Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I guess NATO just needs to add a subtitle to its name like in bad movie sequels:

NATO 2 - We studied history, and land invasions of Russia do not work.
This message being spread far and wide now.

Seems to be a response to the shelling in Karkhiv and mostly Mariupol, the stories coming out of there sound horrific. Seems they are systematically shelling the city district by district. The Mayor has stated there will be hundreds of dead civilians but they can't count the bodies because the shelling has been constant for 16 hours.

Putin got Belarus after the last elections. Lukashenko miscalculated and had to run a complete sham election, in good probability losing to a protest opposition candidate, and he maintained power with the military, supported by Russia to crush the protests. The price he paid was to make it a complete puppet state, whereas previously it was bouncing between Russia and the EU. It’s worth pointing out, for example, that Belarus still doesn’t officially recognise Crimea as part of Russia, although it does de facto now. Belarus slipped into Putin’s clutches in the last two years already.

Makes sense.
This message being spread far and wide now.

Seems to be a response to the shelling in Karkhiv and mostly Mariupol, the stories coming out of there sound horrific. Seems they are systematically shelling the city district by district. The Mayor has stated there will be hundreds of dead civilians but they can't count the bodies because the shelling has been constant for 16 hours.

Thats not a great message...
That's not a thing that should ever be done again. Let the security services try to figure out who might be spying, but a person's nationality can't be held against them in a free society.
Yes it can and yes it should.
This message being spread far and wide now.

Seems to be a response to the shelling in Karkhiv and mostly Mariupol, the stories coming out of there sound horrific. Seems they are systematically shelling the city district by district. The Mayor has stated there will be hundreds of dead civilians but they can't count the bodies because the shelling has been constant for 16 hours.

This is war. It will get more brutal and brutal and hateful.
This message being spread far and wide now.

Seems to be a response to the shelling in Karkhiv and mostly Mariupol, the stories coming out of there sound horrific. Seems they are systematically shelling the city district by district. The Mayor has stated there will be hundreds of dead civilians but they can't count the bodies because the shelling has been constant for 16 hours.

My thoughts on this, are this attitude, whilst understandable, The Ukraine should remain as dignified as possible, because the world is watching and on their side for all the correct reasons.

Don't give in and lose your principles, no matter how horrifically hard it is, which is what Russia wants.
I just don't know what the end game is here for Putin. Complete and total control of Ukraine, then what? Face charges from the west for war crimes? Not a chance! So what's the alternative...he carries on fighting?
How would it go if putin is charged with war crimes? Would he be arrested if he ever left the country?
How the feck does a yacht cost nearly $1 billion?
It's a massive thing (156m long) and built in a very luxurious way. So the price is not really surprising. It took Lürssen 52 months to build it.
My thoughts on this, are this attitude, whilst understandable, The Ukraine should remain as dignified as possible, because the world is watching and on their side for all the correct reasons.

Don't give in and lose your principles, no matter how horrifically hard it is, which is what Russia wants.

The problem is that its easy to say that when it's not our family, friends and children being bombed and killed. It's not like Ukraine are getting their hands dirty and killing Russian civilians, it's all coming one way.

Honestly, I get it. If it was my family being bombed and having artillery launched at them every day then i'm not sure I could be so forgiving either. Hateful scenario whatever way we look at it.
How would it go if putin is charged with war crimes? Would he be arrested if he ever left the country?
He's not getting charged with war crimes as long as he's the head of state in Russia, and he's not getting arrested as long as he's head of state in Russia.
The problem is that its easy to say that when it's not our family, friends and children being bombed and killed. It's not like Ukraine are getting their hands dirty and killing Russian civilians, it's all coming one way.

I totally agree, but he is playing straight into Putins hands.

Tomorrow Putin will use those words to claim to his country how Ukraine are killing their people.

They gave him a piece of actual truth.
That’s some blue sky thinking. What do you think will happen to the foreign national men women and children if they’re not allowed to leave the country?
Maybe their countries will arrange for them to leave? Just how they should already have done.
How would it go if putin is charged with war crimes? Would he be arrested if he ever left the country?

International rules and norms such as warcrimes, the Geneva Conventions, the ICC etc., generally don't apply to powerful states, because they simply won't go along with any of it (a vast majority of the time) because no one can force them to. These bodies are usually reserved for powerless middle of the road nations who don't have the luxury of ignoring them. In summary, don't expect anything to happen to Putin on the war crimes front unless there's some sort of revolution in Russia where the new rulers capture and hand him over.
If NATO did want to intervene, let’s say, beyond a proxy war stance, is there any middle ground between being militarily all in or all out? I guess air strikes could theoretically be possible without actually putting troops on the ground, perhaps?
Good lord. Maybe get them badges too? It's so easy to see how the world just makes the same mistakes over and over.
Now you're being stupid.

Why should a country not round up people from an enemy country?
I totally agree, but he is playing straight into Putins hands.

Tomorrow Putin will use those words to claim to his country how Ukraine are killing their people.

They gave him a piece of actual truth.

Everything Russia comes out with is propaganda and heavily regulated. I have to believe that the majority of Russian civis don't want war and I have to believe that the majority don't believe Putin either but are just so shit scared to do anything about it. Russians aren't Evil people, they're just highly unfortunate to be ruled by one, I hope that most of the West and the World population understands this.
I mean, it's absolutely rational to have a closer look at some individuals in that case, but you're talking about...camps? For people of a certain nationality?

This thread has gone south for quite a while imo, but there's new levels of low hit every day by the minute it seems
Stop being over dramatic, I'm not talking about concentration camps for Jews etc., ffs.
Completely different, the Geneva Convention makes specific references to the treatment of POWs. Filming soldiers being soldiers is fine.
That’s mental. Showing acts of barbarity is fine, but showing acts of humanity isn’t?
This message being spread far and wide now.

Seems to be a response to the shelling in Karkhiv and mostly Mariupol, the stories coming out of there sound horrific. Seems they are systematically shelling the city district by district. The Mayor has stated there will be hundreds of dead civilians but they can't count the bodies because the shelling has been constant for 16 hours.

This is a stupid message (regardless the ethical and moral aspects). First, you don't take prisoners in war to protect the enemy troops, you take them to protect your own troops they capture. Second, those captured troops could be used for good propaganda, and your best bet at the moment is the media war, this makes you weaker on that front, not stronger (add to that most people won't sympathize with these kind of messages). And third, this will only incentivize the Russians to be more resilient in their fight and unwilling to surrender.

I have no idea what benefit you achieve with these statements.
Blimey i know we had someone saying it's fair game to remove aid to innocents yesterday but even then i didn't expect we'd have people supporting internment camps for civilians.

Quite scary.
They'd possibly be enemy insurgents, better to be safe than sorry.

Imagine surviving the horrors of Leningrad only to be arrested for protesting against another war.
Stop being over dramatic, I'm not talking about concentration camps for Jews etc., ffs.
Exactly don’t get the fuzz either, it will just be huddle resorts for russians that’s totally different.
The problem is that its easy to say that when it's not our family, friends and children being bombed and killed. It's not like Ukraine are getting their hands dirty and killing Russian civilians, it's all coming one way.

Honestly, I get it. If it was my family being bombed and having artillery launched at them every day then i'm not sure I could be so forgiving either. Hateful scenario whatever way we look at it.
I'm lying in bed now, all warm and comfy. Reading about the war on my smartphone. It would be so easy for me to complain about morals.

In an ideal world, the Ukrainians resist the urges to get dirty but as many wars have showed, it's probably just not going to happen. Especially when the blatant aggressor here is Russia, invading your country and killing your family and other loved ones.

Focus should be on getting Russia to stop this war and withdraw.
If NATO did want to intervene, let’s say, beyond a proxy war stance, is there any middle ground between being militarily all in or all out? I guess air strikes could theoretically be possible without actually putting troops on the ground, perhaps?
Absolutely not. If NATO shoot down Russian planes inside Ukraine, or whatever it will be a clear declaration of war as any.

More and more Indian students are simply not being allowed to leave Kharkiv. Getting kicked off the trains or simply not allowed to get onto trains, because they are not Ukrainian.
Indian embassy desperately asks people to leave on foot to escape from shelling.

Already one Indian student dead in the shelling as he went out of his bunker to get food.
Callous maybe, but why didn't they leave when war became inevitable or when other countries told their nationals to leave?