Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

So it does seem like captured Russian POW's are telling the truth? Bizarre stuff.

At this point, NATO should definitely not intervene. It's absolutely irresponsible to start WW3, even for the sake of the whole people of Ukraine. It'd mean armageddon.
Boiling frog….
No I don't think it is a stupid question at all, in fact it maybe the only solution!

One way or another you suspect Putin is nearing the end of his reign, he has done everything he can to stay in power and to change Russia back to what it was in the post WW2 period, his personal 'search for the holy grail 'sort of thing is the putting back in place of some sort of new, but in the old style, USSR, if he dies trying, so be it.

Until the Russian people realise that their hitherto hero is now living in a world of his own, where he believes he can do what he wants/ more importantly believes he is entitled to do what he wants, then there is probably little, short of armed conflict involving Nato, ahead.
You have to suspect somewhere deep in his own thought processes, Putin is ashamed of his generations capitulation to Regan's' Star wars' initiative and Russia (which at that time couldn't match it) and in effect 'lost' the cold war. Probably Putin's life's ambition is to restore Russia to her glory days... whatever it takes!
Most def. But then, I fail to see how a burned Russia is Russia to its glory days, which is one of the three reasons, I feel we might not have a nuclear war.

Poor Ukrainians though. Kyiv could have the same fate as Grozny/Aleppo.
Can NATO really stand by and let this happen? Can the leaders of western europe just watch it unfold and do nothing of substance? It feels so wrong.

Its what Putiin is banking on. People in the West being afraid to engage due to escalation fears, thereby allowing him to gleefully slaughter as many as Ukrainians as he feels like.

I know people bring up yemen, palenstine or the yhugers in china but this is on our doorstep.

I've reported this to our comrades in the whataboutism thread.

We must help those who cannot help themselves in their hour of need, especially when facing overwhelming odds. I am ashamed, saddened and disgusted with this voyeuristic war playing out on social media.

We (the west) need to do more. I realise the consequences are enormous if we do, but what does it say of humanity in general if we just watch a country be destroyed, a people slaughtered and innocent children murdered in cold blood?

We should, but we are running out of time since Putin is about to pulverize most Ukrainian cities into submission within the next 72 hours, which may unfortunately not give NATO any time to intervene.
Which basically shows Russia have been 100% certain NATO will not get involved all along.
Yep. If the West start directly hurting/killing russians, that could be considered an act of war. The convoy was just another show.
It would be the other way around, they could come in from Transnistria into Ukraine. Very predictable given that the 1,500 or so Russian troops in Transnistria have been perfectly positioned to invade Odessa.

I hope you are correct.
== broke down
The vehicle you really don’t want to be driving in that convoy is a fuel tanker; minimal armour and easily the best target for a bloke with an AT weapon as destroying a tanker has the ability to stop multiple armoured vehicles by removing their fuel supply.
Kyiv could have the same fate as Grozny/Aleppo.
feels almost inevitable at this point as its encircled - there is a huge convoy of artillery on the way... and NATO is shrugging its shoulders and at most considering some extra sanctions

Fully expect it to be a pile of rubble and Zelenski dead by the time the next Ukraine / Russia talks take place with the talks basically being surrender or we move onto another city...
At this point, NATO should definitely not intervene. It's absolutely irresponsible to start WW3, even for the sake of the whole people of Ukraine. It'd mean armageddon.
Where is the line in the sand? What after ukraine he goes after another non nato european country then another and another?
Think you meant a drone. Why risk an Apache when they can vaporize the entire column from the clouds with a press of a button.

They had the S-400 in Belarus, no clue if they've moved any into Ukraine. It's a modern, very capable anti-air system and its radar and missiles can go out to hundreds of km.

Even Buk will quite happily take out Apaches and subsonic drones.

If only war was that easy...
Can NATO really stand by and let this happen? Can the leaders of western europe just watch it unfold and do nothing of substance? It feels so wrong.

I know people bring up yemen, palenstine or the yhugers in china but this is on our doorstep.

We must help those who cannot help themselves in their hour of need, especially when facing overwhelming odds. I am ashamed, saddened and disgusted with this voyeuristic war playing out on social media.

We (the west) need to do more. I realise the consequences are enormous if we do, but what does it say of humanity in general if we just watch a country be destroyed, a people slaughtered and innocent children murdered in cold blood?
I agree, I think we should call Putin's nuclear bluff and defend Ukraine. That's easy to say from here, of course. Why isn't Putin the one who has to worry about NATO nukes? And he brings Belarus but Ukraine can't have any allies? That's ridiculous.
That thread is painting the Russian campaign as woefully incompetent bordering on comedic that it's almost impossible to believe it's true.

The first wave of Russian attack over the past 6 days has pretty much been woefully incompetent, replete with surrendering soldiers, running out of fuel, lack of morale, and generally getting beaten back by Ukrainians with lesser arms but far greater enthusiasim. The 2nd wave of Russian attack which focuses on aerial strikes, heavy artillery, and entrenched urban combat, may be a completely different story.
Where is the line in the sand? What after ukraine he goes after another non nato european country then another and another?

NATO is for NATO members, not anybody else - that's the line. Right now, we're not just watching him do his thing either.
It's about average for the USAF fleet in maintenance requirements, which is impressive considering the stealth coatings on the F22 make it comfortably the worst.

Thank you for that. I was referring to the RAF figures which show it to be quite a bit higher than Typhoon for example, despite Typhoon being twin engine.
I doubt this will happen.

It might take
politicians really need to shut this idea down. No fly zone doesnt just mean shooting down planes, it also entails shooting down anti aircraft weapons, including those inside of russia. No fly zone is not a middle ground, Its going to war with Russia. Simple as that.

War? no no, its called a "Special Operation" or something.
Nobody wants ww3. But technically it would be Putin that started it. Would love to be a fly on the wall of security meetings in western countries right now.

who gives a shit about whom has started ww3 if we're all dead?

can't believe people are so eager to die and especially are willing to let billions of people suffer with them...
I agree, I think we should call Putin's nuclear bluff and defend Ukraine. That's easy to say from here, of course. Why isn't Putin the one who has to worry about NATO nukes? And he brings Belarus but Ukraine can't have any allies? That's ridiculous.

I think he is worried about those nukes, but he cultivated an image in which he is the guy who plays by the rules of "Either I win or we all lose." If he really would push the button if we intervened and bombed his troops back to Russia, I really don't know and that is the problem I think no one really knows what he is capable off and if he really would rather see the world burn than not be the king of it.

Uh oh, not sure if this is correct, but seems a part of Odessa occupation force is meant to go to Moldova after. I know it's Transinistria there, that allegedly shot rockets on western parts of ukrainian military targets, are they trying to set up a base of operations there though?

Also, the first map on the right, the one with the map of europe on it, is titled NATO and US airforce groupment in Europe.
Yep. One of China’s long term term strategies is essentially making countries in strategic locations indebted to them (Jamaica) or because they are influential (UK, Germany and France historically get the bulk of Chinese investment). It’s interesting Beijing has recently actually started piling money into Poland at the expense of the UK though which gives it an added layer of protection from Russia.

Not sure how strategic a location we are ? And also indebted? If they want to come and repossess their highways and overpass they are welcome to come for them
You seriously suppose starting another world war? Or am I misunderstanding your intention?

Just making the point that if you let Russia land grab state by state, at what point do you decide it’s time to intervene?

Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine…Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania?

If they do it incrementally, one per decade before letting relations settle and the world adjust to the new normal and then move onto the next you will always have people saying “it’s not worth it they have nukes”.
I think he is worried about those nukes, but he cultivated an image in which he is the guy who plays by the rules of "Either I win or we all lose." If he really would push the button if we intervened and bombed his troops back to Russia, I really don't know and that is the problem I think no one really knows what he is capable off and if he really would rather see the world burn than not be the king of it.
I don't think that's his character, to rule the world or see it burn. I think he knows the West is afraid to face Russian troops because of those nukes. He's a cold, calculating reptile who cares deeply about his own wealth and power. I don't think he's the sort to end the world. That video posted about his personality said he wouldn't launch, or even move the danger of launch to 20%, but if he thought he could get political power from moving that threat from 1-3% he would do it because he's a risk taker.
Just making the point that if you let Russia land grab state by state, at what point do you decide it’s time to intervene?

Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine…Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania?

If they do it incrementally, one per decade before letting relations settle and the world adjust to the new normal and then move onto the next you will always have people saying “it’s not worth it they have nukes”.

Excellent point and wouldn't be surprised if this was their play given what they did to Crimea and Georgia.
Just making the point that if you let Russia land grab state by state, at what point do you decide it’s time to intervene?

Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine…Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania?

If they do it incrementally, one per decade before letting relations settle and the world adjust to the new normal and then move onto the next you will always have people saying “it’s not worth it they have nukes”.

?? As I said it before, it's about NATO members. That's the whole point of NATO...the last 4 countries you mentioned are NATO
Just making the point that if you let Russia land grab state by state, at what point do you decide it’s time to intervene?

Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine…Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania?

If they do it incrementally, one per decade before letting relations settle and the world adjust to the new normal and then move onto the next you will always have people saying “it’s not worth it they have nukes”.
And we already let them take Georgia. This isn't the end.
Just making the point that if you let Russia land grab state by state, at what point do you decide it’s time to intervene?

Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine…Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania?

If they do it incrementally, one per decade before letting relations settle and the world adjust to the new normal and then move onto the next you will always have people saying “it’s not worth it they have nukes”.
Exactly, salami tactics.
Most def. But then, I fail to see how a burned Russia is Russia to its glory days, which is one of the three reasons, I feel we might not have a nuclear war.

To a crazy person, like Putin has seemed to have become, such outcomes are unlikely because he believes that the West/ NATO in particular, won't go to war with him over Ukraine. However if they do and he goes down (in whatever history is left in the world) as the man who tried to restore 'Mother Russia' to her former greatness...and he'd probably be happy to sign off with that!
I don't think that's his character, to rule the world or see it burn. I think he knows the West is afraid to face Russian troops because of those nukes. He's a cold, calculating reptile who cares deeply about his own wealth and power. I don't think he's the sort to end the world. That video posted about his personality said he wouldn't launch, or even move the danger of launch to 20%, but if he thought he could get political power from moving that threat from 1-3% he would do it because he's a risk taker.

I agree he isn't as deranged as some videos suggest that his propaganda apparatus posted, but that it's a bluff. That being said, I also have no idea how he would react if we decided to send in the drones and take out his tank convoy, which imo would a doable support, even without risking our own troops.
I agree he isn't as deranged as some videos suggest that his propaganda apparatus posted, but that it's a bluff. That being said, I also have no idea how he would react if we decided to send in the drones and take out his tank convoy, which imo would a doable support, even without risking our own troops.

He'd react by shooting them down. It wouldn't be difficult. That convoy isn't not going to have anti-air.