Dirty Schwein
Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Just thought about it... Is Klopp and Ty from ArseFamTV the same person?I'd like to see Klopp blame the wind for getting KO'd.
Just thought about it... Is Klopp and Ty from ArseFamTV the same person?I'd like to see Klopp blame the wind for getting KO'd.
I think Keane can be good for players like Bruno, Cavani and McTominay etc. Those guys that are hard workers and really appear to have that 'win at any cost' mentality.great captain, loved him as a player - but he’s from a different time, and I wouldn’t want him at the club in any official capacity.
edit. Like his punditry.
This ?I can't find the YouTube video of this to try and post the video on here, if someone else knows how to do it then great, but here's a link showing the tackles Man Utd players had to deal with in 94 against Wimbledon. Some hypocrites on here sometimes saying Keane's a thug for deliberately trying to injure Haaland, without being a Utd fan long enough to have seen some of the regular leg breaker tackles that Keane and Man Utd players had to face regularly under Fergie's reign.
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I can't find the YouTube video of this to try and post the video on here, if someone else knows how to do it then great, but here's a link showing the tackles Man Utd players had to deal with in 94 against Wimbledon. Some hypocrites on here sometimes saying Keane's a thug for deliberately trying to injure Haaland, without being a Utd fan long enough to have seen some of the regular leg breaker tackles that Keane and Man Utd players had to face regularly under Fergie's reign.
Loved the way they just got up from those tacklesOh nice cheersSome shocking tackles against Keane, Cantona and Giggs in that video
Was watching an old game on Youtube. Everton players were winding him up all game, including a two footed challenge in the opening minutes but he gave as good as he got.
Everton player winding him up @ 39:40
Revenge a minute later which sparks a mini brawl @ 40:40To be honest, was a good tackle, if with some excessive force
Also wanted to punch Nick Barmby (how the hell was that a foul against Keane?!).
@ 1:04:45
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Absolute sh*thouse isn’t he. Makes me angry that a clown like him should share a pitch with a legend like Cantona, let alone kick lumps out of him.I am surprised that they even let Vinny Jones on the pitch. He should be in a ring.
This ?
Wonderful article by Andy Mitten on Keane.
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The absolute state of Wimbledon. It's actually sickening watching that worm Elleray let it all go too when you think of the reds he gave United through the years. Seeing united take them apart with such brilliant football really is a joy to watch.
That's why those United teams were so good. World class talent but all guys who could stand up for themselves too. A real embodiment of Ferguson
Awesome article, thanks for sharing.https://www.fourfourtwo.com/feature...player-i-played-with-he-was-also-my-favourite
Wonderful article by Andy Mitten on Keane.
I am surprised that they even let Vinny Jones on the pitch. He should be in a ring.
Was watching an old game on Youtube. Everton players were winding him up all game, including a two footed challenge in the opening minutes but he gave as good as he got.
Everton player winding him up @ 39:40
Revenge a minute later which sparks a mini brawl @ 40:40To be honest, was a good tackle, if with some excessive force
Also wanted to punch Nick Barmby (how the hell was that a foul against Keane?!).
@ 1:04:45
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And this was the 'softer' Crazy Gang.
The first half hour of this encounter was like Vietnam limbs flying everywhere
Yep, 1-1. Watching the game recently I thought his touch and awareness were immense and his passing was excellent as usual. Everton were obviously trying to wind him up but he gave as good as he got. Love the bit where he was gonna thump Nick Barmby but restrained himselfhey thanks for posting this, I actually went to this game (its the 1-1 game right?) with my Everton supporting mates. When Yorkie scored I jumped up and celebrated, then had about 3,000 scousers in the adjacent stand chatting "sit down wanker" or something like that, and got loads abuse for the rest of the game. They equalised at the same end and I got more abuse then too. It's was all in good spirits though.
I remember on the drive home we had a disagreement about Keano, my mates saying he was anonymous but I thought he was MOTM!
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Vinnie Jones was a tidy player?!?That was all noise. He was a tidy player.
Vinnie Jones was a tidy player?!?