Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I saw the same thing and it looked pretty normal. What do you think would happen in the UK if you openly promoted and supported terrorist behaviour by Al Qaeda or ISIS in Britain?

This ain’t Brexit.

Really, a group of soldiers would knock on your door and take you away to god knows where if you posted positive stuff online about another country who is in conflict with England?

And c'mon, this man in the report was sharing Putin's speeches, like millions do on twitter everyday, he wasn't sharing executions by terrorists or whatever.

It seemed very dodgy to me, to say the least.
Really, a group of soldiers would knock on your door and take you away to god knows where if you posted positive stuff online about another country who is in conflict with England?

And c'mon, this man in the report was sharing Putin's speeches, like millions do on twitter everyday, he wasn't sharing executions by terrorists or whatever.

It seemed very dodgy to me, to say the least.

Dodgy, maybe. But given the 1m illegally deportated, the murder and rape of civilians and children, and the mass of war crimes being committed, I suppose it is difficult to get worked up about this stuff. That's not a great reaction from me I admit, but it is very emotionally difficult not to draw equivalences and give a pass here.
Dodgy, maybe. But given the 1m illegally deportated, the murder and rape of civilians and children, and the mass of war crimes being committed, I suppose it is difficult to get worked up about this stuff. That's not a great reaction from me I admit, but it is very emotionally difficult not to draw equivalences and give a pass here.
I get that and of course I'm not drawing any comparisons to anything else in this war, that would be stupid. It just bothered me because this didn't look like an activist or anything, it was a random middle aged bald man living in a small town, judging by the look of his house not exactly swimming in cash, and he was taken away while his wife cried and a group of heavily armed soldiers basically just put his phone to his face and asked him "why are you sharing putin's speeches?".

It didn't sound right.
I get that and of course I'm not drawing any comparisons to anything else in this war, that would be stupid. It just bothered me because this didn't look like an activist or anything, it was a random middle aged bald man living in a small town, judging by the look of his house not exactly swimming in cash, and he was taken away while his wife cried and a group of heavily armed soldiers basically just put his phone to his face and asked him "why are you sharing putin's speeches?".

It didn't sound right.
Do you happen to have a link to that?
I get that and of course I'm not drawing any comparisons to anything else in this war, that would be stupid. It just bothered me because this didn't look like an activist or anything, it was a random middle aged bald man living in a small town, judging by the look of his house not exactly swimming in cash, and he was taken away while his wife cried and a group of heavily armed soldiers basically just put his phone to his face and asked him "why are you sharing putin's speeches?".

It didn't sound right.
I agree. I think no-one wants to draw attention to any potential abuses of power (and lord knows the UK and US were guilty of huge amounts when at war in the past), because Putin will jump on any example to escalate the conflict and commit further outrages. One thing I would guess is that the prospect of EU membership, even far off, will be a strong factor to limit potential abuses of power (for want of a better word).
Do you happen to have a link to that?

I couldn't find it on their website (it was reported on SIC Notícias). I will rewind it later today and try to catch the name of the town so I can google it.
Really, a group of soldiers would knock on your door and take you away to god knows where if you posted positive stuff online about another country who is in conflict with England?

And c'mon, this man in the report was sharing Putin's speeches, like millions do on twitter everyday, he wasn't sharing executions by terrorists or whatever.

It seemed very dodgy to me, to say the least.
Sure. If Britain was invaded by a foreign country, who was looking to wipe our country off the map, and was engaging in a genocide against British people, I’d fully expect and support our police and army clamping down on those broadcasting apologist or traitorous views.

Even in peacetime, if you post pro-ISIS or other extremist content, or any such calls to terrorism in the UK, you will likely find yourself the subject of police attention.
Sure. If Britain was invaded by a foreign country, who was looking to wipe our country off the map, and was engaging in a genocide against British people, I’d fully expect and support our police and army clamping down on those broadcasting apologist or traitorous views.

Even in peacetime, if you post pro-ISIS content or calls to terrorism in the UK, you will likely find yourself the subject of police attention.

OK then...
OK then...
I’m not really sure what you are expecting or complaining about. You genuinely believe countries being invaded, who are having their entire existence threatened, shouldn’t be going after fifth columnists? I’m a bit perplexed.
OK then...
Abraham Lincoln rather famously suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, a war for the very existence of my country, like this war is for Ukraine. When asked about it, he said in a public letter...

"... the time [is] not unlikely to come when I shall be blamed for having made too few arrests rather than too many" ... [The Confederate States had been counting on having] ... "on foot amongst us a most efficient corps of spies, informers, supplyers, and aiders and abettors of their cause" under "cover of 'Liberty of speech' 'Liberty of the press' and 'Habeas corpus.'"

I think that Lincoln's reasoning here from 1863 would hold up in 2022 Ukraine as well.
I get that and of course I'm not drawing any comparisons to anything else in this war, that would be stupid. It just bothered me because this didn't look like an activist or anything, it was a random middle aged bald man living in a small town, judging by the look of his house not exactly swimming in cash, and he was taken away while his wife cried and a group of heavily armed soldiers basically just put his phone to his face and asked him "why are you sharing putin's speeches?".

It didn't sound right.

The last time Britain was threatened with invasion we passed an Emergency Powers (Defence) Act that allowed detention without trial, and introduced the death penalty for the crime of looting.

Of course a State is going to take action against people who are deemed to be collaborating with an enemy.
I’m not really sure what you are expecting or complaining about. You genuinely believe countries being invaded, who are having their entire existence threatened, shouldn’t be going after fifth columnists? I’m a bit perplexed.
Abraham Lincoln rather famously suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, a war for the very existence of my country, like this war is for Ukraine. When asked about it, he said in a public letter...

"... the time [is] not unlikely to come when I shall be blamed for having made too few arrests rather than too many" ... [The Confederate States had been counting on having] ... "on foot amongst us a most efficient corps of spies, informers, supplyers, and aiders and abettors of their cause" under "cover of 'Liberty of speech' 'Liberty of the press' and 'Habeas corpus.'"

I think that Lincoln's reasoning here from 1863 would hold up in 2022 Ukraine as well.

I don't want to get in too deep, because maybe the ukranian soldiers know something about this man that wasn't in the report. They way they portrayed it was "the ukranians are even going after people who share russian views on social media".

If it was just that, it just doesn't sit right with me, no matter the circumstances.
Really, a group of soldiers would knock on your door and take you away to god knows where if you posted positive stuff online about another country who is in conflict with England?

And c'mon, this man in the report was sharing Putin's speeches, like millions do on twitter everyday, he wasn't sharing executions by terrorists or whatever.

It seemed very dodgy to me, to say the least.

Given the atrocities Russia has committed during this unprovoked attack I'd be more surprised if Ukranian people openly supporting Russia's invasion on social media didn't get a knock on their door.
The last time Britain was threatened with invasion we passed an Emergency Powers (Defence) Act that allowed detention without trial, and introduced the death penalty for the crime of looting.

Of course a State is going to take action against people who are deemed to be collaborating with an enemy.

Yeah looting and posting a putin speech on social media are exactly the same thing, mate.
Well, I guess I'm in the minority then. I'll just leave at that. If I happen to find the report I'll post it here, maybe there's something more to it that what the reporter said. If it was just for posting shit on facebook, It just sounds extremely abusive.
I think this is the same or similar footage.

Yeah I think the reported even included a bit from that clip.

Surely there's a difference between active collaborating by sharing info on social media about soldiers positions for example, or just sharing dumb clips, no?
I don't want to get in too deep, because maybe the ukranian soldiers know something about this man that wasn't in the report. They way they portrayed it was "the ukranians are even going after people who share russian views on social media".

If it was just that, it just doesn't sit right with me, no matter the circumstances.
Sharing views on social media is the 2022 equivalent of a person in 1863 posting up pro-Confederate propaganda on street corners. That kind of thing is dangerous when you're fighting a war for national existence and I do not blame them one bit for "going after them". If you're willing to post "pro-nation that's invaded us and wants us to cease to be" views on social media, what else might you be likely to do to help that happen? Questions need to be asked.
I don't want to get in too deep, because maybe the ukranian soldiers know something about this man that wasn't in the report. They way they portrayed it was "the ukranians are even going after people who share russian views on social media".

If it was just that, it just doesn't sit right with me, no matter the circumstances.
You are chatting shit and could easily resolve many of your own questions just be rewatching. The video in question filmed by the Associated Press and was then shared through their wire for all news departments around the world to use, like with DW above.

If you praise Putin, call for secession and disparage symbols of Ukraine, you will be considered an insurrectionist and part of the enemy.

What’s funny is that, because Ukrainian society largely functions on a bilingual basis and this guy was clearly a Russian native speaker, the police/army casually questioned and detained him in Russian – even though he officially had no entitlement to that. So much for Russian being outlawed/suppressed in Ukraine etc. /sarcasm
I apologize for chatting shit and thinking arresting people based on social media posts is extremely abusive.
I really do have to laugh at the thought that Russia can claim it hasn't formally declared war here yet. The moment you send troops in and start attacking their army you have declared war. A lack of announcement isn't going to change that fact.

I love the sentiment that when the second largest army in the world sends 2/3rds of its available strength into a country from all sides it can be labelled a ‘special military operation’. And that they thought that was believable
I apologize for chatting shit and thinking arresting people based on social media posts is extremely abusive.
Do you understand that nobody did that/doing that during the peace time in Ukraine? These people by sharing such posts are likely to end up as targets for actual collaboration by Russian agents, there are many saboteurs that Ukrainian army has to deal with during this time, thus acting preemptively and locking them away for the time being is absolutely a national interest during the war where their actual existence is being threatened? Is that so hard to understand?
I apologize for chatting shit and thinking arresting people based on social media posts is extremely abusive.
Pro-Tip: expect to get "abused" when you post things in favor of the country that's invaded yours while your country is under martial law and fighting a war of national survival
No more than your comparison.

It allowed for detention without trial for being deemed to sympathise with an enemy government. It also removed the need for someone to be found 'guilty'.

I'd wager pretty much every State would enact similar powers if being invaded. It may be a power that has the potential for misuse, but you've shown no evidence of that.
Do you understand that nobody did that/doing that during the peace time in Ukraine? These people by sharing such posts are likely to end up as targets for actual collaboration by Russian agents, there are many saboteurs that Ukrainian army has to deal with during this time, thus acting preemptively and locking them away for the time being is absolutely a national interest during the war where their actual existence is being threatened? Is that so hard to understand?

I guess it is, preemptively locking someone away doesn't sit right with me.

If they actually know these people are collaborating, then fair game. I can't interpret sharing a social media post as collaborating.
I guess it is, preemptively locking someone away doesn't sit right with me.

If they actually know these people are collaborating, then fair game. I can't interpret sharing a social media post as collaborating.
I you keep refusing the fact that they are at existential war here for some reason and these people openly support the enemy? It’s a war ffs, of course there going to be different law and order during such times.
Pro-Tip: expect to get "abused" when you post things in favor of the country that's invaded yours while your country is under martial law and fighting a war of national survival

I understand the ukranian perspective, they're living it, so they don't have the luxury of pondering about potential abuses, but as an outsider it just strikes me as abusive, without quotation marks.
I guess it is, preemptively locking someone away doesn't sit right with me.
In the video, both people in question are shown to have clear evidence against them supporting Russia and/or engaging directly with the enemy, sharing military intel.

There’s nothing pre-emptive about it, unless you think you cannot stop a suicide bomber until the moment he is blowing himself up.
OK pussy move but I don't have the energy to keep answering different people, especially when it puts me in the position of defending the rights of some pro-putin cnut, which is not what I want to do at all, so I'll just leave it at that.
OK pussy move but I don't have the energy to keep answering different people, especially when it puts me in the position of defending the rights of some pro-putin cnut, which is not what I want to do at all, so I'll just leave it at that.

I will answer to you that I see your point. I empathize with locals that get caught up with this as the punishment seems too intense and indeed a violation of right and so on. However, when it comes to national security you can't take risks. It's a sensitive time.

This is also why it sometimes annoys me when folks in cozy western nations scream "censorship!!!" at any behavior of this sort by governments. Sometimes you have to take a tough stance on national security.
Regarding those who oppose the letter Z, Russian state TV is now talking about no mercy, including concentration camps, "re-education" and sterilisation.

I can't post the clip because it is part of a much longer video.
Have to say this just sounds like sensational news bites. I bet their equivalent of fox news said something like that?

Everything on Russian TV is approved by Putin's government. Fox News is not approved by the U.S government.