Religion, what's the point?

The Earth doesn't move
Stars can fall on us
Shooting stars are the devils missiles
The earth is flat
There are only 7 planets
The moon is further away then stars
The moon emits light
The moon can split in two
That the earth only has 7 layers
The Sun is not a star
The earth was created in 6 days
The earth came before the universe
The universe is getting smaller
The Sun is flat
There are no black holes
Thunder is an angel
The earth can swallow the sky
Sperm comes from the backbone and the ribs
Embryos are made initially from semen
Only God can tell the sex of a baby before it's born
Asexual creatures don't exist
Milk comes from shit and blood
We think with our hearts
Seas have invisible barriers between them
Breasts contract with height
Earthquakes can't kill Muslims
Rainwater is pure
God makes no disabled beings
Humans can live for 1000 years
Eskimos don't exist
Snakes can grow from sticks
Werewolves exist
Jonah lived in a fish
Space flight is impossible.
It's not the clay we were created from according to that article, it's boron, and even then it says it would only have played a part in the creation of life. Humans weren't molded from clay as the Quran claims.

You're getting very slight coincidences mixed up with science here.

:lol: I think I'll stop here.. Look who's trying to interpret things now.. ;)
Doesn't the evolution suggest that the origin of humans (and all living organisms on Earth) is the clay on Earth?

No, but you know what suggests it ? Sumerian mythology, Babilonian mythology....Draw your own conclusions !

The Earth doesn't move
Stars can fall on us
Shooting stars are the devils missiles
The earth is flat
There are only 7 planets
The moon is further away then stars
The moon emits light
The moon can split in two
That the earth only has 7 layers
The Sun is not a star
The earth was created in 6 days
The earth came before the universe
The universe is getting smaller
The Sun is flat
There are no black holes
Thunder is an angel
The earth can swallow the sky
Sperm comes from the backbone and the ribs
Embryos are made initially from semen
Only God can tell the sex of a baby before it's born
Asexual creatures don't exist
Milk comes from shit and blood
We think with our hearts
Seas have invisible barriers between them
Breasts contract with height
Earthquakes can't kill Muslims
Rainwater is pure
God makes no disabled beings
Humans can live for 1000 years
Eskimos don't exist
Snakes can grow from sticks
Werewolves exist
Jonah lived in a fish
Space flight is impossible.

The Earth doesn't move
Stars can fall on us
Shooting stars are the devils missiles
The earth is flat
There are only 7 planets
The moon is further away then stars
The moon emits light
The moon can split in two
That the earth only has 7 layers
The Sun is not a star
The earth was created in 6 days
The earth came before the universe
The universe is getting smaller
The Sun is flat
There are no black holes
Thunder is an angel
The earth can swallow the sky
Sperm comes from the backbone and the ribs
Embryos are made initially from semen
Only God can tell the sex of a baby before it's born
Asexual creatures don't exist
Milk comes from shit and blood
We think with our hearts
Seas have invisible barriers between them
Breasts contract with height
Earthquakes can't kill Muslims
Rainwater is pure
God makes no disabled beings
Humans can live for 1000 years
Eskimos don't exist
Snakes can grow from sticks
Werewolves exist
Jonah lived in a fish
Space flight is impossible.

I did most of them with the Quran verse. Though I can't say that all of them are 100% wrong. For example, the argument 'there are no black holes' comes from a verse that says that universe is regular in every part of it. While it doesn't say anything about the black holes (of course) black holes are very irregular (am I using this word correct?) from the other parts of the universe. Also,from the map of universe created not long ago it's clear to see that universe isn't entirely regular (perfect). And don't even start that if universe was regular, there wouldn't be a universe to begin with, because it would have been created a same amount of matter and antimatter which would have annihilated each other. Also, better to don't mention dark matter/dark energy at all.

Of course that a cheap interpretation in favor of verse would be that the universe is expanded on the same ways in a regular way. but as I said, is very cheap-ish, especially if is true a verse that universe is getting smaller (don't know about it)
So the title is wrong?

You only read the title?

Did you not get to the part where it says that the earth it rich in boron anyway, and that this clay is only implicated in as far as it allows scientists to study what early earth would have been like. Nowhere in that article does is that it started life.
You only read the title?

Did you not get to the part where it says that the earth it rich in boron anyway, and that this clay is only implicated in as far as it allows scientists to study what early earth would have been like.

Then why do you only want to take "titles" and "single statements" from the Quran and base your whole argument on them, and you don't allow me to give an explanation about them like you're doing now by consulting the article to interpret the title??
Where did life come from on Earth?

Current scientific knowledge suggests chemical reactions in a particular set of conditions that gave rise to amino-acids ("building blocks of life") which ultimately lead to the formation of the early forms of life.
This is a very simplistic view and the process is far more complex and there are far smarter people than me who can explain it better. The point is it does not boil down to Adam and Eve being dropped directly on Earth from Heaven.
ਤਿਥੈ ਖੰਡ ਮੰਡਲ ਵਰਭੰਡ ॥ ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਥੈ ਤ ਅੰਤ ਨ ਅੰਤ ॥
"There are planets, solar systems and galaxies.
If one speaks of them, there is no limit and no end."

The top line is the original text in Gurmukhi recited by Guru Nanak
in about 1499 found in the Sikh holy scripture called the Guru Granth Sahib

ਤਿਥੈ ਖੰਡ ਮੰਡਲ ਵਰਭੰਡ ॥ ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਥੈ ਤ ਅੰਤ ਨ ਅੰਤ ॥
"There are planets, solar systems and galaxies.
If one speaks of them, there is no limit and no end."
The top line is the original text in Gurmukhi recited by Guru Nanak
in about 1499 found in the Sikh holy scripture called the Guru Granth Sahib

If this mean that the universe is infinite (endless) then again is contradicted by Science

Edit: Oh, it is about sikhism. Don't know much about it.
Then why do you only want to take "titles" and "single statements" from the Quran and base your whole argument on them, and you don't allow me to give an explanation about them like you're doing now by consulting the article to interpret the title??

I have repeatedly said that the Quran is entirely bullshit, as are all religious texts.
If this mean that the universe is infinite (endless) then again is contradicted by Science

Edit: Oh, it is about sikhism. Don't know much about it.

I think its more to do with how we cant comprehend the size of the universe etc..

I just read it fast, not knowing that it is for another religion, though was a bit strange reading the word galaxy.

The common divider is that all religions have scientific errors. Except pastafarianism, of course.
I just read it fast, not knowing that it is for another religion, though was a bit strange reading the word galaxy.

The common divider is that all religions have scientific errors. Except pastafarianism, of course.

Nah, no offense. It was just funny, because you gave a bold statement as a semi-fact, and then when you realized he's not talking about Islam, you sounded like, "oh sorry I thought we're insulting Islam here, don't know"... :lol:
Sikhs believe that Babe Deep Singh survived being beheaded. Which is just fecking stupid.

Well, scientists have speculated that you may well be alive for up to a minute after your head is cut off. Not all sikhs believe that anyway.
Well, scientists have speculated that you may well be alive for up to a minute after your head is cut off. Not all sikhs believe that anyway.

As the story goes, he picked up his head and carried on fighting. Regardless of some technicalities whereby the human head might not lose consciousness fully up to a minute, it's stupid. The ones who don't believe it are right not to.
Nah, no offense. It was just funny, because you gave a bold statement as a semi-fact, and then when you realized he's not talking about Islam, you sounded like, "oh sorry I thought we're insulting Islam here, don't know"... :lol:

Not at all. It's not that I think that Islam is worse or more evil, or whatever than other religions. In fact, I think that I have written here before that is a more advanced religion than other Abraham religions. Anyway, I just replied and later realized that it wasn't about Islam. That doesn't alter the fact that the universe is not infinitely big, and as I said in the next post, the common divider of all religions is that all are scientifically wrong.
As the story goes, he picked up his head and carried on fighting. Regardless of some technicalities whereby the human head might not lose consciousness fully up to a minute, it's stupid. The ones who don't believe it are right not to.

Its from a story, not from scriptures.
I have repeatedly said that the Quran is entirely bullshit, as are all religious texts.

I think you now recognize that you've fallen into your own argument.

That's fine. I don't have a problem with you thinking that the Quran is "bullsh*t", and actually don't expect you to believe in any religion either, and believe me, even if the Quran tells you scientific facts, you'll just say "Meh, it's just a coincidence" like you already said.. So I think this is a good point to stop the debate.
I think you now recognize that you've fallen into your own argument.

That's fine. I don't have a problem with you thinking that the Quran is "bullsh*t", and actually don't expect you to believe in any religion either, and believe me, even if the Quran tells you scientific facts, you'll just say "Meh, it's just a coincidence" like you already said.. So I think this is a good point to stop the debate.

Well, if you can bring this scientifically facts, then it would be nice. I have read lot of them, and to be fair, I was never convinced.