I've just watched that muslim video and it says nothing about what we were discussing.
Abbsta, is god neither good nor evil?
Abbsta, is god neither good nor evil?
Thank you.That's basically how you have been arguing about the Quran. ("The stars can't fall", "Bees don't eat fruit", "Earth doesn't orbits around Sun", ...etc.)
I've just watched that muslim video and it says nothing about what we were discussing.
Abbsta, is god neither good nor evil?
Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd numbers. And in the narration of Ibn 'Umar (the words are): "He who enumerated them."
— Sahih Muslim 35:6475
Herein lies the fundamental failings of religion in the modern world; humanity is changing rapidly whilst the holy texts are simply rotting away into obsolete antiquity. If god has attempted to write an infinitely relevant book in either the Bible or the Quran then he's failed the mandate as with every human discovery each book is being speedily rendered as being an absolute load of shit.
Logistics of writing a book for an all-powerful creator? Come now, don't be silly.
This is first of all a baseless assertion. And secondly and more importantly, as has been said a billion times now, the implication of it is that this god who apparently wants us to misinterpret his text, is playful, capricious and sadistic. He wants us to eternally struggle to understand, cause it's just so much more fun that way for him.
There are enough difficulties in this world without divine obscurantism, and it's not hard to imagine even harder circumstances if that were the effect he was going for. He could have not revealed himself in the first place if he enjoys the sight of humans overcoming adversity so much.I would flip this around and say because it is more rewarding for us. Every human struggles with the difficulties of this world, and through that struggle defines who they are as a person. Without struggle or hardship, there could be no accomplishment, no overcoming and no achievement. Sounds a bit boring really.
I like how most people in this thread are debating in a respectable manner, but then you have Werewolf whose bitterness is projected throughout his posts and thus, he tries to degrade Islam.
Generalising and marginalising will take you far in life, yet you were wrong in our last debate when someone who can speak Arabic fluently - me - provided you with more facts that left you perplexed, and thus you reverted to insults. Keep telling yourself you're an expert, this is funny lulz.
Anyway, I have a few questions for everyone in this thread, and I'm genuinely interested in your answers. What is the purpose of life? Do you believe in life after death? Do you think there's a God? If so, why? If not, why? Final question: are there moral principles you follow or do you do whatever you want?
What is the purpose of life?
Do you believe in life after death?
Do you think there's a God? If so, why? If not, why?
Final question: are there moral principles you follow or do you do whatever you want?
Imagine if god did exist and only those that figured out the religious texts were false were allowed into his heaven. For it's possible that each religious text is worshipping a false god. Religious people won't dare consider they could be in the wrong religion. No more than they are willing to concede there may not be a god.
Moonwalker, if you really cannot accept that lack of existence of evidence can be evidence of lack of existence then how would you answer my bull in the china shop problem from the previous page?
Final question: are there moral principles you follow or do you do whatever you want?
I don't think Science can ever accept the concept of "God". Even if God turned up over the skies tomorrow, Science will just give it a name "Advanced Unclassified Life Form" & start theorizing more. It will probably be treated as Alien and that's it!
I don't think Science can ever accept the concept of "God". Even if God turned up over the skies tomorrow, Science will just give it a name "Advanced Unclassified Life Form" & start theorizing more. It will probably be treated as Alien and that's it!
Rather than ponder such "pie in the sky" fantasicm, why not work with what we currently know and move forward based on the information we have.
That's a false assumption about science. Science is open to whatever infact is true. The problem with the concept of "god" is that it's not distinct or philosophically sound, and it's not testable/provable/falsifiable. It's basically just making shit up.
It could have been a very small and careful bull
Lack of evidence for something does suggest absence especially if that evidence has been sought after but falls short of proving absence. In an everyday context, with the exception of religion, we do just this and assume that things that there are no evidence for "don't exist" but in a more academic discussion we wouldn't say that. So you are all talking about the same thing in a slightly different context.
Conversely, you could say that if an alien turned up over the skies, believers would no doubt claim it's in fact their god.I don't think Science can ever accept the concept of "God". Even if God turned up over the skies tomorrow, Science will just give it a name "Advanced Unclassified Life Form" & start theorizing more. It will probably be treated as Alien and that's it!
Well if a being was truly omnipotent, it wouldn't need such a crude way of making it's existence known in the first place. It would be trivial to just insert that knowledge into our brain.If a giant omnipotent being appeared in the sky, I don't see what's remotely wrong with calling it an Advanced Unclassified Life Form and continuing to theorise (i.e. try and work out) what it actually is. Rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion it's a God, let alone a specific God. That's precisely why people used to worship the Sun.
I think Stargate SG1 has taught us all we need to know about aliens posing as gods. People who believe them tend to sooner or later get shot with lasers.
While we are on the subject of appearances of god, I'd like to ask a question to the devout. Why did god start showing up with more and more infrequency? I mean, he used to be a regular cast member in the Old Testament. He would not only appear in his own personage, he would get shit done man. Marriage counseling, war mongering, genocide plotting, you name it. All downhill from there though. A couple of brief appearances here and there in visions and such. Sending his son etc. In the 'final prophecy' he's content with just sending his lackeys.
Nowadays he won't even write or call anymore.
Could it be perhaps, that as we've advanced and perfected ways to falsify bullshit claims, it became increasingly difficult for him to make an entrance the way he used to.
well that's utter bollocks
Moneymay, some counter questions for you and the other theists in the thread.
Are you afraid of mortality?
Is your only meaning in life to get into heaven via the rules of Islam?
Without Islam do you think that you would descend into a life of debauchery and/or criminality?
What happens to the Muslims who go to meet their maker but only remember 98 of his names?