Religion, what's the point?

I know quite a few atheists yet almost all of them had their kids baptized. Odd.
We didn't do it but I know other non-religious people who did as a social event.
I know quite a few atheists yet almost all of them had their kids baptized. Odd.

We don't even have kids but her mum is very religious plenty of rows and disappointment ahead because my kids won't be going near a church.

Tbf to her though she was ok with the civil marriage so maybe not.

Trouble in Ireland is that over 90% of schools are still church run so you're limiting your options in terms of education.
We don't even have kids but her mum is very religious plenty of rows and disappointment ahead because my kids won't be going near a church.

Tbf to her though she was ok with the civil marriage so maybe not.

Trouble in Ireland is that over 90% of schools are still church run so you're limiting your options in terms of education.

Can they deny you entry if you aren't baptised?
We didn't do it but I know other non-religious people who did as a social event.

A very very atheist mate of mine had his kids baptised but I suspect family pressure from his wife's side of the family was the reason.
When I was really young (probably around 7-10) the idea of Heaven and an eternal afterlife scared me infinitely more than the idea of dying and there being nothing, so am I the only one then?
Can they deny you entry if you aren't baptised?

Primary schools can yeah and even if they take them a huge part of primary school here revolves around the church. Schools prepare kids for communion and confirmation is basically like some graduation ceremony.

Problem in secondary schools is also that you're basically ostracising them. I remember a couple of Protestant kids in my secondary school, made sit in the corridor while we had RE.

I assume its not as bad these days but still you don't really want to be making your teenager different from the majority.

Times are changing slowly more non denominational schools are popping up but the church still has a near monopoly on education.
I was watching the sequel to the Four Horsemen last night, and as much as I agree with virtually everything they say, naturally, it's a bit of a weird, pointless, smugfest. The shit mock bookcase thing in the background doesn't help either.

It's basically like watching every coked up conversation I've ever had in a kitchen at 4 in the morning, only I can't join in or borrow a cigarette off anyone.

Still, anyway, here it is. It's badly missing Hitchens. And an actual room with an actual bookcase.

He's discussing the "god" that you think exists.

So he's discussing what he thinks is the character of a god that someone else believes in, while he himself doesn't believe in the existence of such god in the first place? And he's saying that he would not tell his children about such god, or whatever? So yea, why would he? He doesn't believe this god exists anyway. What's the relevance of his statement then?
I'm atheist but I wouldn't have any problem having future kids be baptized if my wife felt it was important, my kids can decide what they believe when they're old enough.

How does predetermining Christianity for them help choice?
So he's discussing what he thinks is the character of a god that someone else believes in, while he himself doesn't believe in the existence of such god in the first place? And he's saying that he would not tell his children about such god, or whatever? So yea, why would he? He doesn't believe this god exists anyway. What's the relevance of his statement then?

Countering the common "arguments" for God I'd guess.

I think it is much simpler. We once needed God to explain things we didn't understand. We now have much better explanations so God is outmoded and irrelevant.
There's this girl in my company I work with. She's really keen on Christianity. We had a discussion about religion, and in response to my question about how Christianity and religion in general isn't based on objective proof (as opposed to Science), she said Science wasn't objective too, as we don't actually prove that water is composed from hydrogen and oxygen, but believe what the science textbooks say.

I had no words after that.
There's this girl in my company I work with. She's really keen on Christianity. We had a discussion about religion, and in response to my question about how Christianity and religion in general isn't based on objective proof (as opposed to Science), she said Science wasn't objective too, as we don't actually prove that water is composed from hydrogen and oxygen, but believe what the science textbooks say.

I had no words after that.

Christians believe Jesus can turn h2o into wine, thats what the book bible told them.
How does predetermining Christianity for them help choice?

Just because they're baptized doesn't mean they won't have a choice. I was baptized and involved with church until I was 12 or so and I'm atheist. I just don't see the harm in it, it's not like I'd force them to attend church or anything.

So giving birth to a child is immoral and a crime now?

Nice! Let all schools unite and deny the education the girl and her kid both need. That is the true spirit of Christianity: let the poor and underprivileged and the marginalized stay that way!

I realize it's an extreme take on events but let's call a spade a spade. It has nothing to do with morality and everything with the school's and the principal's reputation. Dumb parents will now be happy that their little girl won't get fecked in a toilet, as if that depends on allowing a pregnant girl entry.
How does predetermining Christianity for them help choice?

Plenty of people who are atheist were baptized when young, so I think we can do away with the idea that it will stop them from making their own choices later in life.

Obviously many will chose to stay in their religion, and there will be many who won't and there will be many who kind of sit inbetween, not being atheists, but not being very religious either.
I was watching the sequel to the Four Horsemen last night, and as much as I agree with virtually everything they say, naturally, it's a bit of a weird, pointless, smugfest. The shit mock bookcase thing in the background doesn't help either.

It's basically like watching every coked up conversation I've ever had in a kitchen at 4 in the morning, only I can't join in or borrow a cigarette off anyone.

Still, anyway, here it is. It's badly missing Hitchens. And an actual room with an actual bookcase.

You're right, without an opposing opinion this all seems a bit of a back patting session. That's why Hitchens was so good, even in a room of consensus, his natural skepticism would cause at least some actual debate.
Just because they're baptized doesn't mean they won't have a choice. I was baptized and involved with church until I was 12 or so and I'm atheist. I just don't see the harm in it, it's not like I'd force them to attend church or anything.

So why not have your child initiated into Islam or Judaism at birth then?
It is interesting when you talk with some of these theological scholars. They sincerely believe they have mountains of evidence which show, for instance, that Jesus was who he said he was.

It goes for just about any religion really. A common counterpoint or more so question to any skepticism is, "Well what if you're wrong?"

Nonetheless, religion or no religion, it's fascinating with the all knowledge we have, we still struggle to capture what it means to be human. On another note, the notion of the thoughts and emotions has some really cool theories behind it. Yet, that's all we have at this point. A colleague of mine who does research in Neuroscience commented on the various theories explaining how the brain works but stressing that no one fundamentally knows how our brains really work and why.

Another random thought. The whole proving "God" exists argument is silly. Anytime such an argument comes up, I just think of Russell's Teapot.
Plenty of people who are atheist were baptized when young, so I think we can do away with the idea that it will stop them from making their own choices later in life.
It's like inertia selling - and they banned that.
So why not have your child initiated into Islam or Judaism at birth then?

I genuinely wouldn't have a problem with that either if my wife believed in either, I'm initiated to Christianity already so it makes the most sense. I don't see why it matters really. I was baptized and I'm atheist, people can make up their own minds.

Excellent blog post but it might get removed by the angry, whiny xians. It's already flagged for review. Sigh.

Why I Raise My Children Without God
By TXBlue08 | Posted January 14, 2013 | Texas

When my son was around 3 years old, he used to ask me a lot of questions about heaven. Where is it? How do people walk without a body? How will I find you? You know the questions that kids ask.

For over a year, I lied to him and made up stories that I didn’t believe about heaven. Like most parents, I love my child so much that I didn’t want him to be scared. I wanted him to feel safe and loved and full of hope. But the trade-off was that I would have to make stuff up, and I would have to brainwash him into believing stories that didn’t make sense, stories that I didn’t believe either.

One day he would know this, and he would not trust my judgment. He would know that I built an elaborate tale—not unlike the one we tell children about Santa—to explain the inconsistent and illogical legend of God.

And so I thought it was only right to be honest with my children. I am a non-believer, and for years I’ve been on the fringe in my community. As a blogger, though, I’ve found that there are many other parents out there like me. We are creating the next generation of kids, and there is a wave of young agnostics, atheists, free thinkers and humanists rising up through the ranks who will, hopefully, lower our nation’s religious fever.

Here are a few of the reasons why I am raising my children without God.

God is a bad parent and role model.
If God is our father, then he is not a good parent. Good parents don’t allow their children to inflict harm on others. Good people don’t stand by and watch horrible acts committed against innocent men, women and children. They don’t condone violence and abuse. “He has given us free will,” you say? Our children have free will, but we still step in and guide them.

God is not logical.
How many times have you heard, “Why did God allow this to happen?” And this: “It’s not for us to understand.” Translate: We don’t understand, so we will not think about it or deal with the issue. Take for example the senseless tragedy in Newtown. Rather than address the problem of guns in America, we defer responsibility to God. He had a reason. He wanted more angels. Only he knows why. We write poems saying that we told God to leave our schools. Now he’s making us pay the price. If there is a good, all-knowing, all-powerful God who loves his children, does it make sense that he would allow murders, child abuse, wars, brutal beatings, torture and millions of heinous acts to be committed throughout the history of mankind? Doesn’t this go against everything Christ taught us in the New Testament?

The question we should be asking is this: “Why did we allow this to happen?” How can we fix this? No imaginary person is going to give us the answers or tell us why. Only we have the ability to be logical and to problem solve, and we should not abdicate these responsibilities to “God” just because a topic is tough or uncomfortable to address.

God is not fair.
If God is fair, then why does he answer the silly prayers of some while allowing other, serious requests, to go unanswered? I have known people who pray that they can find money to buy new furniture. (Answered.) I have known people who pray to God to help them win a soccer match. (Answered.) Why are the prayers of parents with dying children not answered?

If God is fair, then why are some babies born with heart defects, autism, missing limbs or conjoined to another baby? Clearly, all men are not created equally. Why is a good man beaten senseless on the street while an evil man finds great wealth taking advantage of others? This is not fair. A game maker who allows luck to rule mankind’s existence has not created a fair game.

God does not protect the innocent.
He does not keep our children safe. As a society, we stand up and speak for those who cannot. We protect our little ones as much as possible. When a child is kidnapped, we work together to find the child. We do not tolerate abuse and neglect. Why can’t God, with all his powers of omnipotence, protect the innocent?

God is not present.
He is not here. Telling our children to love a person they cannot see, smell, touch or hear does not make sense. It means that we teach children to love an image, an image that lives only in their imaginations. What we teach them, in effect, is to love an idea that we have created, one that is based in our fears and our hopes.

God Does Not Teach Children to Be Good
A child should make moral choices for the right reasons. Telling him that he must behave because God is watching means that his morality will be externally focused rather than internally structured. It’s like telling a child to behave or Santa won’t bring presents. When we take God out of the picture, we place responsibility of doing the right thing onto the shoulders of our children. No, they won’t go to heaven or rule their own planets when they die, but they can sleep better at night. They will make their family proud. They will feel better about who they are. They will be decent people.

God Teaches Narcissism
“God has a plan for you.” Telling kids there is a big guy in the sky who has a special path for them makes children narcissistic; it makes them think the world is at their disposal and that, no matter what happens, it doesn’t really matter because God is in control. That gives kids a sense of false security and creates selfishness. “No matter what I do, God loves me and forgives me. He knows my purpose. I am special.” The irony is that, while we tell this story to our kids, other children are abused and murdered, starved and neglected. All part of God’s plan, right?

When we raise kids without God, we tell them the truth—we are no more special than the next creature. We are just a very, very small part of a big, big machine–whether that machine is nature or society–the influence we have is minuscule. The realization of our insignificance gives us a true sense of humbleness.

I understand why people need God. I understand why people need heaven. It is terrifying to think that we are all alone in this universe, that one day we—along with the children we love so much—will cease to exist. The idea of God and an afterlife gives many of us structure, community and hope.

I do not want religion to go away. I only want religion to be kept at home or in church where it belongs. It’s a personal effect, like a toothbrush or a pair of shoes. It’s not something to be used or worn by strangers. I want my children to be free not to believe and to know that our schools and our government will make decisions based on what is logical, just and fair—not on what they believe an imaginary God wants.

I wanted to say "good post" to this piece but I do wonder how much this parent knows about Christianity because there were a few parts which gave the "if God was to exist, shouldn't he be like this?" impression which sometimes becomes confused between the individual's version of God versus how God is viewed in Christianity.

Nonetheless, this blogger raised some good points and I applaud the idea of being a free thinker but then again how "free" are you?
Probably not until humans overcome their fear of death. After all, that's the only reason it exists in the first place.
Just started dating a 26yr old Catholic woman but she told me she's cool with my non-religious beliefs. Said she's better off dating an atheist than a baptist.
Hope that goes well for you mate. Dating someone with different beliefs can be an interesting situation.
In this case she's a highly educated girl with a degree in psychology and a masters in education. She's working on her masters in psychology now. I think she understands others views due to her twin sister being non-religious and most of her family hold no religious affiliation. It's just something she said helped her over time with various personal issues.

I'm sure in due time I can help her see the light. ;)
In this case she's a highly educated girl with a degree in psychology and a masters in education. She's working on her masters in psychology now. I think she understands others views due to her twin sister being non-religious and most of her family hold no religious affiliation. It's just something she said helped her over time with various personal issues.

I'm sure in due time I can help her see the light. ;)

Give her fish on Friday and sausage on Saturday.