Obviously. On the other hand, religion should be able to prove the existence of God, considering that they claim it. Similarily, if I claim something, I should be able to prove it, not to ask other people to disprove it.
In reality, this is how science works. A researcher proves something (or comes close), but a single counter-example is enough to disprove his theory (or at least reduce it, what is happens in practice). And if his theory is wrong, then that counter-example will be found, sooner or later.
The second bolded line is very simplistic. Not being able to understand it doesn't neccesary requires the need of an supernatural intelligent agent. Similarily, how in old Greece, thefact that they didn't understand lightning, doesn't make the existence of Zeus more likely.
Ultimatelly, I can understand people who need a God. Having a God makes the poor life a bit easier. And, I also can understand people who leave the possibility of one or mroe superintelligent agents right there. Considering that we really don't have much information or knowledge for the universe (multiverse) it would be a bit arrogant-ish to say that there is no chance that some 'God' exists. But the Gods of holy Abrahamic religions *, that are pure nonsense, isn't that easy to understand. Not that there is a ton of scientific evidence against them, but a simple common sense is enough to understand that they are pure politics. And the Gods of these religions, are the most evil characters ever made in fantasy.
* I don't have much knowledge on non-Abrahamic religions, so I cannot talk for them.