Roland Garros 2009

If that twat Federer loses this match and Murray makes it to the semi final then Andy Murray will over take Roger and move into number 2 in the rankings.

Mere months after the arrogant Federer claimed it was all about the top 2 in tennis anyway :lol:
At that time he wasn't that wrong but things are obviously different now
Wonder what the odds were pre tourney for a final without Nadal or Federer. Or Djokovic for that matter! Crazyy.
of course he was wrong, he was disrespectful to every other player on the tour outside of himself and Nadal. He's the sorest loser and biggest phony on the tour.
Utter nonsense. He's one of the most respected players in the game right now because he's always a class act.
Federer breaks.

Thank feck. I want to watch two more sets of this.
of course he was wrong, he was disrespectful to every other player on the tour outside of himself and Nadal. He's the sorest loser and biggest phony on the tour.

And it was all about the top 2 then. It didnt need Federer to tell you that, the whole world knew it. And besides Djokovic winning one slam its still been about these two for about 4 years now. No one else has won anything.
Utter nonsense. He's one of the most respected players in the game right now because he's always a class act.

bull shit, he's as petulant a player as i can remember. When he broke on the scene he was a brat of a player. Then he was the best player in the world for years making it very easy to be Mr nice guy. As soon as he started losing he started all his shitty comments about other players.

Plus i've never seen a grown man cry so much, win or lose he's a bubbling twat.

I respect him as a player, he'll go down and rightfully so as one of the greatest players ever but typically people will forget the bad points and remember only the good. He's no saint, Nadal for me is a much more sporting individual than Federer.
The photographers take a photo in mid serve, golfers would go nuts.
bull shit, he's as petulant a player as i can remember. When he broke on the scene he was a brat of a player. Then he was the best player in the world for years making it very easy to be Mr nice guy. As soon as he started losing he started all his shitty comments about other players.

Plus i've never seen a grown man cry so much, win or lose he's a bubbling twat.

I respect him as a player, he'll go down and rightfully so as one of the greatest players ever but typically people will forget the bad points and remember only the good. He's no saint, Nadal for me is a much more sporting individual than Federer.
:lol: Nadal is as hollow as a sportsman gets.
bull shit, he's as petulant a player as i can remember. When he broke on the scene he was a brat of a player. Then he was the best player in the world for years making it very easy to be Mr nice guy. As soon as he started losing he started all his shitty comments about other players.

Plus i've never seen a grown man cry so much, win or lose he's a bubbling twat.

I respect him as a player, he'll go down and rightfully so as one of the greatest players ever but typically people will forget the bad points and remember only the good. He's no saint, Nadal for me is a much more sporting individual than Federer.

If Federer is petulant, what does that make Murray?
Personally, I think all of the top 3 seem like good sportsmen. I wasn't Murray's biggest fan for a long time, but he seems a very mature bloke when he's interviewed, and by all accounts, he's quite popular in the locker room.

You have to remember that if you put young men in front of cameras/microphones all of the time, particularly if they've just lost, they may seem a little truculent. Probably not much of a reflection of how they are away from 'work' I would guess.
Haas has made a lot of silly errors. Won`t sleep well if he loses this.

Has made it deuce in his own serve game now, after Fed was up 0-40.
bull shit, he's as petulant a player as i can remember. When he broke on the scene he was a brat of a player. Then he was the best player in the world for years making it very easy to be Mr nice guy. As soon as he started losing he started all his shitty comments about other players.

Plus i've never seen a grown man cry so much, win or lose he's a bubbling twat.

I respect him as a player, he'll go down and rightfully so as one of the greatest players ever but typically people will forget the bad points and remember only the good. He's no saint, Nadal for me is a much more sporting individual than Federer.

Well he's never cheated like your loverboy Messi :lol: Great professional that Messi.

You havent a clue of how to judge the professionalism of sportsmen, clearly.

'He's a bubbling twat'. I can see your bias seething through here. There's nothing wrong wtih crying. Dont play the 'hard' card now.

No one claimed he's a saint, apart from you using that to bring him down. But he's a very good role modal for any young player.
Haas is crumbling.

Personally, I think all of the top 3 seem like good sportsmen. I wasn't Murray's biggest fan for a long time, but he seems a very mature bloke when he's interviewed, and by all accounts, he's quite popular in the locker room.

You have to remember that if you put young men in front of cameras/microphones all of the time, particularly if they've just lost, they may seem a little truculent. Probably not much of a reflection of how they are away from 'work' I would guess.

Yep that's true. These guys are insanely competitive which is why they're so good. Very difficult to find a top athlete in any sport that's a good loser.
Well he's never cheated like your loverboy Messi :lol: Great professional that Messi.

You havent a clue of how to judge the professionalism of sportsmen, clearly.

'He's a bubbling twat'. I can see your bias seething through here. There's nothing wrong wtih crying. Dont play the 'hard' card now.

No one claimed he's a saint, apart from you using that to bring him down. But he's a very good role modal for any young player.

jesus you are bringing Messi into a thread about Roland Garros as a means to have a dig at me and my appreciation for professionalism and sportsmen in general?

I think you need to get a grip.
Personally, I think all of the top 3 seem like good sportsmen. I wasn't Murray's biggest fan for a long time, but he seems a very mature bloke when he's interviewed, and by all accounts, he's quite popular in the locker room.

You have to remember that if you put young men in front of cameras/microphones all of the time, particularly if they've just lost, they may seem a little truculent. Probably not much of a reflection of how they are away from 'work' I would guess.


Also remember that that tennis, apart from football, basket etc, is a indivdual sport. You can`t hide behind anyones else when things go wrong, and it`s always you that have to answer why such and such didn`t work. It adds a lot more pressure. Obviously this is opposite when things go well, but then you run the risk of becoming arrogant.

For what it`s worth Rafa, Murray and Federer are all good guys to me. Rafa is probably the least arrogant of them, but that`s only because he is afraid of his own voice and because he inspects the ground when you talk to him. Federer looks and sounds like he has been raised like a prince, and he makes a very good impression when talking. That might be interpreted as being arrogant as well.
Great comeback here but you'd have to imagine the 5th being a lot tighter.
Both Federer and Nadal are very classy professionals. Everyone has their moments of spasticity when the eyes of the whole world are watching you and looking for a reaction. But keeping that in mind and despite such a close faught rivalry so far, they've both handled it brilliantly IMO.

Go look at other sports like football and its hard to find such rivalry's involving so much mutual respect for one another and dignity in defeat as these two have shown.
jesus you are bringing Messi into a thread about Roland Garros as a means to have a dig at me and my appreciation for professionalism and sportsmen in general?

I think you need to get a grip.

Its pretty apt considering you're obsessed with the little argie and think he's a great professional apparently. You're opinion is highly flawed sir, i highly doubt i'm the one who needs to get a grip.

IMO tennis is in extremely good hands right now wen it comes to professionalism of the top players. Even if one of them says one or two things out of character i wouldnt really hold it against any of them because generally they all handle themselves extremely well.
Go look at other sports like football and its hard to find such rivalry's involving so much mutual respect for one another and dignity in defeat as these two have shown.

I think Rugby is the most respectful sport. Only because you've battered the shite out of each other for 80 minutes, there's not much testosterone left!
A brilliant young British prospect, maturing on and off the court with almost every passing week?

I think he meant in terms of petulance. You could say a lot more about Federer if you're going down that route. I haven't seen enough of Murray off the court, seems a likeable fellow.
Both are credit to the sport. Stupid argument.

Completely agree. I'm biased against Nadal as a player but as a professional he handles himself with total class. As i said, the mens game today has a lot of class in it.