Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I'd imagine so — it's certainly one of the most popular social media around.

And yeah, they've started to slow down Twitter today again as well, I've just seen the reports.
I keep trying to send Twitter videos to my mates in Russia and they cannot seem to play them, is that something you’ve been experiencing as well?
This is what I wonder, send the first waves with green troops and old machinery which is more expendable. Keep experience and better equipment in the wings as long as possible to maintain the strength of the military.

If that is true then Russia would knowingly be in it for the long game and it would conflict from the MoD reports saying that the Russians are behind schedule.

Of course, our MoD might be bullshitting too to help the information war, you can't rule that out.

The EU and US intelligence can see everything on that battlefield, I have no doubt. They have a good feel of what reserve firepower the Russians have at the borders.
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Can someone please translate the last two tweets on the page of chess player Peter Svidler?
It may have nothing to do with the war at all, but I’m very curious on his stance in all this.

I dont know about that tweet but he has already been vocal and He is 100% against it as is Nepo (another Russian Gm who recently lost to Carlsen in the world's finals).

The only support for putin has came from gm karjakin who tweeted a tasteless joke about ukraine which has since been deleted and received a lot of condemnation from fellow gms.

Svidler is a top bloke as is Nepo both sticking their necks out but publicly condemning the invasion. A few others have done the same too. Karjakin is a piece of shit who can rot for all I care. He's long known to be an idiot but hopefully he receives a lifetime ban and has his title revoked is he carries on
Can someone please translate the last two tweets on the page of chess player Peter Svidler?
It may have nothing to do with the war at all, but I’m very curious on his stance in all this.

Saw it translated elsewhere, he's against the war. Said something like "Silence made today possible" when the invasion started.

Compared to someone like Sergey Karjakin, who is very much pro-Putin.
Put it this way…given how current events have unfolded do you think this Russian military could stage and invasion of the rest of europe or UK?
Can someone please translate the last two tweets on the page of chess player Peter Svidler?
It may have nothing to do with the war at all, but I’m very curious on his stance in all this.
(retweeted) by Nikita Vitiugov
23 ч

Невозможно поверить. В 2022 году в Европе люди гибнут на войне, ломаются судьбы десятков миллионов людей. Ужас. Не вижу, чем эмоции в интернете могут помочь. Зафиксирую свою позицию – нельзя защищаться на чужой территории. Русские и украинцы - братья,а не враги. Остановите войну.
I can't believe it. It's 2022 and people in Europe are dying as a result of a war, crushing the fates of tens of millions people. What a horror. I can't see how showing emotions online can't help. I just want to clarify my position — you can't defend yourself on foreign ground. Russians & Ukrainians are brothers, not enemies. Stop the war.

Peter Svidler
24 февр.

Молчание сделало сегодняшний день возможным. #нетвойне
Silence has made today possible #notowar
Can someone please translate the last two tweets on the page of chess player Peter Svidler?
It may have nothing to do with the war at all, but I’m very curious on his stance in all this.

The one from 24th Feb says "silence made this day possible"

The one he re-tweeted says: "I can't believe it. In 2022 people die in war in Europe, millions of lives are broken. I can't see how emotions on internet can help. My position: can't protect yourself by invading another territory. Russians and Ukrainians are brothers, not enemies. Stop the war".
It would make sense to send the fodder in first.

This is like deep battle doctrine we’re seeing where a force looks for weaknesses in defence by probing attacks from many different areas. Finally, subsequently finds a a weak point or overstretched defence where the attacking force finally commits larger number of forces to.

That’s my interpretation of what’s might be happening. Of course I’m only parroting it really. Some guys whom have vastly superior knowledge than me are speculating on this very topic.
Sending in unprepared soldiers with the worst epuipment first when the defender is the strongest would cause mass casualties for the attacker. This tactic would be extremly demoralising for the country and all other soldiers.
I keep trying to send Twitter videos to my mates in Russia and they cannot seem to play them, is that something you’ve been experiencing as well?
I'm using VPN at all times for multiple reasons, so not personally, no. But yeah, I'd imagine that if I turn it off I won't be able to watch them as well.
Put it this way…given how current events have unfolded do you think this Russian military could stage and invasion of the rest of europe or UK?
It's odd really. Putin has spent so long bigging up his modern army and implying strength from all that. This could all end with Russia looking weaker not stronger. Contrasting it to the amazing display of US superiority in the first Gulf War and the way it affected everyones perception of US power afterwards. Bit too soon to draw any conclusions though.
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Put it this way…given how current events have unfolded do you think this Russian military could stage and invasion of the rest of europe or UK?
No chanse, just the logistics of a operation like that would be imposible. We are seeing the Russian supply lines already stretched in Ukraine.
A tank without fuel is nothing but a huge steel canister
I keep trying to send Twitter videos to my mates in Russia and they cannot seem to play them, is that something you’ve been experiencing as well?
I believe all images and videos on both Twitter and Facebook are now blocked/not loading.
When the OSINT folks (ex-mlitary, ex-intel) guys are saying they have no idea what Russia is trying to achieve in some of these advances. In this first few days, Russia has seemingly got the tactics wrong multiple times and on a continual basis. Can't read much else into it atm. Sometimes shit tactics are shit tactics.
When the OSINT folks (ex-mlitary, ex-intel) guys are saying they have no idea what Russia is trying to achieve in some of these advances. In this first few days, Russia has seemingly got the tactics wrong multiple times and on a continual basis. Can't read much else into it atm. Sometimes shit tactics are shit tactics.
The airdrops are certainly puzzling. Certainly without consistent air support.
Sending in unprepared soldiers with the worst epuipment first when the defender is the strongest would cause mass casualties for the attacker. This tactic would be extremly demoralising for the country and all other soldiers.

Not to mention the effect these early victories have on Ukrainian morale. Effective shock and awe would suppress resistance, whereas now you are seeing incredible fight and hope from the defenders. Even if they are doomed to fail, they are now (even more) motivated to fight to the last man.
Reminded of that old quote about how Russia is never as strong or as weak as it looks.
I’m seeing loads of posts on FB from Americans that believe that Putin is trying to stop genocide created by the Ukrainian government. They are speaking like he’s a hero!
When the OSINT folks (ex-mlitary, ex-intel) guys are saying they have no idea what Russia is trying to achieve in some of these advances. In this first few days, Russia has seemingly got the tactics wrong multiple times and on a continual basis. Can't read much else into it atm. Sometimes shit tactics are shit tactics.
I am almost certain that this has been and extreme miscalculation by the Russians. They where expecting a swift Crimea 2.0 type of operation but instead this is looking more like the Russian Bay of pigs.
I’m seeing loads of posts on FB from Americans that believe that Putin is trying to stop genocide created by the Ukrainian government. They are speaking like he’s a hero!
Crazy Americans, well I never!
I’m seeing loads of posts on FB from Americans that believe that Putin is trying to stop genocide created by the Ukrainian government. They are speaking like he’s a hero!

yes noticed that too. Don’t underestimate just how much some Americans hate Biden. It warps everything they look at.
The Americans are saying that they have been using only one third of what they have at the border so they could up it if they want to.
I think where they may have miscalculated is the morale of the Ukrainians. They should have known better. They are the best to understand the Ukrainians.
Surely the Russians can’t let Zelensky continue walking around Kiev posting motivational videos every few hours?
yes noticed that too. Don’t underestimate just how much some Americans hate Biden. It warps everything they look at.
It‘s not about Biden. It is and always has been about white supremacy. Going by ideology, Putin is closer to them than than the whole DNC for example.
The whole American right is very close to Putin in terms of ideology.
It's odd really. Putin has spent so long bigging up his modern army and implying strength from all that. This could all end with Russia looking weaker not stronger. Contrasting it to the amazing display of US superiority in the first Gulf War and the way it affected everyones perception of US power afterwards. Bit too soon to draw any conclusions though.
US and UK defeated Iraq with 173 casualties (keeping it under control is another matter).

Russia has most certainly lost more than that in the space of 2 days, although I find hard to believe that 3500 casualties that Ukraine is saying.
Surely the Russians can’t let Zelensky continue walking around Kiev posting motivational videos every few hours?

I think zelensky has got the balance right up until now. But needs to be careful, he cannot be caught and killed.If he needs to get out of their he needs to make the right choice.
Put it this way…given how current events have unfolded do you think this Russian military could stage and invasion of the rest of europe or UK?
It's looking very much like 'no'. With the total forces that could be deployed by NATO, to include probably over half the US military, absolutely not. Even if you hypothetically make the scenario where the US and Canada can't make any deployments, just supply fuel and munitions, so the British and French armies comprise the bulk of the forces, it's also looking quite unlikely.
Yeah possibly after launching circa 6000 nukes though as I'm pretty sure Hitler would have done if he had the opportunity
This assumes that he is a lunatic, and that people under him are lunatics too.

Of course that it can happen, but the only likely scenario I see it happening is if there is an invasion of Russia.