You'll have to refresh my memory, as I can't really remember that Forza 3 was doing things like this at 60fps 1080p?
Can you refresh my memory?
That's your opinion mate. I own both and prefer the Xbox 360 in more ways. I mean it has loads of games, exclusives, is fantastic online and Xbox owners have been treated to Forza 2 and 3 whilst PS3 owners are still waiting for their top title. Say what you want about Forza 3 graphics but in terms of GAMEPLAY and things like the storefronts, auctions, designs, car traded etc. it has raised the bar. As it stands, Weaste, Forza 3 is the best racing game out, true or false? Forza 4 won't be long away either no doubt. Lets be honest though, neither Forza 2 or 3 looked too shabby did they, Project gotham racing either!!!!
PS3 is meant to be this mega media machine that plays games as well, but reality is, its just the Blu ray player which these days everyone has now anyway. Seemed good at launch, lure people in but nothing special anymore. It can't even play music from your Ipod or hard drive whilst playing the game, like Xbox can, a feature which many people use. Although that said I guess you can give half a point to Sony for having a web browser, if your laptop, pc or phone isn't close by then it does come in handy if on it sometimes. The Xbox can do all the other stuff like streaming films and tv shows to it.
The PS3 is a good console, both a great and you could get by on either one but for me the Xbox is a cut above. Loads of games, loads of investment, their own titles or exclusives plus the multi format ones, great Xbox live online, better environment, gameplace/store, better menus, profiles and messaging system. And it only costs £28 per year which is great value, especially when you see how pricey the PSN store is for download content and they have less offers and discounts than Microsoft seems to. The new layout done for the Kinnect also makes it all look/run ever better. The way the PS3 has to load up 'trophies' and you can't compare with other games quite how you can on Xbox is a joke as well. Your Xbox gamerscore and profile is just bang there when you want it. You could say its more user friendly but I also think it looks more professional, easier on the eye also. PS3 menus are all a bit DIY, Blue peter looking. The look like a shite version of Linux when you've just installed it, you know before you tweak all your stuff and customise it, like an old Redhat or Fedora core.
Controllers wise I prefer the Xbox feel and quality but like the lesser weight of the PS3 one, can't have your cake and eat it can you. Prefer the look of the PS3 mic but it doesn't work or feel as good as the Xbox one, having that annoying bit that goes in your eye and unresponsive buttons when the game is on or loading.