Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

No, because as I've already said, no one thinks that NATO would even remotely consider invading a nuclear-armed Russia.

If Russia has the right, in your eyes, to invade Ukraine because it's on the Russian border and Russia doesn't like Ukraine's west-ward leanings, then presumably you also think that Finland has the right to invade Russia ... because it too has a border with Russia and doesn't like Russia..

feck the Monroe doctrine - I'm not here to defend some 19th century BS. There are zero excuses for Russia's actions in Ukraine.
I agree. We know why they did it. but its unjustified.
Yeah, there’s a net of volunteers that are helping them at the moment, including helping them move towards Europe or settle in in Russia (surprisingly, some prefer to do it, especially if they have relatives somewhere, although it’s obviously a minority by far).

The scariest thing is the “filtration” that happens when they cross the border the first time — because we don’t really know what happens with those who fail it. Some were found in Russian prisons, I believe, but there are certainly Nazi vibes about that whole procedure and I’d fear for the worst.
Could anyone doubt they're killing all the people they don't like that they take? I don't.
Isn't this a remarkable lack of discipline? Depending on the level of detail and accuracy, couldn't this kind of information potentially be used for artillery strikes on areas with high concentration?

Aye there's clearly little disapline there. They could try to confiscate the phones but most troops will know they are never getting it back so...
I know British paras have to hand their phones in before embarkation, even in peacetime.
I mean even if there is no base station to connect to, the gsm is always trying to broadcast and find one, at a higher power than nominal. Its very easily detectable from the air.
Isn't this a remarkable lack of discipline? Depending on the level of detail and accuracy, couldn't this kind of information potentially be used for artillery strikes on areas with high concentration?
Some units could still be more disciplined than others, so the map might not be as useful as you think.
They were doing a good job behind the scenes before the war, causing havoc internally. Without the war, maybe Le Pen would've given Macron more of a run for his money, have Trump pushed again in couple of years time, Nord stream 2 would've tightened the screw around german balls. Fruits of Putins 20+ year reign are being undone in a matter of months, perhaps, he was always going for this endgame, and now just felt with himself getting on, his time to seize glory was running out, and he didn't want the next guy taking all the credit.

Exactly. The efforts of the Putin regime in undermining the West were pretty successful. His Trojan horse Orban was building up a pretty solid alliance inside the EU which was undermining it from inside. Nato was in the doldrums after the Afghanistan retreat. Populist parties in the West backed by RT and the troll farms were being pretty successful.

All that undone in a couple of months. And he's making Russia weaker than it's been in more than a century.
So... anyone know why the Ruble is the best performing currency of the year so far ? Despite the sanctions ?
Just for incompetence, or are they a political threat as well?

Someone as high up as Gerasimov would represent a coup threat if he and a few other top generals were to attempt something. If one were to happen, it would probably come from the military.
Someone as high up as Gerasimov would represent a coup threat if he and a few other top generals were to attempt something. If one were to happen, it would probably come from the military.
Well yes, I was wondering if anyone thought that might have been imminent. Stupid question really, I guess we will only know if a strong coup attempt takes place, and if unsuccessful perhaps not even then.
Well yes, I was wondering if anyone thought that might have been imminent. Stupid question really, I guess we will only know if a strong coup attempt takes place, and if unsuccessful perhaps not even then.

I doubt it would be (but you never know). It would appear more likely Putin is just incredibly paranoid of a coup and is preemptively kneecapping those who he thinks may one day try to move on him. That's the high level guys only. As for the mid tier Generals, he is probably just removing them due to incompetence.

WTF even is that launch platform.

Anyway, Russians in Ukraine are truely fecked. I mean they were already, but this is the sort of systems that can cut things really short, if UA have many of them at their disposal.