But Vardy used to chase everything down before he got older and the other two are wide forwards? Ronaldo isn’t even tactical since we have Cavani who presses like a mad man from the front. The number 9s do generally press at snigger rate than wide forwards.
I’m not even having a go at Lukaku but I was told how much fitter he was and how he got his diet sorted and it turns out he doesn’t even do much without the ball. Plus it’s not as if you’re a counter attacking side with your back 3 so he doesn’t even run that much with the ball with how methodical you are when you attack.
It’s also striking how the every top team must press from the top tactical assessments looks to be bullshit
A Tweet about Ronaldo being the "worst" presser in the league and you post it in the Lukaku thread! Of course not!