Should I buy my lad a PS3 or an XBOX?

There is a simple answer, get both. I use my PS3 much more than my 360, basically using that for exclusives now.

I can kinda see Plan M's point about the 360 controller being better, but i'm kinda used to the PS3's controller seing as i've used since i first played Ape Escape 11 years ago!
The PS3 controller's too small. Unless you've got midget hands that is. It's a cracking console though, to be fair. . .but I've only bought one game for it - LBP. It all depends, if you want a BR then get the Playstation 3 otherwise the El Boxo for Live and gaming.
I can kinda see Plan M's point about the 360 controller being better, but i'm kinda used to the PS3's controller seing as i've used since i first played Ape Escape 11 years ago!

As you say, it's a matter of preference, but anyone that says that the DualShock is too small and difficult to use if you have big hands is yanking their todger, as I have big hands and have no problem using either - if anyone does, they are doing it wrong. It's a stupid argument to make a decision on which console to buy in any case, there are also 3rd party controllers of different shapes, forms, and sizes. There is also a reason why the shape of the DualShock hasn't changed much for 16 years, and 14 years after the launch of the analogue sticks.

Plan M seemingly doesn't think that companies produce various designs and test them in focus groups. The last time Sony tried to significantly change it was with the prototype of the PS3, the infamous boomerang controller, but they swiftly backtracked on that due to the uproar is caused. The man is a fool that can't actually back up his arguments with anything other than personal preference. Any valid comment would be along the lines of "I personally prefer X because Y", not "broken and shit" and "tacky and horrible" - right, over 500 million of them sold and still counting.
i had both consoles for about a year but got rid of the Xbox eventually, only mentalist FPS players prefer the Xbox imo the PS3 better suits my solo-play tastes

the PS3 is a fantastic piece of kit, it does everything and is adding more to its portfolio all the time. I have 2 of them: one for gaming and one for movies/music/photos etc. its the ultimate home entertainment hub, I couldnt be without it
i had both consoles for about a year but got rid of the Xbox eventually, only mentalist FPS players prefer the Xbox imo the PS3 better suits my solo-play tastes

the PS3 is a fantastic piece of kit, it does everything and is adding more to its portfolio all the time. I have 2 of them: one for gaming and one for movies/music/photos etc. its the ultimate home entertainment hub, I couldnt be without it

Why do you need a seperate PS just to record stuff? What do you use the other hard drive for? To a non-gamer like me it's like having two laptops - no?
Why do you need a seperate PS just to record stuff? What do you use the other hard drive for? To a non-gamer like me it's like having two laptops - no?

He could have one in two different rooms maybe? Our Biscuit here has 7 XB360s in one room though, so you never know.

I have ordered a new PS3 for the simple reason that Sony removed the Linux facility, and I like using that for Cell programming, so I can't update the firmware without losing that, which means that I can't go online with it as it always requires the latest firmware version.
the PS3 is a fantastic piece of kit, it does everything and is adding more to its portfolio all the time. I have 2 of them: one for gaming and one for movies/music/photos etc. its the ultimate home entertainment hub, I couldnt be without it

Thats bonkers

At the moment, in our apartment the PS3 is also used as the entertainment hub, its very very good at that, in particular the interaction with the Macs in the apartment. Also if you have a PSP, there is good remote interaction.

However, for me, Xbox wins on gaming. I cant quite put my finger on it, it just seems more fun for some reason. It seems to be more of a 'games console' whereas we use the PS3 for everything else.

If the OP's son is young, i'd probably buy an Xbox in all honesty, as his friends are more likely to have them
Both consoles in terms of units sold are now neck and neck worldwide, despite PS3 launching one year later at a higher cost. We'll now see how Kinect goes up against Move and GT5 (if this game is not the PS3s silver bullet, then nothing is).
Thanx Weaste/Geebs.

I feel feckin' old in this thread. Seems the PS3 is a jack of all trades and maybe more of a entertainment hub for his bedroom? Don't really mind not using all it's functions and keeping the box in the sitting room - for now. Could try and sell him that idea due to the large plasma. BluRay is a useful extra. Seems to come down to finding out what his mates are using - I do know a few use PS3's.
Thanx Weaste/Geebs.

I feel feckin' old in this thread. Seems the PS3 is a jack of all trades and maybe more of a entertainment hub for his bedroom? Don't really mind not using all it's functions and keeping the box in the sitting room - for now. Could try and sell him that idea due to the large plasma. BluRay is a useful extra. Seems to come down to finding out what his mates are using - I do know a few use PS3's.

Wibble has a son around the same age as yours 42 euros, and he went with the PS3. Maybe he could comment?

As for the bolded bit, the reason that Microsoft, Sony, and maybe even Apple in the near future are in this is that they want to be dominant in the living room/house. If any of them win, it is to the detriment of the others, as then their products will have to include technology from the winner corporation, which means that they will have to pay licence fees to that winner corporation.

For example, computing is moving ever more mobile and portable, and Microsoft are losing that battle. Desktop PCs in the home space are becoming ever more irrelevant, which also threatens Microsoft's future revenue streams if other devices are not running Microsoft technologies.

Sony on the other hand has traditionally focused on the living room, and if its TVs and other entertainment devices - consoles, HiFis, etc. have to run Microsoft technologies, then they will have to pay Microsoft a fee for every device they sell.

I can tell you one thing for sure. If Microsoft force Sony and Nintendo out of the console business in terms of hardware, which is their goal, they themselves will eventually withdraw from the console hardware business and simply licence their software/OS to any company that wants to make a box for the living room, probably keeping the LIVE network to themselves as a simple revenue stream. It's a model that failed with MSX and 3DO, but that is what Microsoft is after. You don't see them making PCs and Laptops do you? Under such a scenario, the likes of Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc. will end up as Dells, Acers, HPs producing boxes that all run Microsoft Software with Intel processors in them.
I think this speaks for itself.....


If you buy one XBox, you're going to buy 2 or 3 and its not because its a fantastic console.
Peter Moore: "I can’t comment on failure rates, because it’s just not something; it’s a moving target. What this consumer should worry about is the way that we’ve treated him. Y’know, things break, and if we’ve treated him well and fixed his problem, that’s something that we’re focused on right now."
Thanx Weaste/Geebs.

I feel feckin' old in this thread. Seems the PS3 is a jack of all trades and maybe more of a entertainment hub for his bedroom? Don't really mind not using all it's functions and keeping the box in the sitting room - for now. Could try and sell him that idea due to the large plasma. BluRay is a useful extra. Seems to come down to finding out what his mates are using - I do know a few use PS3's.

again, this is not true anymore. You are basing your statement on the OLD console.

It's still funny though! Also, it may or may not be true anymore, but for all we know, 42 Euros might not know that and could end up buying an older model, some places still have them. still have old 60GB PS3s in stock brand new.
What it basically comes down to at the end of the day, all of this bickering, is that the PS3 is the more technically advanced and reliable piece of hardware. If anyone here can argue against that I'd like to see them try.

Secondly the XB360 gained a lot of popularity with the hardcore gaming crowd when it was first released - one year before PS3, and cheaper than the PS3. When you and your friends start building up a game library, it starts costing a lot more than the console itself, and isn't something that easy to dump in the bin.

That's why the likes of Biscuit have 7 XB360s, he can't dump the XB360 for the PS3 because he's developed an online support group so to say of people he can run around shooting whilst yelling "cnuts" or worse down his microphone every two seconds, and even though he's a heavy pirate, has probably spent more on buying games than he has on buying 5 or 6 broken consoles. Going to the PS3 would cost these people a lot of monetary and emotional investment, as it would all have to go in the bin.

:lol: Pretty spot on to be fair.
I think this speaks for itself.....


If you buy one XBox, you're going to buy 2 or 3 and its not because its a fantastic console.

To be fair all 6 xbox's in that photo work. Two are J-Tags, two are just regular xbox's and two are flashed.
The new ones should be pretty reliable, it's not using anywhere near the power and is producing nowhere near the heat with the CPU and GPU now in the same package. That's Sony's next step, getting Cell and RSX on a single die at 32nm. Once that happens they can chuck out that massive bespoke cooling solution and reduce the cost by around $60, maybe even shifting the PSU outside the box at the same time.
Thats bonkers

at one point last year i had 3 :nervous: missus made me get rid of one (stupid credit crunch :mad:)

i dont think its bonkers anyway, my gaming one is in my games room where i spend a good chunk of my life and the other is in the living room where the missus and our son can use it for blu-ray, dvd, streaming video etc without interupting my game sessions

the best shout in the thread is to check with your sons mates, he'll no doubt want the same as them so they can play online together or at least share gamees.
I personally would not let a 12 year old anywhere near online gaming without my supervision.
Agree with this. However no idea about the PS3 but the 360 has some decent family settings, only letting sons profile been used at certain times of the day and will stop at certain times could be handy. As Geebs has said if it's for a 12yo lad I'd personally choose the 360, the new ones are whisper quiet also finally have built in wifi as well. As already mentioned Kinect is out now and it really is immense, if you get chance most stores will be having a demo on it to show it off so get yourself there and have ago and try it out. Just don't think about looking a tit doing it as once you get into the game you'll love it.
i bought a ps3 for Fifa 11 as my 3rd xbox 360's dvd drive is failing and i cant be arsed sending it back. I dunno if tis the ps3 or fifa 11 but it keeps freezing every 1-2 hours.
1) Asking internet dudes what to buy him is a decent idea, but an even better idea is to talk to his mates' parents, see wht they have. No point buying him the technically superior one (not saying which!) if his mates all play together online on the other one.

2) Can you get a time machine, go back about 21 years, and give my father present-buying tips?
You'll have to refresh my memory, as I can't really remember that Forza 3 was doing things like this at 60fps 1080p?

Can you refresh my memory?

That's your opinion mate. I own both and prefer the Xbox 360 in more ways. I mean it has loads of games, exclusives, is fantastic online and Xbox owners have been treated to Forza 2 and 3 whilst PS3 owners are still waiting for their top title. Say what you want about Forza 3 graphics but in terms of GAMEPLAY and things like the storefronts, auctions, designs, car traded etc. it has raised the bar. As it stands, Weaste, Forza 3 is the best racing game out, true or false? Forza 4 won't be long away either no doubt. Lets be honest though, neither Forza 2 or 3 looked too shabby did they, Project gotham racing either!!!!

PS3 is meant to be this mega media machine that plays games as well, but reality is, its just the Blu ray player which these days everyone has now anyway. Seemed good at launch, lure people in but nothing special anymore. It can't even play music from your Ipod or hard drive whilst playing the game, like Xbox can, a feature which many people use. Although that said I guess you can give half a point to Sony for having a web browser, if your laptop, pc or phone isn't close by then it does come in handy if on it sometimes. The Xbox can do all the other stuff like streaming films and tv shows to it.

The PS3 is a good console, both a great and you could get by on either one but for me the Xbox is a cut above. Loads of games, loads of investment, their own titles or exclusives plus the multi format ones, great Xbox live online, better environment, gameplace/store, better menus, profiles and messaging system. And it only costs £28 per year which is great value, especially when you see how pricey the PSN store is for download content and they have less offers and discounts than Microsoft seems to. The new layout done for the Kinnect also makes it all look/run ever better. The way the PS3 has to load up 'trophies' and you can't compare with other games quite how you can on Xbox is a joke as well. Your Xbox gamerscore and profile is just bang there when you want it. You could say its more user friendly but I also think it looks more professional, easier on the eye also. PS3 menus are all a bit DIY, Blue peter looking. The look like a shite version of Linux when you've just installed it, you know before you tweak all your stuff and customise it, like an old Redhat or Fedora core. :lol:

Controllers wise I prefer the Xbox feel and quality but like the lesser weight of the PS3 one, can't have your cake and eat it can you. Prefer the look of the PS3 mic but it doesn't work or feel as good as the Xbox one, having that annoying bit that goes in your eye and unresponsive buttons when the game is on or loading.
That's your opinion mate.

It's not my opinion at all, it's fact, it's doing dynamic day/night transitions with dynamic weather in 1080p @ 60fps with 2xMSAA. Forza 3 just about hit 720p with 2xMSAA at the same frame rate with nowhere near the same quality of lighting and half the number of cars on the track.

It's as simple as that, XB360 couldn't pull this off! It's not an iffy comparison either, because both games are 1st party where you should see the respective technologies pushed to the maximum. You can argue as much as you like, but when it comes to that context, XB360 just doesn't hold up!