Seinfeld... I still don't get it

Arrested Development is my favourite show ever. I've watched the whole thing 3 times till now and each time realised new little subtle jokes. It really is incredible.
Great show too, really frustrating how the producers and fox totally fecked the final series though.

Yep the last season was disappointing. Mainly because the cnuts at fox were trying to end it. Seasons 1 and 2 were brilliant. I have no clue why it didn't pick up in the US. I mean it was so funny.
Arrested Development is genuinely one of the most brilliant comedies ever made, on either side of the pond. I was really surprised when I heard the ratings were crap over there.
I agree about Arrested Development, one of the funniest comedies of all time.

Make the movie now please.
Arrested Development is genuinely one of the most brilliant comedies ever made, on either side of the pond. I was really surprised when I heard the ratings were crap over there.

I was surprised by the low ratings too, I think it was naive of FOX to put a show like it on Sunday though
Seinfeld is bollocks. It doesn't help that every one of the main charcters is utterly unlikeable.

Curb is quality though.
Seinfeld is bollocks. It doesn't help that every one of the main charcters is utterly unlikeable.

Curb is quality though.

Arent most of the characters on Curb unlikeable as well
Strange you should say that because George Costanza pretty much IS Larry David.

Did you ever read that story, Jason Alexander thought George was based on Woody Allen until one day, after reading a certain episode's script, he told David he didn't understand the situation detailed in it since "not only could this never happen, but no human being would react like this". David responded that it happened to him and this was the way he reacted. From then on he knew exactly how to portray George.
Strange you should say that because George Costanza pretty much IS Larry David.

Was just about to say that. Larry David isn't exactly the most likeable character.

It's set up in a different way, IMO. In Curb the other characters offset Larry's cuntishness, particularly Cheryl. I reckon you're supposed to think Larry's a twat. In Seinfeld it seems to me that it's not by design that they all come across like cnuts. Larry's not set up to be nearly as knowing as any of the characters in Seinfeld, which for me is a good thing.
Don't you think Larry behaves how we all wish we could? He says what he thinks without censorship and I think that's why the viewer feels an affinity with him.
apparently the first few seasons of seinfeld were a flop in the tv ratings, it was only after series 4 it became popular in america.

i found it to be a show that grew on me the more i watched it.

Same her, it takes a while. I love it now !
It's set up in a different way, IMO. In Curb the other characters offset Larry's cuntishness, particularly Cheryl. I reckon you're supposed to think Larry's a twat. In Seinfeld it seems to me that it's not by design that they all come across like cnuts. Larry's not set up to be nearly as knowing as any of the characters in Seinfeld, which for me is a good thing.

No, they are supposed to be unlikable, disfunctional characters in Seinfeld too. It was meant to be the antithesis of all the other American feel-good sitcoms. Larry David's rule was "no hugging, no learning". Jerry Seinfeld is smug, but that's what the character is supposed to be like, just like David Brent from the Office is supposed to be a clueless wanker. Once people get that, then they might find it a bit more funny, possibly.

Like other people have said, the first three seasons of Seinfeld are probably the weakest. Seasons 4-7 are the best, the 7th being a bit darker as it was Larry David's last.

I'm a fan of Curb your Enthusiasm, by the way (seasons 2-3 being the best) but I think that it is far more hit and miss and in the last couple of seasons I've not been too keen. Previously, I found myself agreeing with everything he did - all the problems he had he was often in the right. In the more recent ones, I find him just tryng to be contrary or doing things that the old Larry would never do, and it just doesn't work for me any more.

Like others have mentioned though, Arrested Development was a fantastic show, and even on 5 or 6 repeat viewings I am noticing jokes I'd missed before. I think the reason for the poor ratings is that a lot of the humour was in call-backs to previous episodes and if you'd missed them, you didn't have a clue what was going on. It was more suited to DVD and word of mouth than it was to picking up viewers on TV. Also, over here, the BBC never advertised it and stuck it on late at night on BBC2 - just like they'd done with Seinfeld and Larry Sanders in the 90s.
It's set up in a different way, IMO. In Curb the other characters offset Larry's cuntishness, particularly Cheryl. I reckon you're supposed to think Larry's a twat. In Seinfeld it seems to me that it's not by design that they all come across like cnuts. Larry's not set up to be nearly as knowing as any of the characters in Seinfeld, which for me is a good thing.

No all the characters in Seinfeld are supposed to be cnuts. Their supposed to be selfish and ultimately the final episode reflects on that.
No all the characters in Seinfeld are supposed to be cnuts. Their supposed to be selfish and ultimately the final episode reflects on that.

Exactly. The characters are not supposed to be people you can relate to or like as people. They're supposed to be unlikeable. They're supposed to be characters that make you feel glad you don't have friends like that. You wouldn't be laughing if you hung out with people like that in real life. You'd be eternally pissed at them.

Same with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

I'm going through the entire Seinfeld collection right now. Second half of season 3 it starts to really pick up, especially when it gets to The Boyfriend with Keith Hernandez and the JFK parody.
So are we not supposed to like the Seinfeld characters? I must have missed that. Same with Larry David in curb. Sure they're more complex and flawed but they can be sympathetic or at least empathetic. And far more fun to spend time with than the insipid bunch from 'Friends'.

And David Brent was definitely a sympathetic character. He was an idiot and loser but he just wanted to be liked. A tragic figure more than an evil one.
How do you find time to watch the entire first three series of a TV program just to be sure you think it's shit?

I've had both series of Rome on DVD for over a year now, and despite liking it, have only managed to get about halfway through the first series.

Well I picked up the box set from one mate to give back to another mate whose box set it is, but who doesn't see the other mate who had it very often. Then I stuck it on, and just ended up spending half the weekend watching it.

I feel like I must be missing something as virtually everyone I know with good taste, and Melbourne Red, loves it. Plus you know your opinion must be quite peculiar if Weaste agrees with you.

Seinfeld is bollocks. It doesn't help that every one of the main charcters is utterly unlikeable.

Curb is quality though.

I agree, they're all real arseholes, which doesn't make it unfunny... I mean, Blackadder's an arsehole... but it makes it hard to warm to the show when they all are.

Curb somehow gets away with it, partly because even though they're essentially selfish wankers, Larry and Jeff's relationship is so sweet.

But I still think there is something missing from Curb, even the brilliant first three seasons... call it heart or soul or whatever... which puts it below the very top draw of sit-coms.
I dont like Seinfield but i love Curb. Any of us could be that guy in Curb, we all think the same way from time to time or get grumpy for the same reasons.

Seinfield though.. i dont get it either
i dont get it either, when i got into curb i forced myself to watch it convinced i'd missed something excellent but found it to be like most popular american comedies - completely unnatural. The dialogue between the characters seems forced and unrealistic, like they're just setting each other up to deliver punchlines
As someone said earlier it just seems like a loads of quips and one-liners chained together, occasionally something'll hit the funny spot but for the most part its boring
Okay, I watched it sporadically when it first aired, and thought it was shit, and I just watched most of the first 3 series, in an attempt to get why it's apparently not shit.

You watched the first 3 series? Who told you to watch the first 3 series? I didn't tell you to watch the first 3 series. Why'd you watch the first 3 series? You haven't even been to see the doctor... It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.
Seinfeld is brilliant. You have weird taste Plech. You don't even like Newman?
You watched the first 3 series? Who told you to watch the first 3 series? I didn't tell you to watch the first 3 series. Why'd you watch the first 3 series? You haven't even been to see the doctor... It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.

You watched the first 3 series? Who told you to watch the first 3 series? I didn't tell you to watch the first 3 series. Why'd you watch the first 3 series? You haven't even been to see the doctor... It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.


I love Jackie.
Seinfeld is brilliant. You have weird taste Plech. You don't even like Newman?

Yeah the episode with the neighbour in a coma was alright, though mainly cos I quite fancied the neighbour's mental girlfriend.

Oh and noods, watch Rome. It's fecking class.


D'ye think?
I love Seinfeld and Curb. Check out the Contest, The Fusilli Jerry, The Marine Biologist and The Ugly Baby. If you don't laugh at those then I don't think Seinfeld is for you.
Don't get Seinfeld, crap show in my eyes.

Second most overrated TV show in history, after that garbage.. Friends.
From my point of view, most American "situation comedy" has always had the serious flaw of being a chain of gags and quips between the characters. There is normally nothing funny at all with the actual situation they find themselves in, which is what a situation comedy should be, it's the situation that the characters find themselves in that should be funny. The American take on this is more like a series of short stand-up sketches.

Seinfeld is pretty good when it comes to the situation comedy though. As is Curb...I guess it should be when the producer is the same.
Nonsense! It definitely worked.

I agree, I thought it worked well too. I thought there was enough self mockery to show it wasn't too serious and had enough of Larry's childish behaviour to make sure it was funny. I liked it.
That's what we're told from Curb, I guess it is true.

Not just from Curb, it's a known fact. Larry has said it many times in interviews.

Many of the things that happen to George on the show happened to LD in real life. George is a character though so there's many differences and exaggerations.

For me, nothing sums up their similarities like when in season 7 (I believe) George insists that the security guard should be allowed to sit down instead of being on his feet all day. That's very Larry. He's being nice and thinking about the person, but ultimately it's not necessary and goes to pot.