To be fair I don;t think it is their intention to commit any of those war crimes at this stage yet, despite the invasion. Accidents do occur in war, and there are far more soldiers dying than civilians so far, and far more military facilities being destroyed rather than the civilians buildings, which further proves their point.
I've heard there are also suggestion that some of those so called war crimes are actually committed by Ukraine soldiers themselves (either by accident when trying to defend against Russian, or according to conspiracy theory for the intention to gain more backing of the west), and I've seen nothing much from the Russian soldiers trying to threaten the live of civilians directly being shown from any of these camera footage, except probably the tank crushing civilian car (but it was later been reported that the tank wasn't from Russian, and its just an accident), or the missile hitting the residential building (it was later reported the missile was mis-fired by Ukraine anti aircraft missile). So far I would say in general they do take this primiarily as an military operation to destroy military facilities, and to avoid hurting any civilians, which is something I think Putin wouldn't be stupid to commit, as he still need support from his people to buy his propaganda and justify such invasion. But of course, after their primary goal is achieved, whatever comes next nobody would know, I doubt the Russian army would just leave the country without doing anything else after their military operation to "neutralise" Ukraine.
So I think its more about which side of propaganda people are being subjected to. For the Ukraine people and the west, Russian invaders are evil as they are invading their home country by military means, destroying the buildings/facilities and causing lives of people. For Russian soldiers, they are trying to do what they have been told and ordered, to neutralise Ukraine military force and to liberty the people of Ukraine.