Are you serious? I don't know if I should laugh or cry. We are just another evolved animal. Nobody put us here to do anything much less rule.
Still not sure if you are serious? Humans did not evolve from monkeys. I now almost certain that I may have mentioned this before. We both has a common ancestor - this is very different from saying we evolved from monkeys. We also had a common ancestor with horses only much longer ago.

I'm beginning to think that you aren't joking. Science isn't infallible truth and doesn't pretend to be so. It is about constantly improving our understanding of life, the universe and everything and (thankfully) evolves as the evidence evolves. It isn't strictly that I think religion is wrong any more than I think unicorns are wrong. I jusy thin it is delusional nonsense that we should have grown out of by now since we now have an explanation for how things work and don't need an invented supernatural explanation as we did before science.
You don't understand what a scientific theory is and I strongly suspect that you don't want to understand. I have been brainwashed by nobody. Or at least nobody has brainwashed me since I was brought up Catholic. Luckily I soon realised that it was all utter nonsense. Since you seem to think a willingness to change when the evidence changes is a weakness of science how do you think this alleged brainwashing occurs? Crap brainwashing if it changes all the time according to the evidence.