Iraq and Afghanistan would like a word as well.Erm... some pretty horrible european wars happened in the 90's...
Embarrassing that Germany and Italy are so weak willled when it comes to removing Russia from SWIFT. Can't say the UK were much better with their relatively weak sanctions either.
That's not a valid argument I'm afraid. You have to look at conditions in each country on an individual basis. Russia has a pretty solid pro-democracy, anti-corruption movement as promulgated by the likes of Navalny. Most Russians are below the age of 40 and don't remember the swingin' Soviet days. They want freedom and democracy so they can build better lives for themselves and their families, just like a vast majority of humans around the planet.
Well, Germans can testify since it's "been there, done that" for them.Saw this on twitter and it brought a rare chuckle for today.
They did with the collapse of the USSR. The west never helped them. The whole economy collapsed. People begging on the streets. They are a proud Nation. Humiliated like a third world country.
Putin gave them a better life economically. It's a western myth that the majority of the people in the world wants freedom to shout "down with the government" while they starve and the cronies of the leaders get away with everything.
Now if Putin or Xii messes up economy they would already have been removed. The current situation in Russia is fairly decent compared to the end of the USSR and Yeltsin era.
Putin has said in interviews before that he believes the greatest tragedy to befall Russia was the fall of the soviet union. Not because hes a communist, but due to Russia losing superpower status and control over Europe. Russia can bully each small state individually and threaten invasion to control governments. But what happens when a small state joins regional powers and a superpower in mutual defence? How well do threats work? Not well.
What is the situation in Mariupol?
What is the situation in Mariupol?
The OSINT guys are talking about how they can't believe Russia is not taking out border and town live streaming cameras. You can watch where they are coming through and withdrawing to.
I think they're still working on them plus Cyprus. A few more days of carnage in Ukraine may change some minds.
I think they're still working on them plus Cyprus. A few more days of carnage in Ukraine may change some minds.
I don't understand what is true about SWIFT. Does USA need the other counties to also agree to remove Russia from SWIFT? How many countries have to agree on this? Which countries? Or perhaps USA can decide by themselves to remove Russia and that's the end of it, but right now we are trying to build an alliance around this decision.
I don't understand what is true about SWIFT. Does USA need the other counties to also agree to remove Russia from SWIFT? How many countries have to agree on this? Which countries? Or perhaps USA can decide by themselves to remove Russia and that's the end of it, but right now we are trying to build an alliance around this decision.
Multiple alternatives exist according to wiki:A good read on the complexities of removing Russia from SWFT.
TLDR - It could cause a global economic shock and/or it could steer other countries to create SWFT alternative systems that Russia can switch to.
Alternatives to the SWIFT system include:
- INSTEX – sponsored by the EU, limited to non-USD transactions for trade with Iran, largely unused and ineffective[53][54]
- CIPS – sponsored by China, for trade-related deals in the Chinese currency with Chinese clearing banks[55]
- SPFS – sponsored by Russia, mostly composed of Russian banks[56]
- SFMS - sponsored by India
The problem with sanctioning too many countries (especially big ones like Russia and China) is that it will eventually weaken the tool you're using to sanction them and you might lose it as an effective weapon in the future, and Russia has been preparing for this day (together with China who also doesn't want to be bullied every now and then by US sanctions). Listen to John Kerry in 2015 (talking about the Iran deal), especially minutes 09:17-12:00.I don't understand what is true about SWIFT. Does USA need the other counties to also agree to remove Russia from SWIFT? How many countries have to agree on this? Which countries? Or perhaps USA can decide by themselves to remove Russia and that's the end of it, but right now we are trying to build an alliance around this decision.
A good read on the complexities of removing Russia from SWFT.
TLDR - It could cause a global economic shock and/or it could steer other countries to create SWFT alternative systems that Russia can switch to.
Explains why they have moved 100 000 troops on the Polish border then with Intel suggesting Poland is next. Stop burying your head in the sandsNo the idea is to have UKR as a buffer client state, not to add more territory.
Explains why they have moved 100 000 troops on the Polish border then with Intel suggesting Poland is next. Stop burying your head in the sands
Explains why they have moved 100 000 troops on the Polish border then with Intel suggesting Poland is next. Stop burying your head in the sands
Thank you, this is a nice article. However,I am now more confused about who makes the decision to remove Russia from SWIFT. Does it need consensus? It mentions Cyprus, which is a small island. It also mentions that EU has created a different system. So, who controls who is removed from SWIFT?
With a Turkish ship being destroyed NATO could have invoked article 5. But no, Biden, Boris and the rest of the leaders are all scared of Putin and would rather sit back on their comfy chairs and talk about sanctions.
Everyone always likes to dunk on the US but this conflict has really shown how incompetent Germany and France are and how they are dragging the rest of us down with them:
How is discussing an international agreement that was supposed to be in place until Vlad broke it "dragging the rest of us down" ?
I'm sure if Macron had just said FU to Vlad he'd have refrained from doing this...
This isn't bin laden. Until this invasion Putin had always been very calculated and in my opionon there was reason to hope he'd stay that way. That he hasn't made all of Macron's efforts futile, but no one (save for those that cry wolf 365 days a year) seriously thought he'd go this insane.Macron should have just called out Putin for what he's doing and not engage in a sham negotiation.
He let Putin play him for a fool as the talks made Putin look like a legitimate party when Putin had no intention of holding his troops back, regardless of what anyone in the West said. Literally hours before the launch of the invasion Macron was celebrating that he had negotiated a summit with Biden and Putin that will now not happen. He's hopelessly out of his depth.
This isn't bin laden. Until this invasion Putin had always been very calculated and in my opionon there was reason to hope he'd stay that way. That he hasn't made all of Macron's efforts futile, but no one (save for those that cry wolf 365 days a year) seriously thought he'd go this insane.
Nah he's a nutter now. He's using reasoning even die hard Russian patriots are finding hard to defend. He's demoralising his country with this, and making sure the countries around him who have the option will invest in military and never believe him again. He might gain momentarily but there is no way he gains from this long term.One could actually say he hasn't gone insane and is acting in a very calculated way. He knew that no one would intervene militarily on Ukraine's behalf and knew that his military was strong enough to attempt to install a puppet regime. The West would never have agreed to his core demands, we knew it and he knew it. He coldly did the one thing he felt would be the most efficient solution to his problems w/r/t Ukraine.