Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

That's an incredibly tone-deaf way of describing what's going on here.

We all know the US is far from perfect, but this is Russian imperialism.
Russia is not able to offer a guarantee that it won't invade its non-NATO neighbours.

NATO offers collective security from invasion, that's why these countries want in.
The immediate responsibility is on Russia for invading. Why the timing we will find out later for sure.
But anyone with a brain can see the possibility of this happening. From the time the USSR broke up and they wanted to join the NATO and was slapped down.
The Cuban missile crisis is a good precedent. The USA would have invaded if it was not removed. They did invade Grenada because Cuba was building a runway.
So the blame for this mess don't lie with Russia alone. Th
And I reckon you like to push an agenda without knowing your audience. That's why I try not to disclose too much, so I get a laugh every time someone makes an assumption.

As for the many people, many of those other people's word is not worth the paper it's written on because countries usually serve their self-interests e.g. China who refused to declare this war an invasion. So, with that in mind, I'd take the US over Russia and China any day of the week.

With that being said, I hope Putin chokes on his 'victory' which I'm sure he'll achieve one way or another.
We're now both-sidesing one country invading another?
Whilst I'm by no means a defender of the West on every act, please give one reasonable argument to suggest that anyone other than Putin/Kremlin is to blame in this instance?

I'm not even bothering to say Russia as it is evident that this is the act of a solo-dictator and his cronies alone, not something that represents the entire country.
This is a 6 year old video.

This feels made up. The $10b a day number also seems invented. For context, the US’s burn rate at its absolute biggest in Iraq (during peak surge) was $10b per month.
This is for sure made up but we can probably add up how much their sanctions cost their economy. USA did not have any real sanctions for invading Iraq, right?
I'd say that overestimating Putin's failures in Ukraine is something that we should be wary of. Simply because it already started to create a less realistic picture of events. It's very much understandable why Ukrainian sources push forward that view of the situation — they need to boost their public morale by all means possible, but while the invasion had certainly didn't go as smoothly as Putin would want it to, it still leads at this point to a very likely victory if no significant change happens.
Information warfare is also part of a war, the west has chosen its side.

You want the west to care about factual reporting in a middle of a war ?
I'd say that overestimating Putin's failures in Ukraine is something that we should be wary of. Simply because it already started to create a less realistic picture of events. It's very much understandable why Ukrainian sources push forward that view of the situation — they need to boost their public morale by all means possible, but while the invasion had certainly didn't go as smoothly as Putin would want it to, it still leads at this point to a very likely victory if no significant change happens.
Somewhat agree. If you told us this time last week that we would find ourselves here where we are now, we wouldn’t believe it and we would think the world is ending. I’ve gone to bed each of the last three nights fearing the worst, and I’m just thankful for the last two that we have woken to something better than it otherwise might have been. I’m glad the West is now awakening too, but Ukraine is still in an utterly perilous position. Unlike a few though, I always expected Ukraine to resist as much as they can. I only hope it will be enough.
I don’t know how big their resources are. However some countries are also getting theirs from Nigeria I think.

The resources are _big_.
Not sure how to solve it logistically, or if Norway can even increase production fast enough to meet new demands in time, but Norway is currently the worlds third biggest exporter of gas.
This feels made up. The $10b a day number also seems invented. For context, the US’s burn rate at its absolute biggest in Iraq (during peak surge) was $10b per month.
Yeah now that you mention it, it does feel made up.
Even if you don’t believe the figures it’s clear this isn’t going according to plan at all.
As I've said in my post, it's clear that, thankfully, Ukraine is dealing with it way better than Putin (probably) thought that it would.
Even if you don’t believe the figures it’s clear this isn’t going according to plan at all.
Do we know what the plan was ? Any leak docs with putin signature detailing the objective that have to met within a certain timeline.

War101 - Every side is winning the war until the moment they're not. Have you forgotten baghdad bob ? :lol:
This feels made up. The $10b a day number also seems invented. For context, the US’s burn rate at its absolute biggest in Iraq (during peak surge) was $10b per month.
I'm guessing that if you include the losses in capitalisation of Russian companies over the past few days the figure can be even higher. But yeah, the transcript is certainly made up.
This is for sure made up but we can probably add up how much their sanctions cost their economy. USA did not have any real sanctions for invading Iraq, right?

The US had to move all its troops, planes, ships, armor, artillery, and war infrastructure to Iraq, then pay to maintain it. All done for 10b a month. There’s no way the Russians are paying 10b a day for a war next door.
I was just wondering how badly it would hit Russia if countries went elsewhere for their gas supplies.

Most EU countries that are heavily relying on gas supply from Russia were counting on winning the war in Syria to get their gas via turkey and end their need for Russian Gas. Germany, France, Belgium all invested heavily in arming ISIS and what they ended up with was thousands of refugees and terrorist attacks within, this is why now "NATO" is pulling hard to bring in Ukraine so there could be a possibility to use Ukraine's Gas to supply EU, hence the current conflict in my opinion.
The US had to move all its troops, planes, ships, armor, artillery, and war infrastructure to Iraq, then pay to maintain it. All done for 10b a month. There’s no way the Russians are paying 10b a day for a war next door.
What ballpark percentage of us military was engaged in the first month in iraq?
I'm surprised how worked up people are getting over nukes. Maybe I'm being naive but they've always just come across as a 'who's got the biggest dick' competition to me.

I just can't picture them ever being used. In my very simple mindset if you nuke one country you're going to get nuked back. Nobody is going to do it. Nobody wants to see the world as we know it destroyed. And if Putin was some deranged lunatic who wanted to blow up the world I'm sure it's not just a case of he presses a button. There will other people involved who don't want to end the world.
My faith in humanity has diminished over the last 5 years. I really don’t want to find out
Most EU countries that are heavily relying on gas supply from Russia were counting on winning the war in Syria to get their gas via turkey and end their need for Russian Gas. Germany, France, Belgium all invested heavily in arming ISIS and what they ended up with was thousands of refugees and terrorist attacks within, this is why now "NATO" is pulling hard to bring in Ukraine so there could be a possibility to use Ukraine's Gas to supply EU, hence the current conflict in my opinion.
You are troll. Someone needs to remove you.
Most EU countries that are heavily relying on gas supply from Russia were counting on winning the war in Syria to get their gas via turkey and end their need for Russian Gas. Germany, France, Belgium all invested heavily in arming ISIS and what they ended up with was thousands of refugees and terrorist attacks within, this is why now "NATO" is pulling hard to bring in Ukraine so there could be a possibility to use Ukraine's Gas to supply EU, hence the current conflict in my opinion.
Is there a source for any of this?
The US had to move all its troops, planes, ships, armor, artillery, and war infrastructure to Iraq, then pay to maintain it. All done for 10b a month. There’s no way the Russians are paying 10b a day for a war next door.
I agree, not a chance. Just saying their real cost may be higher than what US cost would have been due to the hit their economy will inevitably take.
Most EU countries that are heavily relying on gas supply from Russia were counting on winning the war in Syria to get their gas via turkey and end their need for Russian Gas. Germany, France, Belgium all invested heavily in arming ISIS and what they ended up with was thousands of refugees and terrorist attacks within, this is why now "NATO" is pulling hard to bring in Ukraine so there could be a possibility to use Ukraine's Gas to supply EU, hence the current conflict in my opinion.
That's interesting.
Most EU countries that are heavily relying on gas supply from Russia were counting on winning the war in Syria to get their gas via turkey and end their need for Russian Gas. Germany, France, Belgium all invested heavily in arming ISIS and what they ended up with was thousands of refugees and terrorist attacks within, this is why now "NATO" is pulling hard to bring in Ukraine so there could be a possibility to use Ukraine's Gas to supply EU, hence the current conflict in my opinion.

France don't heavily rely on gas and only 20% of it comes from Russia. The main source of french gas is Norway at 43%.
France don't heavily rely on gas and only 20% of it comes from Russia. The main source of french gas is Norway at 43%.
UK doesn't rely on them either apparently, we have so much gas ourselves plus we are a customer of Norway. Who is Russia's biggest customers?
Surely the Russians can’t let Zelensky continue walking around Kiev posting motivational videos every few hours?

At this point it do more harm to them than good if they killed Zelenksy. They want a surrender, there's already little chance of that ever happening, but if he goes down as a martyr there is none.

This probably sounds weird but I would've thought a missile would do more damage to a building than that.

A ballistic/cruise missile would, looks like this is some more conventional rocket or stray anti-air.

Sounds like a load of crap

Sure it is, crap i'd be happy to spread far and wide.

So any chance troops are called back now and this war ends?

If you believe that Kremline statement I've a bridge to sell you :P
It’s so obvious British airways have been cyber attacked by the Russians or Chinese, seems we spout bullshit too.
One of the biggest demonstrations I've ever seen in Tallinn right now. Unfortunately couldn't go as I got the rona.

UK doesn't rely on them either apparently, we have so much gas ourselves plus we are a customer of Norway. Who is Russia's biggest customers?

In 2019, the top 5 was Italy, Japan, Belarus, Norway and Slovakia.
All those who believe that Putin could level Ukrainian cities through heavy bombardment are in the wrong. Putler still calls this an operation. If we start seeing total distructions, it won't be only about NATO anymore. USA, UK, and other countries will intervene. It is a horrific war, but thus far Putler seems to be doing much worse than expected.