Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Is that a confirmed/accurate number?
Probably not confirmed, I don't know how they would be able to confirm them when not even the Russians seems to count or even remove their dead from the battlefield. I guess it's estimates by the US intelligence based on information directly from the Ukrainians and indirect information gathered from the Russian side.

Edit: or what @VorZakone said.
Here's the clip

Even if this number is not accurate, it’s fair to assume that the losses sustained are gigantic. And yet, we still don’t see any real resistance inside Russia. That’s the thing that gets me. The people there seem to not give a shit about Ukrainians and the genocide happening in the name of Russia. And they also seem to not give a shit about their own people getting slaughtered.
I‘m starting to understand more and more what people like Kasparov mean when they talk about Russia. They seem to be supportive of all that’s happening. At least the majority.
And looking at the huge Russian diaspora here in Germany, it’s the same picture. We see next to no protests from them against Putin or the war. Instead my city, which has a huge Russian community, is full of pro war graffiti. They are at best indifferent towards the war. At worst very supportive of it. I can’t wrap my head around it.
Even if this number is not accurate, it’s fair to assume that the losses sustained are gigantic. And yet, we still don’t see any real resistance inside Russia. That’s the thing that gets me. The people there seem to not give a shit about Ukrainians and the genocide happening in the name of Russia. And they also seem to not give a shit about their own people getting slaughtered.
I‘m starting to understand more and more what people like Kasparov mean when they talk about Russia. They seem to be supportive of all that’s happening. At least the majority.
And looking at the huge Russian diaspora here in Germany, it’s the same picture. We see next to no protests from them against Putin or the war. Instead my city, which has a huge Russian community, is full of pro war graffiti. They are at best indifferent towards the war. At worst very supportive of it. I can’t wrap my head around it.

I get that completely. The Russians do have a completely different mindset to the rest of the world. Or most of it at least. I keep thinking back to the battle of Stalingrad during WWII when one was given a gun and the guy next to you was given a 5 bullet magazine and told to march on and either hand the ammo over or obtain a gun and use it yourself.

Massively outgunned they were just walking in to their death and they knew it and when it became to much and they turned around to retreat or run they were then shot by their own soldiers. They even kept the better weapons to shoot their own retreating troops than give them to those trying to advance forward in the city.

It's just so difficult to comprehend no matter which way you look at it.

Surely those signing up now cant be happy to be used as Cannon fodder? Don't they even question what or why they are fighting? And isn't there any form of self preservation at all that makes them question the tactics etc?!

It's just unfathomable to me. Especially as in today's age with TV coverage, modern films and computer games, people understand things more and are certainly more exposed to it. Surely that would mean more caution or ideas etc, rather than just gung ho running in blindly hoping to outnumber the enemy which is what still seems to be happening from the Russians.

It's crazy. If someone had said to me before the war started that that was the Russians tactics and told me the losses they have incurred so far I would have said you were batshit crazy.
And that is why there are so much grudges against american belicism and it is brought up to so many whataboutism/hypocrisy conversations because they had been fecking the entire world for the entirety of the XXth century

And it’s as recent as USA in Afghanistan. Some of the exact same tactics the Russians are using were used but now a bunch of Americans are surprised or it’s whataboutism to call it out.
And it’s as recent as USA in Afghanistan. Some of the exact same tactics the Russians are using were used but now a bunch of Americans are surprised or it’s whataboutism to call it out.

How is it as recent? The Vietnam war ended almost 50 years ago. That is closer to the first world war than to today. And I don't think the US committed atrocities as grave as the Russian ones in Afghanistan.

On a sidenote, I don't think democratic countries could wage wars like Russia does in the Social Media age. The protests on the Vietnam war were already huge, no government would survive that these days
Bombing civilians.

Not entirely sure modern NATO tactics resemble anything the Russian’s have done in Ukraine… Not sure I’ve ever seen images of completely destroyed cities having been shelled into oblivion over the course of 9 months as a result of NATO or the US in my lifetime.

Have seen the Russians do it a few times now though. Grozny, Syria and now Ukraine.

Russian tactics are uniquely barbaric and blunt in this modern age.
Siding with local warlords, known pedophiles, spreading propaganda and installing a puppet government that no one cared for evident by the lack of support when we pulled out?
I dont see any relevance to Ukraine. Although one thing seems true about Afghani people, they really didn't care.
Not sure I’ve ever seen images of completely destroyed cities having been shelled into oblivion over the course of 9 months as a result of NATO or the US in my lifetime.

You should check out scenes from Raqqa and Mosul after the anti-ISIS operations at the end of the last decade.
Not entirely sure modern NATO tactics resemble anything the Russian’s have done in Ukraine… Not sure I’ve ever seen images of completely destroyed cities having been shelled into oblivion over the course of 9 months as a result of NATO or the US in my lifetime.

Have seen the Russians do it a few times now though. Grozny, Syria and now Ukraine.

Russian tactics are uniquely barbaric and blunt in this modern age.
Maybe not on the same scale, but from the perspective of those bombed, not sure how much difference it makes. Civilian areas are/were regularly bombed and thousands died. Their hatred towards the US is understandable and legitimate.
I keep thinking back to the battle of Stalingrad during WWII when one was given a gun and the guy next to you was given a 5 bullet magazine and told to march on and either hand the ammo over or obtain a gun and use it yourself.

Massively outgunned they were just walking in to their death and they knew it and when it became to much and they turned around to retreat or run they were then shot by their own soldiers. They even kept the better weapons to shoot their own retreating troops than give them to those trying to advance forward in the city.
Order No. 227(Not one step back) was never really used on a big scale. It was a order aimed at commanders and not at normal soldiers which is a common tactic in many armies throughout history.

In the end it was mostly just propaganda from Stalin who later dropped the policy as it didn’t achieve much.
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Order No. 227(Not one step back) was never really used on a big scale. It was a order aimed at commanders and not at normal soldiers which is a common tactic in many armies throughout history.

In the end it was mostly just propaganda from Stalin who later dropped the policy as it didn’t achieve much.

Not surprised it didn't achieve much. My lad is doing his history A levels at college and chose WWII as one of his modules. He told me it was used more as a scare tactic, but I still can't unsee Enemy at the Gates and how it makes me feel. And Stalingrad was one of the times the Russians actually shot theirniwn who were retreating or deserting. Apparently that scene was filmed as accurately as possible with actual survivors aiding the filming. That might be why it's so harrowing.
Not surprised it didn't achieve much. My lad is doing his history A levels at college and chose WWII as one of his modules. He told me it was used more as a scare tactic, but I still can't unsee Enemy at the Gates and how it makes me feel. And Stalingrad was one of the times the Russians actually shot theirniwn who were retreating or deserting. Apparently that scene was filmed as accurately as possible with actual survivors aiding the filming. That might be why it's so harrowing.

You definitely should unsee Enemy at the Gates, as far as history goes. It's almost Braveheart levels of bad history.
Siding with local warlords, known pedophiles, spreading propaganda and installing a puppet government that no one cared for evident by the lack of support when we pulled out?

The government there was Democratically elected in internationally recognized elections.
You definitely should unsee Enemy at the Gates, as far as history goes. It's almost Braveheart levels of bad history.

:lol: Yeah, I've just spent a couple of hours reading about that. Funnily enough, Brave heart was quoted as being more historically accurate :lol:
The transit van they accidently left in a battle scene during braveheart was probably more realistic than the plot.
That's why in most parts of the world, especially Asia, the war is known as the 2nd Indo-China war, not The Vietnam war as the US likes to call it. Part of the reason it's called the Indo-China war is because the US heavily bombed and attacked other countries than just Vietnam. Cambodia and Laos were absolutely battered and it's estimated up to 300,000 Cambodians and as many as 62000 Laosians died during the conflict, which was supposed to just be between the USA and the North Vietnamese.

It's also estimated that over 20,000 Laotsians have been killed by unexploded bombs and land mines since the war ended.
Was just in Vietnam and they call it the American War.
Was just in Vietnam and they call it the American War.

Yeah, they said that on a programme I watched recently. I think it's more Laos and Cambodia who call it the 2nd Indo China war.

Off topic slightly, I've always wanted to go to Vietnam and Laos... How was it? It looks absolutely fecking stunning.
Yes, it's insane. Few people knew about it.

Between 1964 and 1973, the United States dropped about 2.5 million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing sorties—equivalent to a planeload of bombs every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, for nine years—making Laos the most intensively bombarded country per capita in history when not in war with anyone in particular for it. It's no surprise that there are many anti-Americans in those Southeast Asian countries, even though they typically dislike China.
They aren’t that anti-American in Southeast Asia. The actually would rather not even discuss the shiity things the US government has done. The UK on the other hand is probably the most anti-American place I‘ve visited recently
Was just in Vietnam and they call it the American War.

Both correct. Vietnam war is the american war that was part of the second indochina war that included the cambodja and laosian conflict
You should check out scenes from Raqqa and Mosul after the anti-ISIS operations at the end of the last decade.

Here's an Amnesty report on Raqqa, for anyone interested:

Wikipedia says 1 600 civilians bombed to death over 4 months, according to Amnesty, Airways and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. In Bakhmut, the Ukranian government claims 4 000 civilian deaths over 9 months, I don't know if any organizations have made estimates.

Some pictures of Raqqa, just grabbed from google search:





This article has a short video of the city:
They aren’t that anti-American in Southeast Asia. The actually would rather not even discuss the shiity things the US government has done. The UK on the other hand is probably the most anti-American place I‘ve visited recently
The younger general public does not care either way, but governments do. Most of them were/are tyrants that have some relations with China and Russia and would spout anti-American rhetoric most of the time, despite knowing that China is usually up to no good for their country in the long run. But they have to keep their power there and use the "keeping closer to the nearest enemy" stuff. At least, that's how it's been for the past half-century in Burma.
The younger general public does not care either way, but governments do. Most of them were/are tyrants that have some relations with China and Russia and would spout anti-American rhetoric most of the time, despite knowing that China is usually up to no good for their country in the long run. But they have to keep their power there and use the "keeping closer to the nearest enemy" stuff. At least, that's how it's been for the past half-century in Burma.

But i dont know what burma has to do with the bombings on laos, cambodja and vietnam. Also, with my little knowledge, burma had a very specific political and international closeness for the last 50 years compared to any south asian government situation

Im ready to learn otherwise
If i'm not mistaken the Indochina wars is the name for all the conflicts in the area between communist and anti-communist forces 1946-1991.
The Vietnam/American war is the conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnamin 1955-1975 in which the US got involved.
But i dont know what burma has to do with the bombings on laos, cambodja and vietnam. Also, with my little knowledge, burma had a very specific political and international closeness for the last 50 years compared to any south asian government situation

Im ready to learn otherwise
I won't go into too much detail here because this is a UA thread. I was addressing how the governments of Southeast Asian countries were not particularly warm to the U.S. for what it has done to them in the past and because China is very close to them geographically. In terms of fighting communism, Burma had to suffer some of the burden, as did most Southeast Asian countries at the time—though not as severely as those mentioned, and it is part of the reason why the opium trade in that area became infamous for decades after that. You can type "Kuomintang in Burma" in Google and read a bit about it. In terms of how messed up the politics are, Burma is up there with any of them.

After Obama visited Burma twice in 2012 and 2014, China pushed two rebel groups that it had heavily sponsored and equipped and with whom it had signed a cease-fire with the military government for nearly two decades to resume hostilities with Burmese government troops out of concern of American influence in the nation.
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I won't go into too much detail here because this is a UA thread. I was addressing how the governments of Southeast Asian countries were not particularly warm to the U.S. for what it has done to them in the past and because China is very close to them geographically. In terms of fighting communism, Burma had to suffer some of the burden, as did most Southeast Asian countries at the time—though not as severely as those mentioned, and it is part of the reason why the opium trade in that area became infamous for decades after that. You can type "Kuomintang in Burma" in Google and read a bit about it. In terms of how messed up the politics are, Burma is up there with any of them.

Thanks for the tip will give it a look. And yes, i know that burma is up there and even more closed than them. As fecked up it is, a none compensatory positive side effect is that i enjoyed the non touristy areas of the south and north like few other areas in the world

Ill stop deviating the thread
So Russian units even started to buy soldiers from other units to use them as fodder in assaults. Slavery inside their own military so to speak. Every time you think they hit rock bottom, they prove you wrong.
So Russian units even started to buy soldiers from other units to use them as fodder in assaults. Slavery inside their own military so to speak. Every time you think they hit rock bottom, they prove you wrong.

As Zaluzhnyi said in the interview I shared earlier in Russia the life of the soldier/person is the cheapest and most disposable thing. As usual though these dumb fecks are appealing to Putin their lord savior, the propaganda really did them hard. Not only that, they’re again protesting over how the war is managed (as they still support it) instead of asking to stop this madness.
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As Zaluzhnyi said in the interview I shared earlier in Russia the life of the soldier/person is the cheapest and most disposable thing. As usual though these dumb fecks are appealing to Putin their lord savior, the propaganda really did them hard. Not only that, they’re again protesting over how the war is managed (as they still support it) instead of asking to stop this madness.
That's what decades of propaganda will do to a simple mind. No matter how horrific and abysmal the situation is, they still don't see who is really responsible for all their misery. A people of modern slaves.
If i'm not mistaken the Indochina wars is the name for all the conflicts in the area between communist and anti-communist forces 1946-1991.
The Vietnam/American war is the conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnamin 1955-1975 in which the US got involved.

The first IndoChina war was fought against the French. 1946-1954 Shortly after WWII finished the French tried to get control of Vietnam.

The second was the Vietnam war with America, although as it wasn't just Vietnam involved, far from it, it's known as the 2nd IndoChina war. At least that's what I've understood and what my lad has told me. He's the wanna be history teacher so I'm going to go with what he says :lol: