Religion, what's the point?

For the 1 millionth time, "Fitrah" does not mean what you think it means. "Zakat Al Fitr" is what you had in mind and it is the "Zakat" part that relates it to money and not the "Al Fitr" part. Also stop your hypocrisy. You didn't even know what Fitrah meant 1 hour ago...

You have an astonishing lack of critical thinking. What makes you say that he was a Muslim ? Is there anything, besides the Quran, that points out that he was a Muslim ?

Yes we had this discussion, and we already established that it was pure bullshit.

Wait, are you saying that there is something mentioned in the Quran that should not be considered ? Because I don't give a damn if you consider it important, the fact is it was mentioned in the Quran and so said by Allah. Evidence points out that this it is pure bullshit and absolute nonsense.

It's called just "Fitrah" by many people, it's a word used in common language.. Anyway...

Can you tell me why the Quran says he was a Muslim? Do you now understand what religion means? What Islam means? It's not about names, it's not about empires, it's about people's intentions and deeds..

No, we've established that science doesn't disprove the existence of God.

I like the way you're trying to repeat "evidence that proved this!" like a 100 times, because you think if you repeat it a 100 times, you can create one. What you call evidence that "proves" it's wrong is mentioned in the Quran itself! I can't believe you still think you have made some amazing discovery.. :lol:

The crucial things are usually clear. The not so important things are up for interpretations/discussions.. That's why you see difference sects in Islam, differ about many things, but they're all called Muslims. Get it now?
Ah right, I had no idea that was a thing. Is phase 0 while you're still a sperm?

No need to pray for me, maybe you can pray others gay away?

Na, I'll pray for them just the same, no need for them to go away, they're all part of gods creation.
I was just asking since you were quite vague, and having googled this I've still found no reference of what you were talking about. You sure you're not talking bollocks?

Sorry man. Why do you need to google? just think.

When is it decided that you are alive? the womb right? after that you are born into this world. Both are 2 different 'worlds/realms'.
That depends what system of measurement you're using, physicists would say we're a type 0 civilization, and that religion is one of things that prevents progress to a type 2 or 3 civilization.

:lol: "We can rule the universe! It's just that those religious people are holding us!"

I have a question: Why did the (type 1? :lol:) US help grow those terrorists in the first place??
Sorry man. Why do you need to google? just think.

When is it decided that you are alive? the womb right? after that you are born into this world. Both are 2 different 'worlds/realms'.

That's such a pointless set of 'phases'. Within the womb you're completely different at various stages. And through your life you're also completely different. There's far more comprehensive scales for this things. "In this womb" and "out of the womb" seems to serve no purpose.
That's such a pointless set of 'phases'. Within the womb you're completely different at various stages. And through your life you're also completely different. There's far more comprehensive scales for this things. "In this womb" and "out of the womb" seems to serve no purpose.

OK man. You are over thinking things and keep missing the main point.
It's called just "Fitrah" by many people, it's a word used in common language.. Anyway...
Never heard of it used that way. I'll let this one slip.

Can you tell me why the Quran says he was a Muslim? Do you now understand what religion means? What Islam means? It's not about names, it's not about empires, it's about people's intentions and deeds..
What does this have to do with our discussions about monotheism and polytheism ? Baffling...
And do you have any proof that Abraham really existed ? As far as I know, his historicity is extremely contested and the consensus among archeologists and historians is that he is only a myth.

No, we've established that science doesn't disprove the existence of God.
We have established that science doesn't disprove the notion of a God. As for your Abrahamic personal God ? Pure bullshit.

I like the way you're trying to repeat "evidence that proved this!" like a 100 times, because you think if you repeat it a 100 times, you can create one. What you call evidence that "proves" it's wrong is mentioned in the Quran itself! I can't believe you still think you have made some amazing discovery.. :lol:
You don't want to understand do you ? Let me make it clear.

1) Quran says that everyone is born with a tendency to believe in one God
2) Monotheism appeared well after polytheism. Millions and millions of years of people supposedly born to believe in one God did not yield one significant monotheistic religion until Abrahamic religions.

If you don't see a contradiction there, I can't help you. Yes Quran contradicts itself, numerous times. This is just one amongst many other such cases.

The crucial things are usually clear. The not so important things are up for interpretations/discussions.. That's why you see difference sects in Islam, differ about many things, but they're all called Muslims. Get it now?

No sir. In this particular case, it cannot be any more clearer. You still haven't showed me sources that say that it is a matter of debate. Quran mentions it, Hadith mentions it. I am not going to let you twist this again so as to avoid the clear contradiction with reality.
Never heard of it used that way. I'll let this one slip.

What does this have to do with our discussions about monotheism and polytheism ? Baffling...
And do you have any proof that Abraham really existed ? As far as I know, his historicity is extremely contested and the consensus among archeologists and historians is that he is only a myth.

We have established that science doesn't disprove the notion of a God. As for your Abrahamic personal God ? Pure bullshit.

You don't want to understand do you ? Let me make it clear.

1) Quran says that everyone is born with a tendency to believe in one God
2) Monotheism appeared well after polytheism. Millions and millions of years of people supposedly born to believe in one God did not yield one significant monotheistic religion until Abrahamic religions.

If you don't see a contradiction there, I can't help you. Yes Quran contradicts itself, numerous times. This is just one amongst many other such cases.

No sir. In this particular case, it cannot be any more clearer. You still haven't showed me sources that say that it is a matter of debate. Quran mentions it, Hadith mentions it. I am not going to let you twist this again so as to avoid the clear contradiction with reality.

Are you serious? :lol:

Are you saying that the original tendency always decide the outcome? What about the factors that influence the outcome after everybody is born, more importantly desires (or the evil part in life)?
Are you serious? :lol:

Are you saying that the original tendency always decide the outcome? What about the factors that influence the outcome after everybody is born, more importantly desires (or the evil part in life)?

Not always but in most cases it should right ? How come we don't then get people believing in the one God before Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism appear ? All of them were influenced everywhere in this world ?

And for you desires are evil ?
Are you serious? :lol:

Are you saying that the original tendency always decide the outcome? What about the factors that influence the outcome after everybody is born, more importantly desires (or the evil part in life)?

So god places a tendency within absolutely everybody to believe in him, but bizarrely absolutely everybody in pre-monotheistic civilisation just ignored that god-given predisposition because of, erm, desires and the evil part of life and shit?

It doesn't make the least bit of sense, but nevermind because this isn't a crucial bit of Islamic doctrine. Convenient I guess for the errors and contradictions to be mere insignificances to whoever chooses them as being when the issue's raised. Why does god himself talk about things that aren't crucial in his holy text to humanity though? If god truly exists then surely every single word of a holy text written for us to guide us on the correct path to heaven will be absolutely overloaded with incredible depth and meaning? Are we to believe that god was just talking bollocks for large swathes of the Quran?
Not always but in most cases it should right ? How come we don't then get people believing in the one God before Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism appear ? All of them were influenced everywhere in this world ?

And for you desires are evil ?

That only depends on the other factors in the equation.. If the other factors are strong(er) then, wrong.

I was talking about desires that are evil, or encouraged by the evil.
So god places a tendency within absolutely everybody to believe in him, but bizarrely absolutely everybody in pre-monotheistic civilisation just ignored that god-given predisposition because of, erm, desires and the evil part of life and shit?

This is wrong. There are many people who were monotheistic or believed in the real God, before the Abrahamic religions came along.. It's called Abrahamic religions because Abraham was famous, but that doesn't mean that Abraham was the first prophet to call for "that" God. The first prophet on Earth according to the Quran was the first person on Earth, Adam.
That only depends on the other factors in the equation.. If the other factors are strong(er) then, wrong.
Nonsense. Thousands and thousands of years of people born with a natural tendency to believe in one God and not one monotheistic religion gets developed ? Bullshit.

And what are the evil desires that make you become polytheist ?
Nonsense. Thousands and thousands of years of people born with a natural tendency to believe in one God and not one monotheistic religion gets developed ? Bullshit.

And what are the evil desires that make you become polytheist ?

What do you mean by "religion gets developed?"
This is wrong. There are many people who were monotheistic or believed in the real God, before the Abrahamic religions came along.. It's called Abrahamic religions because Abraham was famous, but that doesn't mean that Abraham was the first prophet to call for "that" God. The first prophet on Earth according to the Quran was the first person on Earth, Adam.

We know that's bollocks though because of evolution.

Another case of god talking bollocks. Why does god talk so much codshit in his religious texts? If he could have made one fecking thing clear, make it the Bible ffs! He's a moron.
Yeah, it does. There wasn't a point where we stopped being monkeys and spontaneously became humans.

The transition can't be 100% gradual, because it consists of mutations. Every mutation is a step.. They can't decide if there was a specific step where we became humans, but that doesn't prove that there is no step at which that happened..
Evolution says that there was no first human on Earth?


The theory of evolution states that species change over time via mutation and sexual reproduction. No one mutation in one individual can be considered as constituting a new species.

Therefore there cannot possibly have been an Adam.
The transition can't be 100% gradual, because it consists of mutations. Every mutation is a step.. They can't decide if there was a specific step where we became humans, but that doesn't prove that there is no step at which that happened..

There was no step at which that happened. It's taken millions of years of small mutations to become what we are now and we are still evolving. There was no first human being called Adam.

The theory of evolution states that species change over time via mutation and sexual reproduction. No one mutation in one individual can be considered as constituting a new species.

Therefore there cannot possibly have been an Adam.

Then why do we name the species? Why do we even call ourselves humans?? What's common about us being humans to call us that?
Appears to whom? And wide-spread to what scale??
Appears meaning that people start believing in it. You know that it is not necessary to have a messenger sent from God to some people in order to develop a religion right ? And wide-spread to the extent that we can now have some clues about its existence meaning that it was not the idea of some isolated insignificant group but that it gained popularity in the same way that polytheistic religions were wide-spread.

And again, answer my other question.
I'm not asking about the word "species". I'm asking the names we call the different species.

Are you stupid? It's because it's a form of classification. Why do we call the internet the internet?

There was no point at which we officially became humans, there was a series of mutations that changed us over time, people with better genes survived and had offspring and that kept on happening. There was no point at which some sort of magical human gene was spontaneously introduced.
We've all considered that possibility, but given how many religions there and how low the chances of picking the correct one (lol) are the chances are, the vast majority of the human race is in hell. Have you considered the possibility that you've picked the wrong religion?

Brings puzzled looks and often stupid responses when I ask Christians this.

Are you stupid? It's because it's a form of classification. Why do we call the internet the internet?

There was no point at which we officially became humans, there was a series of mutations that changed us over time, people with better genes survived and had offspring and that kept on happening. There was no point at which some sort of magical human gene was spontaneously introduced.

How do you classify them if there are no lines between them?

Also, if the Swedish people disappear, and the Chinese people survive, does that mean that the Swedish people weren't as humans as the Chinese?