Television Severance (Apple TV) | Spoiler anything that has not been aired, i.e trailer content, BTS stuff

Solius didn't make the rules. And if he did, he's an absolute psychopath for making a rule where the only thing that's allowed in a TV series thread is to go "wow, that was so good" or "I don't think that was very good". If I wanted those kinds of reactions I could probably find them on Facebook somewhere.
Solius is a wrong un, that much has been established.
Only understand those who are disappointed because of the wait. One of the pros of streaming is the perfectly sized episodes to fit the content. However an episode like this should be released alongside another. It shouldn't really be judged on its own merits too much. Still enjoyed it, but get the feeling the scenes were designed to fit into another episode somewhat.

It felt more like a chapter of a book the first 30 mins. Trying to get a bit to descriptive and setting the scene, i personally like that level of detail but the drawback is there are two episodes left and we haven’t seen the majority of the characters since episode 5. As has been commented in, I think background episodes for expositions back to back is a miss, and they’ll learn from it.

The whole thing is just very LDS to me, the creator must have drawn Inspiration from it.
That episode didn’t work for me at all. Didn’t help it was 35 minutes long and nothing of note really happened apart from at the very end. Very weak.

This season has gone noticeably downhill since Woes Hollow (imo), by opening up the world so much and introducing so many more questions than answers it lacks the tight-knit brilliance of season one.
Same, especially after a brilliant 50mins last week. We didn't get that episode at all.
Can’t win

“Where’s cobel, what’s her story”

Gets given cobels whereabouts and back story

“Kinda sucked”
Can’t win

“Where’s cobel, what’s her story”

Gets given cobels whereabouts and back story

“Kinda sucked”

Are you now arguing with yourself? Feels like you're padding out the thread with needless FriedClams back story.

I didn't mind the episode but it just felt a bit meh especially when the main story which everyone is interested in has been on fire. Last weeks "back story" kind of fed into that. This felt more like a side quest.
Bit weird to see people giving out about people not liking that episode, it feels perfectly understandable to me. We already had a backstory episode last week and then they chuck another one at us this week that's only 35 minutes long and about a character who hasn't really featured at all this season, while there are loads of other plotlines going on, in the third last episode of the show. Also, it was pretty shite, nothing really happened, there was feck all dialogue except confirming that we know Lumen are a weird ass cult, and fine, Cobel is maybe more important than we previously thought (though it was hinted at plenty anyway).
That was basically just a cliff hanger with a the minimum necessary scenes to get to that cliff hanger.
Cobel is one three characters I care, so personally it wasn't That bad, I guess... Only two episodes left, this season anyway, and there's never too many good shows these days.
Bit weird to see people giving out about people not liking that episode, it feels perfectly understandable to me. We already had a backstory episode last week and then they chuck another one at us this week that's only 35 minutes long and about a character who hasn't really featured at all this season, while there are loads of other plotlines going on, in the third last episode of the show. Also, it was pretty shite, nothing really happened, there was feck all dialogue except confirming that we know Lumen are a weird ass cult, and fine, Cobel is maybe more important than we previously thought (though it was hinted at plenty anyway).

Yeah I always find it weird when people get precious about criticism of something they like. We all like the show but that was easily the worst episode of the entire run so far. Watchable as a fan but the last thing you'd show to someone to get them into it.

Like I said all I got from it that was that Cobel has been in the cult all her life and severance is her invention. Pretty major plot point but an incredibly boring way to get it across and also at the wrong time of the season for me. I'm sure it will knock it out of the park next week though.
I thought it was a slow opening but picked up nicely.

I don't know if others feel the same way, but with this being probably the most religious episode since the perpetuity wing, did anyone else actually feel like it make the show or the story less religious? What I mean by that is that we can definitely see that the Keirism religion is basically a scam for "the company town". It's like Utah creating Apple. The whole religion is bullshit, it's only purpose is to steal labour from children and "innies" (which you could say are modern versions of children). All this testing is about selling a product globally to create a world of innie slaves. The religious side of it is basically bullshit outside the Eagan cult, which they believe innies should essentially be blank slates for Kierism and capitalism. The eagans may be cultists within the family and close circle, but everything else is about enslavement and stealing from followers (Cobel's plan).

I came away from this episode thinking all the theories about resurrecting Kier or supernatural elements were all wrong.
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I haven't watched this show yet, but skimming through this thread the buzz and everything reminds me of when Lost was going on.
I haven't watched this show yet, but skimming through this thread the buzz and everything reminds me of when Lost was going on.
Exactly. Me and my wife watched all of Lost before this. I've been telling her this Severance experience of weekly speculation is very much how the Lost experience was back when it was first broadcast.
I haven't watched this show yet, but skimming through this thread the buzz and everything reminds me of when Lost was going on.
Severance is much more restricted in terms of storyline threads compared to Lost which had much more. You can’t really make a judgement until you’ve seen how it ends so hopefully they make good with that.
Episode would've been fine if it was cut with stuff from the main group and tbh the run time suggests that was possibly the original intention.

This smacks of someone getting high on all the panoramic shots they took of Newfoundland and decided it warranted it's own episode. A rare misstep for me.
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Episode would've been fine if it was cut with stuff from the main group and tbh the run time suggests that was possibly the original intention.

This smacks of someone getting high on all the panoramic shots they took of Newfoundland and decided it warranted it's own episode. A rare misstep for me.

Exactly. Just tag it to 4-5 episodes as part of Harmony's story arc. Making it a separate episode is momentum killer for a weekly episodic series with only 10 episodes or so in a season.
Yeah I spent most of the episode working out if it’s her style or if she was just quite wooden.
And the directing style often has characters just standing there staring at each other, like they are waiting for the director to call "action". For what it's worth, whatever it is that Patricia Arquette is selling, I'm not buying.
Worst episode of the show.

Also difficult to hear the dialogue, which is a common problem in modern TV/movies but hasn't been one with Severance so far.
Yeah I was putting subtitles on and off at different moments. I don’t use them if I don’t need them as I don’t like lines being spoiled before they’re said. But so much felt mumbled or unintelligible.
Yeah I was putting subtitles on and off at different moments. I don’t use them if I don’t need them as I don’t like lines being spoiled before they’re said. But so much felt mumbled or unintelligible.

Honestly it just added to the disconnect. Maybe I would have liked the episode better if I could hear everything properly, but I didn't. I didn't put on subtitles, as I didn't really care too much about what they were saying either, at that point.
i’ve liked it so far. thought with the last episode that there’s a risk the show disappears up its own bottom.
I don't think the episode was that bad contrary to what the majority of what people are saying. I think it's set up quite well for the last 2 episodes of the season. I think this was more of a breather before the next 2 episodes that will most likely mind feck everyone.
I don't think the episode was that bad contrary to what the majority of what people are saying. I think it's set up quite well for the last 2 episodes of the season. I think this was more of a breather before the next 2 episodes that will most likely mind feck everyone.
It was fine.