Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

The younger general public does not care either way, but governments do. Most of them were/are tyrants that have some relations with China and Russia and would spout anti-American rhetoric most of the time, despite knowing that China is usually up to no good for their country in the long run. But they have to keep their power there and use the "keeping closer to the nearest enemy" stuff. At least, that's how it's been for the past half-century in Burma.
The Vietnam government is probably more worried about China than American at this point b/c of the South China Sea disputed territories
The first IndoChina war was fought against the French. 1946-1954 Shortly after WWII finished the French tried to get control of Vietnam.

The second was the Vietnam war with America, although as it wasn't just Vietnam involved, far from it, it's known as the 2nd IndoChina war. At least that's what I've understood and what my lad has told me. He's the wanna be history teacher so I'm going to go with what he says :lol:
History is not my strong suit so I'll go with what he's saying as well. BTW when did the Vietnam war become history? When I went to school in the 90's we weren't thought anything about it. I think WW2 was the last war we talked about.
History is not my strong suit so I'll go with what he's saying as well. BTW when did the Vietnam war become history? When I went to school in the 90's we weren't thought anything about it. I think WW2 was the last war we talked about.

I'm not sure it's in any lesson. My lad is 17, he's autistic and he's just a fecking sponge. He's got an eidetic memory and his passion is history. But especially history of wars and conflicts. He once schooled me and a couple of mates for about three hours about the war of the bucket.... :lol: We all argued with him but when we researched it, he was right. I mean, who even knows that shit? :lol: More to the point, who fights over a bucket? :lol:
The government there was Democratically elected in internationally recognized elections.

It was a sham.

This is what I mean by propaganda as if that government is what the locals wanted or even cared for. The collapse should have been obvious enough.

Anyway I won’t derail this thread because it doesn’t have much to do with Russia so I’m fine to continue in the geopolitics one
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It was a sham.

This is what I mean by propaganda as if that government is what the locals wanted or even cared for. The collapse should have been obvious enough.

Anyway I won’t derail this thread because it doesn’t have much to do with Russia so I’m fine to continue in the geopolitics one

It wasn’t a sham given that it was credible, transparent, and resulted in multiple cycles of democratically elected Afghan leaders. The fact that the Taliban came back is unrelated to the legitimacy of the elections. But yes, one for the Geopolitics thread.
Yeah, they said that on a programme I watched recently. I think it's more Laos and Cambodia who call it the 2nd Indo China war.

Off topic slightly, I've always wanted to go to Vietnam and Laos... How was it? It looks absolutely fecking stunning.
Vietnam is an amazing country. Highly recommend. The people are kind, the food is great and it’s absurdly cheap. Hoi An and Saigon are my favorites. Hanoi and Hue are worth visiting as well
I'm interested to know what?

I've gone through the lot...

Coke... Nah, sketchy as feck, easier to sneak out the back and find a hooker

Mandy... Nope.... Sleep through the lot then cuddle everyone? Not a great weapon...

Acid... Not a chance.... No point laughing at the opposition while having three discussions in your head at the same time and wondering what being normal is like...m

Weed.....hahaha .. Really? First sketchy and paranoid everyone is after you then not giving a feck if they are or not and wanting to just sit and chat with them all..

Speed.... Nobody does speed anymore.... But if they did they would run the feck away... Quickly....

Heroin/opiates....... Yup, not happening.... And if it did, would you give a feck? Or be ablemtomdo anything about it?....

Ket...... You would fight a war, but not a real one, and not one in your vicinity because you have no concept of where you are or what you are doing.

So... Personally, I don't think drugs aid a soldier in the art of killing.... But definitely more in the art of getting out of there.

I can't say what drugs they take as I have no experience in them, but a report I watched for the Lebanese civil war, some stated that they took drugs to feel superhuman when pushing. Even the enemy would say there's no way this guy kept pushing and running even after getting hit with 1 or 2 bullets. So I'd guess for sure there are some drugs that help in these scenarios.
So Bakhmut has fallen?
But at what cost for the orcs?

For the most part yes. There are still fights in the western outskirts because Ukraine holds the high ground around that part, so I doubt Wagner will show themselves there to be sitting ducks and the skirmishes will continue, but the city has more or less fallen and Ukraine focuses mainly on the area around the city now, where they made constant progress in the last couple of days.

I'd estimate Wagner lost between 50.000-100.000 men (death + injured) in the whole Bakhmut and Soledar area. They recruited 50k prisoners at some point, of which only a couple of thousand returned home after 6 months according to reports. And there are also their normal contract mercs fighting since 10 months. Plus a huge ammount of ammunition, artillery and other equipment of course. Wagner only advanced when they obliterated every position with artillery first, so they've used an insane amount of shells alone to take the city.
For the most part yes. There are still fights in the western outskirts because Ukraine holds the high ground around that part, so I doubt Wagner will show themselves there to be sitting ducks and the skirmishes will continue, but the city has more or less fallen and Ukraine focuses mainly on the area around the city now, where they made constant progress in the last couple of days.

I'd estimate Wagner lost between 50.000-100.000 men (death + injured) in the whole Bakhmut and Soledar area. They recruited 50k prisoners at some point, of which only a couple of thousand returned home after 6 months according to reports. And there are also their normal contract mercs fighting since 10 months. Plus a huge ammount of ammunition, artillery and other equipment of course. Wagner only advanced when they obliterated every position with artillery first, so they've used an insane amount of shells alone to take the city.
Is it possible Ukrainians will encircle Bahmut and Russian forces there, work on the flanks of the town?
Is it possible Ukrainians will encircle Bahmut and Russian forces there, work on the flanks of the town?

That would be the most ideal scenario of course. Ukrainian forces made a good progress around the flanks, but it's still not close enough to even threaten encirclement of the city. For that, they need the real counteroffensive I suppose. But watching them already abandon the positions as soons as Ukraine pushes a little is a good indicator how the Russians will behave when the real counteroffensive starts.
Not the first time this happens. Some of the sabotage acts we have seen in Russia are likely caused by this group or other Russians who share their values. Still they apparently are not a large group.
Given the limitations of the F16's that are now apparently going to be sent to Ukraine, will this actually mean some sort of additional support in terms of AWAC's / Electronic suppression of Russian Air Force within Ukraine in order to make them work?

Would this be done in an official way, eg the UN finally passing some sort of limited "No-Fly Zone" for Russian planes over Ukraine? Or might this be done in a more "stealthy" way - Train some Ukrainian Air force people in how to operate and AWACs system and then gift them a few planes so the Ukrainian Airforce can work it's way towards Air Superiority?

It seems like a potential morale problem to have Ukrainian Pilots fall out of the sky in F16's due to the lack of the support it would enjoy in it's NATO role.
Speaking about air superiority, what do the military enthusiasts in here think about the delivery of F-16s - is air superiority now realistic for Ukraine with those weapons and what would the implications be? Could that mean the end of the attrition war and if so, when would that be? Are we talking about half a year? A year? Or even longer?
Given the limitations of the F16's that are now apparently going to be sent to Ukraine, will this actually mean some sort of additional support in terms of AWAC's / Electronic suppression of Russian Air Force within Ukraine in order to make them work?

Would this be done in an official way, eg the UN finally passing some sort of limited "No-Fly Zone" for Russian planes over Ukraine? Or might this be done in a more "stealthy" way - Train some Ukrainian Air force people in how to operate and AWACs system and then gift them a few planes so the Ukrainian Airforce can work it's way towards Air Superiority?

It seems like a potential morale problem to have Ukrainian Pilots fall out of the sky in F16's due to the lack of the support it would enjoy in it's NATO role.
Ukraine is building up ground based radar capacities and I am pretty sure those can be used to support the F-16 operation (for example they will receive some Hensoldt TRML-4D radars).

On top it's not a secret that intelligence is shared, although a direct link between an AWACS and an F-16 might stretch it a bit.

But either way you can be sure that Ukraine does know what is moving through the airspace, it is highly unlikely that Russia could surprise an Ukrainian F-16.
Speaking about air superiority, what do the military enthusiasts in here think about the delivery of F-16s - is air superiority now realistic for Ukraine with those weapons and what would the implications be? Could that mean the end of the attrition war and if so, when would that be? Are we talking about half a year? A year? Or even longer?
Looking at the amount of air defense systems on both sides it is safe to say that neither will gain air superiority soon. The F-16 will increase Ukrainian capabilities a bit and otherwise will just keep them in the air as the MiG-29 will and do suffer attrition during their operations. But neither side can launch aerial operations over each others territory, just some close range support at the front lines.

That said this move will enable Ukraine to fully use the NATO ordnance catalog and therefore will make it much easier to supply them with new types of ammunition, including long range stuff. That will definitely help, but it won't do wonders as we have seen quite a few makeshift solutions already to make HARM or Storm Shadow work on existing Ukrainian planes. The longer the war goes on the more of such solutions we see and the less the upgrade becomes when you switch ffom MiG-29 to F-16.
Looking at the amount of air defense systems on both sides it is safe to say that neither will gain air superiority soon. The F-16 will increase Ukrainian capabilities a bit and otherwise will just keep them in the air as the MiG-29 will and do suffer attrition during their operations. But neither side can launch aerial operations over each others territory, just some close range support at the front lines.

That said this move will enable Ukraine to fully use the NATO ordnance catalog and therefore will make it much easier to supply them with new types of ammunition, including long range stuff. That will definitely help, but it won't do wonders as we have seen quite a few makeshift solutions already to make HARM or Storm Shadow work on existing Ukrainian planes. The longer the war goes on the more of such solutions we see and the less the upgrade becomes when you switch ffom MiG-29 to F-16.

I see. Thanks!

Everything is going by plan, this is no war just a special military operation against Nazi's Day 19019191 :Copium:
It definetly looks bigger than any other sabotage operation so far.

It definetly looks bigger than any other sabotage operation so far.

Very smart actually, have Russians themselves (Russian legion) create chaos on their soil to stretch the resources and logistics from the southeast. This Russian crisis is really unfolding. Little green men have arrived it seems.
You do wonder how long before some of Russias own military defects knowing that if they don't, they'll just be sent as cannonfodder to the front. There's one thing joining Ukrainains, but a whole different scenario joining Russians fighting in Russia.

Interesting few days of development. Things can unravel very fast for Putin if he's not careful.

Surely now looks like the right time for Ukraine to start pushing.
You do wonder how long before some of Russias own military defects knowing that if they don't, they'll just be sent as cannonfodder to the front. There's one thing joining Ukrainains, but a whole different scenario joining Russians fighting in Russia.

Interesting few days of development. Things can unravel very fast for Putin if he's not careful.

Surely now looks like the right time for Ukraine to start pushing.

God only knows what's going on here. If they are out in the open, as they appear, how on earth can they expect to survive? Russian air force can operate freely there. Unless... they can't? You'd only make moves like this if you had at least a slight chance of living I suppose. Defections, mutinies, start of a full blown rebellion? Gunna be all sorts of speculation.

When it comes to Ukraine pushing, that costs lives, whenever they go. If sitting back and waiting for Russia to defeat itself is an option, they'll go that route.
God only knows what's going on here. If they are out in the open, as they appear, how on earth can they expect to survive? Russian air force can operate freely there. Unless... they can't? You'd only make moves like this if you had at least a slight chance of living I suppose. Defections, mutinies, start of a full blown rebellion? Gunna be all sorts of speculation.

When it comes to Ukraine pushing, that costs lives, whenever they go. If sitting back and waiting for Russia to defeat itself is an option, they'll go that route.
5 lost planes/helicopters in Bryansk a few days ago prove that Russia can not be sure that it can safely operate near it's own border.
God only knows what's going on here. If they are out in the open, as they appear, how on earth can they expect to survive? Russian air force can operate freely there. Unless... they can't? You'd only make moves like this if you had at least a slight chance of living I suppose. Defections, mutinies, start of a full blown rebellion? Gunna be all sorts of speculation.

When it comes to Ukraine pushing, that costs lives, whenever they go. If sitting back and waiting for Russia to defeat itself is an option, they'll go that route.
We only know where one of the two Patriot systems that have been donated are deployed. If the other one is deployed somwhere in the Kharkiv region it could cover quite a large area of the Belgorod oblast which would limit Russias close air support possibilities in that area.
This guy tends to know his shit, starting to feel like transfer day muppetry though.

Safe to assume Ukraine behind this yeah?
Safe to assume Ukraine behind this yeah?

Probably, but why are they there? Capturing part of Russian territory is not part of the plan, or at least, it wasn't supposed to be.
Probably, but why are they there? Capturing part of Russian territory is not part of the plan, or at least, it wasn't supposed to be.
Have Russians to divert resources from more pressing directions to “defend” their borders. Also, informational warfare is still a thing.

Trade Belgorod for occupied territories?
Safe to assume Ukraine behind this yeah?

Little doubt they'd be involved. These are Russian groups though who have been operating in Russia and fighting in Ukraine for a good while now.

There appears to be two or three named groups, "Liberty of Russia" Legion is one: