Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

^^ You could have just written the more accurate explanation of "I'm incapable of reading anything more nuanced than the garbage tweets that get spammed in here".

Meanwhile, the evacuation train out of Pokrovsk has had to be cancelled, leaving 20,000 civilians (including 1000 children) stranded in the city.

Is this all still part of Zelenskiy's cunning masterplan, Simbo? Are you still looking forward to the impending "massacre"?
A customarily intelligent response. You can try and summon the hyenas back together all you like, but I'll repeat to you: do you have even the slightest conception of the horror that is taking place in Donbass right now? Death, destruction and broken lives everywhere the Russian army has gone. On even the most pro-Ukrainian outlets you can find videos of devastated families, villages and towns. And your conclusion is: "this is all a clandestine masterstroke by Zelenskiy".

Imagine a future where people like you are the norm and sane people with a modicum of informed perspective are somehow the object of your ridicule.

Do you?
Have you ever been to Ukraine?
Have you ever spoken to Ukrainians?
I've said it countless times before and I'll be saying it countless times again: these imbecilic sociopaths have sacrificed Ukraine. Johnson, Sullivan, Blinken, Biden (to an extent; I actually hold him least to blame here), Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan (head of the Institute for the Study of War and author/director of the Project For The New American Century), all of them should burn in hell for stringing Ukraine along like this just to "bleed Russia". Even Phillips O'Brien (pro-war darling of the mainstream media, their go-to for "expert Ukrainian analysis", professional idiot who said the Russian army would collapse by May 2022) is pretending to have had a revelation:

This makes no sense and reads more like a Vladimir Solovyov rant than anything vaguely resembling reality.

It was Putin who invaded Ukraine.

Do you agree with his decision to invade ?
Ukraine have recently developed a new type of drone that they call "dragon drones". These drones pour burning thermite over enemy positions and although their effectivnes is still to be determined it must be terrifying having one of these flying over your position.

This makes no sense and reads more like a Vladimir Solovyov rant than anything vaguely resembling reality.

It was Putin who invaded Ukraine.

Do you agree with his decision to invade ?
Christ, this again.

Putin was wrong to invade Ukraine. That fact is thoroughly irrelevant to anything I post.

And Raoul, when you're the person spamming up the place with trash tweets about "17 reasons Russia is losing the war", most of which were the stuff of instantly falsifiable delusional fantasy, you might want to ease up on the accusations of whose posts have no basis in reality. 2 and a half years into this war and your 'analysis' has still got no further than "Putin invaded Ukraine and that's just damn WRONG!" (a moral slant notably lacking from your views on Israel/Palestine. There it's all about "realpolitik" apparently).
^^ You could have just written the more accurate explanation of "I'm incapable of reading anything more nuanced than the garbage tweets that get spammed in here".

Meanwhile, the evacuation train out of Pokrovsk has had to be cancelled, leaving 20,000 civilians (including 1000 children) stranded in the city.

Is this all still part of Zelenskiy's cunning masterplan, Simbo? Are you still looking forward to the impending "massacre"?

I prefer your fake worry for ukranians to push the need of favourable negotiations for Russia. Ukraine is the one that have the decision to keep fighting or not, not you
War porn fetishists masquerading as concerned defenders of democracy can go get their kicks elsewhere for a while.
Are they better or worse than russian empire fetishists masquerading as concerned defenders of ukrainian civilians?
Annoying for me to click on youtube links purporting to show aerial battles but when I watch them they look like they're video games. Anyone else seeing those? And how do I block them?
Annoying for me to click on youtube links purporting to show aerial battles but when I watch them they look like they're video games. Anyone else seeing those? And how do I block them?
Try to not systematically click on Joe YouTube in the hope of watching people die in real time.
They created quite a problem for Russia internally. Russia still isn't at war. They are still doing a "special military operation" in Ukraine and a "anti terror operation" in Kursk. That somewhat limits what Russia can do, and if they now declare war it would be due to weakness (because Ukraine invaded), not due to strength. Projecting strength is how Putin keeps the people in line and this makes it difficult.
What would you say Russia can't do now that it can do if it officially declares war?
Some russians, Igor Girkin e.g., seem to think Kursk is a smoke screen for main push south later this month. If it is, it's too early to tell, otherwise, I'd say success informational warfare wise, not so much militarily.
Girkin? I'm pretty sure that his communication options with the outside world are quite limited now, where did you read his opinion on the matter?
What would you say Russia can't do now that it can do if it officially declares war?
Afaik using conscripts to fight would be such a thing? But surely you know better than me.
Just want to see some Russian military have a bad day. Is that so wrong?

Violence is merely a tool used to bring order to Eastern Europe, but violence against a Russian brother is a sign of weakness... Are you weak?

I can't help but have the utmost contempt for anyone actively looking for and cheering on the final demise of other human beings from the comfort of their armchair. Especially when they don't have any dog in the race.
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Girkin? I'm pretty sure that his communication options with the outside world are quite limited now, where did you read his opinion on the matter?

The last time we saw Strelkov in a public announcement, he was sporting two black eyes and looked like he was being tortured.

I have no idea where or how he could have made any kind of analysis or announcement.

And I'm in all the major Russian mili-blogger telegram channels.

@harms out of curiosity, maybe it's just the demographic who usually join these kinda channels, but why on earth is the language used so violent and crass? It's usually a bunch of people calling for mass-murder and nuclear holocaust.

Violence is merely a tool used to bring order to Eastern Europe, but violence against a Russian brother is a sign of weakness... Are you weak?

I can't help but have the utmost contempt for anyone actively looking for and cheering on the final demise of other human beings from the comfort of their armchair. Especially when they don't have any dog in the race.

But you have more contempt for the people actually killing other people, right?
Afaik using conscripts to fight would be such a thing? But surely you know better than me.
There’s no difference in terms of the law. The law allows them to send conscripts to the frontline after they’ve served for four months.

They haven’t done it on a large scale but it’s a political decision, not one that’s being dictated by the legal difference between SMO and war. They just don’t need it desperately enough — especially since a lot of conscripts are actively “encouraged” (depending on the situation such encouragement may vary from financial to literal torture) to sign professional contracts.

Violence is merely a tool used to bring order to Eastern Europe, but violence against a Russian brother is a sign of weakness... Are you weak?

I can't help but have the utmost contempt for anyone actively looking for and cheering on the final demise of other human beings from the comfort of their armchair. Especially when they don't have any dog in the race.

Out of curiosity, does your logic extend to the IDF?
Yes, it does. Why shouldn't it?

Well, my sympathy for ones wellbeing kind of deteriorates when one engages in absolutely egregious acts.

There was a video of Russian soldiers executing Ukrainian POWs last week.

Those soldiers can get FPV'd and I'll be grateful.
Well, my sympathy for ones wellbeing kind of deteriorates when one engages in absolutely egregious acts.

There was a video of Russian soldiers executing Ukrainian POWs last week.

Those soldiers can get FPV'd and I'll be grateful.
You and I both.

I'm not far from considering every single soldier in the IDF who participated in the last Gaza campaign as either a war criminal or complicit in war crimes, Einsatzgruppen style. I hate and despise the IDF as well as the current Israeli government with an intensity I've never experienced before.

Does it mean that I look for videos of Israeli soldiers being ambushed or blown up by IEDs? Or pray that Netanyahu someday walks the street and gets a bullet in the head? That's a resounding no from me.

I'd pop a bottle of champagne the day this supremacist asshole and his accomplices across the world kick the bucket, but I'll never actively wish for their death. The same goes for Putin and Russian soldiers committing war crimes.

I believe in the rule of law and would rather see all of them in a court, getting their lawful comeuppance.
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You and I both.

I'm not far from considering every single soldier in the IDF who participated in the last Gaza campaign as either a war criminal or complicit in war crimes, Einsatzgruppen style. I hate and despise the IDF as well as the current Israeli government with an intensity I've never experienced before.

Does it mean that I look for videos of Israeli soldiers being ambushed or blown up by IEDs? Or pray that Netanyahu someday walks the street and gets a bullet in the head? That's a resounding no from me.

I'd pop a bottle of champagne the day this supremacist asshole and his accomplices across the world kick the bucket, but I'll never actively wish for their death. The same goes for Putin and Russian soldiers committing war crimes.

I believe in the rule of law and would rather see all of them in a court, getting their lawful comeuppance.

The silly thing is though, they don't believe in the rule of law and think themselves outside it and so far they'd be right. A bullet would be more just than them wandering free committing more war crimes wouldn't you say?
@harms out of curiosity, maybe it's just the demographic who usually join these kinda channels, but why on earth is the language used so violent and crass? It's usually a bunch of people calling for mass-murder and nuclear holocaust.
I think it’s the demographic & the echo chamber effect. Generally the (relative) anonymity on the internet often brings out the worst in people and when you have communities that are literally created around the support for the military invasion, you get vile people.

I admire your patience though! I only follow «На Zzzzzападном фронте без перемен» (there may be more “z”s there) — it’s a genuinely great journalist, Ivan Phillipov, who spends a lot of his time reading Z-channels and brings forward something that he finds interesting (or, often, funny in the absurdist way). But even that highly diluted version is often too much for me.
You and I both.

I'm not far from considering every single soldier in the IDF who participated in the last Gaza campaign as either a war criminal or complicit in war crimes, Einsatzgruppen style. I hate and despise the IDF as well as the current Israeli government with an intensity I've never experienced before.

Does it mean that I look for videos of Israeli soldiers being ambushed or blown up by IEDs? Or pray that Netanyahu someday walks the street and gets a bullet in the head? That's a resounding no from me.

I'd pop a bottle of champagne the day this supremacist asshole and his accomplices across the world kick the bucket, but I'll never actively wish for their death. The same goes for Putin and Russian soldiers committing war crimes.

I believe in the rule of law and would rather see all of them in a court, getting their lawful comeuppance.

I never understood the rational of not wanting that a person that objectively benefits from actively killing people directly or indirectly in the thousands through orders doesnt deserve to be killed
I'd pop a bottle of champagne the day this supremacist asshole and his accomplices across the world kick the bucket, but I'll never actively wish for their death. The same goes for Putin and Russian soldiers committing war crimes.

This feels like you're having your cake and eating it too. You get to hope someone dies without saying you hope someone dies, and thus not ceding the moral high ground. You have no problem saying you would celebrate someone's death, which amounts to the same thing.

I also ask again, is there a limit to this? You say you wouldn't even wish death on Putin, or war criminals. What about Hitler? Were the millions actively wishing death on Hitler during WW2 morally worse than members of the Waffen SS? What if they sought out the "war porn" of the day? Millions of Americans would go to movie theatres to see news reels that amounted to much the same.
This feels like you're having your cake and eating it too. You get to hope someone dies without saying you hope someone dies, and thus not ceding the moral high ground. You have no problem saying you would celebrate someone's death, which amounts to the same thing.

I also ask again, is there a limit to this? You say you wouldn't even wish death on Putin, or war criminals. What about Hitler? Were the millions actively wishing death on Hitler during WW2 morally worse than members of the Waffen SS? What if they sought out the "war porn" of the day? Millions of Americans would go to movie theatres to see news reels that amounted to much the same.
I always do.

There's a massive difference between celebrating a death and actively wishing for it.

If you tweak a rule when it doesn't suit you, then it's no rule at all and exactly why we're right where we are.
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I never understood the rational of not wanting that a person that objectively benefits from actively killing people directly or indirectly in the thousands through orders doesnt deserve to be killed
That's because you are no god to dish out death and judgment.

Death is permanent and always should be the last resort.
The silly thing is though, they don't believe in the rule of law and think themselves outside it and so far they'd be right. A bullet would be more just than them wandering free committing more war crimes wouldn't you say?
It all comes to what you believe in.

Sink to their level and you're no better than them.
I always do.

There's a massive difference between celebrating a death and actively wishing for it.

If you tweak a rule when it doesn't suit you, then it's no rule at all and exactly why we're right where we are.
Can you explain how you ‘actively wish’ for something? Like, what do you do? What’s passive wishing?
You’ve acknowledged that there are people whose deaths you would celebrate. So you want them dead. Or, wish them dead, actively or not. The rest is just invented nonsense, because you cannot ever, in any scenario, concede any point. It’s a weird hill to die on, and everyone can see it.