Should I buy my lad a PS3 or an XBOX?

i won't be getting the dancing game

BTW MS signed up 2 new Japanese developers to develop a new type of horror game, first person using the kinect. The idea sounds the biz. Imagine holding your hand out to indicate that you are holding a torch looking around a dark room. Dependant on which way you turn your head, will determine which way youre looking in the game. Now what if some nasty jumped out of the dark and you have to defend yourself kicking and punching
i won't be getting the dancing game

BTW MS signed up 2 new Japanese developers to develop a new type of horror game, first person using the kinect. The idea sounds the biz. Imagine holding your hand out to indicate that you are holding a torch looking around a dark room. Dependant on which way you turn your head, will determine which way youre looking in the game. Now what if some nasty jumped out of the dark and you have to defend yourself kicking and punching

Surely that couldn't work though as you'd end up looking away from the TV...
i won't be getting the dancing game

BTW MS signed up 2 new Japanese developers to develop a new type of horror game, first person using the kinect. The idea sounds the biz. Imagine holding your hand out to indicate that you are holding a torch looking around a dark room. Dependant on which way you turn your head, will determine which way youre looking in the game. Now what if some nasty jumped out of the dark and you have to defend yourself kicking and punching

Thia for me is where it will all falls flat. The best you could ever have is a gesture system, I twich my head right to look right, left to look left. This just defeats the whole object of the kinect's free movement.

If you actually turned your head left, you wouldn't be looking at the TV.
Since switching consoles have you noticed any difference with playing FIFA on line?

There should be no difference, it's all going over the internet, so it's down to each user connection. Unless the game has dedicated servers, all XBLive and PSN does is hook them up together and then keeps tabs on them. XBLive offers more services though whilst gaming.
Thanks everyone and in particular Weaste who answered every one of my questions in a single post :) Between the punches I can see the pros and cons and I didn't realise you can use the PS3 as TV recorder. Not much advantage though as we have a HDD/DVD recorder and Sky+.
To be fair, unless you've got both you're not qualified to give an opinion.

Basically you're gay.
Thanks everyone and in particular Weaste who answered every one of my questions in a single post :) Between the punches I can see the pros and cons and I didn't realise you can use the PS3 as TV recorder. Not much advantage though as we have a HDD/DVD recorder and Sky+.

What it basically comes down to at the end of the day, all of this bickering, is that the PS3 is the more technically advanced and reliable piece of hardware. If anyone here can argue against that I'd like to see them try.

Secondly the XB360 gained a lot of popularity with the hardcore gaming crowd when it was first released - one year before PS3, and cheaper than the PS3. When you and your friends start building up a game library, it starts costing a lot more than the console itself, and isn't something that easy to dump in the bin.

That's why the likes of Biscuit have 7 XB360s, he can't dump the XB360 for the PS3 because he's developed an online support group so to say of people he can run around shooting whilst yelling "cnuts" or worse down his microphone every two seconds, and even though he's a heavy pirate, has probably spent more on buying games than he has on buying 5 or 6 broken consoles. Going to the PS3 would cost these people a lot of monetary and emotional investment, as it would all have to go in the bin.
Xbox for me, especially with the Kinect coming out this month. I've seen it and its awesome!

The new Xbox slims are silent, so noise is no longer a big sticking point.

The only sticking point for some is the fact that you have to pay to subscribe to "Xbox Live", but its something like 35-40 quid (sterling) for a years subscription. We have noth the PS3 and the Xbox in our apartment and imho the Xbox live network is better than the Sony playstation network.

That being said, its like swings and roundabouts

than the old Xboxes yes, not the new ones

uh uh :shakes head:

have already seen it in action, its gonna be the biz!

also, i've noticed a few in this thread put down the xbox based on the fact that they have old consoles.. news flash lads, the new slims kick ass!

I love my new slimline Xbox, it has to be said. MUCH better than the original console

Geebs, I get the feeling you're very proud of your new slimline silent Xbox.
Good for you ;)
i think geebs has one of those slim xbox 360's that are not really slim at all, though i could be wrong
How is the Play TV thing? Worth getting? I've been looking at getting a freesat+ box or maybe HD, would this be a good alternative?
I love some of you that post one sentence subjective opinions without absolutely any explanation as to why you hold or have even formed that personal opinion.

Oh thank you! That is the way I deal with certain things.
I own both (I'm not a Sony or MS fanboy like Weastie and Cal)

I rarely touch the PS3. Me and the wife constantly play the 360.

PS3's big selling point is blueray and has some awesome exclusives, LBP is a must play. Xbox has delights such as Fable and GoW.

Online gaming is FAR better on Xbox Live - PSN is broken and shit. Although you pay for Live, PSN is FREE. However, if you buy your codes via ebay, you can get a 12 month subscription for about 20 quid.

The 360 controller is far better and you can also use it for PC Gaming. The PS3 controller is tacky and horrible and terrible for First Person Shooters.

In a nutshell, buy an Xbox (one of the new slim ones).
How is the Play TV thing? Worth getting? I've been looking at getting a freesat+ box or maybe HD, would this be a good alternative?

I've had it for almost two years, works like a charm. Beware however with a woman in the house filling up your HDD with shite. To be honest, it needs fleshing out a bit, but I can understand why it does certain things the way it does. For example, there is no option to record two channels at once, even though it is capable within the PlayTV application of doing so - that when you are recording one channel and watching another, it's still possible to pause that channel, play it, rewind it, etc. I suppose that the problem is, when you leave the PlayTV application and then start a game or start to watch a DVD/Blu-ray, what is it going to do, ask you which channel you want to stop recording? It can't handle recording two channels AND playing a game at the same time, probably because of whatever....
I own both (I'm not a Sony or MS fanboy like Weastie and Cal)


You are one of the biggest XBox fanboys I've ever come across, and got owned by me on many an occasion for talking bollocks, as you do in the rest of your post about online play over PSN being broken, and the controller bollocks. You talk shit basically, and can never back anything up with fact.

You are one of the biggest XBox fanboys I've ever come across, and got owned by me on many an occasion for talking bollocks, as you do in the rest of your post about online play over PSN being broken, and the controller bollocks. You talk shit basically, and can never back anything up with fact.

:lol: :lol:

Here is Weastie right on cue! The grown man with a wife and kids getting heated about "which gaming console is better."

You don't have any right to an opinion because you don't own both consoles and I do. Your always going to say you think the PlayStation is better because your a sad "fanboi" who would buy the PS4 even if all it did was grill your bacon.

Grow up, it's embarassing! Does your wife know you're up this late arguing with kids on an internet forum about which gaming console is better?
:lol: :lol:

Here is Weastie right on cue! The grown man with a wife and kids getting heated about "which gaming console is better."

You don't have any right to an opinion because you don't own both consoles and I do. Your always going to say you think the PlayStation is better because your a sad "fanboi" who would buy the PS4 even if all it did was grill your bacon.

Grow up, it's embarassing! Does your wife know you're up this late arguing with kids on an internet forum about which gaming console is better?

Rather than trying to disprove his claims that you can't back any of your PS3 v Xbox arguments with facts you bring his wife and kids into it? :lol:
I started one of these threads a while back. I weighed up the advice presented, and opted for the PS3. Never regretted it for a second.

For the record, PSN works perfectly.
Yeah, nobody buys PS3 games do they?


You prat! Shame you can't so easily pirate PS3 games isn't it?

:lol: I knew that would get you out of your shell. I even guessed it would be accompanied with the obligatory graph depicting PS3 game sales.

Weaste and Biscuit are both here in a 'Which console' thread.

I need to find my MJ eating popcorn .gif....
Edit -

No no no. I'm not doing this again.
I own both and if anyone says that one is significantly better than the other, they're wrong. Both are excellent, there are only a handful of exclusives for both - PS3 probably has better exclusives than 360 but it depends on one's taste, Halo beats Killzone of example while GT5 will beat Forza, Heavy Rain and Alan Wake are both fun adventure (?) games. Kinect will probably be better than Move, but only just. Most good games are out for both systems so you can still play AC, GTA or COD regardless of which you buy.