Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I'd imagine he will wait until the Olympics are done. At least that is what he did prior to the last Ukraine invasion by leveraging the momentary Russian soft power following Sochi.
Yes... finished just before defence of the fatherland day.... as I say that's the day I'd circle as most likley
Wasn't the attack on Georgia at 08 right during the Olympics? Which were again in China :nervous:
The conflict started on the same day as the Olympics, the 8th of August 2008. That conflict was a bit different from the usual ones that involve Russia — the actual escalation in that case was Georgian attack on Tskhinvali (which wasn't a false flag operation by the way). South Ossetia is also very different from, say, Donetsk or Lugansk since it was de-facto independent since the fall of USSR and Russia didn't play an active role in separating it from Georgia (although it used Ossetia for its political needs after that as it's mostly dependent on Russia).
The conflict started on the same day as the Olympics, the 8th of August 2008. That conflict was a bit different from the usual ones that involve Russia — the actual escalation in that case was Georgian attack on Tskhinvali (which wasn't a false flag operation by the way). South Ossetia is also very different from, say, Donetsk or Lugansk since it was de-facto independent since the fall of USSR and Russia didn't play an active role in separating it from Georgia (although it used Ossetia for its political needs after that as it's mostly dependent on Russia).
I remember that it was a Georgian attack, however the Russian army was alteady assembled around no? I think it was an immediate response...
What an embarrassing exchange for Price. It's like he forgot which country he's in.

" I said it was so thus there is your evidence"
I turned the clip off after a while but what is the journalist expecting here? That the US releases its intel capabilities by showing how the evidence was collected? That'd be quite naive.
I turned the clip off after a while but what is the journalist expecting here? That the US releases its intel capabilities by showing how the evidence was collected? That'd be quite naive.

"declassified intel" is supposd to be more than words from some spokesman. documents, intercepts, whatever. they can't "declassify" a summary conclusion, without citing any methods, and expect it to be believed.
I turned the clip off after a while but what is the journalist expecting here? That the US releases its intel capabilities by showing how the evidence was collected? That'd be quite naive.
Yeah, you have to be Donald Trump to do that.
I turned the clip off after a while but what is the journalist expecting here? That the US releases its intel capabilities by showing how the evidence was collected? That'd be quite naive.
the journalist wasnt asking for Price to show how the evidence was collected. the journalist was asking for the evidence to back up the various claims that Price has asserted. Price tries to say that the evidence is that he said it happened. Which is an odd thing to say.

Its like if a secretary of state came out and said "Iraq has WOMD" and a journalist said ok, whats the evidence of this, and the response was "it was from intelligence information that we have declassified" and you're saying "oh ok where is this declassified information"...and then the SOS says" i just told you "Iraq has WOMD" ...wut you dont believe me?"
"declassified intel" is supposd to be more than words from some spokesman. documents, intercepts, whatever. they can't "declassify" a summary conclusion, without citing any methods, and expect it to be believed.
exactly .
Price is saying that him asserting something on a podium is somehow evidence itself because he said it which i find absurd.
I remember that it was a Georgian attack, however the Russian army was alteady assembled around no? I think it was an immediate response...
Yeah, both armies were assembling near the border for quite some time as it was blatantly obvious that whatever was happening would most likely end in an armed conflict.
Lee is basically a troll. I had to deal with him when he and other journos rolled into Kabul. His schtick hasn't changed over the years.
Don't you think that he asks reasonable questions here?
Don't you think that he asks reasonable questions here?

No i don't think so. He's basically playing "stump the chump" by being deliberately argumentative about something he knows he can't get, which is the sources and methods by which the information was gathered. He of course knew this before even asking the question, but still continued to proceed with his usual schtick of being a self-aggrandizing wum.
No i don't think so. He's basically playing "stump the chump" by being deliberately argumentative about something he knows he can't get, which is the sources and methods by which the information was gathered. He of course knew this before even asking the question, but still continued to proceed with his usual schtick of being a self-aggrandizing wum.
I won’t try to reword what others have said better but I would be interested to see how you’d reply to the point that @ChaddyP & @berbatrick have raised above.
How dare a journalist do their job and scrutinise information provided. They should just lap it up and report what they're told.
A mate of my son is a squadie and he has just been told he is flying out to Eastern Europe in the next 48 hours .
I won’t try to reword what others have said better but I would be interested to see how you’d reply to the point that @ChaddyP & @berbatrick have raised above.

The government declassifies and disseminates information to the public from time to time, which is what appears to have happened here. They don't have to release the specifics of how it was obtained and journalists, although they can question it, don't have any recourse it confirming it, just like members of the public don't have the ability to know whether anonymous sources that journalists commonly use in stories can be confirmed. It is expected that public officials disseminate information accurately, just as it is expected by the public that anonymous sources used by journalists are accurate when cited in stories. Lee, having been a journo for decades knows this, but deliberately continues down the path of being argumentative because that's his known style.
Is this what you take from history?

Very much so yes, at least from recent history. There are a couple of obvious violations of this but they are in the extreme minority when you look at the hundreds or thousands of times information is conveyed this way.
Very much so yes, at least from recent history. There are a couple of obvious violations of this but they are in the extreme minority when you look at the hundreds or thousands of times information is conveyed this way.

OK, fair enough, I just can't share you optimism.
The government declassifies and disseminates information to the public from time to time, which is what appears to have happened here. They don't have to release the specifics of how it was obtained and journalists, although they can question it, don't have any recourse it confirming it, just like members of the public don't have the ability to know whether anonymous sources that journalists commonly use in stories can be confirmed. It is expected that public officials disseminate information accurately, just as it is expected by the public that anonymous sources used by journalists are accurate when cited in stories. Lee, having been a journo for decades knows this, but deliberately continues down the path of being argumentative because that's his known style.
Just fyi , I have no issue with the government not giving up sources and methods and also not giving any actual hard evidence for the claims they are making. Im also fully aware that journalist know that the government wont give them certain classified information even when they asked. But for price to come on the podium and expect us to all believe what he's saying as gospel and that him saying that it is so is somehow proof in itself is laughable and why i find the whole exchange absurd.
Just fyi , I have no issue with the government not giving up sources and methods and also not giving any actual hard evidence for the claims they are making. Im also fully aware that journalist know that the government wont give them certain classified information even when they asked. But for price to come on the podium and expect us to all believe what he's saying as gospel and that him saying that it is so is somehow proof in itself is laughable and why i find the whole exchange absurd.

I think he's a terrible spokesman, but he's also in a lose - lose situation in that if he provides accurate information, people could still say something like what Lee did.
I think he's a terrible spokesman, but he's also in a lose - lose situation in that if he provides accurate information, people could still say something like what Lee did.
i think all he had to say was the evidence is classified. Instead he tried to tell us that the information hes giving us is the evidence. Jen Psaki did this recently aswell. Reporter questioned if there was evidence that isis leader actually did detonate the bomb and it wasnt you know... another US drone bomb, Psaki for some reason sounded appalled that someone would ever question a statement from the US military, as if they are the stall wards of truth, which again i find absurd given the record of them
i think all he had to say was the evidence is classified. Instead he tried to tell us that the information hes giving us is the evidence. Jen Psaki did this recently aswell. Reporter questioned if there was evidence that isis leader actually did detonate the bomb and it wasnt you know... another US drone bomb, Psaki for some reason sounded appalled that someone would ever question a statement from the US military, as if they are the stall wards of truth, which again i find absurd given the record of them

Yes Price should've said that, although Lee obviously already knew the answer, so I'm not sure how much good it would've done.
I live in Wales but the lad in question is in Northern Ireland.
Well tell your mate that his lad will get a bit Eastern European culture. Because there is absolutely zero chance of him getting hurt there.

There will probably be an invasion. Russia has received its answer from America, that NATO will not deny Ukraine its membership, potentially. It’s something that Putin will never accept and it’s better to act sooner rather than later.

In the end, Russia will propagandise to the Russians and The West to the its population. Russia’s main channel already warned people that the West will say that any escalation will be Russia’s fault. From here on in, there is nothing to particularly to lose, from Russia’s stand point.

I think China’s support of Russia’s stance towards NATO will only embolden Russia to just fecking bite the bullet and invade Ukraine and beat the government into submission or overthrow it entirely.
"Ned Price needs to stop being so arrogant" is the least important part of this saga. Although i admit, he is annoying and needs replacing.
Well tell your mate that his lad will get a bit Eastern European culture. Because there is absolutely zero chance of him getting hurt there.

There will probably be an invasion. Russia has received its answer from America, that NATO will not deny Ukraine its membership, potentially. It’s something that Putin will never accept and it’s better to act sooner rather than later.

In the end, Russia will propagandise to the Russians and The West to the its population. Russia’s main channel already warned people that the West will say that any escalation will be Russia’s fault. From here on in, there is nothing to particularly to lose, from Russia’s stand point.

I think China’s support of Russia’s stance towards NATO will only embolden Russia to just fecking bite the bullet and invade Ukraine and beat the government into submission or overthrow it entirely.

Just a note, America can't grant NATO membership to Ukraine either, it has to be a unanimous vote among all 30 members. If Croatia says no, its no, currently France & Germany also oppose it.
Just a note, America can't grant NATO membership to Ukraine either, it has to be a unanimous vote among all 30 members. If Croatia says no, its no, currently France & Germany also oppose it.
Duly noted.
The Americans and British preemptively exposing Russian ops? I'm loving the games being played, can't lie.

Listening to ITV news - this an absolute farce. I haven’t heard so much whipped up frenzy over a county since Iraq invasion in 2002. I’m not saying it’s the same thing but we should all just stop and think.

I guess because Ukraine isn't in Nato so the situation is beyond their remit. Nato members have pledged to defend each other in case of attack, they haven't pledged to defend non-members.
It’s not beyond their remit at all. Look I don’t know what it is but Ukraine cannot become a western influence. It will not happen.