Seinfeld... I still don't get it

i must admit i´ve never really watched "curb" so maybe it didnt work for me in the respect that i was expecting a seinfeld vibe and for me it didn´t have it.

I doesn't... that's why it works! ;)

There is a certain similarity, in that the kind of "What would happen if one day you woke up and there were no cushions?" humour is common to both.

I just watched one and to be fair for the first time I laughed out loud, at the line, "It's like a chess match between my brain and my penis".

The one where Elaine does the porno voice is rubbish though.
I can't watch curb yet I love Seinfeld. It's something about how curb is shoot it feels so cheap somehow.
I doesn't... that's why it works! ;)

There is a certain similarity, in that the kind of "What would happen if one day you woke up and there were no cushions?" humour is common to both.

I just watched one and to be fair for the first time I laughed out loud, at the line, "It's like a chess match between my brain and my penis".

The one where Elaine does the porno voice is rubbish though

I'm sure the baldness cure from China is another one of those situations that actually happened to Larry David though. If not for them having made that Seinfeld episode, the story would most likely have been used for a Curb episode. Which you might have found funny. ;)
Still my favourite quote from Curb..

Larry: He insulted me. He implied that I was lying about my stepfather!
Jeff Greene: You don't have a stepfather.
Larry: I know, but I didn't like the implication!
I can't watch curb yet I love Seinfeld. It's something about how curb is shoot it feels so cheap somehow.
That's why I didn't like it initially, the camera movement is disorienting in the beginning, I think they walk with it, but it works after a while.

Still my favourite quote from Curb..

Larry: He insulted me. He implied that I was lying about my stepfather!
Jeff Greene: You don't have a stepfather.
Larry: I know, but I didn't like the implication!

The best quote for me:
Larry walks into the house.
Sherill: We need to talk.
Larry: (happily) It's over?!

It isn't that great Plek, so you don't need to fret so much. I can only count a handful of episodes where I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Marine Biologist, The O'Brien Neo Nazi episode, The one where Kramer and George pick Jerry up from the airport, the Bookman, come to mind. Still better than anything else on TV during the laugh-track phase.

Season 4 doesn't make it better. The self-spoofing angle stopped being funny much before the season ended.

And George's character isn't the best of the bunch. Kramer was my pick.
I disagree, Kramer was a fairly one dimensional oddball character who seemed to elicit laughs by making exaggerated physical movements and unexpected/outlandish comments.

IMO the George character was far more rounded/well observed and Jason Alexander's acting was brilliant.
One thing I like about Kramer is that he can't resist smiling to himself when someone else suffers any misfortune. That's a nice touch.

I can't warm to George. It might just be because he plays the rapist lawyer in Pretty Woman, but he gives me the creeps. I find Larry much more sympathetic as a character, even if he is meant to be the successful version of George.
Not just from Curb, it's a known fact. Larry has said it many times in interviews.

Many of the things that happen to George on the show happened to LD in real life. George is a character though so there's many differences and exaggerations.

For me, nothing sums up their similarities like when in season 7 (I believe) George insists that the security guard should be allowed to sit down instead of being on his feet all day. That's very Larry. He's being nice and thinking about the person, but ultimately it's not necessary and goes to pot.

It's hilarious how in Curb everyone thinks the character of Costanza was a complete idiot, and Larry gets offended and defensive every time
I like the fact that Seinfeld gets fixated on the tiniest faults with any of his dates and it ruins the whole relationship for him.
I started Seinfeld from the beginning yesterday, halfway through season 2 and I gotta say, it's completely brilliant.
I started Seinfeld from the beginning yesterday, halfway through season 2 and I gotta say, it's completely brilliant.

Excellent. I got hooked and own all the box sets. I now have to spend the rest of my life with an urge to pretend to be an Architect.
I love how the oddest of the group, Kramer, is the one who is accepted by wider society. Everywhere he goes he befriends people, he helps complete strangers and people shout hello to him on the street. The other 3, though, while appearing more normal, can't do simple tasks like buy cakes, go to the cinema, visit a restaurant, have a dental appointment, etc, without having a huge fallout with a person who works in these places.
Must say I got a bit disappointed with the last two seasons (which I watched a lot later than the rest), clearly Larry David was an extremely important presence in the series. It started looking a bit too "silly" to me. It was the only two seasons I had never seen, other than that it's my favourite TV thing ever, always has been.
I think my favourite episode is The Doll. The pool game is classic.

A special mention to Newman. Always good for a laugh.
I think some people can't enjoy it because of all their existing hate for the last 10 years of the near identical sitcoms that Seinfeld inspired. I gotta say it's the only TV show with a laughter track (or studio audience) that I've ever bothered to watch every episode of.

Admittedly when Larry David left it revealed how dependent they were on his writing.

This is, basically, exactly how I see Seinfeld....

Seinfeld doesn't really need to be defended; it's almost universally recognised as one of the greatest shows in the history of television. This is clearly an affectionate spoof that has humorously simplified elements of the show.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you mentioned that you were trying to write a sitcom? You would do well to study and learn from episodes such as: "The Opposite", "The Puffy Shirt", "The Engagement" and "The Postponement". Apart from being consistently well-written, the individual performances of actors like Jason Alexander are just too good to be ignored.
Seinfeld doesn't really need to be defended; it's almost universally recognised as one of the greatest shows in the history of television. This is clearly an affectionate spoof that has humorously simplified elements of the show.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you mentioned that you were trying to write a sitcom? You would do well to study and learn from episodes such as: "The Opposite", "The Puffy Shirt", "The Engagement" and "The Postponement". Apart from being consistently well-written, the individual performances of actors like Jason Alexander are just too good to be ignored.

To be honest, part of the reason I find it annoying and parodyable, rather than just yet another thing I don't really like, is the insistence of people who can't accept that I don't like it, and need to assure me I must be wrong, or must not have a sense of humour, or must be unable to write a sitcom without appreciating it. (I'll be unable to write a one because I'm shit at writing one, though I might try the Seinfeld excuse if it gets really bad.)

There are lots of people who don't like it. Plech, Brophs & Hectic just in this thread, and I consider them to have decent senses of humour. I'd rather people just accept I don't find it funny rather than try and insinuate it's somehow my fault.
To be honest, part of the reason I find it annoying and parodyable, rather than just yet another thing I don't really like, is the insistence of people who can't accept that I don't like it, and need to assure me I must be wrong, or must not have a sense of humour, or must be unable to write a sitcom without appreciating it. (I'll be unable to write a one because I'm shit at writing one, though I might try the Seinfeld excuse if it gets really bad.)

There are lots of people who don't like it. Plech, Brophs & Hectic just in this thread, and I consider them to have decent senses of humour. I'd rather people just accept I don't find it funny rather than try and insinuate it's somehow my fault.

That's fair enough, I personally love Seinfeld and Curb but if people don't like it then that's their business. Lots of people like the X Factor and I think it's absolute garbage, if people kept telling me how wrong I was, I don't think it would change my mind.
Dunno why you said "Seinfeld and Curb" there.....most that dislike Seinfeld tend to love Curb, I think that'll ring true here also as I'm sure I've seen Mock and Hectic at least say they liked Curb.

I like both series. Don't care about arguing the point, i mean it's comedy...
Yeah I like Curb.

Lots of people like the X Factor and I think it's absolute garbage, if people kept telling me how wrong I was, I don't think it would change my mind.

:lol: ...Nah that's completely different. Liking the X Factor actually makes you a bad person. It's established fact.
I love Seinfeld, the soup nazi is one of my favourite episodes. Though I prefer Frazier as far as 90's US sitcoms go. It has intellectual range, like me. Smart.
I love Seinfeld, the soup nazi is one of my favourite episodes. Though I prefer Frazier as far as 90's US sitcoms go. It has intellectual range, like me. Smart.

Smart enough to spell Frasier? ;)