Religion, what's the point?

sorry. i was not being flippant. I felt I already made the points elsewhere on this thread.

Religion in itself is not wrong. For me it is a matter of personal faith. But in no way will I try and impose that on anyone else. No even my own children.

The only way I can 'evangelize' is by living the faith.

that is why I am dead against any attempts to bring Christianity into politics, government and such. Because in the end it will the interpretation of Christianity that will be 'imposed'.

If you are a Christian or a as one. Let that be enough.

I very much agree with this, there should be the strictest separation of religion and state possible.
I know enough to know that I despise it. I've read enough of the so-called 'holy books' to know that. No matter what these theologians say/have said about their faith, that does not change the fact that the 'holy books' which the Abrahamic religions are founded on are hate-filled books about, among other things, justifying genocide, murder, rape, racism, perverse ideas, and moral rules/laws which are not only flat out ridiculous, but also disgustingly evil and horrible. You cannot get away from that fact, and that fact explains my 'immature' and hostile attitude towards it.

Theism falls short, both scientifically and philosophically, and, perhaps most importantly, morally.

Good stuff.

Fact is there's no way to politely tell someone they're wasting their life's energy on something that doesn't exist.
Not only do you not know much about religion, you are even worse in theology. Any theology and religious studies undergraduate would confirm this.

Yep, that's one of the foxholes the religious dive into, theology. You know, I don't really give a shit about theology. It's apologetic bullshit. A study of nothing, as Thomas Paine once wrote.
I don't believe in it but people who think they're being clever by rubbishing other's faith are basically pricks. You don't have to believe in it but it's noones business to abuse and condemn others from doing so.

It's fairly simple in my mind - we don't know. Noone actually knows what's behind everything. You have ice. There's a reason for that. It can be explained. How it comes about. But then the further back you go into the origin of things, we simply don't have answers. The world exists but why? How was space formed? If space contains earth and other planets what contains space and where does it the chain end? We all would love to know the answers to these questions but we can't. So some people choose believe in a reason. Call it convenience or whatever you want, but they do. And while I personally can't believe in things without having any logic to it, I'm no more right than those people are. None of us are right and wrong in this sense. It's a preference thing.
Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Plenty of lives wasted there though.
I don't believe in it but people who think they're being clever by rubbishing other's faith are basically pricks. You don't have to believe in it but it's noones business to abuse and condemn others from doing so.

It's fairly simple in my mind - we don't know. Noone actually knows what's behind everything. You have ice. There's a reason for that. It can be explained. How it comes about. But then the further back you go into the origin of things, we simply don't have answers. The world exists but why? How was space formed? If space contains earth and other planets what contains space and where does it the chain end? We all would love to know the answers to these questions but we can't. So some people choose believe in a reason. Call it convenience or whatever you want, but they do. And while I personally can't believe in things without having any logic to it, I'm no more right than those people are. None of us are right and wrong in this sense. It's a preference thing.

The problem arises when people believe that they know what God's will is, what he wants and doesn't want us to do. You're basically arguing for a deist position here, which I don't have a problem with, and which I think is at least partly reasonable, and certainly not dangerous.
Top 10? Not sure. Difficult to rank because numbers are vague. But some examples:

Crusades: ~1m-9m (and that's counting all the Crusades as a whole)
French Religious Wars: ~2m-4m
Thirty Years' War: ~3m-11.5m - albeit it began as a religious one, but probably not ended as one
9/11: ~3,000
South Thailand Insurgency: ~4,500
The Troubles: ~3,000
I have no knowledge of the others, but that was, and is, territorial.
I don't believe in it but people who think they're being clever by rubbishing other's faith are basically pricks. You don't have to believe in it but it's noones business to abuse and condemn others from doing so.

It's fairly simple in my mind - we don't know. Noone actually knows what's behind everything. You have ice. There's a reason for that. It can be explained. How it comes about. But then the further back you go into the origin of things, we simply don't have answers. The world exists but why? How was space formed? If space contains earth and other planets what contains space and where does it the chain end? We all would love to know the answers to these questions but we can't. So some people choose believe in a reason. Call it convenience or whatever you want, but they do. And while I personally can't believe in things without having any logic to it, I'm no more right than those people are. None of us are right and wrong in this sense. It's a preference thing.

Yes that's correct. Not being able to explain something isn't tantamount to needing to fabricate an explanation for it.

Also, there's no way of not offending someone who you feel are wasting their time with all of this.
The problem arises when people believe that they know what God's will is, what he wants and doesn't want us to do. You're basically arguing for a deist position here, which I don't have a problem with, and which I think is at least partly reasonable, and certainly not dangerous.

I am a Christian, I am no part of any organized religion. They are all just misleading people and causing people to kill each other. Condemning gay people, condemning women for having an abortion, Condemning anything that disagrees with their view. They all worship a god who needs his people to stand up for him if they feel he has been insulted. They have promoted themselves to the position of supreme judge. They will have a bad ending.
I am a Christian, I am no part of any organized religion. They are all just misleading people and causing people to kill each other. Condemning gay people, condemning women for having an abortion, Condemning anything that disagrees with their view. They all worship a god who needs his people to stand up for him if they feel he has been insulted. They have promoted themselves to the position of supreme judge. They will have a bad ending.

Because that's what it says in their holy book. Do you believe in the bible or not?

Why do you believe in Christ? Because an old book says so?
Does Christianity exist in any non-organised form?

you have a point Weaste.

I am Catholic. don't agree with everything my priest tells me though....especially when he hints I should vote Republican.

I go to mass, fulfill my spiritual obligations and try and live my life as a Christian.

The point I am making I guess is you don't have to blindly follow whatever organized religion tells you to remain true to your faith.
Yep, that's one of the foxholes the religious dive into, theology. You know, I don't really give a shit about theology. It's apologetic bullshit. A study of nothing, as Thomas Paine once wrote.

My point still stands, though. You're completely clueless in those subjects.
So he said on TV. It was a difficult decision so he asked God and he told him to go ahead and invade Iraq.
As soon as a human being touches a writing implement and uses that to tell a story, then you have to be mental to take it as fact and live your life by it.

That's not rubbishing faith, that's rubbishing man made religion which is then interpreted across hundreds of languages over thousands of years.

Faith is one thing, but following rules dictated by some human with an agenda is totally another.
Saliph, my point is simply that for someone who doesn't really know much about religion and theology (as you're not a reader) you display an irritating and near irrational hostility and provide nothing but über simplified generalisations expressed in a profane language.
Saliph, my point is simply that for someone who doesn't really know much about religion and theology (as you're not a reader) you display an irritating and near irrational hostility and provide nothing but über simplified generalisations expressed in a profane language.

Please, educate me. I can't wait for your response.
Saliph, my point is simply that for someone who doesn't really know much about religion and theology (as you're not a reader) you display an irritating and near irrational hostility and provide nothing but über simplified generalisations expressed in a profane language.

If only Saliph were as well-read as you, he would surely see how right you are.
If only Saliph were as well-read as you, he would surely see how right you are.

It's not all about being well read or who is right and who isn't. It's about arguing your point intelligently.