Yes, Vardy normally has excellent stats against top teams. Last year they were shit, really shit. Way worse than Lukaku. Messi also did worse than Lukaku, again specifically talking about last season (Messi and Vardy had good seasons, I'm not the one saying it's bad to score a lot against the bottom half). Why am I talking about last season and not overall? Because GifLord talked about last season specifically, then abandoned that argument when it didn't suit his agenda.
I really don't get why you keep sticking your nose in when you're consistently contributing with irrelevant things. I'm not saying that Lukaku has a good record against top teams or that Messi or Vardy have bad records. If you want to shit on Lukaku for not performing against good teams, and praise Messi or Vardy for performing, then talk about their careers overall. If you talk about last season specifically you'll look like an idiot, and doubly so if you praise Messi and Vardy for the very thing you're shitting on Lukaku for. So, you know, don't. Just like you didn't, but GifLord did.