I don't know if he's doing it deliberately, but the end result is the same.
There was one moment last season which absolutely blew my mind. Shaw had the ball on the left and Scott was standing behind an opposition player. Shaw passed it to Maguire, and the opposition player jogged over closer to him with Scott jogging behind him the entire time. Maguire passed it to Lindelof, and the opposition player jogged across the field with Scott shadowing him the entire way. Lindelof then passed it to AWB and the opposition player moved a different direction to cover another pass...Scott instantly jogged over to stand behind a different opposition player.
A passage of play that lasted a good 20 seconds, went through four different players who were all obviously looking to pass the ball forward, and Scott spent the entire time making it completely impossible to pass to him. Not because opposition players were positioning themselves well, but because he was making the conscious decision to move into those positions. Whether it's deliberate 'hiding' because he doesn't trust himself to get on the ball, or if it's incompetence where he doesn't realise that he's doing it, the end result is the same.