Film Sex scenes: what's your stance?

The Greeks and the Romans had naked statues on the streets.

The main reason that nudity and sex is now considered something "dirty" that should be "hidden" is Christianity and Islam.
The Greeks and the Romans had naked statues on the streets.

The main reason that nudity and sex is now considered something "dirty" that should be "hidden" is Christianity and Islam.
And they also had sexual nicknames like Biggus Dickus.
Extreme violence is equally unnecessary. Horror is just awful, I simply can't understand why people want to deliberately scare themselves. Each to their own though.
I’m absolutely with you. Seems a really strange way to waste a couple of hours. I’m not really one for sitting around watching stuff anyway, I’d rather be doing, but if I do watch a movie I want to be entertained and cheered up, not scared witless and psychologically scarred!
I’m absolutely with you. Seems a really strange way to waste a couple of hours. I’m not really one for sitting around watching stuff anyway, I’d rather be doing, but if I do watch a movie I want to be entertained and cheered up, not scared witless and psychologically scarred!

Not to go all pop psychologist here but I think horror is meant as cathartic. Like we enjoy being scared because it's natural for us to be wary of things but we also want the fear to be fake.

I think the same about violence actually so I guess we're all just really fecked up.
Not to go all pop psychologist here but I think horror is meant as cathartic. Like we enjoy being scared because it's natural for us to be wary of things but we also want the fear to be fake.

I think the same about violence actually so I guess we're all just really fecked up.
I don’t want to see either particularly!
I think in a lot of films they're completely unnecessary and think why the feck did she need to get her tits out? I also think the way they go out of their way to not show someone topless when in bed or getting out of bed is just as unnecessary and makes me think " As if a normal person would get out of bed for a piss like that".
It's ok for Hulk to fling a Tank into a building causing untold billions in damage and people getting blown up and shot etc but we mustn't show a bit of shagging that wouldn't be proper
I watched a movie knowing beforehand that it''s going to be mediocre in anticipation of seeing Sydney Sweeney's tits, and then there was barely a glimpse of them in the movie. I felt cheated.
Godfather one.
Dinner with Andre.
Laurence of Arabia.
The list goes on.

The greatest movies, 12 Angry Men (Paths of Glory), another example, do not have any sex scenes.
I'm not fan of anything that make me feel I'm watching cheap movie. and when it's forced, it cheapens the movie in vast majority of cases. it's like poor lighting, it simply becomes flaw.
It's ok for Hulk to fling a Tank into a building causing untold billions in damage and people getting blown up and shot etc but we mustn't show a bit of shagging that wouldn't be proper
Not that I particularly care either way, there is probably a reason for that.

A sex scene where there is a purpose to progress the story or develop a character is fine. We see that in Oppenheimer and I assume Poor Things (haven't seen that one yet). The issue is with those sex scenes where you see two people get in bed and then just soft sex and no purpose to it.

Action scenes like the one you mentioned have to be shown for scale. Imagine you see Hulk lift the tank, then cut to the next scene... you've missed a lot of scale.

Not sure if I said that in a way that makes sense but it did in my head.

Anyway, there's plenty sex we can see in porn :cool:

End of.
True, but he has his own category imo. Shows the excesses of Western culture through exaggeration. A nuance I definitely did not understand as a teenager but he's a master at what he does. Who else has so many sex scenes and almost all of them are satire?
Watched Citizen Kane the other day and none in that and no need, despite the affair being a key plot point...

Also watched basic instinct a few weeks ago, definitely need sex scenes in that...

Then there is kind of the middle ground like Top Gun, where they added it after test audiences wanted it. I think it improves the film and develops Maverick as a character, banging the flight instructor...

In short, totally depends on the kind of movie or TV being made, the narrative and characters. They can be a key part of the plot narrative or totally superfluous.
Didn't mind them before. Since Game of Thrones, shows just shove them in without purpose now. Was like a cool shock factor in GoT at first as I feel like not many did it that way. Now I feel like they're over the top.
Spartacus was a year earlier and far more extreme. It was one of those examples where for most part sex scenes served no purpose, as in two people speaking some interesting dialogue, and in background there is an orgy going on.

But Game of Thrones, considering the popularity, was obviously the biggest influence. And to be fair, lots of sex scenes there actually made sense and was good that they were shown. In any case, they toned down in the few latest seasons.
I can't believe that there haven't been any stance related jokes e.g standing, knees braced, bent and slightly apart.
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Spartacus was a year earlier and far more extreme. It was one of those examples where for most part sex scenes served no purpose, as in two people speaking some interesting dialogue, and in background there is an orgy going on.

But Game of Thrones, considering the popularity, was obviously the biggest influence. And to be fair, lots of sex scenes there actually made sense and was good that they were shown. In any case, they toned down in the few latest seasons.
This never happened in Spartacus.
I say if an actress has to show her breasts then the actor has to show his penis as well. It's far too one-sided for actresses that they have to expose themselves but actors almost never have to.
This never happened in Spartacus.
Heathen! Spartacus was great.
Spartacus was a year earlier and far more extreme. It was one of those examples where for most part sex scenes served no purpose, as in two people speaking some interesting dialogue, and in background there is an orgy going on.

But Game of Thrones, considering the popularity, was obviously the biggest influence. And to be fair, lots of sex scenes there actually made sense and was good that they were shown. In any case, they toned down in the few latest seasons.
What? GoT was absolutely full of sexposition. Not that I'm complaining as I've often said that the number of boobs shown:quality ratio of the show can clearly be seen as going downwards throughout but almost every nude scene in it was unnecessary.