Religion, what's the point?

What debate? You just stated that my post was a (<- I told you that) complete nonsense and that was that. I'm off to chat about football and things. Laters.

Are you drunk? No article is necessary there, which makes it a really bizarre thing to focus on.

Secondly, you made a strange claim, and didn't expand on it. Perhaps you were offended by my use of "nonsense", but that is what it was, pure and simple. What do you put in "evolution" and "theory of evolution"? They are the same thing. Unless you're one of those who think they are being incredibly clever by pointing out how Darwin has turned out wrong on many issues, not understanding that it is irrelevant to what the theory of evolution is today. Is that it? I can't tell if you're wilfully ignorant, stupid or something else entirely.

I'm almost beginning to miss Danny.
Are you drunk? No article is necessary there, which makes it a really bizarre thing to focus on.

Secondly, you made a strange claim, and didn't expand on it. Perhaps you were offended by my use of "nonsense", but that is what it was, pure and simple. What do you put in "evolution" and "theory of evolution"? They are the same thing. Unless you're one of those who think they are being incredibly clever by pointing out how Darwin has turned out wrong on many issues, not understanding that it is irrelevant to what the theory of evolution is today. Is that it? I can't tell if you're wilfully ignorant, stupid or something else entirely.

I'm almost beginning to miss Danny.

The original line was about Pleasure. I was merely responding to your question regarding Evolution to which I responded. You later then just stated that it was a complete nonsense which is fine but you didn't state why. So that was that.

You are welcome to assume whatever you like about me but I think you already have. Shame really because I do think you are articulate and intelligent enough to engage in the conversation. Maybe it's my fault in giving CE forum more respect than the other forums. Sorry if I upset you.
He labours under the illusion that we are perfectly evolved. From there (I think) he argues that our reproductive function is incongruous with that, because he can imagine better(more cost effective) ways for us to produce offsprings(I assume he means parthenogenesis). He also thinks that pleasure is a strange and discursive way for us to get motivated for sexual activity, when just having the knowledge of the necessity of it, would have been much better and simpler.

I think that's a fair summery of his argument.

In short, it's a mess.
My God is a God of Order and Design. Beauty like this was can only be created by a more beautiful Creator.


Saw this on my facebook page. Part of me wants to post the wikipedia entry on erosion but part of me wants to sleep with the girl who posted it.
He labours under the illusion that we are perfectly evolved. From there (I think) he argues that our reproductive function is incongruous with that, because he can imagine better(more cost effective) ways for us to produce offsprings(I assume he means parthenogenesis). He also thinks that pleasure is a strange and discursive way for us to get motivated for sexual activity, when just having the knowledge of the necessity of it, would have been much better and simpler.

I think that's a fair summery of his argument.

In short, it's a mess.

:lol: That was your assumption. Completely dodged my simple question.
I'm struggling to fathom how anyone could be so zealous as to believe something like that. What about all the terrible things? Can those only be created by a more terrible Creator?

And herein enters the devil.... the devvvvvilllll!

We're told god is more powerful than the devil, a fallen angel nonetheless (but isn't immoral and evil thoughts non-existent in god's kingdom?), and yet god has allowed the devil to do all these evil things. Huh?
A few religious apologists have claimed to me that because of the flaws of the human eyes this proves intelligent design.

Insert Captain Picard facepalm.
Run that one by me. The eye's cabling runs in front of the light sensing device, a child wouldn't design an eye like that.
I remember when I was reading this thread a couple of weeks or so ago, there was some confusion about how changes happen during evolution. I just randomly came across this video and it's a good introduction to explaining it.

And herein enters the devil.... the devvvvvilllll!

We're told god is more powerful than the devil, a fallen angel nonetheless (but isn't immoral and evil thoughts non-existent in god's kingdom?), and yet god has allowed the devil to do all these evil things. Huh?

My understanding from Sunday School (years ago--I'm so old that when I was young Jerome hadn't yet translated the Bible to Latin) was that God, in creating Earth, essentially left it to the humans to run. Perfection, lack of evil, and all the really wonderful things were in Heaven, the place the Almighty ruled and maintained for us in the next life.

If nothing else, this would prove he isn't infallible, as only a fool would leave something as incompetent as humans in charge of anything of value.
If nothing else, this would prove he isn't infallible, as only a fool would leave something as incompetent as humans in charge of anything of value.

This notion has been addressed from a Quranic perspective:

When your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am placing a caliph on earth,’ they replied: ‘Will You put there one that will do evil and shed blood, when we have for so long sung Your praises and sanctified Your name?’ He said: ‘I know what you do not know.’ He taught Adam all the names and then set them before the angels, saying: ‘Tell me the names of these, if what you say be true.’ ‘Glory be unto You,’ they replied, ‘we have no knowledge except that which You have given us. You alone are wise and all-knowing.’ Then said He to Adam: ‘Tell them their names.’ And when Adam had named them, He said: ‘Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and all that you hide and all that you reveal? (2:30-33)

Humans have different 'abilities' from other creatures. Two of which are choice and acquiring knowledge or intellect. We have a choice if we see a hole and then plug it to save another person from tripping or chopping down trees to build a casino. Some ideas from the verses above: our role on this planet, ability to learn and follow guidance etc.

Food for thought: The bolded part above introduces two properties together - wisdom and knowledge.
Abbsta: You will notice that the Lord did not say "all of You are wise and all-knowing." Politics is the process by which we determine who is stupid and knows nothing--and gets elected.
This notion has been addressed from a Quranic perspective:

When your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am placing a caliph on earth,’ they replied: ‘Will You put there one that will do evil and shed blood, when we have for so long sung Your praises and sanctified Your name?’ He said: ‘I know what you do not know.’ He taught Adam all the names and then set them before the angels, saying: ‘Tell me the names of these, if what you say be true.’ ‘Glory be unto You,’ they replied, ‘we have no knowledge except that which You have given us. You alone are wise and all-knowing.’ Then said He to Adam: ‘Tell them their names.’ And when Adam had named them, He said: ‘Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and all that you hide and all that you reveal? (2:30-33)

Humans have different 'abilities' from other creatures. Two of which are choice and acquiring knowledge or intellect. We have a choice if we see a hole and then plug it to save another person from tripping or chopping down trees to build a casino. Some ideas from the verses above: our role on this planet, ability to learn and follow guidance etc.

Food for thought: The bolded part above introduces two properties together - wisdom and knowledge.

Adam was supposed to be the first human and we know that no such first human ever existed and have shown and explained why that could never have happened. So this whole verse is wrong.
Adam was supposed to be the first human and we know that no such first human ever existed and have shown and explained why that could never have happened. So this whole verse is wrong.

Why? at some point in Evolution is where we may consider the 'first human'.

I'd better throw away my thundercats figurines then...

It's telling how they talk about Jehova being sad rather than angry (as he is in the actual scripture). That's obviously a bit of soppy editorialising by the makers of the cartoon. It's almost enough to make me and lion-o cynical.
Religion - making American cartoon moms act like weird dickheads and spoiling the fun of children since ZeroBC.

Eve looks like a skanky crack whore in that book she shows her son.
So, shes not at all concerned that her son has brought home a 'magical toy' a friend gave him... not even a question about who this friend was.

Maybe she should be thinking about that, rather than what Jehovah would want, not to mention the fact that - small boy - given 'magic' present by someone - odds are it was probably a catholic priest.
Magic Toys - Jehovah sad :(

Starving Children - meh.

TO be fair maybe he's working through all the toys before he gets to the sick and dying.

*Not limited to any specific deity
So, shes not at all concerned that her son has brought home a 'magical toy' a friend gave him... not even a question about who this friend was.

Maybe she should be thinking about that, rather than what Jehovah would want, not to mention the fact that - small boy - given 'magic' present by someone - odds are it was probably a catholic priest.

You're as bad as her ffs.

Just the poor cnut play with his toy wizard!
Playing with your wizard is another thing most gods have an issue with.

I can't say I blame them really, if you can see everyone all the time imagine having to watch every man in the world jerking off, you'd have no time for anything else. Unsurprisingly there is never as much as a hoohaa about female masturbation.... dirty oul donkey!
Jehovah - he doesn't like it when you play with your magic toy.

His attack seems to be mostly against the trappings of the Roman Catholic version of Christianity (many well worthy of ridicule). Does he have an entire series of these--attacking Judaism, Islam, militant Buddhism, or does he confine himself to the one religion we are allowed to attack without consequences?
Gotta give the religions credit for the fantastic brainwashing techniques they employ. Cartoons, books, comics, beatings, groundings, molestation.

How about isolation from the influences of the outside world when inflicting on the impressionable the more outrageous and bizarre trappings of the theology (I'm especially thinking of Scientology and the LDS).
His attack seems to be mostly against the trappings of the Roman Catholic version of Christianity (many well worthy of ridicule). Does he have an entire series of these--attacking Judaism, Islam, militant Buddhism, or does he confine himself to the one religion we are allowed to attack without consequences?
Who cares? He's a comedian not an equal opportunities mocker.
His attack seems to be mostly against the trappings of the Roman Catholic version of Christianity (many well worthy of ridicule). Does he have an entire series of these--attacking Judaism, Islam, militant Buddhism, or does he confine himself to the one religion we are allowed to attack without consequences?

He has ridiculed Islam before. Judaism, and certainly Buddhism are pretty much irrelevant to the West so Western comics have no reason to pay them attention.