Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

So... anyone know why the Ruble is the best performing currency of the year so far ? Despite the sanctions ?

This has been answered many times. Their banks have strict capital controls. Which means that most people cannot give rubles to the bank to get dollars, but they can give dollars to get rubles, so the value of the ruble stays high. The same was happening during the Soviet Union, the value of the ruble was very high, but it wasn't a desirable currency, since you could not easily exchange it for dollars or any other western currency.
Someone's gonna photoshop that head on a turtle.

I don't think Hitler ever went that far except for the aftermath of the 20 July plot.

Stalin has gone further. He killed many generals and lieutenants during the 1930s. And again during WW2 and right after WW2. I guess Stalin is Putin's idol.
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This has been answered many times. Their banks have strict capital controls. Which means that most people cannot give rubles to the bank to get dollars, but they can give dollars to get rubles, so the value of the ruble stays high. The same was happening during the Soviet Union, the value of the ruble was very high, but it wasn't a desirable currency, since you could not easily exchange it for dollars or any other western currency.
Watch them asking that question again in a couple of weeks.
In fairness, not everyone reads every page of this very long thread, so we are going to get a few questions like this from time to time.
Not exactly. Some keep asking that to intend to validate their opinion (rightly or wrongly) that the western sanctions do not hurt Russia as much as the west hopes for.
Yes, both her and Greenwald will basically go to whichever platform gives them a voice. The lofty principles and ideas they frequently espouse in their commentary are disposable when it comes to previous air time that allows them to remain relevant before any audience. Dave Rubin is another.

Greenwald is easily one of the most sincere voice in mainstream media and a brace whistleblower at the same time. If he believes peace talks should circumvent the death count it's coming from a genuine place whether that's actually correct or not. Comparing him to Dave Rubin is beyond asinine.

To this day he still comes on small subscription lefty podcasts to have genuine open ended discussions and help aspiring youtubers launch themselves.

Heavy fighting at Azovstal been going on all day today, whether the forces there decided to go for last push or something is changing.
Not exactly. Some keep asking that to intend to validate their opinion (rightly or wrongly) that the western sanctions do not hurt Russia as much as the west hopes for.

If it was the same guy repeatedly asking the same question then I would agree. I thought those asking have been different posters.
If it was the same guy repeatedly asking the same question then I would agree. I thought those asking have been different posters.

In this case, he might be on to something.

So... anyone know why the Ruble is the best performing currency of the year so far ? Despite the sanctions ?

So the Ruble is back to pre invasion levels, what's up with the sanctions ?

On the other hand, they might be genuine questions?

Edit: Judging by their other posts, maybe not.
Not exactly. Some keep asking that to intend to validate their opinion (rightly or wrongly) that the western sanctions do not hurt Russia as much as the west hopes for.
Not necessarily related to this thread, but people on twitter tend to do this a lot. It's basically one of the first replies to any tweet about sanctions.
What does a Panzerfaust do? It fausts Panzers! (yeah I know, lazy pun...)

If I'm not mistaken the Panzerfaust 3 is the most powerful non-guided (RPG-like) anti-tank system in use in Ukraine. Totally destroyed the tanks here. But I think most impressive is the area where they were able to use it, as it is an unguided weapon you have to fire from relatively short range, but there is no obvious cover at all :eek:

I have no definite facts to back this up, but I think he is terminally ill and won't be in this world for much longer. A friend of mine who is very intuitive - verging on the psychic you might say - thinks the same .... hardly scientific, but there you go.
What does a Panzerfaust do? It fausts Panzers! (yeah I know, lazy pun...)

If I'm not mistaken the Panzerfaust 3 is the most powerful non-guided (RPG-like) anti-tank system in use in Ukraine. Totally destroyed the tanks here. But I think most impressive is the area where they were able to use it, as it is an unguided weapon you have to fire from relatively short range, but there is no obvious cover at all :eek:

Yeah PF-3s are monsters. Those bad boys can penetrate almost 3 feet of armor if needed
Good question... they wouldn't fare well against the Finn's Leopard 2's, CV90's, and F/A-18's though.

They can’t invade, they have nothing let to do it with.They could only perform some long range artillery strikes from their side of the border at most.

Which would be mad as it would lead to retaliatory artillery and air strikes against the Russian artillery
Actually unreal how Russia's invasion has emboldened its neighbours against it. Literally the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen.

I really dont think the Ukraine invasion is anything to do with NATO expansion, I doubt they care that much, its all smoke and mirrors
I really dont think the Ukraine invasion is anything to do with NATO expansion, I doubt they care that much, its all smoke and mirrors
Umm. Finns changed their mind literally overnight on 24.2. and it was the people not political leaders leading the process. So basicly you have no idea what you are talking about.
Umm. Finns changed their mind literally overnight on 24.2. and it was the people not political leaders leading the process. So basicly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Bit of a silly off tangent response.

NATO expansion was merely an excuse to invade Ukraine and they have to be seen to save face, just seen as an inconvenience by the russians and not much more, another lie.

Seems like the russian propganda is working on the feeble though.
Your response is so off tangent its bordering on stupidity.

NATO expansion was merely an excuse to invade Ukraine and they have to be seen to save face, just seen as an inconvenience by the russians and not much more, another lie.

Seems like the russian propganda is working on the feeble though.
Oh I thought you meant the other way round. My bad.

Your response to spark is a bit weirdly worded hence my confusion.
I really dont think the Ukraine invasion is anything to do with NATO expansion, I doubt they care that much, its all smoke and mirrors

I completely agree with you, NATO is a nice excuse. But uniting the West against Russia in a way that hasn’t happened since the Cold War has got to be the exact opposite of what Putin wanted.
Can we please stick to at least half-plausible sources? It’s a slippery slope from the daily mail to friendly psychics.
I have no definite facts to back this up, but I think he is terminally ill and won't be in this world for much longer. A friend of mine who is very intuitive - verging on the psychic you might say - thinks the same .... hardly scientific, but there you go.

I did read that article, interesting stuff. But as was pointed out at the end, if he did have terminal cancer wouldn't he be been treated by chemotherapy and thus losing all or most of his hair?
Good question... they wouldn't fare well against the Finn's Leopard 2's, CV90's, and F/A-18's though.

An attack on Finland would also be a direct attack on Sweden, so they’d have a lot more than that to do deal with. Sweden and Finland’s defence is entirely based on one defending the other and vice versa, the Swedes have things that the Fins don’t and vice versa.
Put simply, one can’t mount an effective defence without the other, hence why a Finnish NATO application pretty much takes the decision out of Sweden’s hands.
I have no definite facts to back this up, but I think he is terminally ill and won't be in this world for much longer. A friend of mine who is very intuitive - verging on the psychic you might say - thinks the same .... hardly scientific, but there you go.
I hope you’re right mate. The puffiness in his face seems to suggest some strong steroid or reaction to something. Or I suppose it could just be alcoholism.