Should I buy my lad a PS3 or an XBOX?

42 euros

Aka Giggs 11 times
Feb 10, 2009
Could do with some help with the lads Christmas present this year. He has a PS2 and Wii (PSP and DS). He's almost 12 and likes war games (shooting) and football (fifa and pes). Will be playing the games on our large plasma so graphics important. I'm no gamer and haven't got a clue whether the extra £50-£100 extra for the PS3 (over xbox) is worth it. Also, what is the advantage of a 320gb hard drive? What do you store on it which you couldn't with 160gb? Believe a difference between the consoles is online gaming and free internet gaming? Any advice on bundles/ offers and must have games.

Many thanks for any help.
PS3 for blu ray, Xbox for online gaming

thats how i see it.

I own a ps3 and i love it. Its quieter than an xbox.
Oh here we go...

This is going to be like a Ronaldo v Messi debate between FV and Cal.

:lol: I did think that as well which is why I did ask for everyone's opinions for a 12 year old lad and not just for themselves.
Why is Xbox better for online gaming if (I believe) you have to pay extra?

I'm more of a PS3 man, but the Xbox Live is definitely a superior service to PSN, but obviously it has to be paid for so it's more so for hardcore gamers, which I doubt you want your 12 year old kid to be :)
Go for a PS3, Blu Ray for you and you won't be lumbered with a subscription for online gaming.
Tbh, I used to have both PS3 and Xbox - Xbox online is a pain with bugs for various different games mainly the football ones and you have got to pay for that! Whilst Ps3 is similar but possibly quicker and better support from sony and you don't have to pay for online.

Ps3 makes less noise and has a blu ray and the speed is actually quicker - (loading times etc) as well as people have always argued that PS3 has slightly better graphical detail and if your son likes racing games, then GT5 is out this month and it's not out on the Xbox.. so make your decision :)
Xbox for me, especially with the Kinect coming out this month. I've seen it and its awesome!

The new Xbox slims are silent, so noise is no longer a big sticking point.

The only sticking point for some is the fact that you have to pay to subscribe to "Xbox Live", but its something like 35-40 quid (sterling) for a years subscription. We have noth the PS3 and the Xbox in our apartment and imho the Xbox live network is better than the Sony playstation network.

That being said, its like swings and roundabouts
Tbh, I used to have both PS3 and Xbox - Xbox online is a pain with bugs for various different games mainly the football ones and you have got to pay for that! Whilst Ps3 is similar but possibly quicker and better support from sony and you don't have to pay for online.

Ps3 makes less noise and has a blu ray and the speed is actually quicker - (loading times etc) as well as people have always argued that PS3 has slightly better graphical detail and if your son likes racing games, then GT5 is out this month and it's not out on the Xbox.. so make your decision :)

Yeah, this. I currently have both and definately prefer my PS3.
Depends; is he a racist, sexist, homophobic moron who writes eVeRytHiNg LIkE tHis?
Depends, if it's going to be in the front room i'd get them a PS3 so you can use it as a BluRay player. It's also free for online play and as people have said quieter.

But i will say the xbox is more kid friendly, even simpler interface (if that's the right word) and what not. The controller is chunkier and less easy to break in my humble opinion, but discs are easier to scratch with the old problem of knocking the system whilst playing a game. You do have to play if you want to play online games though, around £40 for a year.

Hardrive size isn't that important. Unless he's downloading a shit load of old games or you're putting movies on there you won't fill it up easily. The same applies for the xbox, anything over 100gb is more than enough if you just want it for playing on.

Personally PS3, but a good plan is to check what his mates have got first.
Once the Kinect launches tomorrow it will be very difficult for Sony to match that with the Playstation. PS3 are sound for the blue rays & free online but the xbox is more expansive.
I have both and this is what I make of it all -

Live is better by some distance
I prefer most of the exclusives
Kinnect will piss all over Move no doubts, but I have no interest in either so I dont care

Blu Ray is fantastic on the console and far better than my stand alone player
Online is free
Uncharted 2 is amazing

also I dont know if this is true or not but apparently some of the multi platform games run a bit better on xbox, like Fallout, GTA and Orange Box
You're right there Randall, most multiplatform titles are better on the xbox. But exlcusive wise the PS3 blows the xbox out the water, Uncharted 1&2 and Heavy Rain are some of the best looking games ever made.
If he's 12, I'm not sure Xbox Live would be a good thing for him. It's all just a bunch of angry, profane 13 year olds screaming.

I'd go for a PS3.
i own both, get the ps3 much better product
Once the Kinect launches tomorrow it will be very difficult for Sony to match that with the Playstation. PS3 are sound for the blue rays & free online but the xbox is more expansive.

Urrrmmmm....The PS Move ?

I like my add-ons to work thanks.

PS3 everytime. I have both and the X-Box has sat gathering dust for the last 2 and a half years.
I have both and this is what I make of it all -

Live is better by some distance
I prefer most of the exclusives
Kinnect will piss all over Move no doubts, but I have no interest in either so I dont care

Blu Ray is fantastic on the console and far better than my stand alone player
Online is free
Uncharted 2 is amazing

also I dont know if this is true or not but apparently some of the multi platform games run a bit better on xbox, like Fallout, GTA and Orange Box

Not a chance.
Kinect is gonna be shit (like the Move and Wii are).
PS3 for blu ray, Xbox for online gaming

thats how i see it.

I own a ps3 and i love it. Its quieter than an xbox.

Why do you say that? I'm not trying to argue by the way as I have a 360, I'm just curious.
Kinect is gonna be shit (like the Move and Wii are).

uh uh :shakes head:

have already seen it in action, its gonna be the biz!

also, i've noticed a few in this thread put down the xbox based on the fact that they have old consoles.. news flash lads, the new slims kick ass!
Kinect is gonna be shit (like the Move and Wii are).

This. I'm getting a little fed up at this trend towards gimmicky, motion-sensing gaming aimed at the casual market. I was hoping it would stop at the Wii, but sadly it seems that the 360 and PS3 have jumped on the bandwagon too.

I've gone back to PC gaming, sod them all.
To be fair both my consoles are gathering dust. The last game I played on the 360 was Mass Effect 2, and my PS3 has been reduced to the 'fifa-machine'.
Kinect is gonna be shit (like the Move and Wii are).

Time will tell but going from the clips I have seen on the net it will be the most popular item for christmas I reckon.
So.........wheres Weaste?

I'm not getting into this in terms of preference, as on the technical level there is only one winner, and it plays Blu-rays to boot.

Kinect and Move are basically the same thing done differently (although I'd love to see a COD level shooter controlled with Kinect) - neither of those are my thing.

Sony exclusives are of a wider range as they have more 1st party studios.

Third party games generally run slightly better on the XB360 due to how they are made, but nothing your normal gamer would notice.

So then it's down to how much online gaming you will do, then it depends on where you live, because that is a likely indicator of how many of your friends are likely to have whatever platform, and finally if you are willing to pay for it?

As for the HDD, store whatever you like on it, music, photos, store games, videos, etc. Mine is always full of recorded TV though. 120GB is plenty enough for the average gamer, and the thing in the PS3 can be swapped out at a later date very easily. Depends on what the price difference is.

As for deals, I ordered this: Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 Slim Console Bundle with 320GB HDD + Gran Turismo 5: Collectors Edition PlayStation3 Game - (UK) - Free Delivery as the Collectors Edition is 60 quid on its own.

I'm too busy following the GT5 fracas to argue ATM though, funny as hell.