Flaming Full Member
What is ‘petty?’"Petty", that's all you had to say.
What is ‘petty?’"Petty", that's all you had to say.
There’s ignorant posts, and then there’s the post all those try to be.
It’s in a secular learning environment & he is an employee of the institution charged with running it. And it’s also he sheer bemusement of watching someone like the coach try to use his agency with his particular flavor of religion as a legal justification for his not following policy & meeting with the inevitable, justifiable punishment.Ignorant in what sense?
In a place of worship is one thing, having to endure street preaching horseshit is another. In college it was terrible, especially to females or gays. Just abhorrent shit.
As a teacher, if a kid asks you to call them by a name that isn’t on the attendance roster, you do. The same applies to their pronouns. What’s going to enable me to educate a kid more effectively? Calling them what they’ve asked to be called or be a dick and call them something they don’t want to be called?
And to be clear, I was pointing out that his justification is bogus. It will take quite a stretch to shoehorn calling someone a pronoun they’ve asked to be called into being against the Bible.
Yes.Genuine question - if a child wants to be called anything other than their real name, is that a request a teacher should accept? It would probably change on a weekly basis?
street preaching annoys me so much. About the same as charity sellers.
I want to walk down the street in peace and quiet. No one cares what you have to say - and at least spend more than £4.50 on a megaphone - think about the quality of the audio you are transmitting.
Genuine question - if a child wants to be called anything other than their real name, is that a request a teacher should accept? It would probably change on a weekly basis?
Genuine question - if a child wants to be called anything other than their real name, is that a request a teacher should accept? It would probably change on a weekly basis?
Who’d of thunk it?
Who’d of thunk it?
And believing that God was the creator of the heavens and the earth and everything else is the biggest conspiracy theory of them all.
Do you think?
I think the best CT starts with;
Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst
That's actually just science. It might be incomplete - hell, it might even be wrong - but there's evidence for it. You can observe effects of it.
Yes, science. You wanna dismiss that?.
Ooh science
Ooh science
Yes, science. You wanna dismiss that?
Ooh science
Ooh science
Are you a flat-earther or what?
Whilst typing on a screen over the Internet no less...
Good, someone who can help me square this circle…Do you think?
I think the best CT starts with;
Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst
Probably on his/her smartphone, connected to a satellite in orbit around the planet.
God did that.
No idea why, if he/she/it is so desperate for our love and devotion for fear of eternal damnation, they didn't just do this from the start. I mean if it truly loves us and wants us to be with it, then why not give us a fair chance? Why send your son to die right when it's least likely to be the right message and most likely to be twisted into man made religions used to indoctrinate and control for centuries?
Should have just given us all a smart phone from the off and saved everyone all this hassle.
Care to respond with more than just a smiley?
Care to respond with more than just a smiley?![]()
Some of the responses only deserved a smiley.
Ar you a flat earther or what?
Oh feck me I just went down the rabbit hole of his previous posts in this thread.![]()
Good response.
See how that plane flies, or how that atom is split, that’s science.
”ooooh science”.
Yes fecking science. You know, the kind of shit that can still predict the movements of the planets and land a fecking rover on Mars or on an astroid using Newtonian physics, 350 years after Newton discovered it.
”oooh science”.
But that's the thing though, it is just a theory. I don't really see people claiming it's an undeniable fact and that anyone who doesn't believe in it will be punished for all eternity.Do you think?
I think the best CT starts with;
Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst
Who’d of thunk it?
According to sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera's review of numerous global studies on atheism, there are 450 to 500 million positive atheists and agnostics worldwide (7% of the world's population).
Isaac Newton that religious guy who used the book of Genesis in his views?
Who cares about his "views"? His science is what makes him worth remembering.
What a nonsense reply.
Who’d of thunk it?
Yes, wild guessing based on nothing is much more to go by. Let's do that instead..
Ooh science
Religions and conspiracy theories are pretty much the samt thing, aren't they? If you think of the moon landing deniers, i.e., it was first claimed that Armstrong did not leave Earth, instead he was seen the same night in a named bar, ending up in a fight with a named person (presenting concrete names makes it more convincing, of course). Later, they surely had to deal with the overwhelming evidences that Armstrong and his crew actually came down from sky, so then the claim instead turned into that they just circulated the moon, but never landed on it. New theories to cover up for the failed ones.
When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he apparently was surprised that God did not bring him down from there ("My god, my god, why have you forsaken me"). So, he was not God's son after all. Or maybe he was... Maybe he was in fact God's son, but he was left to die so every one else could be saved. Ok?
Not such a great sacrifice, anyway, since he apparently didn't die after all (make the logic out of it, if you can). Cause he then suddenly raised up from death, went to heaven and because God's right had. I mean, if he had gone to hell, see, then we could have talked about sacrifice.
And god probably does not exist, by the way. No one has seen him; no one has ever served any proofs of his existence, or that praying helps (if it did, why are the people praying the most, still the poorest and most miserable ones?).
But I cannot prove that he does not exit, you could say, but the question you have to ask is: If god did not exit, would people still be religious? Knowing that our conscious race at all times have been religious, believing in all sorts of explanations for our existence and death, the answers to this is undoubtedly yes. We would still be religious, simply out of need. Then, do the maths (or employ Occam's razor).
Well, going through all of them, would make a long post. Which one should I do next? The war religion, Islam? Or Judaism, another war religion? Or maybe the old mythology about Thor and Odin & co, where the only way to access Valhall was with sword in hand? Religions surely have had their specific function. Not to mention the Kamis in the Shinto religion where kamikaze pilots were rewarded with becoming half gods themselves (or Kamis) by crashing their planes into military targets. And by the way, how many virgins will you have if you die for Mohammed? The highest bid I´ve heard of is 600, offered by Taliban (I wonder who the virgins are, btw. Are they sort of being punished, or just worthless in the effect of being women?) God, I love religions.You can't say religions (plural) then base your arguments on just one (Christianity).
Well, going through all of them, would make a long post. Which one should I do next? The war religion, Islam? Or Judaism, another war religion? Or maybe the old mythology about Thor and Odin & co, where the only way to access Valhall was with sword in hand? Religions surely have had their specific function. Not to mention the Kamis in the Shinto religion where kamikaze pilots were rewarded with becoming half gods themselves (or Kamis) by crashing their planes into military targets. And by the way, how many virgins will you have if you die for Mohammed? The highest bid I´ve heard of is 600, offered by Taliban (I wonder who the virgins are, btw. Are they sort of being punished, or just worthless in the effect of being women?) God, I love religions.