someone's banging on his car and against his pregnant wife.

You're all must be zen master here.

No, it's not asking a human being to not have emotions but ask a human being to not act on them. If you can't do that then you are not fit to carry deadly weapons because your thinking process is corrupted, you are liable to act irrationally which is dangerous for everyone around you and yourself. And you should absolutely stand down when you are shouted at by strangers, using physical violence or deadly weapons is far worse than being shouted at.
No, it's not asking a human being to not have emotions but ask a human being to not act on them. If you can't do that then you are not fit to carry deadly weapons because your thinking process is corrupted, you are liable to act irrationally which is dangerous for everyone around you and yourself. And you should absolutely stand down when you are shouted at by strangers, using physical violence or deadly weapons is far worse than being shouted at.

How is it fair that they fail your very high "prudent" standard, while the other parties walks away with a simple "idiots gonna be idiots"
How is it fair that they fail your very high "prudent" standard, while the other parties walks away with a simple "idiots gonna be idiots"

Because only one group brandished deadly weapons? It's a bit like asking me why someone currently driving a car should have less alcohol in his blood than a pedestrian.
Because only one group brandished deadly weapons? It's a bit like asking me why someone currently driving a car should have less alcohol in his blood than a pedestrian.
To be fair the woman threatening to kick his white ass or whatever she was gobbing had two deadly weapons on the end of her arms and looked as if she was itching to use them. It doesn’t have to be a gun to be deadly, plenty of people have died from being punched and failing.

sorry to quote you again in here, just coincidence.
To be fair the woman threatening to kick his white ass or whatever she was gobbing had two deadly weapons on the end of her arms and looked as if she was itching to use them. It doesn’t have to be a gun to be deadly, plenty of people have died from being punched and failing.

sorry to quote you again in here, just coincidence.

Which is why my previous post who was a general one and not limited to this case mentioned physical violence or deadly weapon. And we are not going to go into the analysis of imaginary events, both sides had the opportunity to punch each others but only one side brandished a deadly weapon, if we can't even agree on that fact then there is no point pursuing that conversation.
Because only one group brandished deadly weapons? It's a bit like asking me why someone currently driving a car should have less alcohol in his blood than a pedestrian.

They only brandished that because they're being threatened, something you can't accept because you held them to ridiculously high standard of having a 2020 vision on the level of threat at that moment.

You're in no position to judge the level of threat they're feeling from the safety behind the internet. Anyone who's ever been in an altercation would know that when people rushing towards you you dont act rationally. Your survival instict and anxiety increases.

Put it this way. If the threat is real would their action be justified? Say if the mother had a concealed knife? Or bricks? Or an mma artist? Or just a psychotic woman who wants to hit you.

So what makes their action right or wrong is the level of threat. Now their perception of level of threat is the grey area. We should argue on that if you want.

You're too quick to judge them irresponsible without even acknowledging that at that time they dont know better.

When you're approached by an angry woman banging at your door it's natural and acceptable to feel threatened, it's a glass wall, it's america where everyone is presumably armed, she's pregnant, this woman already created a scenario where her daughers gets hit by a car, they think it'll get ugly and preempted by drawin their gun to deescalate.
Which is why my previous post who was a general one and not limited to this case mentioned physical violence or deadly weapon. And we are not going to go into the analysis of imaginary events, both sides had the opportunity to punch each others but only one side brandished a deadly weapon, if we can't even agree on that fact then there is no point pursuing that conversation.
You said only one side had deadly weapons. I simply refuted that
They only brandished that because they're being threatened, something you can't accept because you held them to ridiculously high standard of having a 2020 vision on the level of threat at that moment.

You're in no position to judge the level of threat they're feeling from the safety behind the internet. Anyone who's ever been in an altercation would know that when people rushing towards you you dont act rationally. Your survival instict and anxiety increases.

Put it this way. If the threat is real would their action be justified? Say if the mother had a concealed knife? Or bricks? Or an mma artist? Or just a psychotic woman who wants to hit you.

So what makes their action right or wrong is the level of threat. Now their perception of level of threat is the grey area. We should argue on that if you want.

You're too quick to judge them irresponsible without even acknowledging that at that time they dont know better.

When you're approached by an angry woman banging at your door it's natural and acceptable to feel threatened, it's a glass wall, it's america where everyone is presumably armed, she's pregnant, this woman already created a scenario where her daughers gets hit by a car, they think it'll get ugly and preempted by drawin their gun to deescalate.

I'm going to address this part and leave the rest to yourself.

I can't judge the level of threat yet you can and you even go as far as have sympathy for people you don't know? And I have been in many altercations, I used to have a short fuse and I'm using my own experience, when you stop trying to be a tough for the sake of being tough it's fairly easy to be rational. I will also tell you something I'm pretty that you haven't been in many altercations because when you do, you realize how easy it is to really hurt someone or end up being hurt yourself, in a previous thread about fights, I'm pretty sure that I said to people to not fight, don't punch people and especially do not punch someone in the face because it hurts a lot, your hands won't like it and the fight is probably for a dumb reason.

But do what you want, try to act tough and pretend that you are all instincts and no brain.