Film Ridley Scott is making Gladiator 2

Ridley Scott's films always look great, it's the scripts that he chooses, or get chosen for him, that ruin everything he does lately.

Even above mentioned Prometheus is a guilty pleasure of mine, great to look at if you ignore the story.
Prometheus. I was so pumped for it, felt it was going to be epic. Probably the most disappointment I've ever felt in a film.
I actually liked it but some of the editing was truly terrible. I was more disappointed by Alien Covenant.

On topic, I'm not really sure where they're coming from in terms of a historical context with this one. Gladiator wasn't exactly historically accurate but at its core it was centered on the evil of Commodus- an absolute psychopath who had a real interest in gladiatorial displays in the arena. The villain in this one is Caracalla? I don't know how they're going to centre the plot around him.

Another in a long line of bad prequel films.
I blame George Lucas for influencing people.
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Odd choice for music.

Odd choice for music.

Similar modern music was used for Napoleon. Must be a marketing thing.

Tbh I fully expecting most people to hate the film. Ridley is a very different director than the one back in the early 2000’s.
Similar modern music was used for Napoleon. Must be a marketing thing.

Tbh I fully expecting most people to hate the film. Ridley is a very different director than the one back in the early 2000’s.
I kinda hope this will at least try be something different, and actually offer something new to the table.
Can see this being somewhat shit. Why take the shine off of the original Gladiator?
I kinda hope this will at least try be something different, and actually offer something new to the table.
I think it will be different as Ridley doesn’t seem to care about what the audience thinks of his film. Napoleon was pretty different to the standard war film. It was funny and showed both the stupidness and hollowness of Napoleon.

Played more like Kubrick Barry Lyndon than a standard war film. I loved it but most people have a very negative view of the film. Expecting something similar with Gladiator 2
I think it will be different as Ridley doesn’t seem to care about what the audience thinks of his film. Napoleon was pretty different to the standard war film. It was funny and showed both the stupidness and hollowness of Napoleon.

Played more like Kubrick Barry Lyndon than a standard war film. I loved it but most people have a very negative view of the film. Expecting something similar with Gladiator 2
Despite Alien Covenant, Scott looks still somewhat capable of making movies based more on practical effects, rather than CGI. That reason is something, why I could give a Gladiator 2 a watch. A brutal and realistic sequel, even without plot originality, perhaps could suffice.

Still a bit shame, chap like Scott looked perfect for making trilogy of movies, based on Peloponnesian war (Sparta vs Athens), such unexplored subject with tons of potential, and instead we get a sequel for Gladiator, which is why I kinda understand if people will hate it, out of pure boredom also.
Trailer doesn't fill me with confidence but hey it might be good.
Can see this being somewhat shit. Why take the shine off of the original Gladiator?

Hollywood running out of ideas, recycling old IP is the result, similar to why Cruise made Top Gun 2 eventually.

Seems smaller and original ideas don't get made anymore, no one seems to be able to make such movies for low enough cost for them to be profitable ever.
Still a bit shame, chap like Scott looked perfect for making trilogy of movies, based on Peloponnesian war (Sparta vs Athens), such unexplored subject with tons of potential, and instead we get a sequel for Gladiator, which is why I kinda understand if people will hate it, out of pure boredom also.
That would have been great. The endless remakes are awfully boring now.
Most Ridley Scott films are underwhelming, visually impressive yet dull affairs and this trailer didn't assuage me of my fears.
Respect to Denzil for playing a Roman senator in a way that gives him a very high chance of saying “my man!” at some point.
Respect to Denzil for playing a Roman senator in a way that gives him a very high chance of saying “my man!” at some point.
I also hope he has cases on some b**ches.

On another note re the trailer: excited for them to show what naval battles could have been like at the Colosseum. Always been intrigued by the ability to do that.
Looks like more sword and sandals schlock. I don't see how it can really hurt the original sword and sandals schlock.

Ridley Scott's films always look great, it's the scripts that he chooses, or get chosen for him, that ruin everything he does lately.

Even above mentioned Prometheus is a guilty pleasure of mine, great to look at if you ignore the story.

This is a good point. He can direct anything, but he needs a script. Remarkable that he's continuing at such a pace.
Looks class plus I'd watch anything Denzel is in, brilliant actor.
Yeah, will definitely be watching this. Low expectations, admittedly….are you not entertained!!!
Exactly the same here.

looks good but a lot of what I saw is just a copy of the original (in the sense of crazy emperor / man wanting revenge etc)

but looks amazing from a movie enjoyment perspective
Yeah, at the very least you'll spend your money, the movie won't be winning any awards for story/plot etc. but you should still be watching a decent spectacle and some cool looking battles (like the ship battle or rhino in the colosseum).
Looks alright. Not too hyped about it which is always good.
The trailer is a bit confusing.

Is the lad pretending to be a commoner and not of noble stature? He also seems to have abandoned being a Roman too? But his mother is still in Rome being high born?

Hopefully it all makes sense... Denzils going to be good in it though. Hopefully they nail the combat in the arena. I'll go watch it at the cinema and I don't watch many these days.
Excited given how great the original was but the trailer makes me think it’s basically the same film? Young guy in favour, then out of favour, mad emperor, throw in some gladiator battles + new próspero and then redemption.

Agree with a post a bit up, in a way I hope it’s not even trying to be clever but is just great swords and sandals fun with good acting and fight scenes.
The trailer hasn’t grabbed me but the original has enough money in the bank that I’ll watch this at the cinema anyway.
The trailer is a bit confusing.

Is the lad pretending to be a commoner and not of noble stature? He also seems to have abandoned being a Roman too? But his mother is still in Rome being high born?

Hopefully it all makes sense... Denzils going to be good in it though. Hopefully they nail the combat in the arena. I'll go watch it at the cinema and I don't watch many these days.
I needed to go check up on that plot point earlier and yeah, it now makes sense. But it is confusing based on the trailer and him being who he is. (Not sure if I can say the name or if it would be a spoiler?)
Does this have any of the same characters from the original film (e.g. is that the kid all grown up now in the fighting pits)?