You left out the part where he adds lots of laughing smilies. It's a rhetorical device he learned in medical school.
Hey, can I help it that I find you lot amusing ?
You left out the part where he adds lots of laughing smilies. It's a rhetorical device he learned in medical school.
I elect this as the 'Most Moronically Misleading Post of the Year'.
It is almost completely devoid of factual information, yet reassures one that the Neo-Con/Fox-Heads will never change there ways.
65% of independants voted republican yesterday....I'd say thats a reconsideration of their last vote...
65% of the independents that voted.
man you are sharpOf course, the others were so pissed off at the current state of affairs that they couldn't be arsed to get out of their chair.
2% covered by the new provisions, 94% covered by existing private insurance.
1.5 trillion dollar pricetag to cover 6 million people ? You do the math.
I was wondering when you would show up with your clockwork...
10.2% unemployment...sorry lads, I was off by a few months. So the job creating trillion dollar stimulus became a jobless where did the money go ?
I'll revise my prediction...up....11% unemployment in 6 months
10.2% unemployment...sorry lads, I was off by a few months. So the job creating trillion dollar stimulus became a jobless where did the money go ?
I'll revise my prediction...up....11% unemployment in 6 months
Nice change of tactics, ok, can't blame Obama for this one. It was started under the Bush administration. The stimulus money went straight into the pockets of the rich 1% of America.
so factually incorrect I wont even bother
How much of the total stimulus money has been spent so far?
Bollocks. The stimulus money ended up clearing up debts and the rest going to bonuses or into pockets, which are now being clawed back as painfully as possible. You start threads on factually incorrect reports, so don't try taking the high ground.
TARP was a bailout, the stimulus I am referring to is the one enacted by Obama.
For the record, I am not a fan of either one.
The one given to the individual states? They ended up using them to fill budget holes and keep the jobs that were already there. They also payed off a lot of cntractors, but it didn't really create any jobs you are correct. I disagree with the tarp as when your throwing that much to bail out companies they should become property of the government. I'm all for Free market and Capitalism but you have to stick to the rules, take the highs and the lows. Those financial institutions shuld have been nationalised untill a new corperation could have purchased them back from the government. Same here in the UK. The problem is this corperate elitism ruling both the States and the UK at the moment. Not free trade or Capitalism.
The point is, the Stimulus Package was sold as a job creating package...first it was 3.5 million new jobs, then it was 3.5 million jobs saved, then it was a jobless recovery. But when they got the votes in Congress for the near 1 trillion dollar cost, it was billed as a must have job creating package...and it has failed in that basic premise.
You mean a policy involving lots of money failing in it's basic premise and going to the wrong places, passed by congress. Why the surprise, they always do. Thats nothing new to the current or past administrations, nor can the blame be put solely there. Both sides are equally as guilty over this.
well, at least you acknowledge a failure...must be tough words to utter for a devout follower of the Great Leader
The WH czar for the economy (Christina Romer) has publically stated that the stimulus has had its "maximal effect" and predicted very little economic impact in 2010 for the remaining stimulus funds.
It is the basis for an expected push for an additional stimulus![]()
10.2% unemployment...sorry lads, I was off by a few months. So the job creating trillion dollar stimulus became a jobless where did the money go ?
Since you are keen to quote Romer when it suits you, let's quote her when it might not:
Romer, testifying before Congress' Joint Economic Committee, said that as of August the stimulus had created or saved 600,000 to 1.5 million jobs. She said a premature end to the stimulus would be "misguided."
Unemployment will remain high, at or above 9.6 percent, through the end of 2010, Romer predicted.
"While job losses will likely end early next year, robust job gains may still be several quarters away," she said.
Don't try turning it into someting it isn't, you still think i am Obama mania fan. I'm a conservative of the older values before corperatism took over. I will judge the leader of the free worlds first tenure after the fact, just as i did with all the presidents and primeministers. I do believe the states would benefit from a public health option, and once all the bull is cleared and with the amounts you guys spend on it already, you will have the best healthcare in the world. I do believe we need to start looking at infrastructure and new fuels and resources, i also believe the way the Anglo- American powers are viewed in the world and our policies need to be looked at. These are policies that he got voted in for, over here Cameron is making similar noises. I will vote for the Conservatives in the UK. I have always followed policies that agree with mine, not just stick my badge to any one party and follow it blindly because i'm told to. Look past the bull and media storm that is being created, and decide for yourself, don't just print any old crap, then start a thread making out it proves your arguments. There is nothing wrong with this president so far. The previous incumbent was far worse and helped create a lot of the current climate you are in. Just like Blair did over here.
Come on, this president has had just as rough a ride from the press, more so in some quarters. Your acting blind to one side yet crying victim and relishing in every little media victory on the other. Ignore all the media and make your own statements and views as there are to many loopholes in all these reports that can be easily dealt with. Just deal with a fair hand as it's not all black and white. When you go spouting the latest fox/republican columnist bull shit views you water down any of the points you may be trying to debate. Try to see if their's anything the current administration are doing that you agree with. Find your own arguments is all i'm trying to say. Just don't cry foul every 2 seconds, or use the latest media inspired buzzwords (breathless rhetoric etc,) as all they do is make you look like a sheep that has been endoctrinated. There are many levels of Conservatism and libralism that is not being portrayed any more in the american media. Take the recent New Jersey with the three candidates. One was a republican who was more central in her views. Fox and republicans rallied against, calling her a Marxist etc.poppycock, anyone who dissents get shouted down and this Great Leader is getting a free pass from the press....any other president would have been slaughtered in the papers if they had performed and recanted campaign promises the way this amateur has.
Listen, I may be conservative but I also appreciate good policy. There are fiscally conservative democrats that would get my vote. Those democrats in congress that have the balls to stand up to Pelosi and question the misguided bills being put forth have my respect. Those conservatives that support bad policy do not. I believe in less government, more individual freedom, less social/government handouts and a free market economy (with robust oversight). I do not believe in the notion that government is the cure-all for all of society ills. When our children have to pay the tab down the road, it will be more clear to many of the wide eyed college students in here who sit around in circles huffing bongs and singing "we will overcome...."
Anyone who expects unemployment to be cleared up overnight, or even in 6 months doesnt know what they are talking about. Employment levels lag behind much of the economic indicators, as such it will take a fair amount of time to clear up.
Somewhere a little Republicaner was believed to be crying into his pillow, stroking his gun.US House backs healthcare reforms
The US House of Representatives has backed a healthcare bill in a step towards reforms promised by President Obama, despite strong opposition.
Passed in a narrow 220-215 vote, the bill aims to extend coverage to 36 million more Americans and provide affordable healthcare to 96%.
The Senate now has to pass its own bill and the two must then be reconciled before the programme can become law.
Mr Obama has made healthcare reform a central plank of his domestic agenda.
He described Saturday's vote in the House as "historic", saying he was "absolutely confident" the Senate would follow suit.
Correspondents say the legislation could lead to the biggest changes in American healthcare in decades.
The bill was supported by 219 Democrats and one Republican - Joseph Cao from New Orleans. Opposed were 176 Republicans and 39 Democrats.
Mr Obama said: "The United States Senate must follow suit and pass its version of the legislation. I am absolutely confident it will, and I look forward to signing comprehensive health insurance reform into law by the end of the year."
The debate had sparked strong emotions on both sides.
Democratic Party representative John Dingell said: "[The bill] offers everyone, regardless of health or income, the peace of mind that comes from knowing they will have access to affordable healthcare when they need it."
But Republican representative Candice Miller said: "We are going to have a complete government takeover of our healthcare system faster than you can say `this is making me sick'."
Before Saturday's vote, Mr Obama had made a rare visit to Congress to try to persuade wavering members of his own Democratic Party to back the bill.
He said such opportunities came around "maybe once in a generation".
After the vote, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said: "I thank the president for his tremendous leadership, because without President Obama in the White House, this victory would not have been possible."
The bill will allow the government to sell insurance in competition with private companies and make insurers offer cover to those with pre-existing conditions.
However, the government-run healthcare programme - the so-called "public option" - was scaled back in the run-up to the vote.
One key concession to get the bill through was to anti-abortion legislators.
An amendment was passed that prohibits coverage for abortion in the government-run programme except for rape, incest or if the mother's life is threatened. Private plans can still offer the cover.
Republican Bart Stupak, who sponsored the amendment, said: "Let us stand together on principle - no public funding for abortions."
Abortion rights supporters said the amendment was the biggest setback to their cause in decades.
A Senate debate on healthcare reform is expected in the coming days.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid said after the House vote: "We realise the strong will for reform that exists, and we are energised that we stand closer than ever to reforming our broken health insurance system."
The "healthcare" bill was always predicted to have the easiest route in the House. It squeaked by with 5 votes with a last minute conservative provision that bans all federal funding for abortions within the bill.
Stick a fork in this dog, its done...
Not a conservative provision. It was extended to get the support of the last few Democrats needed to hit 218. All of the Republicans, spare one, voted against it. It will get watered down in the Senate in order to appeal to the necessary Blue Dogs to reach 60 votes and then Obama will sign it.
Next stop. The Climate Change Bill, which will also pass and be signed into Law as Lindsey Graham is already on board.
How was banning all funding for abortions, dictated by conservative democrats as a condition for their vote, not a conservative provision ? I mean I understand liberal blinders to all matters, but get real Raoul.
I suspect some sort of health care bill will get signed, but its 50/50....and it will be watered down (much like the last minute provision that was everything the democrats did not want when talking about abortion). It will hardly be epic(other than cost)
Forget about a climate change bill, its a non starter.
I'm amused at your persistent denial that these bills are going to pass.
Firstly, and as I'm assuming you already know, Conservative Democrats aren't actually Conservative Republicans. They're merely Conservative members of left of center political party. Thus to suggest the abortion provision was a Conservative provision, is misleading, as they're not really Conservatives. The real Conservatives on the Republican side all voted against the bill. Likewise, the same thing will happen in the Senate. The "Blue Dog" Democrats will be offered various provisions to bring them on board until Reid is confident he has 60 votes in order to send it to President to sign.
I disagree with your hair splitting...but the pro-life movement is a conservative viewpoint no matter how you couch it. Besides, whether its a democrat or republican, if its a conservative issue it makes no difference (the outcome or policy is still conservative)
Those concessions and trimming of the bill in the Senate will make this bill a shadow of what was bandied about during the election....and thats ok with this president along as he can say "I passed healthcare reform".
Epic ? wait and see.....
Exactly. You make your self out to be some sort of prophet just because you disagree with everyone except people that reproduce with their mothers.
You might be right, it might be a watered down piece of shit, but then again, it might not be.
Wait and see.